Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 611 Someone Is Destined To Be Sacrificial

Chapter 611 Someone Is Destined To Be Sacrificial

Chapter 616 Someone Is Destined To Be Sacrificial
Fifteen hundred elite cavalry armed to the teeth easily broke through the Bailan settlement in Tuyuhun.Most of the hundreds of Tuyuhun soldiers who stayed behind were shot dead, and the rest also knelt down and begged for mercy.

Facing countless old and weak women and children in Tuyuhun, the soldiers asked, "Your Highness, should we kill or not?"

Under the light of the raging flames, those murderous faces looked extraordinarily ferocious.The organization of the Wei Army is different from the armies of other dynasties. They are the real divisions of tigers and wolves.

Most of the old and weak Tuyuhun women and children kneeling on the ground waiting for their fate could not understand Chinese, but from the tone and expression of these sergeants, they realized that their ending seemed to be bad.Thinking that they might be killed, these Tuyuhun people were scared to pee when they were timid, and even if they were bold, they couldn't help but sway.

Although Ran Ming really wanted to cut grass and roots, he was a human being after all, not those two-legged beasts in human skin.Ran Ming really couldn't be cruel to those old and weak women and children.Ran Ming thought for a while, but in the end emotions prevailed over reason, and he did not order the massacre.

Ran Ming said: "I don't have time right now, I'll give you an hour now to snatch everything you can, and destroy what you can't."


Lin Heishan was the first to rush out, spotted a strong bull, and hit the bull's head with a hammer, the brain burst and the bull's blood spattered.

The other soldiers also rushed into the tents like devils entering the village, and carried out frantic sweeps.What gold and silver jewellery, precious medicinal materials, furs, and what can be taken away are all taken away and put on horseback. When they came, each of them only had two horses. At this time, they specially picked up those good horses, tall, Strong ones for pulling, some for riding, and some for loading things.Each cavalry must get at least eighty or ninety horses.If you really can't take it with you, light it up.

Those Tuyuhun people kneeling on the ground saw that the soldiers of the Qin army ignored them and only focused on grabbing and burning things, and the uneasiness and fear in their hearts gradually disappeared.However, each of them has a heavy heart. If they are cattle, sheep and horses, how should they live in the future?
Especially those old Tuyuhun people, when they were young, most of them were excellent Tuyuhun warriors.They have always been the ones who went out to plunder the property of the Han people. When did the Han people come to rob them?

Scholars can be killed and cannot be humiliated. Some Tuyuhun men couldn't bear the Han people's arrogance in front of them. They screamed strangely and rushed towards Ran Ming and others with bare hands.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ofThe other Tuyuhun people who were originally very unwilling and full of anger saw this scene, and their hearts were half cold.They sighed in their hearts, humiliate them, don't be serious with them, and robbers with knives, isn't that life-threatening?
An hour later, the [-] cavalry of the Qin Army were finally satisfied, and they completed the robbery.The entire sacred place of the Tuyuhun people has become a garbage dump full of rubbish.Those cheap silk or linen were also thrown into the fire.Some soldiers picked up the slaughtered lambs and threw them into the raging fire, saying eloquently, "I'm sorry for taking your things. We will help you prepare meals and barbecue for you."

When those Tuyuhun people saw it, they almost cried. If such a lamb is thrown into the fire and burned directly, can it still be eaten?
Wang Meng saw that Bai Lan had almost snatched away, so he said, "Enough is enough, Your Highness."

Ran Ming understood Wang Meng's worry, and immediately shouted: "Little bastards, have you had enough trouble, enough trouble, let's retreat!"

As soon as the soldiers of the Qin Army heard the military order, they immediately tidied up and rode their horses to straighten out the formation.There were 500 of them, and more than 3000 horses came. When they left, the number was still [-], but the number of horses increased to nearly [-].

When Pixi's ambush soldiers on the Yonggu Grassland arrived at Bailan, the Qin army had long since disappeared. They saw that their holy land, Bailan, had been ruined, as if it had been ravaged by a tornado.

"Chasing, I will definitely tear them into pieces."

In fact, Ran Ming was not too far away. After leaving Bailan Baili, Ran Ming asked the army to stop.Ran Ming originally wanted to use the shovel to arrange some horse traps and flat carbine-repelling guns, and then make the Tuyuhun people suffer.But the frozen soil was too hard, and with a shovel down, only a white spot remained on the ground.

In desperation, Ran Ming had to give up his plan to dig a horse pit.Although he couldn't dig a horse pit, Ran Ming didn't want to let the Tuyuhun people go so easily, killing the old and weak women and children of Tuyuhun, Ran Ming couldn't be cruel.But if he were to deal with those Tuyuhun elite young men, Ran Ming would naturally be cold-blooded and ruthless.

Ran Ming said: "How much gunpowder is there?"

"When we came out this time, we brought 800 catties with us. It was useless to attack Bailan. Now we still have more than [-] catties."

"Where can gunpowder be made, reduce the burden on the brothers, use it all here, and set up a minefield."

In this era, gunpowder was just in the groping stage, and the detonator fuze hadn't been manufactured yet, so it could only be ignited by fire pockets. Ran Ming reluctantly left more than [-] people behind, preparing to ignite the gunpowder when the Tuyuhun pursuers entered the minefield.It is very possible that none of these twenty people will be able to go back, and Ran Ming has nothing to do.

Sometimes sacrifices are meant to be made.

Ran Ming continued on the road with the team returning with a full load. Not long after, there was a violent explosion sound from behind, and faint flames appeared.Ran Ming secretly said: "It's dangerous."

If he hadn't made a decisive decision to retreat in advance and set up a minefield, it might be impossible to retreat completely.

Ran Ming led more than [-] cavalry to speed up and ran for [-] to [-] miles in one breath. This run almost reached the territory of Jinjian County (now Hezheng County), and then slowly slowed down.Just when all the soldiers were glad to return safely, suddenly Ran Ming felt a faint chill in the back of his head, which made Ran Ming vigilant.

At this moment, Wang Meng's expression also became strange.

Ran Ming and Wang Meng said almost in unison: "It's really despicable." After finishing speaking, Ran Ming quickly ordered "to prepare the army for war."

Although there were only [-] cavalrymen following Ran Ming, they were all elites.Not counting the Qilin Guards, even Yue Qi Qu and Tun Qi Qu are well-trained and tough warriors of tigers and wolves.Although the officers and men did not understand Ran Ming's intentions, they knew that orders were prohibited.All the soldiers connected the horses loaded with seized supplies with ropes to form a simple chain formation.Of course, this formation is not for attacking the enemy, but to prevent these horses full of supplies from running away when no one is taking care of them.

The other soldiers replaced the horses that were about to run out of horsepower, and replaced them with those horses that had been vacant and full of energy.After the horses were transferred, these soldiers used the garrison cavalry as the front arrows, and the Yueqi and Qilin guards as the left and right wings, forming a pure cavalry front arrow formation.

In ancient warfare, the front and arrow array is a formation that advocates offense. The general is in the middle of the battle formation, the most powerful army is the assault force, and the two wings are responsible for covering and expanding the results of the battle. The only difference is that it cannot last.

Although it was a front and arrow formation, Ran Ming still made some small improvements. In the original historical time and space, the cavalry had always adopted the tactics of skirmishing and assault, but at this time, Ran Ming formed a dense formation, although it was not as good as that of later generations. Like the French cavalry in the Napoleonic period, an apple is sandwiched between two cavalry, which will neither break nor fall.But it was stronger and fiercer than the original attack.

Thanks to Ran Ming's preparation in advance, just as the Qin army's cavalry front and arrow formation had just been prepared, a group of cavalry appeared in front of Ran Ming like ghosts.

Ran Ming was very relaxed, and asked with a smile: "How did you see that there was an ambush ahead?"

Wang Meng said: "Actually, you can't see it, but you can smell it. Today's weather is abnormal. Usually the wind blows from the northwest, but today the wind blows from the northeast. We are marching against the wind, and there is a strong wind in the air. There is a faint smell of barbecue. Although we Han people also eat barbecue, we have never gathered together to barbecue in such a large scale, so no matter who is grilling meat in front, it is absolutely impossible to be Han people. If it is not Han people, it may be Enemy, be prepared and safe from danger."

Ran Ming nodded secretly. He has a sixth sense of danger. Once someone wants to deal with him and he is facing danger, his scalp will go numb, and his whole body will feel a chilling feeling.For this reason, even Ran Ming himself couldn't tell why.It was also thanks to Ran Ming for having this feeling, otherwise he would have died thousands of times in later generations.

But Wang Meng discovered the problem in the clues. From this point of view, Ran Ming is still not as good as Wang Meng.

Looking at the slowly gathering cavalry, about three or four thousand cavalry, Ran Ming felt relieved.Pixi was a bit overwhelmed. Although these three or four thousand cavalry were a strong force, with their inferior equipment, it was a bit whimsical to resist Ran Ming's troops.No matter how powerful and ferocious an enemy is, it is still powerless in front of steel.

After a while, one of the generals, Tuyuhun, rode out on his horse and said in a strange Chinese accent: "Mr. Ran Ming, this general Murong Zhu is here. I have been waiting for you for a long time. If you don't dismount quickly, you will be arrested."

This Murong Zhu is actually one of Ye Yan's sons. Murong Zhu is a person with mediocre aptitude, not very proficient in tactics or military tactics.When Pixi asked Murong Zhu to lead his troops in Jinjian, Murong Zhu was still wondering what Pixi wanted to do.Even if he was going to ambush Ran Ming, why not stay in Bailan, but run to Jinjian, you must know that Jinjian and Bailan are two completely different directions, even if Ran Ming wants to attack Bailan from Taoyang, he should retreat to the southeast, but Bi Xi let him lie in ambush in Jinjian County in the northeast.

(End of this chapter)

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