Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 590 The Wolf Who Went Crazy After Smelling Blood

Chapter 590
Chapter 595
As soon as you hear that you need to build roads, you will definitely have to pay a lot of money.If in the past, even if a knife was put on their necks, they would try their best to shirk it.But now they are like a group of hungry wolves with green lights, a large group with red eyes, shouting like desperately: "How much will I pay!"

At the same time, Jiaodong has ushered in an economic downturn.

Those merchants who have arranged a large number of industries in Jiaodong country began to sell the shops and storefronts in their hands one after another.This is like the stock market of later generations. The dividends of Qin State are good, soaring, and are at the daily limit, while the shares of Jiaotong shareholders are plummeting, and they are all at the limit.

All kinds of materials in Jiaodong Kingdom are frantically absorbed, but the fixed assets have shrunk drastically. The shops that used to be worth thousands of gold are now [-] gold, but no one cares about them.

Now the merchants are still watching the market in Jiaodong, they are all waiting and watching, and the haze of Ran Ming's imminent departure is still lingering on everyone's minds, everyone is in a state of panic all day long.

Along with the sell-off of fixed assets in Jiaodong country, the prices of various raw materials in Jiaodong country continued to rise, and the price of raw silk more than doubled in just three days.

And labor costs are also rising.Especially skilled craftsmen, their status is not as high as the county magistrate, but their income is not lower than that of the county magistrate.

Merchants are the people with the most sensitive sense of smell in the world, and they started to act when Ran Ming didn't make any moves.Not only has the Chang'an Supreme Highway been completed, but the funds have also been in place at an incredible speed in a very short period of time.

A large number of vehicles and horses lined up on the official road, and their purpose was only one, and that was the Western Regions!
When Ran Ming got the news, it was already too late. He didn't know the situation outside until the section construction plan of the expressway from Chang'an to Shangying was already in front of him.

After a long time, Ran Ming came back to his senses.He murmured, "What a pack of wolves who smell blood and go mad!"

The prosperity of the world is all for profit; the world is all for profit.Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is the essence of businessmen.Due to the rapid economic development of Jiaodong country, the cheap labor force in Jiaodong country can no longer be found. In order to reduce production costs, these merchants naturally want to find cheaper labor and raw materials.

But in this era, merchants are simply poor people who are rich but have no ability to protect themselves.The so-called Fajin is basically empty words.He couldn't even be fair on the surface, and Ran Ming became their protector.

The climate and geography of Qin State are completely different from those of Jiaodong State. Jiaodong State can rely on the sea to eat the sea, but Qin State does not have this convenience.However, there is an advantage here, that is, they live together with Qiang, Di and other Hus. They are nomadic people, so the fur of animals, horses, cattle and sheep are relatively cheap.

Ran Ming did not have the idea of ​​developing industry in the Northwest Qin State. His idea was to adapt to local conditions and focus on the local advantageous industry, animal husbandry.In the form of contracting and cooperative management, the horses, cattle, sheep and other livestock are purchased from the herdsmen of the Hu nationality, and silk and linen are mixed with wool to manufacture a large number of sweaters with super cold resistance. Taking advantage of the lack of cattle and sheep in the Central Plains, and The Central Plains communicate with each other.

Ran Ming outlined the thoughts in his head, and asked Xie Daoyun to write a proposal for him.

Xie Daoyun suddenly asked: "Now the Tuyuhun tribe (one of the branches of the Murong tribe of Xianbei, the founder is Murong Tuyuhun, the brother-in-law of Murong Ke's grandfather Murong Xin) is the most powerful in the surrounding areas of Qin State. The de facto leader of Zhuhu. Moreover, this Tuyuhun is cruel and capricious in nature. If Qin's economy improves a little bit, they will invade the border. I am afraid that it will be quite difficult to protect the country and the people!"

Ran Ming really didn't know what was going on with the Tuyuhun tribe.If you want to talk about Ran Ming's knowledge of the Tuyuhun tribe, you only know that the Tuyuhun tribe was in the Tang Dynasty. Because the Tuyuhun tribe took refuge in Tubo, and because 20 people who controlled strings joined the Tubo army, 46 Tujun troops fought against [-] Tang troops. Almost all of the Tang army killed.This was the first defeat since the founding of the Tang Dynasty.The defeat of Dafeichuan.

Therefore, Ran Ming didn't have much affection for the Tuyuhun tribe, but Ran Ming thought that the Tuyuhun tribe, like the Turks, was a tribe that gradually formed in the late Southern and Northern Dynasties.

After Xie Daoyun's explanation, Ran Ming finally understood.The Tuyuhun tribe and the Murong tribe are of the same origin, and they are also close relatives with Murong Ke and the others.According to the clan lineage of the Han people, the current leader of the Tuyuhun tribe is Suixi (or Pixi), the son of Ye Yan, who is Murong Ke's nephew and the same generation as the former king of Yan, Murong Ye.

Historically, because the Murong tribe of the Yan State and the Fu family of the Di tribe were fighting for the Central Plains with all their strength, while the throne of the Xiliang Kingdom fell to the side after Zhang Chonghua's death, and their strength was greatly damaged due to constant internal fighting, so the Tuyuhun tribe took the opportunity to rise.It has become a superpower in the Northwest.

Ran Ming said with a smile: "The Murong Department of Yan State was also capricious. Are they safe in Wei State now?"

Xie Daoyun said: "They are honest now!"

"Do you know why?" Ran Ming asked again: "Why did the Xianbei Murong tribe merge into the Wei State, but they were honest and did not dare to disagree?"

Xie Daoyun shook blankly and said, "I don't know myself!"

Ran Ming said: "Actually, to put it bluntly, it's just a word "Li! "

"Li?" Xie Daoyun asked in confusion, "How does this have something to do with Li?"

Ran Ming saw that Xie Daoyun still didn't understand, so he explained: "Think about it, what kind of system is the Murong Department of Yan State?"

Xie Daoyun said: "The concubine knows that the Murong tribe is the same as all the tribes outside the Great Wall. They are slaves. More than 800 years ago, when Yu's son established Xia, slavery began. Until more than 800 years ago, during the Spring and Autumn Period, slaves Even if the slave system is adopted. Huaxia has adopted the well field system, which is still better than them. All the tribes outside the Great Wall are slaves and private property of the leader."

Ran Ming nodded and said: "The living environment on the grassland is harsh. There is no way for a person to fight against nature, and there is no way to survive, so they can gather together. Nomads live by grazing. Cattle, sheep and horses have always been kept in There is no one to ask, there is nothing to do, there is no life, and they are hungry. What they need most is a bite of food. So the tribal leaders will let them rob the property and food of the Han people. But this kind of robbery is not safe. Rabbits will bite people in a hurry, let alone people? No matter how weak the Han people are, they will resist and cause casualties to them. Although the casualties are relatively small, they still face the threat of death."

Ran Ming continued to laugh and said, "Now, Dawei has given them a new life. As long as they work hard, they will eat. They will definitely regard Dawei as a great benefactor. If Dawei doesn't always maintain five or six in Yecheng Wanrang Yan’s army, which has already heard the news, would they be so peaceful? If Dawei didn’t give them wages and let them support themselves, they would have enough food and no clothes, would they work honestly?”

Xie Daoyun was very smart, how could she not understand Ran Ming's simple explanation.Xie Daoyun said: "This is a very good way, and it can also save the court a lot of trouble!"

"Zhu Hu is actually a double-edged sword!" Ran Ming sighed: "It can be used by me, but it can also hurt us when we are not prepared. There is a prerequisite here, that is, we are strong enough. Those who do not plan the overall situation It is not enough to seek a region, and those who do not seek the eternal are not enough to seek a moment, wars have never been pure and partial, they are all profits and losses based on the overall situation."

At this moment, the porter came to report: "His Royal Highness King Qin, four envoys, Liu Yuan, Zhang Xun, Wang Cheng, and Zheng Jian, are seeking to see you!"

Ran Ming said: "Let them wait in the side hall!"

Xie Daoyun said: "Since there is a business, the husband will go to meet the guests, and the concubine will leave!"

"No hurry!" Ran Ming suddenly remembered that in history, when Xie Daoyun saw his brother-in-law Wang Xianzhi talking with others, he couldn't argue with others.Xie Daoyun asked the maid to hang a blue curtain in front of the door to cover herself, and then continued to confront Wang Xianzhi on the topic just now.Ran Ming believed in Xie Daoyun's talent and learning very much. If he didn't let Xie Daoyun become a big help in his career, it would be a waste of resources.

Thinking of this, Ran Ming said with a smile: "Ling Jiang might as well step back behind the scenes and listen. What's going on, I can give my husband some details!"

Xie Daoyun is not a person willing to be lonely, she blushed and said: "Husband, I'm afraid this is not good!"

People's eyes are the window to the soul. Although Xie Daoyun tried her best to hide her excited expression, her eyes showed herself.

Ran Ming said: "It's okay, just say yes!"

"Really?" Xie Daoyun was so excited that he almost cheered.After all, she is only a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. In later generations, at her age, she is only a junior high school student.Even though he is smart, his temper is not calm enough.

Ran Ming said: "Yes, hurry up and get ready!"

Xie Daoyun nodded, and suddenly saw Ran Ming's Confucian shirt hanging in the study, she didn't shy away from it, and put it on herself.

In the side hall, Liu Yuan, Zhang Xun, Wang Cheng, and Zheng Jian were fidgeting, when they suddenly heard the porter singing loudly: "His Royal Highness King Qin is here!"

The four of them hurriedly got up, bowed and said: "I see His Royal Highness King Qin!"

"Everyone, please sit down!" Ran Ming said with a chuckle: "At the beginning, Gu once said that as long as you work hard, Gu will not treat you badly and reward you with an official position. Now Gu has already done it. , you did not disappoint Gu. Although Menxia Province is only a Qingshui yamen, you finally have an official position."

"Your Highness is so gracious and virtuous, even if I'm completely dazed, it's hard to report any of it!"

Ran Ming waved his hands and said, "Gu doesn't need you to be devastated, and you don't need your bodies to be smashed to pieces. I just need you and Gu to make a fortune together and get promoted!"

For a city or local development, especially inland cities, roads are very important.The road construction plan of the Huaxia Business Alliance coincides with Ran Ming's.Ran Ming road construction, guided the direction of the four people.The highways on the Silk Road in the Western Regions are different from those in the Central Plains. Not only are the quality stricter, but more importantly, maintenance.

Ran Ming proposed his own road protection forest and the water source station.

Of course, this road construction is still carried out by recruiting craftsmen.Do not take the recruitment of civil servants.Because he wanted to give profits to these merchants, Ran Ming did not take a cut of the road construction. He raised his own share to tax and used it to enrich the national treasury.

There is another aspect that Ran Ming needs to do silently, and that is the proportion of the Han population in the Northwest. Due to the long-term war, the Han population is too small, and in some areas, they have actually become a minority.This made Ran Ming feel critical.

Assimilation needs to be quantified. If there are too few Han people, it is not Han people Sinicizing Hu people, but Huren Huhua Han.Therefore, Ran Ming proposed to raise [-] Han people to enrich the Qin State and the northwest region.

As for the relocation of the [-] Han people, Ran Ming planned to enter Qin State by building a corps.Because the people of the country have a unique love for the land, Ran Ming proposed a policy of heavy profits.The Han people who have migrated to the past can not only have free seed grain, farming tools, cattle, and houses, but also proposed a policy of tax exemption for three years.

Only Gansu Province in later generations has more than 2000 million hectares of land. Of course, the land of later generations and the land of ancient times are not the same unit.If it is converted into ancient land, it is equivalent to more than 400 million cultivated land.Of course, in this era, desertification is far less serious than in later generations, that is to say, Qin's actual arable land will be many times that of later generations.Even with the most conservative calculation of 400 million cultivated land, the relocated [-] people can have [-] cultivated land per capita.This is [-] mu of fertile land.

Ran Ming planned to make all the newly relocated Han people be landlords, and none of them should be self-cultivated farmers.As long as the land is available, slaves can be used to cultivate it.Ran Ming did not reject the appointment of slaves by Han people, but absolutely prohibited Han people from being slaves to Han people.Ran Minghui's comprehensive recruitment work in Qin State is actually to legalize the slave trade.The difference is that the treatment of this system is a little bit better than the slave system, and economic means are used to extract cheap labor power.

Seeing this, Liu Yuan said, "Your Highness, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. Qin probably doesn't have so many unowned fields. Even if it is fully reclaimed, there is a limit. Forty arable land per capita is certainly impossible!"

Ran Ming said: "This is Gu's plan. Whoever blocks Gu's way is Gu's enemy. Tuyuhun occupies such a large pasture, and this is the most fertile and rich land!"

Zhang Xun said: "Their Tuyuhun tribe is not weak, I'm afraid they won't give in!"

Ran Ming laughed and said, "If you kill a chicken, do you expect the chicken not to resist?"

Zhang Xun was speechless.

He felt that Ran Ming was a lunatic.He dared to risk the world to do nothing and act against the sky.Personal reputation has never been considered, only actual interests.

(End of this chapter)

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