Chapter 608

Chapter 613

"No... no way!" Li Xian murmured: "What should I do? I should immediately notify His Royal Highness King Qin, and let him be careful to avoid the truth and make a false statement."

"Don't waste your efforts, when you know, I'm afraid Pixi's saber will start to fall!"

"No!" Li Xian said with tears in his eyes, "Uncle Zu, please, please save His Royal Highness King Qin!"

"The old man is a man whose loess is buried at the base of his neck, what can he do?"

Li Xian begged to no avail, so he had to return to Shangbei in a hurry.He summoned Zhao Xun and Zhang Lun, the internal historians of Prince Qin's mansion, and asked, "Do you know where General Jiang's troops have arrived now?"

Zhao Xun thought for a while and said, "The news came half an hour ago that they have arrived in Xinxing."

"Xingxing" Li Xian is naturally more than 300 miles away from Shangbi. It seems that the speed of Jiang Xie's troops is not fast. His average daily march is about 300 miles, more than [-] miles. If he returns at this time, he will be the fastest It takes four days.The current form of Shangying is like dancing on eggs, let alone four days, even three days can't wait, if it's not done well, within a day, Tuyuhun people may appear in the city.

Li Xian was in a hurry, so he had to tell the two of the results of the patriarch's analysis. These two celebrities were actually from the grassroots class. It's a world of difference.Ran Ming is their food and clothing parents.If there is a problem in Shangyu, they, like Li Xian, will die.

Zhao Xun and Zhang Lun are usually lip servicers. They have never seen such a thing before. They really panicked at this moment.

"Yuanda, what should we do now?"

"What should I do?" Li Xian said violently: "I don't know what to do. But now, the most important thing is to inform His Royal Highness King Qin that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. There is no need to fight for a while. The most important thing now It is to keep Shangbi."

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Lun said: "I will inform Mr. Du that he has carrier pigeons in his hand, and he can pass the news to His Highness within a day. I hope His Highness can lead the cavalry back immediately. As long as there are still one thousand horses in Shangyu With the rest of the elite troops, we can at least hold out until General Jiang leads the main force.”

Li Xiandao: "We have to make two-handed preparations. First, we must inform His Royal Highness King Qin and General Jiang to lead their troops back to Shangyu as soon as possible. Second, in the name of Prince Qin's Mansion, call on all the gentry and merchants in the city and tell them to go all out. There is no end. Let them at this time, let go of the past, help each other, and overcome difficulties together."

Outside Taoyang City, in the cavalry camp of the Qin Army, a carrier pigeon hovered and landed outside the tent. Immediately, soldiers rushed up, quickly untied the letter paper tied to the carrier pigeon's leg, fed the pigeon with grain, and then let it fly God.The soldiers put the letter paper in their arms and rushed to Qin Wang Ranming's big tent.

Wang Meng smiled all over his face, looked at the letter and said to Ran Ming: "This Li Xian has finally come to his senses. Although it is a bit late, it also proves that this person is not a fool who is not only rich but also rotten."

Ran Ming laughed loudly when he heard the words, and he said with a smile: "Since Li Xian can see this problem, that Pixi may also be able to see it. If the prediction is not bad, the victory and defeat will be between tonight."

Wang Meng nodded. "At that time, Meng was worried that Li Xian would not understand what he meant, so he was so confused!"

Ran Ming said: "That's fine too, once Li Xian is in a hurry and is in a hurry, he not only sends messengers to inform Gu, but also urgently recruits young and strong people in the city to help defend the city. For Pixi, no matter how much Pixi has worries, with this news, his worries will definitely disappear."

Wang Meng also said with a smile: "Yes, thinking about Pixi now, I'm afraid that what is waiting for him in Shangyu is not gold and silver treasures, but a net waiting for him."

In October of the first year of Kaiyuan, a blizzard landed in the Hexi area, freezing to death countless cattle and sheep, and all nomadic peoples including the Tuyuhun tribe suffered a catastrophe.After the disaster, the Tuyuhun tribe launched a tentative attack on Taoyang immediately.To test Ran Ming's attitude.

After learning that Taoyang had been attacked, Ran Ming, as expected, rushed to Taoyang with Qin's only [-] cavalry, and ordered Wei Jun from the three prefectures of Hezhou, Liangzhou, and Shazhou to attack from the four routes. Attack the Tuyuhun tribe.At this time, the Shanyu Pixi of the Tuyuhun tribe did not wait for work in Bailan, or take the initiative to attack again, as everyone expected.

To everyone's surprise, Pixi made a very clever move, leading the Tuyuhun tribe to appear from Gangu Mountain, and then gathered nearly [-] elite troops, and under an hour-long air raid, they appeared under the city of Shangyu.

With the appearance of more than [-] Tuyuhun cavalrymen under the city of Shangyu, the whole country of Qin State was shaken.If the [-] troops originally stationed in Shangyu were not taken away by Jiang Xie, with the help of these [-] troops, a new army of [-] people, a middle base army, a shooting army, and a battalion, Pixi would not have It is possible to break through Shangbei.

If Ran Ming was in Shanggu City, even if he had no soldiers in his hands, the people and merchants in Shanggu City would not fight against the enemy together with Ran Ming based on Ran Ming's established prestige in Qin State, even if Pixi If you can break through Shangbi, you will suffer heavy losses.

Unfortunately, none of these assumptions hold true.

Shangbei not only has no army, but also no one who can preside over the overall situation.Facing the [-] Tuyuhun elite troops, Shangyu is like a girl whose clothes have been torn apart and can only be trampled by others.

Pixi looked at Shangyu City, with a cunning and sinister smile on his face: "Where is Jiang Xie's headquarters?"

"Reporting to Shan Yu, Jiang Xie's troops are still more than 240 miles away from here. They thought it would take at least three days to reach Shangbi."

As for where Ran Ming was, he didn't even ask.Because he already knew that Ran Ming's troops were still in Taoyang, even though Ran Ming could arrive at Taoyang within seventeen hours, but if he wanted to return to Shangbi from Taoyang.Even if half of the horses were wasted, it would be difficult for him to do so.At this time, he can plunder as much as he wants in Shangyu City.

Pixi shouted excitedly: "Warriors of Tuyuhun, Shangyu is right in front of you, you can break through the city, women, money, food and property, you can ask for them!"

Hearing this, the Tuyuhun cavalrymen beside Pixi threw up their hats excitedly and roared crazily. Li Xian, who was standing at the top of the city, was almost scared to pee, but Li Xian was also courageous, at this juncture.He actually pretended to say: "Masters, there is no way out, the only way is to fight to the death!"

Facing the formation of more than 4 Tuyuhun cavalry, the strong men on the city wall or the government servants all turned pale with fright and trembled like chaff.Looking around, all of them were frightened.Li Xian managed to stabilize his mind, and said loudly: "Everyone, don't be afraid, they are all cavalry, they have neither siege equipment nor ladders, they can't enter the city."

Hearing Li Xian's words, the uneasy mood of the people in Shangyu City who were temporarily pulled to guard the city wall on the city wall became a little calmer.This is the same reason that people are afraid of tigers. Once a tiger is in a cage surrounded by a steel barricade, no matter how cowardly a person is, they will not be afraid of a tiger.Because they all know that although the tiger is fierce, it can't hurt itself.Although the strong men on the city wall were afraid of the Tuyuhun people, they thought that they were all cavalry and their horses couldn't fly. As long as they couldn't enter the city, they couldn't hurt themselves.Immediately, everyone's courage came up again.

Li Xian looked at the young man whose morale was slowly rising, but felt bitter in his heart.Although the city of Shangyu was built tall and strong, these young men were only young men, they were not trained soldiers at all, so it was easy for them to be pulled over to show off.Let them fight the Tuyuhun people head-on, they really can't see enough.

Li Xian naturally knew that the Tuyuhun people could easily break through the city with some crude ladders, not to mention the siege equipment, given Shangyu's current defensive strength.What reassures Li Xian is that Pixi still has no plans to build ladders and rush cars at this time, obviously they will not attack for the time being.Once attacked, Shangyu City wouldn't last long at all.Li Xian could only pray silently in his heart, praying for Ran Ming or Jiang Xie to return quickly.

Pixi seems to have forgotten to build a simple ladder, and just clamored in the city to show off his might.At this moment, Pixi raised his hand, and thousands of Tuyuhun cavalry who rushed to the edge of the moat immediately began to draw their bows and prepare to go.

"Shhhhh..." Rows of rockets burst out of the sky, and the sound of beeps tore through the silent night sky.

These rockets flew towards the city wall in a scattered manner. In fact, with the weak strength of the riding bows of the Tuyuhun people, shooting arrows on the side of the moat did not pose a great threat to the defenders on the city wall.However, these defenders just pulled up in a hurry, and the young and strong who drove the ducks to the shelves were not fierce soldiers who had seen blood at all.Although there were very few rockets passing through the shield, the defenders who held their shields or hid under the wall piles suddenly herded sheep. They screamed and ran in fear, and the guards on the entire city wall were in a mess. group.

Looking at the chaos on the city wall, Pixi laughed wantonly and said, "Did you see that? The Han people are just a bunch of cowardly two-legged sheep. Such cowardly people, even if there are millions, is nothing!"

The emotion of fear is easily contagious.The riot on the city wall soon intensified.In the entire city of Shangyu, the long history of Li Xian is in charge of the overall situation, as well as the internal history of the two palaces of Xu Xun and Zhang Lun.They are all Confucian scholars, not generals who are good at fighting in battle.

Logically speaking, Li Xian, a Confucian scholar who has read a lot of poetry and books, should act with benevolence and righteousness, and treat others with sincerity.But at the critical moment, Li Xian showed his literary and military side as a Confucian scholar.Li Xian ordered his entourage, and the two yamen servants stepped forward to stop the riot, and killed dozens of people in a row, finally stopping the trend of the riot from expanding.

The Confucianism of the Han people in this era is completely different from that of the later Ming and Qing Dynasties.It can be said that the Confucianism of the Ming and Qing Dynasties was a castrated Confucianism, and it was also a pathologically distorted Confucianism.At this time, Confucianism is still in a stage of rising and exploring.It not only pays attention to the tolerance of all rivers and rivers, but also has the capacity to accommodate people.Pay more attention to, repay kindness with kindness, and repay grievances with straightness.

(End of this chapter)

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