Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 603 No ambition is worth mentioning in front of gold

Chapter 603 No ambition is worth mentioning in front of gold

Chapter 608 No ambition is worth mentioning in front of gold

This is even more out of control, more and more people jumped into the Baima River to pan for gold.Of course, more people left here to report the matter to the clansmen.

Jiang Xie couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he saw that the river had been scoured out of the golden sand.

This is gold sand exchanged for five thousand gold. He asked people to take advantage of the night and spread it evenly on the Shimen Dam of the Baima River. Due to the large proportion of the gold sand, it fell into the river and was not easily washed away by the current. So much gold sand was sprinkled in. , unless you are too unlucky, you will always get some gold more or less.

After seeing those Qiang and Di people panning for gold, Jiang Xie secretly thought that this place would no longer be peaceful. In fact, there is no need to add fuel to the fire.Even if Yao Chang was sensible, he couldn't convince them to burn the clansmen whose minds were fascinated by gold.But in the same way, the Baima Qiang people will not give up this river that can flow gold.Even if they all die in battle, the gold will not be let out.Of course, it is not only the Baima Qiang people who are jealous, but also the Baima Di people. Although the Baima Di people are small, they can’t stand up to others. The overall population of the Di people is large. One Baima Di tribe is not enough, plus all the Di tribes?
Not only the Baima Di people, but even the Qingqiang (referring to the Qiang tribe living in Qinghai), Heiqiang, and Ziqiang, Jiang Xie can clearly see the greed in their eyes.

Jiang Xie quietly notified the caravan buddies dressed as Qilinwei, telling them that the task was completed and they could retreat.Sure enough, at this time, a big man from the Baima Qiang tribe rushed to Jiang Xie to say a lot. In fact, there is no need for translation. Jiang Xie also knows that the words of the Baima Qiang people are telling them that the Baima River belongs to them. The gold also belongs to them, and they shall not mine it here.

Jiang Xie smiled and asked the caravan members to open their packages, indicating that they left without carrying the gold. Even the forged dog head gold was stubbornly kept by the Baima Qiang people.Jiang Xie led the Qilin Guard and left in a hurry, but the people from other tribes were not as easy to talk to as Jiang Xie and others. They found the gold and it belonged to them. They wanted to speak with their fists.

There was a disagreement, and the two sides opened their hands.Although the Baima Qiang was not the opponent of the Shaodang Qiang tribe, they were much stronger than the Hei Qiang and Qing Qiang tribes. With more fights, the Baima Qiang naturally won a complete victory.

Although the Baima Qiang tribe won, it also guaranteed the gold mines of the Baima River. The news of the emergence of dog-head gold and a large amount of high-quality gold sand in the Baima was like growing wings, and it quickly spread throughout the Northwest region. When Chang got the news, he rushed to the person who reported it and said, "As expected, you can get twelve catties of gold dust in one day?"

"It may be more than twelve catties. It's just two or three hundred people panning for gold. If two or three thousand people pan for gold together, it must be more than that."

Yao Chang's mind began to wander. He didn't care that the Baima River belonged to the Baima Qiang. He just imagined that with so much gold, he could recruit troops and sweep the northwest. As long as he completed the unification of the Qiang tribe However, even if Ran Min wanted to take revenge, he had to stop thinking about it, and if he didn't do it, he would be named the king of the Northwest.

It is not only Yao Chang's mind and eyes that are fascinated by gold, but also many people like Yao Chang. They are like hungry wolves that see blood, staring at the White Horse River. Whoever dares to touch my cheese, I will call him life.

"How about the mutual market?" Now this question is what Ran Ming is most concerned about. As for the rise of Shaodang, Ran Ming didn't take it seriously. After Yao Chang won the "gold mine" of Baima River, Ran Ming knew that Yao Chang's end had come.

Yao Chang can easily defeat the Baima Qiang people, but he will definitely not be able to withstand the collective attack of the Di people and Qiang people from the entire Qinliang area.After all, everyone likes gold. The golden light has already fascinated the eyes and minds of countless people. For gold, human life becomes extremely cheap.Wang Meng's strategy is more poisonous than two peaches killing three soldiers.Once all the five thousand pieces of gold in the White Horse River were taken out, even if Yao Chang would give up the White Horse River, he might not be able to sleep well.

What Ran Ming is most concerned about now is the status of the Shanghai trade city. The quality of the Shangbi trade market will not only affect Ran Ming's income, but also affect the overall situation of the future development of the entire Qin State.

Because an unwarranted gold mine has exposed all the Di and Qiang people's wolf ambitions, Ran Ming must have a strong army if he wants to stabilize the northwest of Wei and Qin.Policies of division, win-win, and grace will never work here. History has long proved that no matter the Tuyuhun people, Di people, or Qiang people, after they use the money and grain of the Han people to become stronger, the first thing they often do is, It's just turning around to repay kindness and revenge.

Regarding this point, Ran Ming never doubts, nor does he have any illusions.Whether it is the Di people or the Qiang people, they can only be used, but not relied on.

It takes hard work to strike iron. Ran Ming is now planning to teach Shaodang Qiang a lesson, not only to avenge Ran Min's revenge, but more importantly, Ran Ming does not want the later Qin to be established. .The basis of all this, of course, is still relying on Shangbei.

After discussing with Wang Meng, Ran Ming decided to let Shi Lixian and Li Yuanda, the governor of Qin Wangfu, draft an edict to call on people from all over Qin to build roads.

Of course, at this time, Ran Ming did not have the strength to build the expressway directly, but he flattened the road surface, tamped the roadbed, and then smoothed it with a layer of lime, although this kind of road is not as good as the concrete expressway that is not as far as Yecheng. , but it is much easier to go than the current official way.

Some conditional road sections can also be paved with fine stones. Such roads are neither afraid of wind, sun, nor rain.It is almost the same as the expressway. Every fifty miles, Ran Ming builds a post station on the side of the road, with special postmen guarding it. In addition to the postmen, there are also some mysterious people in this station. They usually only stay in the station. They stay behind closed doors, and are responsible for transferring documents and the like. They belong to the Sky Eye personnel.

Because Ran Ming was worried about Wang Meng's safety, he did not hesitate to dig three feet to find Wang Meng in Yecheng.It was impossible to hide such a big movement from Ran Min, so this time Ran Ming was a bachelor, and he directly withdrew all the members with exposed sky eyes near Yecheng, so as to enrich Qin's intelligence system.

Through the official post station, these members of Tianyan can not only have a cover identity on the surface, but also can use the profit of the post station to enrich the activity funds and reduce Ran Ming's expenses.With the help of a special post station, the news of Ran Mingyan is not only convenient and fast, but also penetrates into various industries and levels.

Through the news from Tianyan, Ran Ming unexpectedly discovered an unexpected situation, the northwest region was actually short of salt.This made Ran Ming feel unbelievable. In his memory, in the Song Dynasty, Xixia seemed to trade with the Song Dynasty, and a large proportion of it was green salt. However, in this era, there is actually a lack of salt here.

After inquiring, Ran Ming found out that there are not no salt mines here. Even if Qinghai Lake is excluded, there are still many sedimentary halite mines. However, these salt mines contain a lot of potassium, nitrate, and phosphorus. It cannot be eaten directly, otherwise it is very easy to be poisoned.

After Ran Ming got the news, he couldn't laugh or cry, it was like begging for a golden job.It is not difficult to eliminate poisons and impurities in salt mines. It is only necessary to crush the salt crystals, dissolve them in water, and then precipitate them, filter them with activated carbon, analyze them, and then boil the crystals of salt. Edible salt.

Ran Ming asked people to find brown brine salt blocks by the river, and asked Lin Heishan, who was full of energy and had nowhere to vent, to grind them all into powder with a stone mill, and then poured the powder into a bucket for stirring, and finally poured the dissolved salt water into powder. Poured into a wooden barrel covered with three layers of linen cloth, although some impurities have been filtered, such salt is still inedible.

So Ran Ming used five layers of linen to continue worrying. Although this is a bit complicated, it is more cost-effective than transporting salt from Qingzhou.

Five layers of fine linen cloth filtered it three times, and the originally brown salt water turned into clear water. After petitioning, Ran Ming divided it into wooden barrels with charcoal, and stirred again.After the charcoal and brine are fully dissolved, the charcoal powder and various impurities are filtered out with fine linen cloth, so that a light blue molten salt solution can be obtained.Cook it in an iron pot to get edible salt. (I have almost forgotten the knowledge of chemistry. I don't know if it is right or not.)
Ran Ming didn't expect that once this method came out, it would not only create a lot of profits for him, but also bring great convenience to the road construction work.

The ministries living in the Qin State, although their lives are relatively not rich, will not lack food unless they encounter a famine year. Ran Ming proposed that the wages for a day's fighting for grain cannot attract the people here to rush to participate in the cultivation. road work.If the wages are increased, Ran Ming's burden will increase exponentially.It's all right now, because table salt is extracted from brine salt, those people prefer to use table salt as a way of settlement.

Originally, no one was willing to do a job with a bucket of grain, but now it only needs to pay a catty of salt to recruit countless people, because there are too many people coming, and Ran Ming can't use so many people, just cut the salt in half and build roads every day Only give half a catty.As a result, this half catty of salt still drives countless people crazy.

Ran Ming felt a headache when he looked at the tribal leaders and county magistrates who blocked the gate of Nanguo Temple every day.I originally thought that the population of Qin State was not large, but when the salt came out, these populations would come from nowhere.More than 10 young and middle-aged people asked to participate in road construction alone.

Wang Meng suggested to Ran Ming that the supply of salt does not need to be reduced, it is still half a catty per person per day, and the young and strong who really can't use it for road construction should let them come to build Shangyu New City.

Because these young people participated in the construction of the new city, the progress of the construction work of Shangyu New City has been significantly accelerated.

Time has entered October of the first year of Kaiyuan. The main building of Ran Mingqin Palace has been completed, and the remaining small projects are expected to be completed a year ago. At this time, the city wall of Shangyu New City has also been completed.

At this time, Shangyu City was more than ten times larger than before, especially the commercial area. There were six commercial streets, each of which was a fifteen-foot-wide main street, with various shops built on both sides.If it weren't for the Hu merchants with the skin color of the Western Regions here, they would have come to the big city of the Central Plains.

At this time, Ran Ming was dressed in casual clothes and was wandering around the bustling commercial street with a dozen guards.At this time, Wang Meng also adapted to his identity as a hidden staff member.Last month, Wang Meng's wife Yang Shi also came here from Yecheng with her son and family.Ran Ming and Wang Meng chatted and laughed all the way, and before they knew it, they actually came to the largest and most imposing building complex in the entire Shangbi City except for the Prince Qin's Mansion.

There is a huge plaque hanging on the tall gate, with four big characters in official script written on Huaxia Business Alliance.

This is the Huaxia Business Alliance headquarters that has just been built and put into use. The entire construction county is divided into You, Ji, Bing, Yan, Qing, Luo, Si, Yong, Yu, Qin, Liang, He, and Sha thirteen state guild halls.The average size of each guild hall is different. This headquarters covers an area of ​​nearly 130 mu, with more than a thousand houses.

At this time, the Huaxia Business Alliance has become a semi-official and semi-civilian organization, with branches and members all over the states, counties, and counties of Wei State.As Ran Ming successfully opened up the situation in Qin State, the core members of Huaxia Business Alliance also shifted their business focus to Qin State.At present, only the four major merchants Zhang Xun, Wang Cheng, Liu Yuan, and Zheng Jian have opened more than a thousand workshops in Qin State.

Today's Qin State not only produces high-quality iron wares, but also silk, porcelain, tea, spices, furniture, farm tools, clothing, riding gear, and vehicles.

Due to the unique geographical environment of Shangyu, Shangyu replaced Chang'an and became a transit base for commodities from the Western Regions. Hu merchants from the Western Regions came here, and basically everything they wanted to purchase could be purchased here, and their goods were also available. Will finish the deal here.So there is no need for them to continue to trade eastward.

Ran Ming and Wang Meng entered the Huaxia Business Alliance. This huge building complex is a bit like the office building of later generations. The lobby on the first floor is the general reception. There are signboards here, which clearly guide the agency points of each company. Career help, they can help you with any difficulties.Of course, the premise is that you need to pay for it.

When Ran Ming just entered the hall, several helpers stepped forward to salute Ran Ming. "Guest officer, what's your business, do you have an appointment?" A helper who recognized Ran Ming asked: "Look at your eyes, this is His Highness King Qin, do you still need an appointment?"

The helper said to Qian'er: "Your Highness, what brought you here today. I don't know who His Highness is looking for? Today, Director Zheng is on duty in the Huaxia Business Alliance, and now Director Zheng should meet with Sasan Kingdom in the Fugui Hall Hu merchants!"

Ran Ming said: "Anyway, I have nothing to do, just walk around."

It’s like an inn now, but it’s actually more like a coffee shop in later generations, with a coffee table and two sofas separated by a partition. Of course, there are also paid silent rooms. Of course, no matter what you come in, the tea is free.If you want, you can drink free tea, brag and chat.

At this time, Ran Ming saw a merchant, holding a golden sign, and leaving with a dozen guys wearing the warrior uniforms of the Huaxia Merchant Alliance.Ran Ming knew that this was a special service in the Huaxia Business Alliance, that is, if he traded with the Huaxia Business Alliance, he could get bodyguards to deliver valuables or money for free.

The bulkiness of ancient coins is a very big problem.Although a copper coin is not too heavy, it cannot hold up to a large number.One thousand renminbi is five or six catties, and ten thousand renminbi is fifty or sixty catties.If you buy a horse, or other valuables, you need a lot of money.Like a large fur trade, even if silver coins are used, it will cost three to five thousand catties, and a horse-drawn carriage will require three or four carts.

(End of this chapter)

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