Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 589: If You Want To Get Rich, Build Roads First

Chapter 589 If You Want To Get Rich, Build Roads First (Part [-])
Chapter 594

The comedy "Returning the Pearl" broke the miracle of traditional TV drama ratings at the beginning of its release.In ancient times, there was a lack of entertainment activities, and the laughter was extremely low, which made it easier to attract people's attention.

Whether it was Empress Dong, or those maids and eunuchs, they were all brought into the plot by Ran Ming.Empress Dong heard that the vicious queen had actually taken Xia Ziwei into custody and tortured her severely.Empress Dong was very anxious, she squeezed the handle of the chair nervously, her knuckles turned white, it was obvious that she had used a lot of strength.

Empress Dong said: "There have always been endless ways to torture people in the palace. It seems that Ziwei's trial is very sad!"

Hearing this, Ran Ming couldn't continue talking. He was really afraid that Empress Dong would get nervous because of the twists and turns in the story.Ran Ming comforted at the right time: "Mother, don't worry, it's just a story, it's all fake, Emperor Qianlong is fake, and the poisonous queen is also fake, Youdao means auspicious people have their own appearance, Xia Ziwei will surely survive Difficult!"

Empress Dong rolled her eyes at Ran Ming, and said angrily: "It's all your fault, for letting that poor girl Ziwei suffer such a big crime. From my point of view, I should first arrest that poisonous queen and beat her up hard. Meal up, or you will be sent to the cold palace, or sent to the clothing bureau."

Ran Ming said: "Mother, this is all my son's fault."

"Go on, tell me what happened to Ziwei?" Empress Dong said urgently, "You are not allowed to stop without my palace's permission!"

Ran Ming stretched out his hands, and said with a wry smile: "Mother, I have been talking for a long time. My throat is already smoking, and I don't give my son a cup of tea. The emperor is still starving to death!"

Empress Dong said: "Yes, serve tea, serve tea quickly, serve good tea quickly!"

Ran Ming guessed that Empress Dong probably didn't know the allusion of serving tea, and he couldn't help shaking his head when he noticed that everyone was worried.He secretly sighed that Qiong Yao is worthy of being the Taishan Beidou of romance novels, and no one can surpass the stories he created.

Fortunately, the stories written by Qiong Yao have never been abusive, otherwise Empress Dong would definitely tear Ran Ming apart.

When Ran Ming mentioned that at the critical moment, Emperor Qianlong came to rescue her, and Ziwei's life was also saved.The father-daughter relationship between Ziwei and Qianlong became more and more profound. Only then did Yongqi know that Ertai also liked Little Yanzi, and the two gave in to each other out of brotherhood, but because Ertai knew that Little Yanzi liked Yongqi, he made a concession, and the three He intends to fight for an amnesty order for Ziwei and Xiaoyanzi during this microservice tour, and find a way to find an appropriate time to tell the truth, but Erkang is still worried about Qianlong's attitude towards Ziwei, so he is anxious to tell the truth. The truth... Erkang also saw that Qianlong also fell in love with Ziwei. The key is that Qianlong didn't know that Ziwei was his daughter. If Qianlong insisted on accepting his own daughter into the palace, there would probably be a tragedy of incest.

But it was too late, and the palace was about to be locked.As the prince, Ran Ming can't stay in the palace and has no choice but to suspend storytelling.

Just leaving the palace and returning to Jiaodong Palace.No, it should be on the road to Prince Qin's Mansion.Liu Wei also asked nervously: "What happened later, did the Emperor Qianlong accept Ziwei? How could he accept his own daughter? It's simply not as good as a beast..."

Although Xie Daoyun was also obsessed with the plot of the story, she could tell that Ran Ming's interest seemed to be low and he was preoccupied.

Xie Daoyun said: "My husband seems to have something on his mind!"

Ran Ming showed a thoughtful expression, and after a while he smiled leisurely and said, "Gu was just crowned King of Qin by my father today. Congratulations, you are now Princess Qin."

Xie Daoyun said: "In the Han Dynasty, counties were used to designate kings. The county names had one or two characters, which was only a difference in name, and there was no difference in status. Most of the Jin Dynasty inherited the Han system, so there were also one and two characters for kings. Now Now that the husband enshrines the country with the state, there seems to be no precedent for being promoted to the King of Qin, except in the Spring and Autumn Period."

It was only then that Ran Ming remembered that the county king was gradually formed during the Sui Dynasty, and the prince was divided into two levels, that is, the prince and the county king.In fact, the difference between the thrones of this era is actually divided into three types, that is, a big country, a middle (middle-level feudal) country, and a small country.For example, Ran Ming's original king was the King of Jiaodong. This Jiaodong country was formed by merging the three counties of Guanggu, Donglai, and Jiaodong, and it belongs to a big country.

Ran Ming murmured: "The lonely king of Qin came a bit strangely!"

"What's weird?" Xie Daoyun asked curiously, "What's weird?"

Ran Ming frowned, thinking hard, "Where is this weirdness? Gu can't tell." Suddenly, Ran Ming suddenly realized, patted his forehead with his hand and said: "Gu finally understands now."

Xie Daoyun was almost startled by Ran Ming's surprise.

Ran Mingdao: "Gu's original title was in May of the third year of Pengcheng King Yongxing. The father dismissed Gu as Pengcheng King and changed it to Chu King, and later changed it to Jiaodong King. After all, Chu King is only a transitional title, which can't be counted. Since Gu Yong In the first year of Xingyuan, Pengcheng King was added, and in the third year of Yongxing, the name of Pengcheng King was abolished, and then the title was changed to King Jiaodong. "

"What does this mean?" Xie Daoyun said, "Since Pengcheng Kingdom descended from Xuzhou Zhou Cheng of Wei State to Jin Dynasty, Wei State no longer owns Xuzhou. Three years for King Pengcheng, three years for King Jiaodong, if this is not a coincidence, His Majesty must have done it on purpose."

Ran Ming said: "It's definitely not a coincidence, but the emperor's intention. The lonely king of Qin can only be three or five years, and then he will definitely change his title to other places."

Xie Daoyun looked at the people outside the carriage and found that they were all immersed in the story of Huanzhu and hadn't woken up yet.Xie Daoyun then said softly: "Actually, it's also very good to do this. The system of rotating fiefdoms is adopted so that the vassal kings can't win over people's hearts. Even if they don't accept the court, they will be powerless if they want to. The rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms in the Jin Dynasty can also avoid the rebellion of the Eight Kings in the Jin Dynasty, which is a blessing for the community and a blessing for the common people!"

Ran Ming murmured: "It's good that things are so simple. The most indispensable thing in this world is those fools who think they are smart."

"Husband, this is unfounded worry!" Xie Daoyun looked at Ran Ming and was still full of worries, and couldn't help but comfort him: "Husband should be careful, as a child of the Ran family, he should have the awareness of sacrifice from the day he was born. "

At this moment, Ran Ming thought a lot.In the feudal era, if the clan is not reused, it is not a good way.Once the royal family has no successors, there will be turmoil.Use it or not, in fact, there is no successful example in history.Just like the Song Dynasty, the Great Song Dynasty raised the vassal kings like pigs, but in the face of national disasters, they were useless at all.The original intention of the Ming Dynasty’s vassal policy was very good, but after Yan Wang Zhu Dijing had trouble raising troops, he was afraid that his brothers would follow his example, so he adopted a more secretive strategy of reducing the vassals, so that the Ming Dynasty’s vassals also withdrew the political arena.As for the Tang Dynasty, during Wu Zetian's period, a large number of clans were killed, so during the Anshi Rebellion, no one could come out to turn the tide.

Ran Ming actually didn't know that since the news spread that Ran Min proclaimed him as the King of Qin, the whole city of Ye immediately boiled.Especially those merchants.King Qin's fiefdom was in Qinzhou, and the three counties of Liangzhou and the four counties of Yongzhou were merged to form the Qin State.

The territory of the Qin State is roughly equivalent to the south of Jingning County, Dingxi City, Gansu Province, the west of Qingshui County, the north of Feng County and Lueyang County of Shaanxi Province, the north of Pingwu County of Sichuan Province, the south of the Yellow River in Qinghai Province, and Gansu Province. The vast areas such as the Weihe River, the West Han River, the upper reaches of the Bailong River and the Tao River Basin to the east of Lintan and Diebu counties in the province.

Compared with the Central Plains, Qinzhou is a cold and poor place, but for the Northwest, it is definitely a rich place.And it belongs to the place that must pass through the Silk Road in the Western Regions.

When merchants heard the news, the first thing they thought of was to hoard raw materials and expand the scale of production.They all have considerable confidence in Ran Ming. They feel that as long as Ran Ming arrives in Qin State, he can also pull up a tall building on the ground like Jiaodong State.The original Jiaodong Kingdom was actually a poor land.

No infrastructure is not scary, they can be built.The merchants immediately held a special meeting of the Huaxia Business Alliance.At the meeting, Liu Yuan said: "You must have heard that His Royal Highness King Jiaodong has changed his title to King Qin, and will soon leave Ye and become a vassal. It is imperative for Qinzhou to prosper in the future. The opportunity for me to wait for merchants has also come. Once His Highness King Qin When we arrive at Shangying, we will definitely try our best to develop Qin State. And whether we can make a fortune with His Highness King Qin depends on your performance!"

Zhang Xun went on to say: "President Liu, don't say that it's useless, let's talk about something practical. None of us know that the Western Regions trade route will definitely expand in scale. Once the Western Regions trade route expands, our various commodities , and will be sold to countries in the Western Regions along the commercial routes of the Western Regions. Didn’t you see that there are no idlers on the streets, and the wages of an ordinary worker have risen to [-] yuan a day, and they often fail to recruit people.”

The relationship between Liu Yuan and Zhang Xun is very close, and the two of them often make some harmless jokes.

Liu Yuan smiled and said: "Vice President Zhang is very right. His Highness the King of Qin once said that if you want to get rich, you must first build roads. Although the expressway is not fully open, this sentence has been verified. This expressway The road greatly facilitates the transportation of my goods, and also reduces a lot of transportation costs, so it is inevitable to build roads in the Western Regions. If you want to make a fortune, you must find the opportunity as soon as possible. If you miss this village, there will be no such shop.”

There was a burst of laughter from the merchants attending the meeting.

"The planned expressway from Yecheng to Luoyang and Chang'an will definitely start construction in the coming year." Liu Yuan paused and said, "I'm afraid His Royal Highness King Qin would not have thought that he would take over the Qin Kingdom, and he certainly would not have thought of it either. Build a highway from Chang'an to the Western Regions. Therefore, we must rush to build this road ahead of His Highness."

(End of this chapter)

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