Chapter 598
Chapter 603 Brother-in-law Concentration Camp

Dong Run originally wanted to talk about Hu people, but Ran Min advocated that the Han and Hu families should not come up with discriminatory words and phrases, so Dong Run hurriedly changed his words: "Those disobedient dogs, if your highness is bored, go Teach them a lesson, so they can move their muscles, otherwise they will not be able to move their bodies after a long time of easy life!"

Ran Ming shook his head and smiled wryly. In the eyes of the world, he was someone who could not be offended.Offending yourself often does not end well.Only Ran Ming knows that this is actually his disguise.I also want to be at ease, but some people just don't open their eyes.

It is better for people to be afraid than to be happy.This is Ran Ming's philosophy of life.In the circle of Han people who are loyal and respect the doctrine of the mean, Ran Ming is one of the outliers.

Ran Ming didn't want to have too much entanglement with Dong Run, and Wang Meng was a lesson learned from the past, so Ran Ming said: "I just want to drink!"

"The general will drink with you!"

"Gu never drinks from a cup, but always likes to drink from a big bowl."

"That's man enough!"

Ran Ming and General Dong Run drank bowl after bowl of wine, and drank a full jar like this.Although Ran Ming's capacity for alcohol was good, the three catties of distilled wine made Ran Ming slightly drunk.

Standing on the city wall of the imperial city, watching the entire Ye city plunge into a sea of ​​fire, like boiling water, it was very lively.Countless lanterns glide in the streets, reflecting each other with the Milky Way in the sky.Gradually, Ran Ming seemed to have returned to the later generations, to the days when he fought the world with his brothers.

A gust of cold wind blows, and Ran Ming wakes up from his dream, only to realize that he was in more than 600 years ago.Think about the southward migration of clothes, think about Ran Min who was brutally murdered, and think about the more than [-] Han people in Yecheng who were eaten by Xianbei people.Ran Ming felt his blood burning.

"Get out of the way for Gu!" Ran Ming suddenly pulled out a horizontal knife from a soldier, and then said: "Get out of the way for Gu, get out of the way for everyone, Gu wants to dance the sword!"

"Holding a horizontal knife and dancing with a sword!" Dong Run smiled. He didn't know that Ran Ming kept a distance from him, but he didn't know that it was because Ran Ming didn't want to implicate him. It seems that Wang Meng's accident had a great impact on Ran Ming.

The news of Ran Ming's drunkenness quickly reached Ran Min's ears, and Ran Min felt ashamed: "If you want to make a fuss, go back to Prince Qin's mansion!"

There is a saying that knowing the son is more like the mother, Empress Dong can see that there seems to be too much depression and pain in Ran Ming's heart.He just drew a circle in the palm of Ran Min's hand, and said softly: "Your Majesty, when you are young, tomorrow will be too hard, and you will soon leave the feudal kingdom. It will be difficult to see each other in the future. Why not today?" Just let him vent!"

Ran Min nodded, but he cast his eyes on Ran Ming.

There was a big gap on the city wall, and Ran Ming's body was like a spinning top, spinning faster and faster.He only heard the whistling sound of the horizontal knife in his hand, like a ball of light shining with cold light, the figure seemed to be invisible.

At this moment, Ran Ming sang loudly: "Looking at the sword with the lamp on while drunk, I dreamed of returning to the battalion of blowing horns. Eight hundred miles of fire under the command, and fifty strings turning outside the fortress. Soldiers in autumn on the battlefield. Lu Feikuai made by horses, bows like bows A thunderbolt and a string of surprises. End the king's affairs in the world, and win the fame before and after his life. The pity happened for nothing."

He drank too much, and Ran Ming couldn't remember what happened next.Anyway, it was three days after he woke up.Although Ran Ming was drunk, according to the itinerary plan he made, he officially embarked on the road to the feudal clan on the [-]th day of the first lunar month of the first year of Kaiyuan.

Ran Min did not treat Ran Ming badly, not only gave Ran Min the power to control the military horses of Liang, Sha, and He, but also gave Ran Ming two cavalry formations.

Of course, this army is different from the armies of later generations. Here is a two-five system, that is, 500 people and horses make up one song, and two songs make up 1000 people.The whole army is dying 1 people.Although the two armies only have 2 horses, in fact this does not include auxiliary soldiers and civilian husbands.

In the era of cold weapons, three auxiliary soldiers or civilian husbands had to serve one soldier. Although Ran Ming only had an official army of [-], in fact he could have [-] to [-] troops.Not counting the Tri-State Army under his command.

The army that escorted Ran Ming to the feudal domain this time included five hundred cavalry troops from the Qilin Guards, a song drawn from the Yue Cavalry Army, and a total of [-] guard cavalry. There are more than [-] people in the three full arrangers selected by the army.All these troops will stay in Qin State under Ran Ming's command.

Ran Mingjiufan's convoy was extremely large, including not only the 200 troops, but also Ran Ming's family members and property totaling more than 5000 vehicles, and a convoy of more than [-] large and small vehicles.In addition to the civilian husbands and royal hands who drive, there are more than [-] people alone.When Ran Ming passed through Hangu Pass, a guard suddenly reported: "There is someone in front who claims to be His Highness's old friend, please see him!"

Ran Ming was puzzled, if he wanted to talk about his old friend, except for Xie An in Chang'an, no one seemed to know him, could it be Xie An?
"This is the Hangu Pass where one man guards the pass, and ten thousand men cannot open it. I think back then when the Qin Dynasty used Hangu Pass to reject the Allied Forces of the Six Nations, so that millions of soldiers from the six countries could not make any progress before this pass!" A slightly immature young man said. The man, holding a folding fan, pointed to the dangerous valley below the mountain and said: "And here is Langpigou. In a valley about three or four miles long, millions of corpses have been buried since the Warring States Period. The original color of the dust has disappeared. No, the blood of millions of people has dyed every inch of the land here red."

A tall and thin young man suddenly got down and stretched out his hands to dig away the floating soil on the surface of the ground. Sure enough, after a layer of yellow soil about a foot away, there were red-purple coarse gravel underneath.The young man said excitedly: "Youdu, as you said, the soil here is really red with blood."

"Youdu" is naturally none other than Ran Ming's brother-in-law Xie Xuan.The young man who spoke was not an ordinary person, but Xie Yan, the son of Xie An, General Zhenxi of the Great Wei Dynasty.

Xie Xuan smiled and said: "Yuan Du, how could my brother lie to you."

Before Xie Yan could speak, a voice suddenly said: "Don't listen to his nonsense."

The two followed the sound and saw a young man wearing a four-claw python robe and a purple gold crown walking forward.The person who came was none other than Wei Wei who pardoned Ran Ming, the king of Qin.

Xie Yan and Xie Xuan respectfully said: "Join Your Highness King Qin!"

Ran Ming stepped forward and patted the two of them on the shoulders and said: "You don't have to be so out of touch, you don't need to call Your Highness Gu, Gu still likes to hear you two call me brother-in-law!"


Xie Yan asked puzzledly: ", just now you said brother Youdu's words were nonsense, isn't the soil here stained red with blood?"

Ran Ming said with a smile: "Of course not, how big is this place? If everything is dyed red, how much blood is needed?"

Xie Xuandao: "How is it possible? If it is not stained red with blood, the soil in other places is not red, but here is red?"

"In fact, it's very simple, because this is a big iron mine. The red soil you see is not soil, but oxidized iron. Iron oxide, also known as ferric oxide, burnt limonite, burnt ocher Shang, Iron Red, Iron Red, Red Pink, Venetian Red, etc.”

Although Ran Ming couldn't be sure whether this place was stained red with blood, he could be sure that it was rich in iron ore resources.Hangu Pass is located in the future Lingbao City, Henan Province, and Lingbao is the largest metal resource city in China.No one, Lingbao's metal resources include gold mines, and associated minerals such as silver, lead, copper, zinc, tungsten, sulfur, etc.; pyrite-based and associated copper, silver, gold, molybdenum, lead, iron, etc. Minerals; in addition, there are graphite, coal, phosphorus, vermiculite, cement limestone, silica, granite, marble, crystal, brick clay, sand for construction, mineral water, geothermal water, groundwater, slate mine for carving, etc. In Henan Province, it is a famous resource mining area in the whole country.

And the old road of Hangu is in the territory of Lingbao (called Hongnong County in ancient times), no matter how rich the resources here are, Ran Ming dare not intervene in the development.Because the strategic position here is too important, as long as Ran Ming keeps people here, I am afraid that Ran Min will have a lot of imagination.Helpless, Ran Ming could only look at this piece of fat and sigh.

Xie Xuan naturally didn't believe Ran Ming's words. Ran Ming knew that the iron content of the hematite ore here was close to [-]%, and it was very easy to extract iron, so he asked the accompanying blacksmith to make a simple stove.In fact, the principle of red iron refining is to reduce the oxygen in iron oxide, and generate nitrogen dioxide or nitrous oxide gas with charcoal.Coke is both a combustion agent and a reducing agent in the ironmaking process.

When Xie Xuan and Xie Yan saw that the dozens of catties of red soil turned into seven or eight catties of dark pig iron, they could put an egg in their mouths.

Looking at such a large piece of rich iron ore, Ran Ming finally did not suppress the desire to mine it.Due to the large-scale construction of concrete and steel roads, the consumption of iron and steel in the state of Wei exceeded the historical development trend. Large-scale mining of iron ore was necessary, otherwise steel would become a bottleneck restricting the economic development of the state of Wei.

Ran Ming is not worried about the overexploitation of steel resources, because if Wei Guo uses steel on a large scale and the mine resources in the territory cannot meet the consumption, he can propose an expansion plan.

Historically, Chinese dynasties have lacked awareness of territorial expansion, and it is not a matter of blood and national character that are the subject of later Internet themes.In fact, to put it bluntly, it is a question of interests.China's territory has basically not changed much for thousands of years, unless half of the country is divided and ruled, the unified dynasty basically occupied the most fertile land around China at that time.

In the feudal era, cultivated land was the main form of output, and those border areas were basically not suitable for farming. Even if they got income, they were not as good as consumed, so they gradually formed the idea of ​​not wanting to expand the territory.

Ran Ming naturally wants to find a solution to this thought, and the only way is to release the devil of capitalism as early as possible.Once the capital transition is completed, these ministers or businessmen who have seen the benefits will be like old cats that smell fishy.

No matter in any era, no matter how high-sounding the excuse is, there is a greedy heart hidden.In the feudal era, whoever treated the gentry and the elites (land and privileges) would do their best.In the era of capitalism, the cheese of the bourgeoisie and the ruling class has changed. It is no longer arable land, but a large number of resources.Whoever moves their cheese, they will also be desperate.

Ran Ming is deliberately guiding the Chinese nation to discover the benefits of business development in advance, and to discover in advance that those desolate places actually have inexhaustible wealth.Once this idea is formed, the Chinese nation will fight for every inch of land and will not give up a city.

Ran Ming reported the news of the discovery of rich mineral resources at Hangu Pass to Ran Min in a secret way, and asked Ran Min to develop the resources here by himself.

Originally Ran Ming thought that the so-called old man would be Wang Meng, but Ran Ming was disappointed.The so-called old friends are actually his two brothers-in-law Xie Xuan and Xie Yan.Ran Ming organized the two of them together with Li's two younger brothers, Li Jing and Li Feng, into a team of Qilin Guard.Just put on Qilinwei's unique costume and armor, no matter Xie Xuan, Xie Yan, Li Jing, Li Feng were very excited, but within two days, Li Jing couldn't be happy anymore.

The Qilin Guard is a unit formed by Ran Ming according to the nature of the officer's teaching team. Although it is a bodyguard unit, the training is not relaxed at all. Every morning, they get up fully armed for five kilometers, and then have breakfast. For the training of fighting skills, after lunch, I started to train for an hour of riding and fighting.Naturally, it is not easy at night, and I have to learn literacy and theoretical knowledge of strategy and tactics.

Everyone will be like clockwork every day, and there is no possibility of staying.Those Qilin Guard members who were born in poverty or have excellent physical fitness can naturally adapt to such a stressful life.Although Xie Xuan and Xie Yan have never experienced this kind of hardship, they know that Ran Ming's strict demands on themselves are for their attention and cultivation, no matter how hard it is, they both grit their teeth and persist.But brothers Li Jing and Li Feng are different. Although their families are in decline, they have suffered a lot.Li Feng is better, he is easy-going, he can quickly adapt to any lifestyle, but Li Jing is different.

Li Jing is very smart and has a very flexible mind, but he has a characteristic that is slippery.In the words of later generations, this is a master who likes to climb along the pole, give him a little sunshine, and he will be brilliant.

After persisting for three days, Li Jing didn't want to do Qilin Guard's errand any more. He took the time to run to Li Shi's carriage to see Li Shi, and cried to Li about how Ran Ming abused him. Li Jing was afraid that Li Shi would not believe him. He also stretched out his arms and thighs to show Mrs. Li the scars from the beatings.

"Third sister, please take pity on my poor brother. There are only three of us left in our Li family. If my brother is beaten to death by them one day, it will be the end. Do you still have the face to see our parents?" ?”

Li Jing's words made Li feel in a dilemma. She never cared about Ran Ming's business.But seeing Li Jing like this, he felt very sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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