Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 588 A Coincidence Is Absolutely A Coincidence

Chapter 588 A Coincidence Is Absolutely A Coincidence (One More)
Chapter 593 Absolutely a Coincidence
Since the first rank is a saint, that is, the royal family, apart from the royal family, only the Langya Wang family dares to call themselves a wealthy family of the first rank.In Wei State, the Ran family belonged to the first rank, while the Liu family in Zhongshan, the Wang family in Taiyuan, the Cui family in Qinghe, and the Li family in Zhaojun belonged to the second rank.As for the others, they are below the third rank.

Liu Qun's proposal was like pouring a bowl of water into the frying pan, causing the entire court to boil instantly.

"Your Majesty, it must not be changed. This has been a custom since ancient times. The gentry is the cornerstone of the country. How can it easily shake the foundation of the country? This move is undoubtedly self-destructing the Great Wall, and the country will not be the country!"

"Liu Qun is loyal on the surface, but in fact he is treacherous and loyal. His remonstrance seems to be for the country and the people, but in fact he has evil intentions and ulterior motives. The plan is not small!"

The court was almost one-sided, so officials from the gentry condemned Liu Qun almost at the same time.If it is said that they are indifferent, only some founding fathers such as Ran Ming, Wang Meng, Tiao You, Shen Zhong, and Zhongshu Supervisor Nie Xiong are expressionless, as well as Liu Yuan, Zhang Xun, Wang Cheng and other provincial officials.Because they were born in the Shang family and belonged to the humble family, they either owned a small amount of land or had no land at all, so they had no shade households, and the results of the shade households had no direct relationship with them.

There are still some ministers who are waiting and watching. These are Yan Guo's descendants Murong Ke and others. They dare not really offend any party, so they have to act like turtles.

Ran Min coughed, Zhongchang Attendant You Yi saw it, and hurriedly shouted: "Quiet, what is the dignity, above the court. How can you let you make noise wantonly, what is the law of the imperial court? If you dare to make noise again, Fork it out now!"

As soon as this remark came out, the court was indeed quiet.

Ran Min pressed his hand, stood up and said, "Don't worry too much about this matter, we can't solve it today, we'll discuss it later."

To discuss it later has two meanings, it cannot be discussed, and it will not be discussed today.This matter will be over.The second is to hold a special meeting to discuss this matter.Judging by Ran Min's emotional state, it was obvious that he belonged to the latter.

"What a person's eyes can see is always limited, and a person's talent is also limited. After all, there are too few talents like Zhuge Wuhou." Ran Min said: "I hope that you will speak out widely in the future. If I, Or other people, if there is anything that is not done well, please advise them one by one. I will listen carefully."

As Ran Min spoke, he stood up, bowed, and said sincerely, "Please." Negative remonstrance is a cliché, but since ancient times, no emperor has had such a sincere attitude as Li Wei.One please, one bow, made the eyes of many ministers moist.

Look, this is the image of the Holy King.Many ministers, including Murong Ke, all felt that the students died for the confidants.

Ran Min asked Zhongchang Shi Youyi to read out the imperial decree: "The emperor said: "The ancients established the kingdom, so they defended the capital.Entrust the princes to respect the ancestral temple.I look up to you and bless you.Taming Zhiping.With my meager capital, I bear the weight of the country and dare not slack off.Ran Ming, the former king of Jiaodong, is the second son of my son, with excellent morals and talents, both civil and military.Promoting agriculture and governing the road will benefit the common people.I am obedient to God's order to build a vassal state.Entering the king of Qin State, he added food to three thousand households.There is a secretary who chooses a day to prepare a book of gifts. "

He named Ran Ming the King of Qin, and established the State of Qin with seven prefectures in Liangzhou and Yongzhou.

What Ran Min did was killing three birds with one stone.The first is to use Ran Ming to eliminate the imprint of Zhang's rule in Liangzhou.The second is to prevent Ran Ming from being too big in Jiaodong, and the third is to let Ran Ming rule the Hu in the Northwest.

Even Ran Yu, who was just ten years old (false year old), was named King Qi.Change Qi State with Qi County.The fifth prince, Ran Cao, was granted the title of King Zhao, and Zhao County was changed to the State of Zhao.Ran Rui was granted the title of King of Peking.Beiping County was changed to Beiping State.

When the court came to an end, there was a huge amount of information in this court meeting. Except for a few ministers, most of them were full of joy.Ran Min did a very good job, he was very accomplished, and he knew how to advance and retreat, and he knew how to measure. He was not greedy for merit and was eager to make progress.Especially for the ministers, they have also given enough respect.

Although Ran Min wanted to seize the shady households from the gentry, these gentry ministers were also very distressed.But thinking of Ran Min's plan to unify the world in the next five years, without the common people, how can tax be increased?How to raise troops and prepare for war without taxation?Thinking about this reason, they were all relieved.

Ran Min's low posture does not mean that he is easy to bully.If you get angry with Ran Min, it might be a chicken-and-egg fight.

Cooperating with Ran Min, although he lost his shade for a while, the harvest is huge. As long as the world is unified, none of the princes in the Eastern Jin Dynasty will be extremely rich.As long as you get a little bit from them, you can get more than what Ran Min took from those lowly shady households.

After the court meeting ended, Ran Ming was about to leave.Suddenly, he was told by the servant that the queen has an invitation.

Ran Ming was very uneasy.He knew his own affairs, and wanted to pretend to be filial to his son, to make his old lady happy, and tried his best to tell a court story to Empress Dong.Who would have thought that it would collide with Ran Min's previous experience.

The car crash was not the most important thing, the most important thing was that it reminded Ran Min of that woman again.

With a restless mood, Ran Ming came to the harem, and before the servant went to report, Ran Ming heard a burst of crying.Ran Ming could hear the voice of his eldest son Ran Yun.

The eldest son was crying in the harem, could something have happened?Ran Ming's heart was suddenly picked up.

Ran Ming was about to break in, when he suddenly heard Empress Dong's voice saying: "I urinated all over my body, I haven't settled with you yet, I'm crying to pay you back this little thing."

Xie Daoyun said: "The mother and concubine are guilty, and there is no way to teach the child!"

"Puchi!" Empress Dong laughed, "He has no way to teach his son, he is only a little older, what does he know. Don't say it's me, it's His Majesty, let's see if he dares to pee?"

Ran Ming entered the palace quietly, and saw that Empress Dong was borrowing a small dress from Gong'e to change for Ran Yun.With a smile on her face, Empress Dong patted Ran Yun's little butt lightly.The second son, Ran Yi, was lying in Liu Mo's arms, sound asleep.

Seeing this scene, Ran Ming heaved a sigh of relief.

"My son sees my mother!"

Empress Dong's face changed immediately, she handed Ran Yun to the wet nurse, then got up and said with a sneer, "Ming'er, you are getting smarter and smarter."

Ran Ming smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know how clever and capable I am, but when it comes to being smart, my son is not as good as my mother. In my heart, my mother is the smartest."

Empress Dong said: "Don't play tricks, I ask you, what's the story about Princess Huanzhu?"

Ran Ming was startled, it seems that women are always narrow-minded.As a mother, Empress Dong never thought that Ran Ming had too many women. On the contrary, she wished that Ran Ming would bring all the beautiful women in the world into his room.But when facing Ran Min, Empress Dong felt a little unnatural.Although she would not be so jealous that Ran Min would love her all over, she hoped that the more Ran Min would love her, the better, and the fewer Ran Min's women, the better.

Ran Ming said: "This is really a story made up by my son! Don't dare to deceive the queen mother!"





Empress Dong said: "Since you made up that story, I would like to hear what it means!"

Now Empress Dong still doesn't believe in Ran Ming's Princess Returning Pearl, but would rather believe that the Huoyun Saintess has sent someone to find Ran Ming, and she hasn't shown up for some reason.

Empress Dong has complicated feelings about Saintess Huoyun.Her concessions are absolutely limited, at most she will give up the position of one of the four concubines, and as for the position of queen, she will never give up.

Fortunately, this was just a coincidence, and Ran Ming had indeed heard this story.So, Ran Ming thought about it carefully, and then began to talk.

"Xia Ziwei came to the capital with her personal servant girl, as a commoner. There was no way for their master and servant to enter the palace. When they were desperate, they met the female snitch, Xiao Yanzi, and became friends. After exhausting all their troubles, they had nowhere to go. Xia Ziwei on the road followed Little Yanzi to live in the courtyard, and became sworn sisters...”

Ran Ming looked at it quietly, and found that Empress Dong, Xie Daoyun and other women had no expression at all.Especially Empress Dong, with a strong doubt in her eyes, the meaning is very obvious, "You can continue to make up if you can, and see if you can make flowers!"

Ran Ming was very helpless and had to continue talking, when it came to the point where Little Swallow was shot in the chest by the fifth prince Yongqi. Empress Dong was finally moved, "Isn't it just going to die like this?" "

Xie Daoyun said, "Don't worry, Queen Mother, absolutely not. Little Swallow is the protagonist in this story, and she will definitely not die."

"Protagonist, what is a protagonist?"

"The protagonist is also the main character, and the whole story revolves around this person." Xie Daoyun said: "It's like Liu Guanzhang in the Three Kingdoms, and Cao Cao. The protagonist in this story should be this little swallow, and that one. Xia Ziwei. Yes, there should be an emperor."

When Ran Ming talked about Emperor Qianlong mistaking Little Swallow as a princess and parading Little Swallow along the streets, Empress Dong said, "Emperor Qianlong is really a fool, and it's a trifling matter of state affairs."

After hearing this, Ran Ming gave Empress Dong a thumbs up.

"The queen mother is right. Qianlong is a foolish emperor. He has not yet taken responsibility, and he is still a wimp who is afraid of his wife."

Empress Dong has already been brought into the real storyline by Ran Ming, she was eager to know the following story, so she urged: "Tell me quickly, tell me quickly!"

Xie Daoyun also chimed in and said, "That's right, how can we stop at a critical moment?"

Ran Ming looked around, he didn't know when it would start, all the maids and eunuchs who had nothing to do in the harem surrounded him.Except for the breathing of those students, it could be clearly heard in the hall.

Empress Dong always thought that Ran Ming's story was based on Ran Min, and the queen in the story was naturally her. When she heard Ran Ming say that the queen was jealous, the expression on her face was very unnatural. There was a trace of resentment in his eyes.

When Ran Ming mentioned that Nanny Rong deliberately made things difficult for Little Swallow, the maids and eunuchs around her were all subconsciously looking for someone suitable for their role in the palace.

Everyone's eyes finally fell on a person, and Ran Ming followed everyone's eyes to look, not knowing if he didn't see it, he was shocked when he saw it, and Nanny Rong actually passed through?

Of course, it is impossible for Nanny Rong to cross over.This old Gong'e, who looks similar to Nanny Rong, is surnamed Cao, but has no name.Just a palm master in the harem.It's a warehouse keeper who is in charge of the expenses of ordinary items, with a typical nasty and kind face.

Cao Zhangzang was so frightened that he quickly knelt on the ground and said: "Empress Empress, this servant is loyal to you and has no second thoughts."

Empress Dong's face turned dark at that moment, how could this be the line of Nanny Rong in the story?
"Shut up for Ben Gong!" Empress Dong said, "Continue to listen to the story!"

(End of this chapter)

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