Chapter 596

Chapter 601

At this moment, Ran Ming suddenly spoke up: "Father, the emperor, and my son also hoped that this was just a misunderstanding, but Wang Shangshu kept saying that Pei Canjun in Donggong wanted to invite Wang Shangshu to dinner, and Wang Shangshu disappeared afterwards. How dare you ask Pei Canjun to explain? "

Ran Min also glared at Pei Bi.

Pei Bi is not Ran Ming, he does not have the ability to be immune to the domineering aura emanating from Ran Min. When Ran Min concentrated his momentum and pressured him, he could no longer bear the pressure. Khan, he even stuttered.

What's even more coincidental is that no one has seen Pei Bi since yesterday afternoon.In fact, this is not a coincidence.Ran Ming proved this "evidence", of course he had to do some research beforehand. He unexpectedly found that Pei Bi liked mature women as much as Ran widows.

Of course this is not important, the most important thing is that the widow that Pei Bi likes is unusual.This widow is Pei Yushi, the widow of Pei Wencheng and Pei Shou.Pei Shou is Pei Bi's sixth uncle, and according to his seniority, this Pei Yu family is also Pei Bi's sixth aunt.

Having an affair or having an affair with a widow is not a big deal at all, at most it will be more money for talking and laughing.

But this Mrs. Yu is Pei Bi's aunt, so he is not just having an affair, but is involved in the defense of ethics.If this matter is not exposed, Pei Bi will be secretly entertained, and no one will point it out anyway, but once it is announced to the public, not only Pei Bi's reputation will be ruined, but the entire Pei family's reputation will also be ruined.

Pei Bi is a smart man, he must never admit that he is having an affair with Pei Yu's, otherwise for the sake of the Pei family's reputation, he will definitely be an outcast.

With his head turned sharply, he winked at a few of his confidants among the crowd in the East Palace.Ever since Pei Bi had the experience of following Ran Zhi in the army, Pei Bi was the weather vane among the subordinates of the Eastern Palace. Naturally, many of the subordinates of the Eastern Palace were Pei Bi's confidantes.

Cui Hong, the writer of the Eastern Palace, is the grandson of Cui Yue. Although this son is just a weakling, he has the ability of photographic memory, and his talent is very extraordinary.Cui Yue was an important minister of the imperial court, so she naturally considered for future generations, so Cui Hong was put into the East Palace as a writer.It's a pity that because Ran Zhi was demoted last time, the performance of other Eastern Palace subordinates made Ran Zhi very disappointed, and even alienated these subordinates.Only Cui Hong re-entered Ran Zhi's field of vision because of Pei Bi's recommendation, and was gradually reused. He was ordered to compile the book, and Cui Hong was one of the five principals responsible for the compilation of Zhao Guo's history books.

Since he was really familiar with Pei Bi, how could Cui Hong not know what Pei Bi meant.But he was also having a headache at this time.Pei Bi was Ran Zhi's think tank and confidant, he really didn't know about the kidnapping of Wang Meng, he thought it was Pei Bi who personally led the matter and asked him to help cover it up.If he tells a lie for Pei Bi, he is deceiving the emperor.But once he helped Pei Bi tide over the difficulties, his status in the East Palace would also increase. In the future when the crown prince succeeds to the throne, he could at least be in charge of the ministry.

Although it is said that bullying the emperor is a felony to exterminate the nine clans, in the feudal era, this crime was hardly obeyed, otherwise there would be no treacherous officials and powerful officials.After a little thought, Cui Hong still stood up and said: "Reporting to Your Majesty, Pei Canjun was with my minister yesterday. During a small break yesterday afternoon, I secretly returned home. It happened that Pei Canjun was on the way, so I drove with my minister. A beautiful concubine was celebrating her birthday yesterday, so I left Pei Canjun to have a drink at home. During the banquet, Pei Canjun fell in love with my concubine, so I asked her to accompany Pei Canjun. From yesterday afternoon to this morning, Pei Canjun has been In the minister's house, the minister's concubine can testify."

Although Cui Hong spoke impeccably, but who is Ran Min, how could he be easily fooled by a few words?Although Pei Bi secretly winked at Cui Hong, it caught Ran Min's eyes.Ran Min believed in Ran Zhi's kidnapping of Wang Meng.

Ran Min saw that Pei Bi was talking nonsense with his eyes open in front of him, and suddenly became angry, and shouted: "Can you deceive me blindly?"

Pei Bi groaned secretly in his heart, and his face was full of fear: "My minister is guilty!"

Ran Ming turned countless thoughts in his head. As a "sufferer", it would be difficult for Ran Min to be present. After all, it is impossible for him to bargain with Ran Zhi in front of him and discuss private terms.

Ran Ming hugged Ran Min's leg and cried loudly, and fell into a coma while crying.Of course, before he passed out, Ran Ming gave Ran Min a wink.Ran Min happened to take advantage of Po to step down, and asked people to send Ran Ming back to the Prince Qin's mansion, and to collect the monkey's body.

At this time, Ran Min rushed to the surrounding officials of the East Palace and said: "You wait to step back!"

Then, Ran Min entered the Yin'an Hall of the East Palace, and sat upright as the master. As an emperor, Ran Min turned the guest into the master, so there was nothing wrong with sitting on the master seat of the main hall of the East Palace, but the six-stone hard bow in Ran Min's left hand was still the same. Holding it in your hand makes you shudder.

Ran Zhi knew what was interesting, he didn't need to be interrogated by Ran Min, he entered the main hall and knelt down in front of Ran Min with Pei Bi and Cui Hong, Ran Zhi still shouted: "Your servant is wronged."

"Maybe you don't know!" Ran Min said, "I will wrong you and wait for the two of you to fail?"

When he got here, Pei Bi calmed down, and said calmly, "I am responsible!"

On the contrary, Ran Min was taken aback. Kidnapping the Minister of the Household Department who is the third rank of the court is a serious crime of ransacking his home and beheading him, and he is not even eligible to buy it.Why did Pei Bi readily admit to the crime so quickly?

"I joined the army as the governor of the Eastern Palace, so I have reasons and motivations to kidnap the Minister of the Household Department!" Pei Bi said again: "I am responsible, because the face of the minister is so fond of the bandit who kidnapped Wang Shangshu. Let a servant who has never seen a minister recognize him at a glance."

"You push it cleanly!" Ran Min was amused by Pei Bi's words, he really didn't expect Pei Bi to find such a reason.Ran Min said: "Then I will ask you again, what do you mean by winking with Cui Qing just now?"

"That's because my eyes are ashes!" Pei Bi said without panting, without blushing, "I'm not trying to shirk, your majesty is a wise and heroic lord, and he won't be fooled by such a simple scheme of framing , Your Majesty will not wrong my minister, let alone give up on anyone who dares to fish in troubled waters and take chestnuts out of lust!"

With such an answer, Ran Min felt much more comfortable.After all, Ran Min is "deaf and dumb", and a subject of the Eastern Palace like Pei Bi is naturally under surveillance. He can easily find out that Pei Bi has absolutely no motive for committing the crime, and he also knows the reason why Pei Bi deliberately concealed his whereabouts.

But where is Wang Meng?Who took Wang Meng was a headache for Ran Min.


After Wang Meng was hijacked, he cooperated with the robbers very much, even if the robbers humbly flattered the city gate guards, when they left the city, Wang Meng was packed in the interlayer of the car that transported Yexiang.At this time, as long as Wang Meng slammed his body against the wall of the car, he could alarm the soldiers at the gate of the city.

But Wang Meng did not do this, but was very calm, because he knew that if the gangster jumped the wall in a hurry, he would suffer first.He still has his own ideals, and his own ambitions, Wang Meng doesn't want to die so vaguely.

I don't know how long it took, when the truck transporting Yexiang stopped, Wang Meng was released from the interlayer of the dung truck.At this time, Wang Meng was blinded by the strong sunlight, and it took him a long time to get used to the light outside.

Wang Meng calmly looked at the surrounding environment, and found that at this time, he was in a courtyard surrounded by adobe.The surroundings are almost all the same style, with earth walls almost one person high, enclosing a yard of about three to four hundred square meters, with more than a dozen adobe houses built inside.Wang Meng found that the environment here was somewhat familiar. After thinking for a long time, Wang Meng finally understood where he was.

When Ran Min was assassinated in Luoyang, Yan State launched an undeclared war against Wei State. At the beginning of the war, Wei State lost its city and land and was in a panic.A large number of northern refugees fled to Yecheng in one go.At that time, in order to resettle the victims, the imperial court set up a large number of simple houses in the three counties of Neihuang, Tangyin and Anyang near Yecheng to resettle the victims.

However, as the scourge of war disappeared, most of the victims returned to their hometowns, and the place was abandoned.

At the beginning, 30 million victims flocked to Yecheng, and Neihuang County, Tangyin County, and Anyang County each resettled 10 people.Although Wang Meng can't tell where he is for the time being, but depending on the situation, he should not be outside the scope of the capital.

Due to his body not moving for a long time and being bound with ropes, Wang Meng's blood was not flowing smoothly, resulting in numbness and weakness all over his body.Wang Meng supported the stinking Yexiang car, so that he could not fall down.At this time, five or six people dressed in shabby clothes came up.

However, the first ones should be small characters, and Wang Meng quickly discovered that the only one who can be the master here should be the big man with yellow face and beard sitting in the small courtyard basking in the sun.

Wang Meng was not a child of a high-ranking family, he was born in a poor family and had a lot of experience in the world. Wang Meng stretched out his left hand and clenched his right into a fist, and saluted the leader, a big man with a yellow face and beard.

The etiquette requirements in ancient times were very strict, and different etiquettes were required to face people of various identities.This etiquette is not the etiquette for Confucian scholars to meet each other, but the one in the world.Don't underestimate this gesture.He represents Wang Meng and is also a kind of etiquette for people in the world.

Naturally, Wang Meng is not from the rivers and lakes, but Wang Meng managed Tianyan for Ran Ming for a period of time.Wang Meng still has a little understanding of the habits of the people in the world in the eyes of the sky.Don't underestimate this humble experience, but Wang Meng escaped unharmed.

Wang Meng hadn't spoken yet, but at this time the big man with yellow face and curly beard smiled and said, "I'm still wondering that when other people meet you in this situation, they either call you father and mother, or tremble with fear. Brother Tai is calm and composed, as if returning home. But he is in the same generation. Huang Shengjian did not ask his brother Tai Gao for his name!"

Wang Meng's head turned sharply, he had already analyzed the situation in front of him.It looks like he met Ranger.In fact, in this dynasty, not only did rangers not disappear, but they became more active.For example, during Zu Ti's Northern Expedition, Emperor Jin and Yuan only gave him [-] bolts of cloth, and did not give him armor, so he recruited himself.Zu Ti took more than a hundred pieces, recruited rangers to join the army, took advantage of their charisma, advocating force, and hoped to settle down with martial arts, and formed Zu Ti's Northern Expedition.These rangers are loyal, keep their promises, are impulsive and risk their lives.In the battle, it dealt a huge blow to the arrogance of the barbarians.

Wang Meng didn't dare to directly reveal that he was the Minister of the Household Department. After all, the Minister of the Household Department's status was too high, so high that they were full of wariness, which would arouse their murderous intentions.But it can't be too low, so they will be underestimated.

After thinking for a while, Wang Meng said, "I'm playing Yecheng Huoqi!"

"Don't lie to me!" A fast-talking man said: "We have seen Huo Dajia, you are not at all!"

Wang Meng secretly said that it was dangerous, but fortunately he spoke too slowly, he didn't say it out, he wanted to borrow Huo Qi's name, never thought that some of these people actually knew Huo Qi.Now that I know Huo Qi, it will be easy.Wang Meng said: "I am Wang Wu from Beihai, the follower of Huo Qi Huo Daxia in Ye City!"

Huang Shengjian said: "So that's how it is. This is really flooding the Dragon King Temple. The whole family does not recognize the whole family! If you are offended, please look forward to Haihan!"

At this time, Huang Shengjian angrily slapped the black-faced man beside him, "Sixth, you still haven't apologized to Hero Wang, your tricks have grown in vain, and you don't even know Hero!"

The black-faced man named Liu Zi hurriedly slapped Qian'er and said, "Xiao Di really has blind eyes and doesn't know Taishan. He offended Hero Wang, Xiao Di should die, Xiao Di should die..."

As he said that, the six sons actually slapped him on the face again and again.

Wang Meng said: "Those who don't know are not guilty, and we don't know each other without fighting!"

Huang Shengjian said: "Brother Wang, I will definitely visit Huo Daxia and apologize to Brother Wang!"

Wang Meng said: "Brother Huang, if you make an apology, you will be spared. Huo Daxia is not in Yecheng now, and he is now on a business trip. If things go well, he can come back years ago. If things don't go well, I'm afraid he won't be able to come back years ago."

Naturally, Huang Shengjian would not trust Wang Meng lightly. What he said just now was actually to test Wang Meng. If Wang Meng really followed his words, Huang Shengjian would know that Wang Meng was a fake.It's a pity that Wang Meng is relatively familiar with Huo Qi, and has a better understanding of Huo Qi's acquaintance and behavior habits.

Huang Shengjian tested Wang Meng several times, and found that Wang Meng's answers were impeccable, so he believed that Wang Meng was Huo Qi's relative.In fact, with Wang Meng's status, even if he was willing to be Huo Qi's personal follower, Huo Qi would not dare to accept him.You know, when Huo Qi met Wang Meng, he had to behave politely and give a big gift.

Huang Shengjian hurriedly asked the six sons to prepare food and wine, and made friends with Wang Meng.In fact, although Huang Shengjian is a ranger, in fact he is just a low-level ranger. Ran Ming asked Huo Qi to rectify the power of Tianyan.

Although Huang Shengjian's behavior is not elegant, he is very proud.After urging Wang Meng to drink again and again, Wang Meng said: "Brother Huang, I have many enemies, but who hired Huang Sheng to kidnap me this time?"

Seeing the hesitant look on Huang Shengjian's face, Wang Meng said again: "Brothers understand the rules. There is a way to blame the head and the debtor. Brother Huang will not trouble Brother Huang again. Of course, I must thank Brother Huang!"

(End of this chapter)

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