Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 595 It's Not Shit, It's Shit

Chapter 595 It's Not Shit, It's Shit (Part [-])

Chapter 600 It's Not Shit, It's Shit
Ran Zhi was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, "Mr. Yuan Wen has an excellent opinion!"

Pei Bi then whispered in Ran Zhi's ear.The more Ran Zhi listened, the more excited his face became.Then Ran Zhi ordered: "Come here, hurry up and prepare some fire starters, such as vegetable oil and silk, and pile them under the doors, windows and walls!"

After hearing the order, the guards and eunuchs in the East Palace all acted quickly.

Ran Ming calmly rode on the horse, his face was expressionless, like a statue.However, when Ran Zhi appeared, anger rose in his eyes.If glances could kill, Ran Zhi is now a pile of minced meat!
"My brother, see Your Highness the Crown Prince!" Ran Ming got off his horse and saluted Ran Zhi respectfully.Ran Zhi has been thinking about grabbing Ran Ming's pigtails, and Ran Ming doesn't want to stumble on it.Li, let's talk about trivial matters, just informal.But the crown prince is the heir, and the heir is also the king, and Ran Ming is just a minister. If the minister neglects the king, he will be labeled as having no king and no father.Ran Ming couldn't afford this hat.

"Erlang is free, we are brothers! Why bother to see others like this!" Ran Zhi strode out of the East Palace and came outside the door. He didn't seem to see Ran Ming's murderous eyes, nor did he seem to see the five people around him. The hundred unicorn guards said in a humble tone: "Erlang came just in time. The emperor rewarded Gu with a jug of good wine yesterday. This good thing is naturally to be shared with good brothers. Erlang, please enter the palace, our two brothers Let's taste the fine wine bestowed by the emperor together!"

Youdao is a person who stretches out his hand and doesn't hit the smiling face. Facing Ran Zhi's smiling face, even if Ran Ming has great resentment, he can't express it.If he forced the attack, he would be inferior instead.

"If you drink, let's skip it today, we'll have plenty of time in the future!" Ran Ming let Ran Zhi hold his hand, he didn't exchange greetings with Ran Zhi, and he didn't act like a brother and brother with the prince.Straight to the point, he said: "Tonight, my younger brother came here to ask His Royal Highness for one person!"

"Oh!" Ran Zhi said with a smile, "I don't know who Erlang wants to beg for, let's talk about it first. In the Gudong Palace, except for the crown princess, the left and right concubines, and others, as long as Erlang likes it, Gujue has nothing to say!"

"His Royal Highness misunderstood!" Ran Ming said, "It's not His Royal Highness begging for a woman."

Ran Zhi said: "I don't want women. In the East Palace, there are only women and eunuchs. I wonder which one Erlang has his eyes on?"

Ran Ming was about to get angry, "The one I'm looking for is Hubu Shangshu Wang Meng Wang Jinglue!"

"At this time, the value has already been set!" Ran Zhi said: "If Erlang wants to find Wang Shangshu, he should go to Wang Shangshu's mansion, not the East Palace!"

At this moment, Ran Ming pointed to a person behind him and said, "Monkey, look clearly, who took your Da Lang away!"

Monkey is Wang Meng's personal follower, so he naturally didn't see who took Wang Meng away.However, since Ran Ming dared to go to the East Palace, he was determined to die.He told the monkey about his plan, and the monkey would naturally not be afraid of the power of the East Palace.That's why Ran Ming made this bitter plan.

Of course, this idea is a bit bad, requiring the sacrifice of monkeys.As long as the monkey points out the real culprit, he will be "silenced" by the back arrow from the direction of the East Palace. I am afraid that the East Palace will not be able to tell clearly when the time comes!
The monkey said: "My eldest lord went to Anrenfang to forge a golden lock for my little lord yesterday after he was on duty yesterday. Just as he was leaving, he ran into a colleague who wanted to treat my lord to a drink. Everyone said, why should Mr. Pei spend money, let Han Niuer go to Liu's restaurant to book a private room, and then send Xiao Di home to bring the altar of the best fairy drunk in Mr. Da Lang's collection."

Ran Zhi didn't know the whole story of Wang Meng's disappearance.When I heard Mr. Pei's three words, I faintly felt something was wrong.Ran Zhi said: "Who is the Mr. Pei you mentioned, and what does he look like?"

The monkey slapped Qian'er and said: "His Royal Highness, Xiaodi is stupid and can't tell, but as long as Xiaodi recognizes it, he can tell who Mr. Pei is!"

Ran Ming said: "His Royal Highness, what understanding do you have to explain?"

Ran Zhi said: "Being upright is not afraid of evil shadows, Wang Shangshu's disappearance has nothing to do with Gu."

Ran Ming said again: "Then can you invite the servants of the East Palace to let the monkey come over and identify it?"

Ran Zhi really didn't do anything wrong, and he wasn't afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.To show his innocence, he said generously: "Among the subordinates of the Eastern Palace, only Mr. Pei, who joined the army, was named Pei, and now he is staying alone with the officials of the Eastern Palace!" Ran Zhi is compiling the history books of the Five Dynasties, so the Eastern Palace is an official There are a lot of them, one or two hundred people, many of them are pure literati. They almost forgot to sleep and eat in order to compile history books and leave history. There are four 50 people.

Ran Zhi took Ran Ming, Lin Heishan, and Monkey into the East Palace, and asked the school officials in the East Palace to come out for Monkey to identify.

In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, white was still used. These school officials usually like to wear white clothes, especially the white under the moon invented by Ran Ming.Almost half of the four or fifty people wore white Confucian shirts.Moreover, during the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Confucian scholars liked to eat pills, so most of them were thin.These elegant and generous people are gathered together, with similar clothes and similar figures. Unless you are very familiar with them, it is really difficult to recognize them.

It took even Ran Ming a long time to recognize Yan Yue.Ran Ming was also uneasy. After all, as a monkey, he had never met Pei Bi, and it was not easy to recognize people through portraits.We must know that Chinese painting pays attention to the similarity of spirit, not the similarity of shape.If there is no similarity in appearance, it will be inferior.Almost all of the portraits were painted as abstract paintings, and it was difficult to recognize a person from them.

However, the monkey did not disappoint Ran Ming. Although he couldn't recognize Pei Bi from it, he found that the one behind Ran Zhi was very similar to the Pei Bi in the description, so he took a gamble.As a result, the bet was naturally won.

The monkey suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Pei Bi by the collar, "Mr. Pei, where did you get my Mr. Da Lang!"

Seeing that he actually found him, Pei Bi said anxiously: "Who are you, I have no grudges against you, why are you spitting blood?"

However, just then, an arrow 'whoosh! The ground shot out from the roof of the hall, and an arrow pierced the monkey's forehead. The arrow was so powerful that the arrow actually passed through the monkey's skull. Blood spattered Pei Bi's face.

At this time, Ran Ming stepped forward and grabbed Pei Bi: "What else do you have to say now, how dare you kill people to silence your words!"

Only then did Pei Bi realize that things had completely exceeded his expectations.

Where did the assassins come from?Ran Ming's Qilin Guard is still outside the East Palace, and has not entered the main hall at all, and here it is obvious that only the prince has the motive to silence.

Ran Zhi was also dumbfounded, what the hell is going on?

In fact, it's not worth mentioning to put it bluntly, just in Ran Ming's fanfare, he surrounded the main entrance of the East Palace with Qilin Guards, deliberately attracting Ran Zhi's attention.However, Ming Tianyan, who is proficient in assassination, sneaked into the East Palace and lay in ambush on the roof of the hall.After a successful blow, the assassin fled far away.

Ran Mingde refused to let others go, and said forcefully: "Chendi is not a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by others. If you don't give me an explanation today, I will never think about it today!"

Ran Zhi panicked.

Looking at the panicked Ran Zhi, Ran Ming laughed in his heart. Even if Ran Zhi didn't die today, his skin would peel off.

Ran Ming said again: "Lin Heishan sent an order to surround the East Palace. No one wants to leave here!"

Before Ran Ming's Qilin Guards could carry out Ran Ming's orders, they saw countless soldiers of the Wei Army appearing from all directions. They used heavy shields in front, followed by spears, daggers, knives, and spears, followed by strong bows and crossbows.

Countless soldiers shouted in unison: "Your Majesty has an order, you put down your weapons and surrender immediately, otherwise you will be shot!"

Ran Ming was really relieved to find that Ran Min had arrived at this time.He really dared to order the siege of the East Palace, unless Ran Ming chose immediately.But can Ran Ming's rebellion succeed?Except after everyone in the world turned their backs on him, he might have nothing.

Now that Ran Min appeared, the problem has been revealed, it just depends on how Ran Min handles it.

"I apologize!" Ran Ming pleaded, but Pei Bi was still under the control of Qilin Guard.

However, Ran Ming, who has been a man for two lifetimes, knows very well that a child who can bark will have milk.

Seeing Ran Min appearing, Ran Ming burst into tears, he didn't say anything extra, and shouted directly: "Father, please be the master for your son!"

Ran Min learned that Ran Ming led five hundred cavalry from Qilin Guards to the East Palace. He was afraid that Ran Ming would stage a tragedy of brotherhood in front of him, so he hurried to stop it.Unfortunately, it was too late in the end. When he arrived at the East Palace, Ran Ming had already entered the East Palace, and he could vaguely smell the smell of blood in the air.As long as there is a smell of blood, it seems that the two should have already exchanged hands.

Ran Min was so anxious that his mouth was full of blisters. He actually hoped that Ran Zhi would compete with Ran Ming.It's okay to fight, each can use his own means, and each can use his ability, but you can't see red for nothing, that will be inferior.Anyway, Ran Min felt that Ran Ming and Ran Zhi had a big fight in the East Palace, and it would be a royal scandal.The top priority should be to make big things small and small things small.

However, when Ran Min saw that it was only a servant who died on the spot, Ran Min heaved a sigh of relief.It's just that Ran Zhi and Ran Ming made mistakes, it was within the range allowed by Ran Min.

Ran Ming cried very sadly. According to the future generations of Ran Ming, even if he would rather die, he would not cry so shamelessly.But now he is only a six-year-old boy, and there is nothing wrong with crying and throwing up when he is wronged.

Looking at Ran Zhi's stunned face, and then seeing Ran Ming's heart-piercing cry, Ran Min already had some calculations in his heart.It seems that Ran Ming suffered from this matter.

Ran Min knew very well that if this matter was to be reduced to a minor one, the key was that Ran Ming suffered a loss, and Ran Ming who suffered a disadvantage must be compensated.

As long as Ran Ming is satisfied and stops making trouble, this matter will be over.In fact, Ran Min could forcefully suppress this matter as his father and emperor, but in this way, it would cause a strong reaction from Ran Ming. This is a son whose temper is too much like his own.

After thinking about it, Ran Min felt that Ran Ming must be satisfied.At least on the surface it's fair to deal with the matter.

Ran Min shouted coldly: "What's going on?"

Ran Mingdao: "Father, my son and Minister of the Household Department, Wang Meng, have always been on good terms with each other, and they love each other as master and disciple. This morning, Wang Shangshu's relatives followed the monkey into the Prince Qin's mansion to ask him to see his son. He said that Wang Shangshu hadn't returned all night, and he was suspected of being kidnapped! "

Then, Ran Ming suspected that Wang Meng was missing when he discovered that Wang Meng had scratched the digital password on the paper with his fingernails.After searching for a day without success, Ran Ming remembered to ask Monkey Wang Meng the ins and outs before his disappearance.After questioning, Ran Ming found out that in Monkey's description, the person who invited Wang Meng away for dinner was Pei Bi who joined the army in the East Palace.

Ran Ming said aggrievedly: "My son thought that the elder brother of the prince also appreciated Wang Shangshu's talent, and he brought him into the palace to discuss knowledge, so he brought people to the East Palace. But the elder brother of the prince blurted out and denied that he had seen Wang Shangshu. Naturally, my son If you don’t believe me, let the monkey come over to find out who took Wang Shangshu away, who would have thought that he just recognized Pei Canjun, but someone deliberately silenced him.”

Hearing this, Ran Min still had no expression on his face, turned around and asked Ran Zhi, "Prince, what do you have to say now?"

Ran Zhi is not stupid, all the signs and all the evidence are extremely unfavorable to him.

Now the only "witness" also died in the East Palace in full view. He is now just yellow mud smeared in his crotch. He is either shit or shit. How can he tell clearly?
When Ran Zhi heard Ran Min's questioning, he was so frightened that his face turned ashen, and he repeatedly kowtowed and begged for mercy, "Father, my son is wronged, my son is wronged, please learn from me!"

(End of this chapter)

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