Chapter 604

Chapter 609
Not only is this inconvenient, but there are also security concerns.Once you encounter a horse bandit with heavy money, you can't run away, and you are not willing to leave it behind, often ending up with nothing.Moreover, due to the heavy weight of the coins, the transportation cost is also increased. Once paper money is used, even if it is a hundred yuan or [-] yuan in later generations, it will only weigh a catty, and it is not a problem for an adult to carry a hundred catties.

But in this era, if an adult carries a hundred catties of coins on his back, if it is a copper coin, it is only more than 6000 yuan, even if it is a silver coin, it is only 16 yuan, and there are more gold coins, but it is 160 million yuan.

But in this era, copper coins are the most widely circulated.Less than [-] yuan, in fact, can't buy much.

Ran Ming thought of issuing paper currency a long time ago, but unfortunately he never had the opportunity to implement it.Ran Ming also has another concern. Once the rulers don't understand the economy and issue money indiscriminately, it will be as cheap as paper and the country's credit will be completely bankrupt like the banknotes of the Ming Dynasty.At that time, the interests of one or two people will not be damaged.It may harm the interests of the people of the world.

Of course, there is also the issue of currency anti-counterfeiting, which is even more difficult to solve.Regardless of whether copper coins or silver coins are minted, once the market responds well, counterfeit coins will appear.Just like Ran Ming's silver coins, some people use cupronickel to imitate them, and gold coins are plated with gold or copper-clad gold, which is hard to guard against.

Of course, Ran Ming couldn't push this issue of banknotes by force, otherwise he would lose his mind and push the natural allies he had finally pulled together to others.

But seeing this problem, Ran Ming was still very distressed, how to solve this problem.

Chapter 508 Is this a money-losing business?
Chapter 508 Is this a money-losing business?
Wang Meng has long been used to Ran Ming sitting or standing there in a daze, and sometimes Ran Ming would be in a daze for a whole day until a wonderful idea appeared.At this moment, Zheng Jian, the director of the Huaxia Business Alliance who was on duty, came to Wang Meng tremblingly.Although Wang Meng is already Ran Ming's mastermind behind the scenes, in fact Wang Meng is not someone who lives in the dark.

Just when Wang Meng appeared in Shangbei and met with Ran Ming, Ran Min got the news through the "deaf and dumb" news channel.Although Ran Ming did not delve into the matter of Wang Meng's kidnapping.But Ran Min couldn't pretend that he didn't know anything. After the "deaf and dumb" detailed investigation, Ran Min knew the whole story of Wang Meng's kidnapping.At this time, Ran Min was furious. Although Wang Meng's disappearance did not involve political struggles in the court, the dignified third-rank official of the court was kidnapped by human traffickers and was almost sold as a slave in a black coal mine. It would definitely make people laugh when he said it.

Ran Min personally made the decree and instructed governments at all levels to do their best to crack down on the crime of human trafficking.This round of anti-black storms has greatly improved the security situation in Wei. Although it is impossible to avoid picking up lost items on the road and not closing the house at night, at least relatively speaking, there is a world of difference.Of course, Ran Min's starting point was good, but it's a pity that during the implementation process, the people below more or less took advantage of the gap in the policy to deal with merchants, causing a lot of impact on the industries of merchants everywhere.This is why Ran Ming formed such a good situation in Qin so quickly.

Zheng Jian gently stepped forward and said respectfully: "Mr. Wang, Jane didn't know His Highness was coming, so she was far away to welcome her. It's a sin."

Wang Meng lightly made a silence gesture to Zheng Jian, saw the expression of deep thought on Ran Ming's face, sighed softly after a long time, and said: "Director Zheng, Your Highness is considering important matters now, the most annoying Others are disturbing."

Zheng Jian said: "Don't worry, Mr. Wang, Jane doesn't have to do anything."

As she said that, Zheng Jian turned around and whispered to the busy guys in the hall. After a while, a sign was erected in the hall.Letter: "The reception hall of the Business Alliance Headquarters is temporarily open, and all entertainment and transactions are transferred to the Zhishan Building for reception!"

At this time, Ruo Da's hall will soon be filled with people. Of course, the so-called "empty" does not mean that it is empty. At least a dozen of Ran Ming's guards Lin Heishan, Wang Meng and the guards are waiting there.In addition to slight breathing, the entire hall could smell needles falling.

Time passed minute by minute, I don't know how much time passed, and Ran Ming finally came back to his senses.Suddenly said: "Pen."

When Ran Ming saw that Wang Meng brought the pen, ink, paper and inkstone that he had prepared before Ran Ming, Ran Ming smiled dumbly and said, "Sir, let me dictate alone, sir, let's write!"

The money houses in ancient China and the banks in later generations, as long as anyone who has studied the superficial aspects of finance, will know that these are definitely two different things.Although the bank can issue bank notes or money notes, it is only a basis for payment and deposit, but there is no interest compensation. Instead, depositors are required to pay interest regularly. In other words, the bank of this era is actually more like the later generations. A special business in the bank, valuables storage, I just help you store money, and you have to pay me the same storage fee.

This is actually extremely detrimental to economic development, and it also caused the ancient people, as well as the farmers whose thoughts were imprisoned in later generations, to distrust banks and only trust themselves.Money, if it doesn't move, is a pool of stagnant water. Only circulation is the law of economic development.However, banks are the public trust force of the country or individuals, and they play the role of credit and financial fundraising, so as to promote the development of various industries in a good and fast manner.

For ordinary people, the banking model is more suitable for the ancient Chinese market.Even if there is only one percent interest, it has a seductive allure to the common people.In the farming era, commercial activities were carried out by professional merchants, and the only source of income for farmers was farming.Even if the interest is meager, it is a rare profit for the common people.

Ran Ming's plan is not simply to facilitate business development, but to provide a guarantee for the survival of all poor farmers in the world.In times of famine, farmers are the most helpless. In order to survive, they have no choice but to sell their fields, houses, and children, which also promotes land annexation.In the Sui Dynasty, Yang Guang established the free warehouse system, which was actually a welfare policy for farmers. However, once this policy got along with the government, it lost its original flavor.Those officials would embezzle the grain in the warehouse under the guise of wastage and loss, so that the farmers could not enjoy any compensation even if they produced the grain. This policy of benefiting the people turned into a policy of harming the people.

Proposing the bank actually has a secret purpose, which is to quietly beat up local tyrants.We must know that the main way for the ancient gentry to collect money was to lend money besides rent collection.For example, the Xie family in Chenjun lends money at an interest rate of [-]% per year, yet they are called the most benevolent and kindest family.But in later generations, if you dare to charge [-]% interest, that is absolute usury.As long as the bank can solve the embarrassing situation of the people who have no money to buy crops and farming tools during the famine, it can also effectively delay the phenomenon of land availability.

This kind of policy that can not only promote economic development, activate the market, and attack local tyrants without trace has another advantage, that is, the existence of another "national treasury".No matter merchants, people or the country, they can benefit from the bank. Of course, once the bank is formed and the public trust is established, Ran Ming also has strong soft power.

Ran Ming spoke very fast, mainly talking about how to set the interest rate for saving money, such as how much is the interest for copper coins that occupy a large area and are heavy, how much is the interest for one year, what is the interest for three years, and what is the interest for five years? , [-]-year and current interest rates.Of course, there are also who can borrow how much, how high the interest rate is, and the guarantor of the loan and the evaluation setting of the collateral. Ran Ming didn't stop talking about these things.

Of course, the design of this bill and the anti-counterfeiting problem are headaches for Ran Ming. The ability of Chinese people to make counterfeit goods has never existed before or after.Once counterfeit banknotes appear, it is fatal to a newly established bank.In this day and age, there is no internet, and information transmission is slow. Once counterfeit banknotes appear on a large scale, the consequences will be very serious.

Ran Ming hesitated at this time, but he didn't hesitate for long, and Ran Ming thought of a way.In this era, Ran Ming was still the most advanced in papermaking technology. The rice paper made by Ran Ming was mostly made of bark, mulberry, hemp, rice or wheat straw soaked, covered with ashes, steamed, bleached, beaten, watered, It is made by [-] processes such as adding glue and sticking Hong.Ran Ming can completely use another papermaking technology to produce a kind of paper that has never appeared before.

Make it impossible to start fraud from the source.Just like the banknote printing paper of later generations is different from ordinary paper in terms of material, ordinary paper is usually made of wood or grass fibers, but banknote printing paper is made of cotton, cotton linters and high-quality coniferous wood chemical pulp. made.Ran Ming never made banknote printing paper in later generations. Of course, the principle of making paper is the same, and the materials are different, so the quality is naturally different.

However, Ran Ming has encountered a very big difficulty now, that is, cotton has not yet appeared, and without cotton, he has no way to make money printing paper.

After thinking about it, Ran Ming still couldn't think of a solution to the problem.Ran Ming's eyes narrowed, and he tapped his fingers lightly on the table. In the end, he had no choice but to give up the technical problem of banknote anti-counterfeiting. He could only suppress it temporarily. First, let people look for cotton and birch trees, and slowly hoard the raw materials. ...

At this moment, Zheng Jian personally came in with a tray of snacks and tea. He saw that Ran Ming was still thinking hard, and was about to turn around and leave when he suddenly saw something on the paper written by Wang Meng.

"Huh?" Zheng Jian said in surprise, "Your Highness's bank is really strange. People's gold and silver cash boxes are all profitable. Your Highness is doing a loss-making business!"

Sure enough, true knowledge comes from practice.Even Zheng Jian, who has always been shrewd in business, didn't see the profit point of the bank, he just saw the interest paid habitually.Seeing that Ran Ming didn't pay attention to him, Zheng Jian shook her head lightly and began to read carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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