Chapter 592
Chapter 597

Of course, the less people know about this kind of thing, the better.

Even if Wang Meng's confidants are accompanying him, Wang Meng doesn't want them to know about it.Wang Meng quietly dismissed the guards and followers, and followed quietly alone.

Finally, Mrs. Li and the thinly dressed young man came to a restaurant, Wang Meng frowned secretly.Without evidence, he has no way to deal with Li Shi, even if Li Shi is just Ran Ming's concubine.

But with the evidence, Wang Meng can relieve the master's worries, kill the adulterer, and then capture Mrs. Li and hand it over to Ran Ming.

Although Wang Meng is only one person, but Wang Meng is very confident in his own skills.He was born in poverty, but his body has always been strong.In addition, he studied martial arts with other people in Songshan, and Wang Meng, who puts equal emphasis on both civil and martial arts, is no worse than ordinary generals.Although not as good as a first-class military general, there is no problem in protecting himself in Ye City.

Wang Meng was afraid that Mrs. Li would recognize him, so he bought a very large black cloak from a passerby, and wore a leather hat to cover himself tightly.

Wang Meng changed his attire, unless he was a very familiar person, he would not be recognized at all.When Wang Meng came to the restaurant, he found that Mrs. Li and the young man did not go upstairs to stay, but ate in the lobby.A large table was filled with chicken, duck and fish.

The young man was sweating profusely from eating, and the soup was dripping.It was like a gust of wind sweeping away fallen leaves, the young man actually ate six pieces of sesame cakes in just a quarter of an hour, and ate up all the vegetables on the table.

At this time, the young man hiccupped and said, "Sister, I thought you were dead. I didn't expect you to live so well now. There are maids serving you. No, I have been to Zhongshan and found Yao Jiabao It has been destroyed, and I asked the people around, they said that the Yao family is dead, did my sister remarry again?"

Li blushed and said, "Is the family okay?"

"What's so good!" The young man continued: "Four years ago, the family's manor was ransacked by a group of rout soldiers. My mother escaped with my sixth brother, fifth sister and a dozen other tribe members. Poor Xiruan, the house slave who became malicious also ran away, and later met the bandits. The fifth sister and a few clansmen were snatched away by the bandits. She was alive and dead, and her mother was also angry and ill, and she had no money to treat her. After holding on for more than half a year, I also let go. My sixth brother and I continued to flee, and were later taken in by a merchant surnamed Wang, and finally survived."

At this time, Mrs. Li was already tearful, crying uncontrollably.

It was only then that Wang Meng realized that it was not some adulterer, but Li's relatives who came to him.Hearing this, Wang Meng had no intention of listening anymore.

He quietly paid for the meal at Li's table, and then quietly left.

Wang Meng went back to the mansion alone, and walked halfway, Wang Meng suddenly felt a swelling in his lower abdomen.As a third-rank member of the dynasty, Wang Meng naturally couldn't defecate anywhere.But in this era, there are no public toilets. Fortunately, Wang Meng just relieved himself, so he looked around, and then looked at a small alley that was deserted, ready to solve his internal emergency.

However, when Wang Meng saw that there was no one around, he took off his belt and poured water on the base of the wall.

After the burden was relieved, Wang Meng felt relaxed. He fastened his belt and was about to leave when suddenly his eyes went dark and someone covered his head with a sack.Wang Meng didn't resist immediately, because he felt a burst of coldness from his waist, which should be a sharp blade, if he dared to shout, he would definitely be rushed by the gangster who jumped over the wall, and the white knife went in and the red knife came out.

Seeing Wang Meng's cooperation, the person behind him lifted Wang Meng up and left.

After the big scene, Wang Meng quickly calmed down.I seldom make enemies with others, and I don't have any enemies in Yecheng, so it is naturally impossible to kill because of hatred.Unless it's a political event.I am the most obvious party of Qin Wang, and the only ones who want to deal with me are Prince Ran Zhi and his family.

Could it be that the prince sent someone to attack him? Isn't this a little too hasty?

How does the prince plan to deal with himself, is he to kill someone quietly, or to knock out a rich lady casually, then strip himself naked, throw him on the lady's bed, and then make himself feel in the dark?Detained?

Wang Meng was not too worried about his own safety.Because the other party obviously didn't want his own life.If you want to assassinate yourself, in that corner just now, you can completely kill yourself without knowing it.But the other party didn't do this, but kidnapped himself away with great effort.No matter when, it is easier to kill a person than to kidnap a person.

Since he will not die for the time being.

There are many political cases of assassination and kidnapping in history, but most of them are against the monarch, not the courtiers.This is of course Wang Meng's self-consolation.Wang Meng felt that the other party carried him away for more than a quarter of an hour, and then he was thrown onto a flatbed truck, and then Wang Meng smelled a strong stench.

As the wheels rolled forward, Wang Meng didn't hear the neighing of the horses, so he deduced that he should have been thrown into a cart transporting Yexiang.

Now in Great Wei, the restrictions on going out of the city are not too strict.Ordinary officials and eunuchs would not be inspected at all when they entered and exited the city gate, even members of the Huaxia Business Alliance with a silver level or above were exempted from inspection.With such a lax city defense, as long as there is a person of some status, it is not difficult to get rid of a person, and there is no need to go through such a lot of trouble.

I am not a cat or a dog, but a third-rank official of the Great Wei Dynasty. Assassination or kidnapping of myself is not an ordinary criminal case, but a political case.Although it is not comparable to treason, it is also enough for the crime of ransacking the family and exterminating the clan.Unless it is the prince, no one dares to take such a big risk to deal with himself.

Wang Meng heard the sounds of patrols on the street a few times, but he didn't shout. Once the patrol department was alarmed, he was afraid that the bandits would jump over the wall. Although Wang Meng was not afraid of death, he didn't want to die so uselessly.He was thinking hard about how to get out.

At the same time, the Li family who returned to the Prince Qin's mansion seemed to be out of his wits.When I was a female celebrity, I got my hands stuck from time to time, and then I was really not in the mood to embroider, so I had to put down what I was doing and stare out the window in a daze.

While eating dinner, Liu Mo noticed Li Shi's abnormality, and quietly pointed to Xie Daoyun.

Xie Daoyun yelled coldly: "Eat!"

After discussing it for a while, Liu Wei went to remind Ran Ming again.In fact, Ran Ming has already discovered Li's abnormality, but after all, Ran Ming is an experienced person, and he hasn't thought about it too much, but knowing women, there will be a few days every month, and the mood will always be inexplicably irritable.Ran Ming realized that Li's menstruation seems to have passed only a few days ago, could it be?
In fact, Ran Ming thought too badly. Ran Ming's housekeeping arrangement was based on the idea of ​​even exposure to rain and dew, without favoritism.During his return to Yecheng, Ran Ming vigorously carried out the human creation movement, and the results were also very remarkable.Wang Zhi was the first to win again, followed by Liu Mo and Xie Daoyun, and then Bai Yan.

The only one who has remained silent is Mrs. Li.Li Shi was also the first woman who had a relationship with Ran Ming.Wang Zhi first proved that Ran Ming had no problems, so the problem might lie with Li Shi.Infertility is not a big problem in later generations, but in this era, it is the biggest pain for women.

Ran Ming guessed that Mrs. Li might be brooding over her lack of pregnancy, so he decided to enlighten Mrs. Li.

After dinner, Xie Daoyun went to guide Ran Jingwen to play the piano, Wang Zhi and Bai Yan discussed the precautions after pregnancy, and Liu Wei played with her son.

Ran Ming saw that the girls were so knowledgeable, he couldn't help shouting in his heart, "Long live understanding!"

Following Mrs. Li back to the bedroom, Ran Ming lay lazily on the bed, drinking tea and thinking about something to say.

Suddenly, Ran Ming said, "You have something on your mind today!"

Li's expression was in a trance, and he said after a while: "I'm fine..."

Ran Mingdao: "The most important thing between a husband and wife is honesty. I can share your difficulties with you, and I can share your happiness with you!"

Listening to the nasty love words that Ran Ming copied from the Internet of Later Generations, Li Shi couldn't help but burst into tears.

Ran Ming gently put his arms around Li Shi and said: "You have thoughts, why bother to carry them yourself, I am your man, I am destined to experience ups and downs with you in this life, no matter how big the storm is, so what, the two of us face it together, It's better than facing it alone. The pregnancy is not only the woman's responsibility, but the man is also responsible..."

"My husband and concubine are not troubled by this matter!" Li Shi said in shame: "It's because my concubine's health is not good, which makes my husband worry. In fact, my concubine's body is really fine..."

At this point, Mrs. Li couldn't continue.Li's troubles are because of his two younger brothers, Li Jing and Li Feng.Li Feng is more honest and doesn't ask for much, but Li Jing is much more slippery.When he found Li Shi, he didn't ask Ran Ming for an official position, but for money.

Mrs. Li is a woman who has lived a hard life and has always been frugal. Although there are not many customizations in Prince Qin's mansion, Mrs. Li rarely spends them. She regards Ran Jingwen as her own, and wants to save some money for Ran Jingwen as a dowry.Although Ran Ming dotes on Ran Jingwen, it's a pity that she is only Ran Ming's adopted daughter, and her status is not even comparable to that of Wang Zhi's eldest daughter.If you don't want to suffer at the in-law's house in the future, you have to prepare a generous dowry.

Ran Ming is also more generous to the women. For example, Xie Daoyun, Liu Mo, and Striped three women have a monthly allowance of [-] gold, while Wang Zhi and Li's are [-] gold, and Bai Yan is a little lower, only [-] gold. .

In fact, this money is not a lot at all. I am afraid that ordinary people will not be able to earn so much money in their lifetime.But Liu Wei and Xie Daoyun's natal families are rich, and they rewarded the servants of the palace relatively heavily. Li Shi didn't want to lose too much, so she spent a lot of money.In fact, during these times, Mrs. Li didn't save much money.

In order to reserve a dowry for Ran Jingwen, she gave Li Jing more than 300 gold.If Mrs. Li gave Li Jing not three hundred gold, but thirty gold, or several thousand gold, Li Jing didn't have so many ideas.However, Li Jing discovered that Li Shi, as a concubine, could easily spend a huge sum of three hundred gold, which made Li Jing's appetite whet.

(End of this chapter)

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