Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 609 It Doesn't Matter What You Say

Chapter 609 It Doesn't Matter What You Say

Chapter 614 It Doesn't Matter What You Say
The Confucianism of this era is not the main purpose of "everything is inferior, but Hu's reading is high" in the Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Looking at the great Confucian scholars in the Southern and Northern Dynasties, no matter Zhang Bin, Wang Meng, Xie An, Gao Xu, who prospered a country with one person, or Xie Ai, Xie Xuan, and Chen Qingzhi who outwitted their power.

They are not only knowledgeable, but also courageous, tolerant and strong,

Riding and archery is a compulsory course for Confucian scholars. Xie Ai and Chen Qingzhi, who are seriously biased, can still slaughter thousands of people without being indifferent.

Li Xian finally stopped the riot by killing and controlling the riot.Those young men who were awakened by the blood understood at this moment that as long as they dared to run, that white-faced Confucian scholar would definitely dare to kill.

Li Xian is a modest gentleman most of the time.But in the face of the principle of right and wrong, he still insisted on his own principles.He realized very clearly that if he was soft at this time, he would be irresponsible to the people all over the city.

Soon Pixi couldn't laugh anymore, he found that the effect of his intimidation didn't seem to be as perfect as expected.

Looking at the situation, Pixi remained expressionless, pondered for a moment, and before he had time to give an order, he heard Muli Bazhu, the Tuyuhun warrior, say: "Da Shanyu, the last general requests to attack the city."

Pixi laughed and said: "Defending the city is the strength of the Han people, but attacking the city is the weakness of our Tuyuhun people. It is really unwise to use our own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths."

"If we don't attack the city, how can we enter the city?" Muli Basuke said, "Could it be that the Han people will open the city gate by themselves? Let us in?"

"That's right!" Pixi laughed and said, "They just opened the city gate and let us in!"

" is it possible!" Muli Bazhu said in puzzlement, "Don't they know that if we enter the city, we will rob them of their belongings and kill them? There are such stupid people in this world. person?"

"Of course, you will see them soon!" Pixi turned to the soldiers of the Tuyuhun tribe and said, "Boys, now Ben Shanyu orders you to eat and drink your fill immediately, and put your saber Sharpen."

The cheers in Tuyuhun's formation were even more thunderous.In fact, if there was no internal response from Pixi in Shangyu City, he would not have known that Ran Ming would actually transfer all the troops in Shangyu City to take revenge on him.If he hadn't had internal support in Shangyu City, he wouldn't have brought [-] cavalry with him, and he didn't even prepare the simplest ladders. He just thought about how to loot after entering the city.

Speaking of which, Shangyu City has an internal response to Pixi, which has existed for a long time.Before Ran Ming came to Shangyu, the Tuyuhun tribe was the real and unnamed overlord of the Northwest, except that Liang State was in Zhang Chonghua's time. De Tuyuhun has no temper at all.At that time, Tuyuhun was very honest, and An An pretended to be his grandson.

But then, Zhang Chonghua was pissed to death, the young master of Liang Kingdom succeeded to the throne, the power fell to the side, and internal and external troubles emerged one after another.Zhang Zuo and Xie Ai fought for the orthodox status of the Liang Kingdom. At this time, Ye Yan saw an opportunity.He developed quietly, and gradually made the Tuyuhun tribe the overlord of the Northwest.

During the reign of Zhang Zuo in Liangguo, Tuyuhun had become a colossus.At that time, the Liang army could no longer guarantee the safety of the place. Almost all the cities in the Liang country had become Tuyuhun's money bags and granaries, and they were free to plunder.In some local wealthy families, in order to keep their family property, they made friends with Tuyuhun, spent money to buy peace, or colluded with Tuyuhun people to make profits by trafficking in salt and iron or other forbidden items, or acted as internal agents, and Tuyuhun people ransacked the local area and killed them. The common people or the wealthy households slaughtered their entire clans and families so that they could acquire unowned land or real estate.

In this way, almost all cities, more or less, have Han people from Tuyuhun.

Because Ran Ming built Shangyu City into a mutual market in the northwest, here, no matter who brings goods, they can come and trade.It was also very easy for Pixi to let more than [-] confidants sneak into the city, and hide in the city as merchants, either to inquire about information, or to buy the rich family of Shangyu City as his internal support.

The Tuyuhun people retreated slowly, and there was no Tuyuhun people in the city.However, the night sky of Shangyu City is still filled with a strong smell of gunpowder.Li Xian was very disturbed, so he sent a few daring followers to lower them down the city wall in hanging baskets to inquire about the news.

As time went by, Li Xian gradually got news from Tuyuhun people outside the city.Although the Tuyuhun people retreated, they only retreated temporarily, because they settled down in Xiyang Town by the Jihe River.

According to the inquiring news, the Tuyuhun people occupied the town, and lit bonfires around the town, eating and resting.It seems that there will be no more siege tonight.

After being busy for most of the night, Li Xian was also very tired.Especially when he killed tens of hundreds of people on the city wall, although Li Xian appeared to be very calm and cold-blooded on the surface.In fact, he barely supported it.

Even now, as soon as he closes his eyes, the bloody scene of their young and strong deaths will appear in his head.It seemed that every time he took a breath, he felt a bloody smell that made him want to vomit.

Li Xian was physically and mentally exhausted, exhausted, and at some point, he began to fall asleep in a daze.

The five watch days before dawn is the darkest hour of the night, at this time, you can't see your fingers.At this time, in the vast night, countless Tuyuhun people quietly pulled the horses wrapped in thick cloth, and quietly advanced to the city of Bao.

When Pixi was approaching Shangyu City, a figure suddenly appeared in his head.

Ran Ming, this is a character that Pixi fears very much.He sent someone to investigate Ran Ming's past, and through Ran Ming's actions, he made a decision.The Murong Department of Yan State almost died in his hands alone.

This is a very scary opponent, but also an opponent who never plays cards according to common sense.For such an opponent, Pixi was a little excited, but also a little apprehensive.

For this reason, he was very disturbed.Now Ran Ming is very weak, even if there is no snow disaster this year, he will still launch an attack to destroy Ran Ming when he is weak.Otherwise, once Ran Ming grows up in Qin, it will be a nightmare for Tuyuhun people.

It's a pity that today, the foundation that Ran Ming has worked hard for nearly a year is coming to an end.Thinking of this, Pixi fantasized that after the city was broken, robbery would be second, and the key was to capture Ran Ming's family members in the first place.

"My son Ran Ming, today Ben Shanyu will let you experience the separation of your wife and children." At this moment, the dark shadow of Shangyu City was already in sight.

While Pixi was still thinking wildly, suddenly someone beside him shouted: "Da Shanyu, look quickly, there is a signal!"

After a while, friendly figures appeared in the swaying fire at the top of the city, and they slowly touched the young men who were too sleepy to keep their eyelids open.Soon the shouts of killing resounded through the night sky.

Then, the wide suspension bridge on the city wall fell with a loud bang, and the city gate slowly opened with a creaking sound.

Seeing this scene, Pixi quickly shook off the distracting thoughts in his head, drew out his saber excitedly, and shouted: "Warriors of Tuyuhun, if you want to live well and get through this white disaster safely, it's tonight. "

After Pixi finished speaking, he tightened his grip on the horse's belly and rushed forward.

Those Tuyuhun warriors who followed Pixi no longer hid their figures. They beat their horses excitedly and rushed towards the city gate like the wind.

Pixi rushed into the city gate and entered the inner urn city.He saw that there was no sound on the inner urn city at this time, and the only trace of uneasiness left in his mind, thousands of cavalry filed in.

At this time, the gates on the inner side of the inner urn city were also wide open, and Pixi saw that the soldiers in front had already rushed through the gate of the inner urn city, and his face showed a glow of excitement.

At this time, the entire Shangyu City was also alarmed.Pixi is not worried either, let alone that there is no army in the city, even if there is, the overall situation is certain, whoever is here will be powerless.

"Haha..." Pixi looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, however, Pixi's smile quickly froze on his face.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Dozens of orange-red fireballs rose from the street ahead, and the Tuyuhun soldiers around were thrown into the air viciously by invisible big hands, and then screamed drop down.Countless horses were frightened by the loud noise, jumped up and down, and threw the knight soldiers off their horses.

Even Pixi himself was thrown off his horse, and he fell into a coma.

On the ground, before getting up, Pixi shuddered violently.He once heard a rumor that Ran Ming had the unfathomable ability to attract the divine thunder from the sky and bombard the enemy. Once struck by the divine thunder, not only would his body be shattered, his bones would be gone, and his soul would be scattered.

Could it be that Ran Ming is back.

Pixi turned his head and wanted to run. With the help of his personal guards, Pixi got on his horse again. Before he could turn around, he found countless soldiers in black armor holding torches on the street. His frightened banner.


"Could it be that Jiang Xie is back?" Pixi shook his head, secretly thinking that he couldn't.The Qin army led by Jiang Xie can only reach Gangu the fastest now, and they will not be able to fly back even if they fly.This must be a general of the Qin State with the same surname Jiang.

However, Pixi's fantasy will soon be shattered.

"A certain Jiangxie is here, so hurry up and get off your horse and be captured!" A general, surrounded by a group of soldiers, slowly stepped out.

Pixi couldn't help but, he naturally didn't know Jiang Xie, but there were people around him who knew him.He hurriedly asked if this person was Jiang Xie, and a man next to him, who looked like a counselor, showed a look as if he had seen a ghost, and murmured: "Impossible, impossible!"

No, Pixi also knew his answer.

Jiang Xie used [-] heavy armored infantry of the middle base army as the vanguard, stopped the Tuyuhun cavalry head-on, and harvested their heads wantonly when the cavalry were blown out of their heads and couldn't find the north.

(End of this chapter)

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