Chapter 597
Chapter 602
Huang Shengjian said: "I'm ashamed to say, my brother was not hired by anyone, and it was just a misunderstanding to tie up Brother Wang!"

"Misunderstanding!" Naturally, Wang Meng did not believe Huang Shengjian's words, and said, "What's going on here!"

"It's hard to say!" Huang Shengjian drank a big bowl of wine, and then said with a blushing face: "Brother is not talented, neither has the ability to get money, nor has a backing, these brothers have followed me for the last meal, brother I’m ashamed. Now, I heard that Jinyang discovered a large coal mine. Doesn’t it need to find labor? But since His Royal Highness the King of Qin wants to conquer the Qin Kingdom, the laborers have to go to the Qin Kingdom with the King of Qin. There is no such thing in Jinyang. If people are willing to go, it’s not that Mr. Zhang Qiye has said that if you catch a middle-aged laborer, you can get [-] yuan!"

Wang Meng couldn't help being dumbfounded. It turned out that the group of people he met didn't kidnap him in an organized way, but met him by coincidence!They kidnapped themselves, not at the instigation of others, but in order to traffic people to work in coal mines as hard labor.

Wang Meng suddenly thought that Ran Ming might be in a hurry after learning that he was kidnapped.If it is not done well, it will bring people to trouble Ran Zhi.

Wang Meng's guess was right. At this time, Ran Ming was not only anxious, but also furious.Ran Ming never thought that Wang Meng's kidnapping was just an astonishing coincidence.


Ran Min has always used Ran Ming to check and balance the prince.

At Ran Ming's level, prestige is very important.There is a saying that good horses are ridden by others, and good people are bullied by others.If Ran Ming couldn't even keep his master, the number one confidant counselor, who would rely on him?
What else would Ran Ming use to compete with Ran Zhi?
Now, Ran Ming must establish his prestige, not to let the courtiers see that he is worth following, but also to let the courtiers feel Ran Ming's fear.Otherwise, they would be bullied, ordinary officials, in order to please the crown prince, would run to shit and pee on Ran Ming's head, then Ran Ming would be meaningless to live. .

Ran Min can't deal too much with the prince Ran Zhi now, after all, the prince is very honest during this time, and Ran Min can't do without teaching.Moreover, Ran Min can't show too much favoritism to one side, otherwise it will give wrong information to some ministers and make them deviate from the established plan.

For this matter, Ran Min can only use his "deaf and dumb" to find Wang Meng, hoping that Wang Meng will only be surprised but not in danger.At the same time, Ran Ming will be compensated and Ran Zhi will be punished appropriately.

Ran Min sentenced Ran Zhi to a three-month ban.

After the news came out, the whole country was in an uproar.Ran Mingming surrounded the East Palace with his stick, but there was nothing wrong with him. Instead, he was punished as the prince of the East Palace and was grounded, which made all the officials feel unbelievable.

Just now, everyone thought that it was extremely stupid for Ran Mingming to encircle the East Palace with his staff, but now it seems.The king of Qin, Ran Ming, had already sensed the emperor's pulse, and he had calculated that doing so would only be a surprise, not a danger.

Then, Ran Min issued an imperial decree, and named Ran Ming the governor of Anxi.Now the officials were even more stunned. Everyone didn't know what method Ran Ming had adopted, but they admired Ran Ming for slapping the prince in the face and winning favor.

Ran Zhi can be regarded as having suffered an indiscriminate disaster.Ran Min added Ran Ming as the governor of Anxi.

Of course, this is not the Anxi Governor's Mansion in the Tang Dynasty.With the surrender of Liang State, Liangzhou, Hezhou, and Shazhou in Liang State were merged into the territory of Wei State.

Hezhou only refers to the Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture in the south of Gansu Province, and Qinghai is further to the southwest.As for Shazhou, it is Dunhuang.Although the territory of Liangguo expanded to the Congling area when it was at its strongest in history, in fact it passed the west of Dunhuang, and it only belonged to Liangguo's territory in name.Even Zhang Chonghua couldn't set up counties and counties to rule directly like Liang, Sha, and He.

Since the fear of the Western Regions in Liang Country has gradually disappeared, if Wei Guo wants to gain the absolute right to speak in the Western Regions, he must show off his muscles, pick one or two unsightly tribes and small countries, and beat them.

No, that's why Ran Min intends to change Ran Ming to be King of Qin.The designation of Ran Ming as the governor of Anxi is not only intended to appease Ran Ming, but also to calm down the northwest. After all, the northwest is now one of the possibilities for the future of Wei.Ran Min was planning ahead.

When Ran Min searched for Wang Meng for more than ten days, just when Ran Min and Ran Ming thought that Wang Meng was really killed, Ran Min finally gave up looking for Wang Meng.

The 24th day of the twelfth lunar month in the sixth year of Yongxing was the day when the yamen of the various ministries of the Wei State were sealed. After the 24th, all officials stopped working, but did not go to work until after the Lantern Festival (that is, the Lantern Festival).Of course, not all Beijing officials above the fifth rank have a holiday. They all have to enter the palace on the first day of the new year to pay New Year's greetings to the emperor.

Of course, Ran Ming also spent his last year in Yecheng.After the Shangyuan Festival, he will officially take over the state of Qin and go to Shangyu to take up his post.However, Ran Ming naturally participated in the last court meeting in the sixth year of Yongxing.But the first thing in the morning, Ran Min actually wanted to change the year name.

Ran Min said: "Since I changed the Yuan Dynasty to Yongxing, I have been conscientious and diligent, and never slack off. From the first year of Yongxing, my Great Wei has been thousands of miles from the red land, and in the barrenness, I have created my Great Wei today. Thousands of miles of rivers and mountains. Yongxing Although Xing has a good meaning, it was used by Emperor Huan of the Eastern Han Dynasty and Emperor Hui of Jin Dynasty. There is no good end, let alone the luck of the community, so I want to change the year name! Zhang Ye, the founder, Da Ye, the founder of Yuan, has established a great foundation! I want to use the new name Kaiyuan next year, and next year will be the first year of Kaiyuan! "

After hearing this, everyone didn't feel that there was anything wrong, only Ran Ming almost didn't bring it up, and was choked by his own saliva!

"Isn't this too much?"

Ran Ming was choked, which makes sense. As long as you have a little historical knowledge, you will know that Kaiyuan is the reign title of Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty. With a territory of more than 29 million square kilometers and rapid economic development, the Tang Dynasty became the most powerful country in the world at that time.

However, Ran Ming didn't know that the year name is actually not that important. Except for the new emperor's enthronement, the emperor can change the year name when the country encounters a major natural disaster or when the grain harvest is abundant. Play around with the year number.Besides, Ran Min has already said that this Yongxing year name was used by Emperor Huan and Emperor Hui, both of whom were foolish emperors, and he didn't want to be a foolish emperor.

This is a matter of attitude, no one in the court dares to oppose Ran Min.If you oppose Ran Min and let Ran Min continue to use Yongxing, you want Ran Min to continue to be a foolish king, what is your intention.

No matter how big a head is, it can't hold up a big hat.

Ran Min's name change is actually a matter of attitude. He is no longer the Ran Min who turned against him in order to protect himself, but a monarch who aspires to the top of the world.

Much to Ran Ming's expectation, not only did this proposal not receive any opposition, but it also received a lot of flattery, and those flattery made Ran Ming feel nauseous.

Ran Min liked it very much, and enjoyed the complimenting atmosphere very much. He also proposed that after more than half a month of searching, Wang Meng, Minister of the Household Department, had disappeared.In addition, for Wang Meng's achievements, he should posthumously confer the title of Wen Chenghou on Wang Meng's founding of the country, hereditary [-] households in Shiyi, and posthumously present the third division of Yitong.

At this time, the hall suddenly boiled.

At the beginning of the founding of the Wei Kingdom, Ran Min wanted to encourage the soldiers to die and die, so he exaggerated his honor.More than 4000 marquises were conferred at once, even if they only had nameless Marquis of Guannei, it broke the historical precedent. (Hong Xiuquan of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was even more powerful, and actually conferred more than 2000 princes back and forth)

The titles of the Wei State are not very valuable, but these are all in the past tense. As the Wei State and the Jin Dynasty stand side by side, the possibility of war or even turmoil in the future will become less and less, and this title will become more and more difficult to obtain. It is not so easy to obtain the title of founding the country.Even Liu Qun, who has always been neutral, raised objections.

You must know that this is a matter of principle, no matter how much Ran Min rewards Ran Ming, the officials will have nothing to say.Because the officials still can't figure out Ran Min's real intention, whether the crown prince can be kept.Besides, as a child of the Tian family, a first-rank prince, Ran Ming is understandable even if he has a general of the Zhu Kingdom or the governor of Anxi.But Wang Meng is different. Not only did Wang Meng not die because of martyrdom, but he also came from a poor family.

The gentry also has the character of the gentry, and they also have a bottom line. Once their bottom line is touched, they quit.There are also hatreds and fights among the gentry, but they have a principle, which is to do everything possible to suppress the upper class of the poor.Wang Meng was born in a poor family, but once he is inherited by the noble family, his son and grandson will become the new nobles.

In fact, the gentry did not have good intentions because they were afraid that there would be too many officials and titles, and the court would be burdened too much, but for themselves.Once a situation where there are too many powerful and powerful people like dogs, the children of their noble families will be worthless.Ever since Ran Min said that he wanted to seal Wang Meng's hereditary Wen Chenghou, all these officials showed indignation on their faces.

Liu Qun is well aware of Wang Meng's resume, knowing that he is an all-rounder in civil and military affairs, and made great contributions in the first Youzhou battle, and the achievements of Jiaodong Kingdom are inseparable from Wang Meng's efforts.However, although it is understanding, he dislikes Ran Min's way of conferring titles indiscriminately.

If Wang Meng died for his country because of his official duties, let alone a marquis of the world, he would be like Sikong Shipu, Shangshuling Xu Ji, Cheqi Humu, servant Li Lin, and Zhongshu supervisor Lu Chen, Shaofu Wang Yu, Shangshu Liu Qin, Liu Xiu, etc. were all posthumously named the founding fathers of the country. Not only would Liu Qun not object, but he would also support Ran Min in doing so.

Once this practice becomes a practice, the court will not only have a heavy burden, but will also have a bad influence.Once this kind of opening is opened, in the future, which minister or minister will be knighted if he gets sick or dies?If it continues like that, what's the point of doing all you can.

Just as Liu Qun was organizing his speech and preparing to speak out, Sikong Tiaoyou took the lead and said: "Your Majesty, Wang Shangshu has made great contributions to the country by virtue of his virtues. You can first show your merits and ask the court to comfort his family, but he cannot be knighted!"

Ran Min quietly looked at the angry ministers in the court hall, his expression neither sad nor happy, very calm.Ran Min's attitude was very thought-provoking, and Ran Ming quickly understood that Ran Min didn't want to make such an opening, but just felt guilty about Ran Ming, that's why he proposed this suggestion in the court to make the officials object, and Ran Ming understood Ran Min very well. Min's difficulties.

Ran Ming sighed secretly, but could do nothing.After all, the imperial court is still a place where rules are followed, unless a foolish emperor can do whatever he wants without being restricted by his officials.

Seeing that Sikong Tiaoyou opened fire first, ten or twenty censors began to write a letter collectively to refute Ran Min's proposal.

Ran Min's attitude was noticed by more and more ministers, and the opposition became more and more intense.

In the end, Wang Meng was awarded the title of Special Jin Ziguanglu Doctor.Although Dr. Jin Ziguanglu is not a hereditary title, it is also a symbol of status.In ancient times, there were 27 doctors in Sangong and Jiuqing, among which Doctor Jin Ziguanglu was the most prominent.In the ancient ritual system, there are seven layers of coffins for the emperor, five layers for princes, three layers for officials, and another layer for scholars.

Although it was guilt, Ran Ming was helpless.There is only deep regret for Wang Mengran Ming.

Ran Ming no longer had the heart to listen to the rest of the meeting.

In fact, the following content is very important. According to the previous meaning, Ran Min picked up the five-year plan topic again, setting the tone for the future development direction of Wei State.

Ran Min is also very concerned about the highway construction in Wei State. In the first five-year plan of Wei State, the expressway will be newly built for [-] kilometers, and all of them will adopt the principle of using nearby materials and nearby construction, seeking stability first, and then seeking development .

However, all of this has nothing to do with Ran Ming, because the chance of Wang Meng's survival is too slim, which makes Ran Ming feel sad.

This New Year's Eve, Ran Ming didn't have much interest either. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, he brought three wives into the palace to pay New Year's greetings to Ran Min and Empress Dong.Then he invited Wang Meng's wife and son to the palace to have a meal together.Since then, I have been thanking guests behind closed doors at home, doing nothing.

However, at the Shangyuan Festival, Ran Ming walked out of the palace for the first time.As a prince, he needs to attend the party held by the palace during the Shangyuan Festival.

When he walked out of the mansion, Ran Ming realized that the Shangyuan Festival in ancient times was actually very lively. All kinds of lanterns seemed to light up the night sky in Yecheng. The ten-mile-long Zhuque Street was simply a lamp ocean.

In terms of the degree of excitement, it is not inferior to the Lantern Festival of later generations.Ran Min unconsciously recited Li Shangyin's "Untitled" "The moonlight and lamp mountains are all over the imperial capital, and the fragrant cars and treasures cover the thoroughfare. If you don't see the prosperity in the world, you are ashamed to drive the villager Sai Zigu." It is a pity that Ran Ming is only surrounded by For Lin Heishan, Ran Ming recited poems to him, almost like playing the piano to a cow.

Ever since Wang Meng's accident happened, Ran Ming didn't dare to be careless, even if he was playing Tai Chi in the palace, Ran Ming would still be surrounded by more than ten or twenty qilin guards.

After entering the palace to pay respects to Empress Ran Min and Dong, Ran Ming simply pretended to be a wooden man.Wang Meng, the only helper now, does not know whether he is alive or dead, and Ran Ming cannot go to the court, even if he does not intervene in the court.In the future, Ran Min will force Ran Ming to intervene out of necessity.

"I'm so envious of Your Highness, I'm going to Qin Kingdom in a few days to become a feudal vassal!" General Dong Run looked at Ran Ming and said without saying a word: "It's good to go to Qin Kingdom, those... "

(End of this chapter)

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