Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 594 Leading the Army to Surround the East Palace

Chapter 594 Leading the Army to Surround the East Palace (Part [-])
Chapter 599 Leading the Army to Surround the East Palace

Zhang Ping never dared to discount the tone set by the emperor, so he called out, the "deaf and dumb" of the whole Yecheng began to mobilize, and now the whole Yecheng was flying like a dog.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the surrounding stars are not enough to illuminate the land. A few wisps of thin clouds are like silver veils, revealing a sense of mystery, making the bright moon look very sexy.

Under such a sensual moonlight, it was an excellent moment to talk about Fengyue and Qingqing, but unfortunately, Ran Ming has no interest at all at this time.

Thirteen hours had passed since Wang Meng's disappearance. On the school grounds of Prince Qin's mansion, five hundred Qilin guards were already wearing armor and swords. Relatively speaking, these five hundred Qilin guards seemed very quiet.

Ran Ming was also dressed in military uniform, wearing Mingguang armor and a helmet, and stood in front of the team with a murderous look. Ran Ming walked back and forth, looking extremely disturbed.

At this moment, a Sky Eye spy reported: "Reporting to Your Highness, there is still no news!"

Ran Ming sighed and was about to give an order.Du Cong quickly grabbed Ran Ming's hand, and anxiously signed in sign language, "My lord, wait a little longer!"

"I can't wait!" Ran Ming sighed, Wang Meng is his confidant, but also a person who knows everything about him, once Ran Zhi wants to attack Wang Meng, he will never come out alive.Death is his only end.

Ran Ming is not as optimistic as Wang Meng, what splashing dirty water, smearing, with Ran Ming's disposition, only dead people have no threat to him.Although Ran Ming has no evidence on this matter, sometimes, no evidence is needed, a suspicion is enough.

"Target East Palace, set off now!"

With that said, Ran Ming got on the horse, with his legs lightly clamping the horse's belly, and walked in the dark.

There are six guards in the East Palace, namely, the prince's left and right guards, the prince's left and right siyu rate, and the prince's left and right Qing Dao rate.The prince's left and right guards lead: in charge of the East Palace soldiers, Yiwei, and command the Wuqu soldiers and horses.According to the establishment, this is more than [-] people.The crown prince's left and right commanders led: in charge of the East Palace's military battles and ceremonial guards, which belonged to the headquarters and the command department. There was only one garrison guard team and one garrison guard of honor outside the palace, with a total of more than [-] troops.The crown prince's left and right Qing Dao led: in charge of day and night patrols inside and outside the East Palace, with two villages of soldiers and more than [-] people.If all the six guards of the Eastern Palace are assigned to the real ranks, the armed forces of the Eastern Palace will reach more than [-] troops.

In fact, unless the emperor was ready to hand over power, he would not dare to equip the East Palace with armed forces. In a capital city, with three thousand soldiers and horses, it is completely capable of launching a coup d'état.No emperor dared to be so careless.Now Ran Zhi's East Palace Six Guards only has one Tun Qing Dao rate, which is a normal guard.Plus the guards of the three teams.

If Ran Zhi could match the six guards, Ran Ming would never dare to take his [-] Qilin guards to the East Palace, but now Ran Zhi only has more than [-] trilogy brought back from Luoyang to fill the six guards. For facade.

Although Ran Min was angry because of Wang Meng's kidnapping, as the king of a country, Ran Min was still tirelessly handling the country's government affairs. Just when Ran Min was so sleepy that he couldn't keep his eyes open, Zhong Chang Shi Youyi suddenly ran away in a hurry. Entering the imperial study: "Your Majesty, something is wrong!"

Ran Min said: "Why are you so panicked?"

You Yi cried: "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness King Qin is coming towards the palace gate with his soldiers!"

Hearing this, Ran Min's heart skipped a beat.He stood up abruptly.His Royal Highness the King of Qin came to the palace overnight with people, so he knew that Ran Ming would never come to pay his respects without thinking about it with his head or knees.But at this time, Ran Min was not overwhelmed by Ran Ming, instead he secretly scolded Ran Ming for being stupid in his heart.

There are not too many forbidden troops in the entire Yecheng Imperial Palace, there are only more than [-] people on duty normally, but there are nearly [-] troops stationed in the four camps outside the city of Yecheng.As long as Ran Min gives an order, they will be able to surround the palace completely within half an hour at most.

The imperial guards are the elite troops of the Wei state, and nearly half of them are beggars from the Ran family. They fought east and west when Ran Min started his family, and their combat effectiveness and loyalty have been tested by swords and blood.These imperial guards are not only extremely powerful, but also equipped with the best equipment in the state of Wei.They are extremely loyal to Ran Min, and there is no possibility of being infiltrated.

Ran Ming took his five hundred unicorn guards and dared to come forward to force the palace. From Ran Min's point of view, Ran Ming was simply seeking his own death.

Ran Min didn't take Ran Ming seriously, looked at You Yi who was nervous, and said with a smile: "Notify the guards at the palace gates, what King Qin wants to do, no one dares to stop him. I want to see what he can do means!"

At this time, the gold slave who was fully clothed said: "My lord, swords and arrows have no eyes, so be careful."

Ran Min nodded silently, and Jin Nu signaled You Yi to wear armor for Ran Min.At this moment, Tie Nu brought over the fake hand that Ran Ming made for Ran Min.Ran Min looked at the remade six-stone hard bow, and finally acquiesced to You Yi to put it in his left hand.

At this time, there was a burst of thunderous footsteps, and about a thousand heavy infantry came slowly with solid steps. These heavy infantry came to Ran Min, and immediately spread out in battle formation , Protecting Ran Min in it, they set up heavy shields around the periphery. It is extremely ironic that today's Wei Army shield players all use wooden sticks made by Ran Ming using mechanics.Such a shield formation, now relying solely on manpower, has been unable to break through.

Seeing these sergeants, Ran Min shouted, "Get back!"

Jin Nu said: "My lord, I'm afraid..."

"Get out!"


Ran Min stood on the gate of the palace city, and then began to wait for Ran Ming's arrival.However, Ran Min waited for almost half an hour.But he didn't wait for Ran Ming's arrival.Ran Min was still wondering, not to mention that Ran Ming's qilin guards were all cavalry, even infantry, according to the pace, they should have already arrived.But now there is no one in sight.

Before Ran Min sent someone to inquire, Zhang Ping suddenly signed to Ran Min, "His Royal Highness King Qin led the soldiers to the East Palace!"

"Show the East Palace!" Ran Min seemed to understand something immediately, and said, "I want to see what King Qin is doing in the East Palace!"

Although the East Palace belongs to the Imperial Palace, it is not connected to the Imperial Palace. There is a Jiacheng on the west side of the East Palace that connects to the Palace City, and there is a round wall in the north. There is a fence that is more than two feet away, and it is basically in an undefended state.Because Ran Min had already given the order first, Ran Ming arrived at the main gate of the East Palace without any effort at all.

Ran Ming thought about it carefully, and realized that he was a little reckless.If Ran Zhi assassinated Wang Meng, he would definitely not leave any excuses for him, after all, Wang Meng is not an ordinary person.But if he doesn't do anything, people's hearts will be scattered in the future, and who will work for him?To do something, but not to do something, knowing that doing so would lead to catastrophe, but Ran Ming had to do it!
When Ran Ming led [-] Qilin guards to the main gate of Dongying, the guards' faces turned green with fright, and they were all stunned.

It took a long time before someone realized it, and suddenly came to his senses, and hurriedly ran to report to Ran Zhi.

When Ran Zhi learned that Ran Ming brought someone to fight at the door, Ran Zhi had experienced the baptism of war, but compared with Ran Ming, at least he was far inferior in martial arts.

"Sir, what should we do?" Ran Zhi asked impatiently.

Pei Bi said: "His Royal Highness, don't worry, keep calm!"

After listening to Pei Bi's words, Ran Zhi felt inexplicably safe.It seems that some difficult issues are not worth mentioning in front of Pei Bi.Ran Zhi suddenly thought that he didn't seem to provoke Ran Ming recently. As for assassinating and assassinating him, it was a long time ago. At this time, he only used political means to cut off Ran Ming's arm.

Could it be that because of a Yan Yan appointment, Ran Ming wanted to ask the teacher for his crime?

"Sir, go out with Gu to meet Gu's younger brother!" Ran Zhi got up from his side and asked, "Sir, what rumors have you heard recently?"

Pei Bi said indifferently: "It seems that there is no rumor about it. If you want to talk about big things, it seems that Wang Meng, Shangshu of the Ministry of Households, has offended someone and was kidnapped!"

Ran Zhi said: "Anyway, I didn't do this alone. What can I do! Speaking of which, I would like to thank the lonely one. The person who made the move, Wang Meng is the only confidant of King Qin in the court. Once the household department is lost, Ran Ming There is no power in the court anymore."

"Not good!" Pei Bi exclaimed: "Your Highness, as we all know, this Wang Meng is His Highness King Qin's only confidant in the court. If something happens to him, who will benefit the most?"

Ran Zhi said: "What does this have to do with Gu!"

Pei Bi slapped his thigh, "Your Highness, this relationship is very serious. Even if we are full of mouths, can we explain this clearly?"

Ran Zhi was in a hurry, "What should I do?"

Pei Bi was spinning in his mind, how to solve this matter, he pondered for a long time, and then said to Ran Zhi: "Now our only way is to insist that it has nothing to do with this matter, we don't know anything about it, and let the matter get out of hand." The bigger the better, the muddy water first, anyway, people who are going to fish in troubled waters will definitely make good use of this matter. We did not do this, and there will always be a day when the truth comes to light."

"Gao Ming!" Ran Zhi said, "What should Gu do now?"

Pei Bi said: "Tit for tat, never backing down, anyway, he, the King of Qin, would not dare to attack the East Palace by force, no matter how polite he is, he can't force the East Palace, the imperial court wants this face!"

Hearing Pei Bi's words, Ran Zhi felt at ease.Just when Ran Zhi and Pei Bi were about to walk out of the gate, suddenly Pei Bi saw five hundred Qilin guards outside the gate, each holding torches, illuminating the entire East Palace like daylight.Although the [-] Qilin Guards could not encircle the East Palace, it was very difficult for the Qilin Guards who were in the cavalry to escape from the East Palace.

Pei Bi's head turned sharply, and he suddenly had an idea: "His Royal Highness, maybe we can take this opportunity to solve this problem once and for all!"

(End of this chapter)

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