Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 599 Wang Meng successfully returns

Chapter 599 Wang Meng Returns Successfully (Part [-])
Chapter 604 Wang Meng Returns Successfully

Mrs. Li knew about Ran Ming's temper, so she didn't dare to tell Ran Ming directly, so she had to ask Li Jing to go back first, and she wanted to make sure that Qi Linwei really made things difficult for Li Jing on purpose.

In fact, just after Li Jing went to complain to Mrs. Li, Ran Ming knew the news later.But Ran Ming didn't speak, but just watched with cold eyes.The same brother-in-law, Xie Xuan and Xie Yan, who are pampered and pampered, can bear this hardship. On the contrary, their family is in decline, and Li Jing, who is not ashamed now, can't bear it anymore. This makes Ran Ming feel extremely ridiculous.

In terms of noble birth, even in the heyday of the Li family in Zhongshan, it was just a partial branch of the Li family in Zhaojun. How could it compare to the Xie family in Chenjun?
Ran Ming was not in the mood to worry about these trivial matters. Wang Meng hadn't found it yet, and Qin State hadn't even set up an empty shelf. Since he could quickly stabilize Qin State, he would first use the Tuyuhun tribe to knock the mountains and shake the tiger.

But the Tuyuhun tribe is not a soft persimmon. Even if the Murong tribe, Tuoba tribe, and Yuwen tribe of the Xianbei tribe all withdraw from the stage of history, even after the Xianbei tribe perishes, they are still making waves in history.A tribe with a population of 40, although it has not officially established a country, its strength is still not to be underestimated.

Although Ran Min didn't tell Ran Ming clearly, Ran Ming felt that Ran Min had handed over the west, north, and directions of Wei State to him. The Northern Han State in the north of the country cannot threaten the north of the Wei State. It must also guard against the recurrence of the Tiefo Ministry and stabilize the Western Regions.Ran Min was also afraid that Wei Guo would take Jiangnan, but lose the northwest.You must know that once Wei Guo attacks Jin, after this battle, Wei Guo's foundation will be emptied again.At that time, the State of Wei still cannot be formally unified.

The situation is tight.The task is heavy, and Ran Ming is also under a lot of pressure.This place is not the same as before. At that time, Yan State maintained an aggressive offensive against Wei State. He could adopt guerrilla warfare and cooperate with field warfare to defeat the strong with the weak.But at this moment, the situation just changed its position.

Now his enemy is using the best guerrilla tactics of nomads to deal with his upright soldiers, and Ran Ming cannot be foolproof.

Except for the [-] well-trained troops, Ran Ming's other troops needed temporary recruitment and more training.In fact, with the expansion of troops, the combat effectiveness cannot be raised all at once, but it takes time and the tempering of battles.Ran Ming doesn't want to fight those miserable battles that hurt one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred. What he needs is to quickly open up the commercial roads in the Western Regions and stabilize the countries in the Western Regions with the attitude of complete victory. The watershed is held in hand in advance.

Mrs. Li quietly went to watch Li Jing's normal training. After searching for almost a whole morning, Mrs. Li almost broke his leg, and finally found Li Jing in the team. At this time, Li Jing was carrying a long spear pitifully and wearing armor , running sweating, as long as you slow down a little, the sergeant with the red armband will hit him with a stick.

Li Shi saw that Li Jing was knocked down to the ground, and his face was still on the ground because of the imbalance of the center of gravity, and blood flowed profusely on his face. Li Shi was very distressed, and hurried over to stop Li Jing's bleeding.

I don't know if the law enforcement officer is dedicated to his duty, or he is a bit of a sloppy, he yelled at Mrs. Li: "Leave quickly, or the military law will be engaged."

Although Mrs. Li is Ran Ming's concubine, she has an indescribable fear of the army from her heart.She was about to leave timidly, but Li Jing jumped up like a rabbit whose tail had been stepped on, "Yan Chuliu, you really think you are Lord Yan, you dare to disrespect her, you know she is who?"

Yan Chuliu said coldly, "Who is it?"

Li Jing said complacently: "She is my third sister, and also the concubine of His Royal Highness Qin Wang. If you dare to disrespect my third sister, how many heads do you have to cut off?"

After all, Mrs. Li is not a domineering person, she also panicked, tears rolled in her eyes, but seeing her brother's miserable scene, she still couldn't bear it in her heart.Li Shi tried to say: "This military master, I just stopped the bleeding for San Lang, and I will leave later."

Yan Chuliu said with a cold face: "No, leave immediately, otherwise the military law will be used."

Li Shi was extremely wronged. When she saw Ran Ming appearing beside her, the tears could not stop flowing down, and she ran away crying.

When Ran Ming saw it, he secretly rejoiced. Now he was worried that he would not have the opportunity to enforce military discipline. What a great opportunity this is.He liked to kill his son-in-law when he heard Li Ji, a famous general in the Tang Dynasty, fought in battle. Ran Ming didn't have a son-in-law to kill, but he had a brother-in-law.Although Ran Ming has a brother-in-law, both Xie Xuan and Xie Yan have performed well, and he can't just seek trouble and lose justice.Not to mention killing Xie Xuan and Xie Yan.Once one of the two is really killed, I am afraid that Xie An will be forced by Ran Ming to return to Jin.

The Jin Dynasty with Xie An, I am afraid it will be the same as in history again. Although he can turn things around with his own strength, at least he can cause too much trouble for Wei Guo.

Li Jing's appearance was so timely that Ran Ming almost cheered...

Ran Ming said: "Where is the military discipline officer?"

"Humble!" Yan Chuliu raised You Ping in front of his chest, and gave a military salute to Ran Ming.

Ran Ming said: "How to deal with non-observance of military law during training."

Yan Chuliu looked at Li Jing, then at Ran Ming, and said loudly: "The first offender is one army stick, the second offence is five army sticks, the third offence is ten army sticks."

"Are you still using Gu to teach you how to do it?" Ran Ming shouted with an unkind expression.

"Crackling!" Yan Chuliu started hitting Li Jing.

During the lecture, Ran Ming said: "No matter how you were before, here in Gu, there is only one rule and that is to absolutely obey orders. Don't talk to Gu about those useless reasons, why the hand holding the knife can't hold the pen, and why the gun dances. Sticks are fine, but literacy and hyphenation are not enough. In an isolated army, everyone must mount a horse and ride, plunder the land and attack, and dismount can fight on foot and attack the city. He can hold a knife, hold a pen, dance with a gun, and play tricks. Good ink. The cultural assessment is not up to standard. I recognize you alone, but the army stick does not recognize you. The formation training is not good enough to play the army stick. The literacy is not good enough to play the army stick. Hit the army stick. If you want to retreat and become a deserter, you don't need to hit the army stick, just behead!"

For the first time, Ran Ming took a simple and brutal method, which made these sergeants who followed Ran Ming regret it.Their intestines are full of remorse, they follow Ran Min, they are not afraid of fighting bad battles, they are not afraid of fighting the strong with the weak, and they are not afraid of death, but they are afraid of shaking their heads to read and write like a master every day.

Ran Ming also adopted the method of consecutive sittings. If any sergeant escaped, from the corporal commander to the military officer, according to the size of the responsibility, the punishment ranged from baton, demoted, confinement, and beheading.Ran Ming had not yet left Chang'an to pass the test, but he practiced murderous aura.

After 34 days of hard marching, Ran Ming and his party finally arrived at his destination, Shangbi.

Ran Ming looked at the dilapidated city, which was no more than Zhang Xu tall, and finally showed a long-lost smile on his face.Along the way, Ran Ming strengthened his study and training, but his speed did not slow down much. It took him more than a month to cover the 2000 miles. If the marching speed is nothing to be proud of, but Ran Ming walked for more than a month while training. This speed is not slow.

Just when Ran Ming was about to enter the city, he found an unexpected figure in the crowd that greeted him. Ran Ming said excitedly, "Don't worry now."

Before Ran Ming could react, that unexpected figure had disappeared into the crowd.But Ran Ming was no longer worried, because he saw clearly the gesture Wang Meng made to him before leaving.

Although Shangyu is an important commercial town on the Silk Road, it is also the main road linking Shaanxi, Gansu and Sichuan. It has been the gateway to Longyou and a strategic hub since ancient times.However, Ran Ming was very disappointed. This Shangbei was not only dilapidated, but also pitifully small.The entire city of Shangbi is a rectangle from east to west, with only 920 steps from east to west and 680 steps from north to south.Although the ancient step is also a unit of length, it is not fixed. The Zhou Dynasty used eight feet as a step, the Qin Dynasty used six feet as a step, and after the Han Dynasty it used five feet as a step.It is about 116.5 centimeters.

The area of ​​this city is only slightly larger than the Tiananmen Square in Beijing in later generations.Except for the two military camps in the east and west of the city, there are less than three squares in this city for commercial trade and common people's residence.Regardless of the city's layout or its structure, Ran Ming was very matter how
Disappointed, Ran Ming still looked at the city excitedly, because this will be the place where Ran Ming will live for a long time to come.

Because the city is too small, Ran Ming spent less than half an hour riding a horse and looking at it.The more I looked at Ran Ming, the more anxious I felt.However, Ran Ming did not directly express his opinion. Anyway, this place will be Ran Ming's world. How he wants to transform and build it is his own business.

Because the King Qin Mansion built by Ran Min's amnesty order was not completed, Ran Ming did not live in the King Qin Mansion.In desperation, Ran Ming had to place his family and followers in Nanguo Temple.Nanguo Temple is a temple with few monks and withered incense.With the move-in of Ran Ming and his family, this originally desolate temple suddenly gained a lot of popularity.

Although he temporarily dropped his feet, Ran Ming felt a little dazed. Currently, Shangbi is like a mess, and Ran Ming has no clue.There is also why Wang Meng came here.Looking at Wang Meng's appearance, he should not be living a happy life, otherwise he would not appear so depressed.Ran Ming really wanted to know who kidnapped Wang Meng, and even more wanted to know how Wang Meng escaped, and how he spent this period of time.Sure enough, in the middle of the night, a black shadow sneaked in from the courtyard of Nanguo Temple. If Ran Ming hadn't ordered him to go down in advance, it is very likely that this black shadow would instantly turn into a hedgehog.

"Sir, I'm so worried!" Ran Ming looked at Wang Meng, feeling very excited. He firmly grasped Wang Meng's hand, feeling the biting coolness coming from his hand, and his mind was full of imagination.

(End of this chapter)

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