Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 591 Ran Ming Gets Green

Chapter 591 Ran Ming Gets Green (Part [-])
Chapter 596 Ran Ming Was Green
Ran Ming said: "As the saying goes, killing chickens to scare monkeys, in fact, killing chickens may not be able to deter restless monkeys, if you want to make restless monkeys calm down, you must kill a wolf or a tiger. Tuyuhun's strength can barely be considered a wolf, so he can be a wolf to deter the surrounding area."

"This!" Zheng Jian participated in the core meeting of the Huaxia Business Alliance for the first time, and he felt that his three views were ruined.However, what Ran Ming said sounded more encouraging.

Of course, the imperial court of the State of Wei was unable to pay the money used to resettle the common people, so Ran Ming had to ask the merchants to pay in advance.

Just when Ran Ming was conspiring to develop the Qin State, Ran Min was furious in the palace.

Originally, Ran Min changed Ran Ming to the title of Qin King, not to eliminate the local influence of the vassal king, for fear of causing disasters for the vassal state.In fact, his most fundamental intention was to see the prosperity of Jiaodong country.

Qingzhou is very rich. As a state, it has paid slightly more than one-third of Wei State's fiscal revenue, and nearly half of it.Ran Min thought that the Jiaodong Kingdom, with more than half of Qingzhou's fiscal and tax revenue, would be directly under the direct management of the imperial court.

But Ran Min doesn't understand economic laws, he doesn't know that the so-called prosperity actually depends on Ran Ming himself.When Xiao Quan, the prefect of Jiaodong County (former servant Shelang) sent overnight by Ran Min, took office, he soon discovered that the city of Jiaodong was very depressed.A large number of shops are closed.Various workshops are moving rapidly.

Xiao Quan thought he had got a golden rooster that could lay golden eggs. In fact, when he found out that what he got was a hen that could not be more ordinary, he wrote a letter to Ran Min in Jiaodong County by riding eight hundred miles fast. Case.

"With the situation of Jiaodong County, the tax revenue will definitely drop by more than [-]% within one year, and it will return to the same level as the general county within three years!"

When Ran Min learned about the situation in Jiaodong County, especially when he learned that those merchants wanted to go to Qin with Ran Ming, he was so angry that he dropped six teacups in a row.

I'm afraid Ran Ming didn't expect that it was his own unintentional actions that actually cheated his father.Ran Min racked his brains, but was very disappointed in the result.

However, just as Ran Ming was about to leave Ye and take over as a feudal clan, the prince Ran Zhi, who had been silent for more than half a year, made another move.

Although Ran Ming and Ran Zhi both chose the strategy of retreating as advancing, and on the surface, both of them died down on the matter of seizing the heir, but in fact this matter is not over.

Although they no longer fight on the surface, in fact, all kinds of disputes in the dark have never stopped.

Pei Bi, the former governor of Donggong, joined the army, although his status is still the governor's joining the army.In fact, because of his friendship with Ran Zhi through thick and thin, he has become a veritable think tank of the Eastern Palace and the first official of the Eastern Palace.

Ran Zhi is actually very good, he is very smart, good-looking, and very talented.If Ran Ming hadn't appeared, he would have gradually become a qualified ruler of success.However, similarly, Ran Zhi's shortcoming is also obvious, that is, he is jealous and doesn't want others to be better than him.

Pei Bi and Ran Zhi were silent for half a year.Ran Zhi complained: "I've had enough of these days of worry and fear. I don't want to continue to be like a pig, sleeping when I'm full and eating when I'm done. I must do something!"

"It's good to act!" Pei Bi pondered: "I also neglected one thing. King Qin is now famous all over the world. In fact, it is not because of his military achievements, but because he is well-known in literature. King Qin compiled the military book "36 Strategies" back then. ", "Thousand-Character Essay" and "Three-Character Classic", famous works of Chuangmeng science, made King Qin famous all over the world, women and children all know it. But His Highness's reputation is too insignificant!"

Ran Zhi paused for a moment, and said: "How can people remain unknown if the geese pass by and keep their voices?"

Pei Bidao: "His Royal Highness is actually a leader among men, refined and learned, and also a gentleman. Now His Royal Highness is already a prince, and the legitimate prince of the country has already occupied the name of righteousness. It is not His Royal Highness Qin who can affect His Highness' status now, It's Your Majesty. Your Majesty should not show too much utilitarianism. In order to control the balance, His Majesty will definitely suppress His Majesty. Once His Majesty King Qin is strong and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is weak, His Majesty will also suppress His Majesty King Qin for the sake of balance."

Ran Zhi said: "Gu wants to maintain this righteous name. Gu will do what the father tells Gu to do. If the father doesn't expressly say, Gu will just sit on the sidelines and watch!"

"That's right, that's very good!" Pei Bi said, "If you are right, you will get help, but if you are wrong, you will get little help. Your Highness the Crown Prince doesn't have to do nothing. In fact, you can do something silently. It will not arouse His Majesty's dislike, and you can also gain fame and connections!"

"Is it okay to do things?" Ran Zhi was a little confused.Ran Min is now in his prime and in good health, and his crown prince may last for a very long time.Intervening in government affairs prematurely may bring to Ran Min Ran Zhi's desire to seize power.But if he doesn't do anything, his prince will remain silent.Ran Zhi asked back: "Is there such a thing?"

"Of course there is!" Pei Bi said with a smile: "For example, compiling history and compiling books, this will not conflict with His Majesty's authority, and it will also bring fame to His Majesty, and it can also form a good relationship with famous scholars!"

In ancient history, the current dynasty did not compile the history of the current dynasty, just like the famous "Book of Jin", which was compiled during the Tang Dynasty.The "Book of Wei" was compiled by Wei during the Northern Qi Dynasty.As for the history of the Liang, Chen, Northern Zhou, Northern Qi, Sui and Five Dynasties in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, they were all compiled in the Tang period.

In this era, the Jin Dynasty did not perish, and it was too early to compile Jin Shu.However, since Li Xiong proclaimed himself emperor in Chengdu in the first year of Guangxi in the Western Jin Dynasty (306).And Liu Yuan proclaimed himself emperor in October of the second year of Yongjia (308).The Five Hu and Sixteen Kingdoms were opened.Today, the Zhang regime in Qianliang also perished because Zhang Yaoling was captured by Xie An, and Qianyan perished because Murong Ye was captured by Jing Zhan.In addition, Shi Le destroyed (Han Zhao or former Zhao), Ran Min destroyed Later Zhao, Di Qin, and Huan Wen destroyed Cheng Han.

In fact, Ran Zhi has a lot of room to play.Then there was an interesting scene in history. Ran Zhi followed Pei Bi's suggestion and wrote to Ran Min.

"Since Yongjiazhong, the Central Plains have been in chaos, and books have been scattered and lost. All the ancient books of the sages are treasures that will not live in the world, and it is a pity to lose them. Although wisdom is not talented, please buy the world's posthumous books at a high price, and arrange for scribes to repair and supplement them. Bless future generations." Ran Zhi's second letter was to request the revision of the history books of the five dynasties of "Han Zhao", "Cheng Han", "Shi Zhao", "Zhang Liang", and "Di Qin".

Ran Min thought about it carefully, and immediately nodded in agreement.In the past, he really didn't have so much money and food to spend on compiling history books, but now, the peace talks with Jin have been completed, and there will be no major wars in a short period of time.And compiling history books can also win over the hearts of officials all over the world, and it can also leave a name in history, so Ran Min agreed to Ran Zhi's request.

With a wave of his hand, Ran Min immediately ordered the household department to allocate 3000 million yuan to repair books.

Ran Zhi begged again: "One person is short-sighted, and two people are wise. My minister heard that Dr. Yan, the son of the country, fulfilled the promise of purity and integrity. Make an appointment with Hongwen Hall!"

Ran Min didn't think too much, but vaguely remembered that Yan Yue was recommended by Ran Ming, so he agreed.

In fact, Yan Yue is not a member of Ran Ming's party, but Yan Yue and Ran Ming are still somewhat in love, he just has a good impression of Ran Ming.But Pei Bi didn't think so.He thought that Ran Ming would never recommend someone who was not himself, and that Yan Yue, who was recommended by Ran Ming, must be the Qin Royal Party.

Pei Bi asked Ran Zhi to ask Ran Min to revise the book, not only to increase Ran Zhi's popularity, but also to break Ran Ming's arm in the court.Ran Ming's strength in the court was very small.Except for Wang Meng who is Ran Ming's hard-core confidant, there is only Tiao You.However, as the current Sikong, even if Pei Bi had ten courages, he would not dare to make a move.However, Pei Bi thought of using the book revision to transfer Dr. Guozi out of the Guozijian.

Although Guozijian is a Qingshui yamen, its role cannot be underestimated.In ancient times, Guozijian was not only the highest institution of state teaching scriptures, but also assumed more functions of national education management; in fact, Guozijian also had some functions of the Ministry of Education of later generations.In this era, there was no imperial examination system, and entering the Imperial College was actually almost a job, and one foot into the officialdom.

A doctorate can attract countless talents for Ran Ming.Maybe they are just low-level officials now, but their future prospects are limitless.

Taking down Yan Yue can be regarded as breaking Ran Ming's arm.

With Ran Ming's political savvy, he couldn't guess Ran Zhi's intentions when Pei Bi transferred Yan Yue away.But Wang Meng sensed something unusual in it.

Wang Meng was very worried about what conspiracy Ran Zhi would use against Ran Ming.

After going to court, Wang Meng was thinking about how to find an excuse to inform Ran Ming and beware of Ran Zhi's back arrows.Just when Wang Meng was about to return to the mansion, suddenly a servant came over and said, "My lord wants to meet with the envoy."

Wang Meng didn't doubt that he was there, so he followed the servant. After walking about a hundred steps, Wang Meng saw a carriage with the logo of Sikong Mansion.Ran Ming was the grandson-in-law of Sikong Tiaoyou at the time, and he was also the only guarantee that Ran Ming could guard against open and dark arrows in the court.You must know that if Tiaoyou, with Ran Zhi's means, he can definitely play Ran Ming to death.But because of Tiaoyou's relationship, Ran Zhi couldn't go too far.

After all, those censors in the court are too powerful to play with their mouths.

As a veteran minister who has experienced the four dynasties of Zhao and Wei, Tiao You actually saw something unusual from the clues.Don't look at it as just a small doctor of Guozi, he even decides who will seize the throne and the future direction of the court.Political struggle is actually far more cruel than a battlefield filled with gunpowder.

After Wang Meng and Tiaoyou greeted each other, Tiaoyou said: "Donggong doesn't seem to be ready to be lonely any longer. That's fine, he does more and makes more mistakes, and it's good not to do anything. If he doesn't do anything, his position will be stable, but the more he moves, The easier it is to show off!"

"Yes!" Wang Meng sighed: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, what's wrong with the plan. His Royal Highness Qin Wang will definitely take over the Qin Kingdom in the next year. It may not be beneficial to go there. With His Royal Highness Qin's ability, the Qin Kingdom will surely prosper." !"

Tiaoyou said: "Don't move now, tell him. Don't move either, just wait and see."

Although Tiao You didn't mention who he was, both of them knew who he was referring to.

Wang Meng said: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid this time there will be constraints!"

"Constraints, this is the emperor's mind, and it will never be missing!" Tiao You said: "Remember in the future, once Yan Yue is gone, you will be left in the court. If there is any accident, keep your useful body first, and then plan later." !"

Although Wang Meng is the Minister of the Household Department, he seems to have a high position and authority, but it is actually the most prone to problems.If you don't pay attention, there will be chaos.Dismissal and resignation are all minor issues.Even if Wang Meng is still white, Ran Ming will not treat him badly.I'm afraid that Donggong will do everything wrong and make Wang Meng's "crime" unforgivable!
After bidding farewell to Tiaoyou, Wang Meng returned home in his own carriage. He suddenly remembered that his son Wang Yong was about to turn one year old. As a father, he should give him a gift.In fact, there is no need for Wang Meng to do this matter in person, but Wang Meng likes to handle this matter in person.

Wang Meng placed high hopes on his eldest son, Wang Yong, hoping that he could be both civil and military, and that he would serve Ran Ming in the future.He couldn't do without Ran Ming today. If it wasn't for Ran Ming, he might still be a grassroots.

Wang Meng came to a gold shop in Ren'an Square and made a long-lived golden lock for his eldest son.Just as he was leaving, he suddenly saw a sneaky acquaintance.This person is none other than Ran Ming's concubine Li Shi.

When Wang Meng suddenly saw that there was a young man opposite Li Shi, he felt very angry.In this era, the concept of chastity is far less important than in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, but as a woman, the most basic etiquette, righteousness and shame are still there.Ran Ming didn't dislike Li's remarriage,
Unless Ran Ming wanted to make Mrs. Li his wife, Wang Meng would not object.However, as a subject and confidant, Wang Meng did not want to see Mrs. Li cuckold Ran Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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