Chapter 610
Chapter 615

Those cavalrymen who slowly reacted began to fight back. However, no matter whether they used bows and arrows or stabbed with knives and spears, they finally accepted the reality helplessly, which was a group of monsters.

In fact, they are not monsters, but a group of people with flesh and blood, and they are the elite heavy infantry of the Wei Dynasty who once made Yan Guojia's riding gear and chain horses suffer enough.

Although they didn't have sharp Mo knives, the spears in their hands could harvest the lives of the cavalry, and it might not be much slower.

Pixi took a look, how could he fight this?
If it was a field battle, the Tuyuhun cavalry would still have a chance to compete with these heavy infantry. After all, Ran Ming had too few heavy infantry in his hands.Moreover, relying on the impact of the horse alone can also cause considerable casualties to the heavy infantry.Unfortunately, they are now in the city, and it is a city built of concrete and steel.

This new type of construction was simply impossible to destroy unless you had gunpowder or armored vehicles.The criss-crossing streets and alleys are simply a maze of trenches.

Pixi hurriedly shouted: "Quick back, quick back!"

But it's easy to get in, but hard to get out.Not to mention that tens of thousands of cavalry rushed into Tuyuhun all of a sudden, the street was extremely crowded.Just when Jiang Xie ordered the heavy infantry to come forward and crush them, he suddenly heard a gong sound from the city wall and the roofs on both sides of the street.Immediately afterwards, I heard boom boom boom...a loud noise.Countless balls of flames exploded in the street, and thousands of Tuyuhun people were blown to pieces in the flames.

In the light of the fire, Jiang Xie held the ancestral Tianxie sinking green gun.Guns are like cold stars, and guns kill people.The Tianxie Shenlu gun is made of fine steel and cold iron. The body of the gun is one foot long and weighs 68 catties.

This long spear is the weapon used by Jiang Wei, the great general of the Shu Kingdom.Seeing that Jiang Xie stabbed a Tuyuhun warrior to death almost every time he made a move, Pixi was about to cry.

This time, he planned to take advantage of the opportunity to sneak attack on Shangyu City. Not only would he be able to use the mountains of supplies in Shanggu City to allow the clansmen to survive this famine year, but he could also capture Ran You's family members and make Ran Ming cast a trap.But who would have thought that he would not be able to steal the chicken from Pixi, but would give up the rice instead.

It seems that today is not just as simple as giving up rice. Since Jiang Xie has appeared, will Ran Ming be far behind?It stands to reason that Ran Ming's troops should be faster than Jiang Xie, and Ran Ming may have blocked their retreat.

"His mother's, who is planning who today!" Pixi is also a ruthless character. When he saw the situation, he didn't care about the panic of the soldiers, and he didn't care whether the morale was broken or not. Warriors, today we will either fight for our lives or die, my sons and daughters, let's attack according to the book!"

Li Xian looked at the Tuyuhun soldiers led by Bixi to rush to kill them desperately, wiped his cold sweat, and said with emotion: "Tuyuhun is a man of tigers and wolves in human nature, and seeing him today really deserves his reputation."

Pixi found sadly that he seemed to be surrounded by the Qin army.It seems that the entire Shangyu city is full of soldiers of the Qin army, and ambushes of the enemy are everywhere.Those brave Tuyuhun warriors became the targets of Qin soldiers practicing bows, arrows and crossbows on the unobstructed streets.

Pixi dialed the incoming arrows with his saber, and shouted loudly: "Stand up and raise your shield, avoid the arrows!"

However, no matter how loudly Pixi shouted, his voice was drowned out by the screams of Tuyuhun soldiers.One by one, the cavalrymen trapped on the street were shot into hedgehogs one by one, and slowly fell into a pool of blood.

Pixi slowly fell into despair, at this moment, Muli Bazhu rode his horse and rushed to Pixi to follow, Muli Bazhu roared heart-piercingly: "Be careful, Shanyu."

At this moment, Pixi came back to his senses, and saw a green long spear, like lightning flashing across the sky, flying towards him quickly.When Pixi raised his saber to block it, it was already too late.

"Puff..." The sound of the spear piercing into the flesh sounded, and the foot-long spear head stabbed Pixi's shoulder all at once.The pain was so great that Pixi fell off his horse and fell to the ground.This is also thanks to his extensive combat experience.At the critical moment, although he had no time to block, he still tried his best to avoid the vital parts by using the flexibility of his body.Otherwise, the shot should have hit Pixi's throat.

Seeing that Jiang Xie missed the first blow, when he wanted to raise his spear and stab Pixi again, Mu Liba helped to block it.

Muli Bazhu is a mighty general in Tuyuhun, with an iron pickaxe, he is rarely matched by opponents.When Muli Bazhu saw that Pixi had been shot and fell to the ground, he didn't know whether he was dead or not, and he was panicked. He came up and attacked Jiang Xie like a storm.

This iron pick is also one of the common weapons in ancient times. It looks similar to a mace in appearance, but the head is made of steel.Much heavier than a mace.This utensil probably began in the Zhou and Qin Dynasties, and flourished in the northwest. It cannot be used unless it is a brave general.

There is a saying that one force can drop ten times. Although Jiang Xie's heavy green gun weighs 68 catties, it is nearly half lighter than Muli Bazhu's 110-[-] catty iron pick. In terms of strength, Jiang Xie It fell behind.Jiang Xie was also in a hurry after being attacked by Mu Liba.Waiting for Jiang Xie to resist Muli Bazhu's sudden attack.Totally upside down one.Although Muli Bazhu was brave, the heavy iron pickaxe was not a persistent weapon. No matter how brave the pickaxe holder was, it would not last long.

After just one stick of incense, Muli Bazhu was sweating profusely and panting like a cow, but was firmly suppressed by Jiang Xie.It's a pity that at this time, Pixi, who had fallen to the ground, also disappeared.

Muli Bazhu saw that Pixi was safe and did not fight Jiang Xie anymore. He knew that if this continued, he would be defeated by Jiang Xie sooner or later, so he had to forcefully attack Jiang Xie, and retreated.

Looking at the direction in which Pixi and Muli Bazhu retreated, Jiang Xie could only look at their background and sigh.

He has too few soldiers and horses. After all, he only has a thousand elite veterans, of which there are only 500 heavy infantry, and only [-] people in the Shesheng Battalion. The rest are recruits.If they were in the wild, they would not even be able to withstand a sudden charge of the Tuyuhun cavalry led by Pixi.

Fortunately, using the reinforced concrete buildings in Shangyu City, the advantage of the cavalry was strictly limited. Otherwise, only lunatics like Ran Min and Xiang Yu would dare to use [-] troops to resist [-] cavalry.

"It's a pity that Pixi was allowed to escape!" At this time, the sky was already bright, and after searching all the prisoners in the city, Jiang Xie still couldn't find Pixi. Bixi.

"The general has made great contributions to this battle, so let's be content. The [-] elite of Tuyuhun will lose [-]% to [-]% in one battle, so they will not be successful. Qin will definitely."

Chang Shi Lixian was very excited, no one could understand his mood.Originally, he was full of ambition and wanted to make a career.Ran Ming gave him a great stage, and also gave him great autonomy, and he even imagined that he could become a famous minister with a long history.However, in this crisis, he himself thought that he would die for the country and become a loyal minister of Wei.However, who would have thought that Ran Ming would actually play tricks and cheat the world by keeping silent.Ran Ming clearly coordinated Jiang out, and then let Jiang Xie's troops disperse into parts, and used the identity of the caravan as a cover to return to the city one after another.Using the craftsmen and shop assistants of the Huaxia Business Alliance to pretend to be the Qin Army under Jiang Xie, continue to confuse Pixi.

In fact, Wang Meng was presenting time, and Ran Ming also felt that something was wrong.Because those craftsmen and guys can barely walk out of the marching ranks with weapons, but they can't do it at all with the method of attacking and forming an array.Once Pixi used a small army to take the intrusion, they would reveal their secrets.

But Wang Meng told Ran Ming: "Pixi is very ambitious and has big plans. It is not so much that this snowstorm is the motive for Pixi to attack Qin, it is better to say that Pixi has already planned. His goal is Destroy the political center of the Qin State, and severely dampen the morale of the people of the Qin State in one fell swoop, thereby deterring the surrounding areas. He will definitely not attack Jiang Xie's troops in advance, so as not to startle the snake. Once the Qin State gets the news, even the army will not be transferred back in time. The young and strong people blocked all the gates of the city, and Pixi could not easily enter Shangyu City."

Sure enough, Pixi, just as Wang Meng expected, did not even send out the most basic sentry cavalry in order not to alert "Jiang Xie".Based on this abnormal phenomenon, Wang Meng became even more convinced that Pixi's ultimate goal was Shangyu.

Just as Pixi was planning to break out of the encirclement at Shangyu, Ran Ming, who was in Taoyang, led more than [-] cavalry to Bailan.In order to attract Ran Ming into the urn, Pixi unexpectedly left Bai Lan with a large number of old and weak women and children, as well as hundreds of thousands of cattle and horses.Under such circumstances, anyone would be tempted to face so many cattle and sheep.With so much property seized, the speed of returning will definitely not be fast, and his ambush soldiers can easily catch up with the attackers.

Ben Ranming was still hesitating, but at this moment he received the latest information from Tianyan.Holding the information from Tianyan, Ran Ming smiled and said: "This Pixi is really cunning, sir, you might as well guess, where is Pixi hiding the ambush army he is going to ambush us?"

Wang Meng laughed and said: "Actually, it's not difficult to guess. As we all know, His Highness is a man who knows how to fight. Once he is too close to Bai Lan, His Highness will definitely notice him. Of course, he can't be too far away. If he is too far away, he will lose the effect of ambush. With the speed of the Tuyuhun cavalry, they can run for at least three hundred miles a day and night, and there are not many places where they can hide ambushes. On the grasslands of Gu County (northwest of Xiahe County today)."

Ran Ming said with a smile: "That Pixi was really smart all his life, and he was confused for a while. How can Gu be a pedantic person, don't he know how to accept when he is good, and he must teach Pixi a lesson this time!"

Fifteen hundred elite cavalry armed to the teeth easily broke through the Bailan settlement in Tuyuhun.Most of the hundreds of Tuyuhun soldiers who stayed behind were shot dead, and the rest also knelt down and begged for mercy.

Facing countless old and weak women and children in Tuyuhun, the soldiers asked, "Your Highness, should we kill or not?"

Under the light of the raging flames, those murderous faces looked extraordinarily ferocious.The organization of the Wei Army is different from the armies of other dynasties. They are the real divisions of tigers and wolves.

Most of the old and weak Tuyuhun women and children kneeling on the ground waiting for their fate could not understand Chinese, but from the tone and expression of these sergeants, they realized that their ending seemed to be bad.Thinking that they might be killed, these Tuyuhun people were scared to pee when they were timid, and even if they were bold, they couldn't help but sway.

Although Ran Ming really wanted to cut grass and roots, he was a human being after all, not those two-legged beasts in human skin.Ran Ming really couldn't be cruel to those old and weak women and children.Ran Ming thought for a while, but in the end emotions prevailed over reason, and he did not order the massacre.

Ran Ming said: "I don't have time right now, I'll give you an hour now to snatch everything you can, and destroy what you can't."

(End of this chapter)

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