Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 593 Wang Jinglue Was Kidnapped

Chapter 593 Wang Jinglue Was Kidnapped (Third Watch)
Chapter 598 Wang Jinglue Was Kidnapped

In an ordinary family, the main wife might not be able to casually spend such a large amount of three to five hundred gold. Li Jing thought that the Li family must be very favored.So he expressed his strong dissatisfaction and actually acted violently in the street.In ancient times, it was normal for rich relatives to help poor relatives. If they did not give, they would be regarded as rich and unkind, ruthless and ungrateful.

In order not to damage Ran Ming's reputation, Li had no choice but to grit his teeth and gave Li Jing five hundred gold, and Li Jing left satisfied.

I gave Li Jing five hundred gold, and Li's savings add up to less than one hundred gold. Seeing that Ran Jingwen is already 11 years old (false age), marriage is very early in ancient times, and Ran Jingwen should find her husband's family in two years at most, Li thought Ran Jingwen was worried about her dowry.

When Ran Ming heard that Mrs. Li was distressed because of this reason, he immediately laughed, "Jingwen is the daughter of Gu. She is the princess of Le'an County, so don't worry about her marriage. Don't say it's you, I'm afraid even when Gu is here." I can't even get in!"

The members of the Ran's royal family are extremely thin. Although Ran Jingwen is an adopted daughter, she is considered a serious and noble daughter of the clan who joined the clan.When the time comes, the imperial court will naturally choose a husband for her and marry her in a grand manner.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Li couldn't help crying into laughter.

Ran Ming said: "Your two younger brothers, let him see Gu some other day. Although Gu doesn't like cronyism, they are your relatives. Gu, love and reason should give them a fortune."

The Fan Yang Li family has now completely declined, and it is impossible to return to the past.Let alone his younger brother, without his own help, it would be difficult for him to marry the daughter of a respectable family.Hearing that Ran Ming wanted to make an exception.Mrs. Li said nervously: "I'm afraid this is not good!"

"It's okay!" Ran Ming suddenly used his big hand, and said with a smirk: "The lonely Qilin guards are paid well, as long as they can endure hardships and experience in the army for two years, if they really have real talents, they can find opportunities to be released as officials. .If your aptitude is mediocre, then you can be a unicorn guard and you will be rich forever!"

Mrs. Li said in a low voice: "My husband, thank you!"

Ran Ming sneered and said, "How can you thank me?"

As he said that, Ran Ming stretched out his hand to lift Li Shi's soft and boneless chin, and said in a word: "Then how do you thank me?"

As someone who has experienced it, how can Li not know what Ran Ming wants to do.She took a step back and said, "Anyway, I'm not as strong as my husband, so you can do whatever you want!"

These words shattered the last trace of clarity in Ran Ming's heart.Ran Ming suddenly exerted force, hugged Li sideways, and rushed to the bed in the bedroom.

Mrs. Li exclaimed, and put her arms around Ran Ming's neck.

Before going to bed, Ran Ming didn't even turn off the lights, but Mrs. Li was unwilling to do so.Ran Ming was a little disappointed, but he didn't have the habit of forcing women, so he got out of bed and blew out the lights.

Then there was a dark, disorderly battle. This night, Mrs. Li cooperated with Ran Ming quite well, doing all kinds of difficult movements, making Ran Ming feel as if he was in a fairy mansion, as if he was listening to fairy music, and he was as ecstatic as he was.

Charged vertically and horizontally for three times, and almost squeezed out the last trace of strength from Ran Ming, Ran Ming finally fell into a deep sleep.

When the sky was getting brighter, Ran Ming suddenly woke up again from his sleep. Ran Ming took advantage of the weak light outside the house to look at Li Shi who was sleeping soundly. There was a hasty knock on the door.

The most disappointing thing in life is nothing more than this.Ran Ming knew that at this time, no one would bother him so much unless something important happened.Ran Ming didn't wake up Li Shi, and quickly groped to get dressed, Li Shi also woke up, she was satisfied yesterday, and worked hard to dress Ran Ming.

Ran Ming quickly left the house, only to find Du Cong who was looking anxious outside.

Ran Ming asked in sign language, "What happened!"

Du Cong said in sign language: "Someone came from Wang Shangshu's residence, saying that Wang Shangshu is missing!"

"Wang Shangshu? Which Wang Shangshu?" Ran Ming hadn't turned his head around yet. Wei Guo had more than one Wang Shangshu, and there was also the Wang Jian of Shangshu Province, who was also called Wang Shangshu.Under normal circumstances, Wang Jian and Ran Ming had almost no contact, and it was even more impossible to send someone to his house.

"It's Hubu Shangshu Wang Shangshu Wang Jinglue!"

"Wang Meng?" Ran Ming came to his senses and hurriedly said, "Please!"

Soon the visitor was brought over by the porter, this person Ran Ming knew, it was Wang Meng's personal monkey.As the name suggests, the monkey man has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, which is very obscene.However, this person's head is extremely flexible and his hands and feet are diligent, which makes Wang Meng value him very much.

"Your Highness, hurry up and save my Da Lang!" The monkey knelt down on the ground with tears and snot running down his nose when he saw Ran Ming plopping all of a sudden. The expression and movement made the listener feel sad and smell moved.

Ran Ming said: "Speak slowly, what's going on!"

"My lord should be kidnapped!" The monkey said, "Last night, I followed lord to the Dafu Gold Store in Ren'an Square, where I put a longevity lock on my little lord, but when I went back At that time, Mr. Da Lang asked the little one to go back to the mansion to get the money, saying that he would invite a guest to dinner. Mr. Da Lang asked Han Niuer to book a table at Liu's Restaurant. I didn't wait for my husband!"

The law and order in Yecheng has obviously decreased a lot since Ran Ming took over the little Guan Yu from Nancheng.Although there were fights and fights, things like murder and arson were rarely encountered a few times a year.

Ran Mingdao: "Isn't it your Dalang who went to meet someone privately? Don't worry about this matter. After you have fun, Jing Lue will go home. Go back and tell your mistress, this man, don't worry about it." You have to die too hard, otherwise it will backfire!"

"Ouch!" The monkey was about to jump in anxiety, and he said loudly, "What time is this, Your Highness is still in the mood to joke. My Da Lang must be in danger."

Ran Ming said impatiently: "Impossible, it's only been a few hours, maybe Wang Meng really has a personal matter?"

In fact, Ran Ming also knows that Wang Meng's private life is extremely simple, he is neither greedy for money nor lustful, his only shortcoming is that he is a little afraid of guilt.The palace lady that Ran Min rewarded was called Yang Miaoniang, she was indeed a good teacher and kept Wang Meng honest.

"Please look, Your Highness!" Said the monkey and handed a piece of paper to Ran Ming.

Ran Ming took a look and found that it was actually a receipt, which was a normal receipt from the gold store of Dafu Gold Store.It proves that Wang Meng's ten-gold deposit has been received.Ran Ming looked at it for a long time, but didn't find anything unusual, and said, "Is there anything wrong?"

The monkey took back the note, then pointed to the light, and said, "Your Highness, look again!"

Ran Ming suddenly discovered that there were some tiny nail scratches on it. After careful identification, he found that it was actually a set of numbers. "2473"

In this era, Ran Ming has not had time to promote Arabic numerals, and only Ran Ming himself uses them for the convenience of calculation.And Wang Meng used to be Ran Ming's chief housekeeper, so he used Arabic numerals.

"This should be the code name of the cipherbook written by Gu, go and find out what it means."

Du Cong gestured "Dangerous!"

Only now did Ran Ming pay attention. It seemed that Wang Meng was really in danger.Ran Ming said: "Du Cong ordered to go down immediately, all the eyes of the sky will be dispatched immediately, don't be afraid of being exposed, try every means, even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find Wang Meng!"

At this moment, Du Cong noticed a strong murderous aura emanating from Ran Ming.

He couldn't help but take a few steps back and left quickly.

Like Wang Meng, Ran Ming immediately analyzed the suspect who was going to attack Wang Meng.He found that Wang Meng had almost no enemies, and only Ran Zhi had the motive to do it.

Ran Ming gritted his teeth and said, "It's better that you didn't do it, otherwise, don't blame Gu for being ruthless and killing me!"

No one can replace Wang Meng's position in Ran Ming's heart, not even Xie An and Xie Anshi, who are equally famous all over the world and are as famous as Wang Meng in history.In this time and space, Ran Ming and Xie Daoyun got married, and Xie An naturally became a relative.Xie An will never follow the path of his relatives, because anyone who has walked the path of his relatives will never go the same way.

With Xie An's wisdom, he will never go to the end of the road, in order to leave a way out for the family, a room for development.Xie An is very likely to retreat bravely, or pretend to be stupid.Even if this is not the case, the boundary between Ran Ming and Xie An will definitely be greatly reduced.In the future, Ran Ming can rely on, and only Wang Meng, who has no background in aristocratic background, can rely on.

Although Yecheng is not as good as Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty, or Bianliang in the Song Dynasty, a metropolis with a population of over one million. As the capital of the Wei State, Yecheng has a population of more than 30 people. Finding someone in a sea of ​​people is no less difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

As time went by, all the news received were without exception, but they were not found.This made Ran Ming's heart more and more anxious.When the time was equal to the sunset of the day, ten hours had passed since Wang Meng's disappearance, but the hope left became more and more elusive.

Just when Ran Ming was scratching his heart like a hundred claws, Wang Meng's wife Yang Mianniang arrived at Qin Palace holding her son Wang Yong who was not yet one year old.

Ran Ming, with his wife, concubine and children, opened the door of ceremony to welcome Yang Miaoniang into Qin Palace.

Meeting Ran Ming, Yang Myoniang hugged Wang Yongxuan and said, "His Royal Highness, please save my husband."

Ran Ming sighed. It's not that he didn't want to save him, nor was he unwilling to save him. It's just that he hasn't found him yet, how to save him.Facing the weeping Wang Yangshi, Ran Ming didn't know how to comfort him.

At this time, Xie Daoyun sighed and took Wang Yang's hand and said: "Although we are not a family, Your Highness treats Mr. Wang as a teacher. We are not a family but we are better than a family. Mr. Wang is lucky. I have returned safely! Sister, don’t worry, once there is a need for my little sister, she will definitely do her best to help.”

Yang Yaoniang was born in the Forbidden Palace, so her vision is naturally comparable to that of ordinary people.She carefully looked at Xie Daoyun's eyes, and found that Xie Daoyun's eyes were full of sincerity, not like prevarication, and she was also moved in her heart.But besides being moved, she was even more convinced that something unexpected must have happened to Wang Meng.Thinking of her miserable life, she finally met Wang Meng, and the happy days of life began. However, the good times didn't last long, and Wang Meng was about to encounter bad luck, which made Yang Miaoniang feel bitter.

Yang Miaoniang gently wiped the tears from her eyes. She knew a little bit about Wang Meng, the ambition in Wang Meng's heart, and also knew that Ran Ming was the master in Wang Meng's heart. Obviously, Wang Meng was involved in the battle between Ran Ming and Ran Zhi to seize the heir apparent. This is the disaster of today.

However, Yang Yaoniang is a woman who understands the general situation. She didn't cry anymore, she didn't make decisions, and she made troubles, and she didn't continue to pester Ran Ming to make decisions for her. Instead, she said lightly: "My husband loves Yong'er the most. Born in poverty, but also a person who has endured hardships, I will definitely raise Yong'er and tell him that he has a great father!"

Ran Ming gently opened the door and left him. He felt that waiting here was really not an option.Ran Ming rushed to Du Cong and said, "Tell Huo Qi, if you can't find anyone again within a day, let him come and see you!"

This time, the Eye of the Sky can be regarded as being ruthless up and down, no longer scruples about the influence, the core members and peripheral members under its command move up and down, and even the usual dead time is used.

Although Yecheng was not small, Ran Ming's movement was too loud, which still alarmed Ran Min in the deep palace.When Ran Min asked Zhang Ping, in terms of strength, Tianyan, which had been established for a short period of time, could not be as powerful as the "deaf and dumb". The time was not too long, and Ran Min finally figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

Wang Meng was kidnapped unexpectedly, and his life and death are uncertain.Ran Min jumped up against the case, furious, and roared: "The capital of a dignified country, the dignified minister of the third-rank department, was kidnapped by someone. If this matter is spread, it will be ridiculous? How will the people of the world treat us Wei Wei?" State? Check it out, let me check it out, we must get to the bottom of this matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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