Chapter 612

Chapter 417
"Now that Tuyuhun's general situation is over, there is a saying that good ministers choose their masters to serve, and good birds choose trees to live in." Ran Ming's voice suddenly rose: "Tuyuhun Khan Pixi is so bold that he uses the light of rice grains to compete with the sun and the moon in vain. , It’s too whimsical. He definitely doesn’t know that Gu has already been in the sky and the sky in Shangyu City. Even if he backs out his wings, he can’t escape and ascend to heaven. Is it the king’s land under the whole world, is it the king’s minister on the shore of the land, Mo Feier, etc. Do you think Rucao dares to provoke me, Great Wei Tianwei?"

Murong Zhu's eloquence is not very good, nor is she too courageous.When Ran Ming said this, his head felt hot, and he believed Ran Ming's words, and actually asked: "Da Shanyu led me [-] warriors in Tuyuhun, and I can easily capture a small city of Shanggu."

"Haha..." Ran Ming was amused by Murong Zhu's trinket, and when he saw Murong Zhu's face, he turned red.

Ran Ming went on to say: "Gu went to war at the age of 12, led five thousand soldiers at the age of 14, and broke Murong Ke's camp of tens of thousands of troops, and defeated Murong Ke in Liantai. Duan Kan was defeated by thousands of horsemen. Winning Qingzhou in one fell swoop, a hero in the world, I don’t know how much it will be, Murong Ke. Murong Chui, Murong De, Huan Wen, and Fu Jian, Fu Sheng, let me ask, who among them has not paid for their defeat alone, relying on him Pixi, can you take advantage of Gu's hands?"

What Ran Ming said was basically the truth, but after word of mouth, the taste changed.The Tuyuhun tribe began to collect news about Ran Ming when Ran Ming became a vassal of the Qin Kingdom. Many Tuyuhun generals were familiar with Ran Ming's glorious achievements in the past.

Murong Zhu looked behind Ran Ming again, and found that the horses were loaded with belongings. He naturally thought that Ran Ming had snatched these things from Bai Lan. It was obvious that Ran Ming had won the battle against Bai Lan, and it was a big victory.

Originally, Tuyuhun suffered a natural disaster, and now seeing that the property of his tribe was also taken away by the Han people, these Tuyuhun were trembling with anger.Many soldiers of Murong Zhu's tribe demanded to behead more than 1000 soldiers of the Qin army in one go.

But Murong Zhu said: "We can't fight. We have so many Tuyuhun warriors in Bailan, but we still can't beat the Qin army. Now we only have three to forty thousand people, how can we beat them."

It was also Ran Ming's luck to meet this ambush commander.Ran Ming looked at Murong Zhu who was persuading those warriors who were eager to fight.Ran Ming suddenly shouted: "Murong Zhu, do you still want to fight or not? If you want to fight, hurry up. If you don't fight, get out of the way."

At this moment, one of Murong Zhu's commanders was so angry that he pointed at Murong Zhu's nose and cursed, and then his more than 1000 cavalry began to form a team amidst the sound of horns, and slowly accelerated, rushing towards Ran Ming's troops.

Ran Ming retreated to the main formation and ordered his soldiers to fight.If there are three or 4000 troops rushing up, even if they can't defeat Ran Ming all at once, they can still cause a lot of casualties to Ran Ming, but there is no problem for these 1000 troops to attack in a single wave. "

Ran Ming looked at the more than 1000 cavalrymen coldly, and the smile on his face became even colder.He quickly ordered the cavalry of the Qin Army to change formation quickly, from the front arrow formation to the Yanyue formation.

Just when the Tuyuhun cavalry entered the front of the formation for more than 150 steps, Ran Ming shouted: "All crossbows are ready."

[-] cavalry used an arc to wind up all the crossbows, aimed at the more than [-] incoming enemy cavalry, and entered within a hundred steps of the crossbows. Ran Ming did not let the crossbows shoot arrows, but After a distance of eighty steps, when the expressions on the faces of the Tuyuhun cavalrymen were clearly visible, Ran Ming ordered the crossbow to fire arrows.

More than [-] crossbow arrows were shot out densely, and then, these soldiers ignored the result of the battle, continued to fasten the strings, and then released the arrows.More than [-] crossbow arrows killed and injured two or three hundred enemy cavalry. The formation of thousands of enemy cavalry suddenly became chaotic. After three rounds of arrow rain, [-] arrows were shot out. At this time, the soldiers stopped shooting automatically. up.

Because the entire army of the thousand riders had been wiped out, even if they were lucky enough not to be shot to death, they were injured and fell off their horses.

Ran Ming also ignored Murong Zhu who was standing there in a daze, and instead ordered: "The whole army changes formation, attack with sharp arrows."

Murong Zhu, this strange general, not only didn't have the courage to step forward to meet the enemy, but turned around and ran away.Murong Zhu ran away, so why would he have no reason to retreat.

In fact, it wasn't because the Tuyuhun soldiers were cowardly, but because Ran Ming was so lucky to meet such a living treasure.Generals don't have the will to fight, so how can they count on soldiers to work hard?On the other hand, Ran Ming's subordinates are different. Now they have returned with a full load. As long as they return safely, everyone will not only make great contributions, but also get a lot of rewards.The days to come will be very pleasant.

They will fight with their lives whoever prevents them from going home. The soldiers of the Qin army roared one by one, brandishing their weapons and rushing towards Murong Zhu's troops.They mechanically swung their knives and slashed, constantly harvesting the lives of the Tuyuhun people.

When Murong Zhu retreated, his steps were in chaos.This chaos was actually a good thing for Murong Zhu. The Tuyuhun people were fierce and good at fighting. Although it was a self-made war, it caused casualties to Ran Ming.Even Wang Meng who was following Ran Ming was accidentally shot by an arrow.

Due to the very short distance, this random arrow shot into Wang Meng's rib under the armpit without any coincidence. This is the weakest defense of Mingguang's armor, but it happened to be taken advantage of.Although Wang Meng grinned in pain, he still hit several Tuyuhun people.

If the Tuyuhun people fought in a regular battle formation, they might have caused a lot of casualties to Ran Ming, but now they have become stragglers, and they have no effect at all against the mighty Qin army.

These cavalrymen of the Qin Army slowly let out their anger, drinking wildly, and seeing blood with their knives.


Ran Ming easily broke through the formation.Although their physical strength was somewhat overdrawn, the soldiers' morale was high.Helping each other bandage the wounds, they gathered the horses and retreated with their belongings.

From now on, Ran Ming is safe from danger.Ran Ming arrived at Shangyu City safely.Li Xian took all the people and gentry out of the city to meet Ran Ming.

When Tuyuhun attacked Taoyang County, Ran Ming angrily led his troops to march, vowing to seek justice.No one is optimistic about the rivalry between Ran Ming and Tuyuhun.Tuyuhun has become a tyrant in the Northwest since Ye Yan's time. Even Zhang Chonghua was in power, when the Liang Kingdom was at its strongest, he didn't wipe out Tuyuhun, but barely defeated him.

But who would have thought that Ran Ming defeated Pixi, not only defeated, but caused Pixi to suffer heavy losses and his vitality.

Those Qin gentry who were not optimistic about Ran Ming, especially those gentry who had flirted with Tuyuhun before, were all terrified when they heard the news that Ran Ming had won Pixi. How could he win, and so cleanly? victory.How could Tuyuhun, who ruled the roost for a while, be defeated?
Those gentry who once colluded with Tuyuhun are not so calm anymore, will Ran Ming settle accounts after the fall?Trouble them again?
Ran Ming exchanged polite greetings with those gentry, staged a scene of courteous corporals, and then returned to the city.In the city, Ran Ming saw that order had been restored in Shangyu City at this time.The shops began to reopen, and the damaged houses or roads were being repaired intensely, and everything seemed to be in order.

Ran Ming was very satisfied with Li Xian's approach, at least he was a very experienced talent in internal affairs.In such a short period of time, restoring order in Shangbi City is a lot of work in itself.In fact, Ran Ming didn't know that Li Xian didn't do anything. He invited some leaders of the big clans in Shangyu City, sat down and drank tea, and told them that the city was saved, and everyone had no loss. The streets and shops have affected the normal life of the people.So, please be considerate.

No one of these big families is as powerful as the Longyou Li family behind Li Xian.As the largest family in Northwest China, Li Xian and Ran Ming stand together, advancing and retreating together is a signal.

Therefore, these local gentry also know the image, and dare not disobey Li Xian's words.Those who have money will contribute money, and those who are strong will contribute to get some cheap grain and sell it to the people in the city.The people have received benefits, so naturally there will be no complaints.They also felt very encouraged by Ran Ming's victory over Pixi this time.

People's hearts are not lost, as long as you have faith, you can overcome any difficulties.Therefore, within a day or so, the people of the whole city and the merchants worked together to clean up the garbage and renovate the houses, and everything became so natural.

This is the power of the elites of this era. They control the power of public opinion. If they say you are good, you are good, and if you are not good, it is good.

Seeing Wang Meng's injury, Li Xian stepped forward to express his condolences.Wang Meng asked Ran Ming to take him back to rest. At this time, Ran Ming was also preparing to go back. You must know that Ran Ming was extremely tired these days.

Ran Ming looked at Li Xian who seemed to be opening his mouth to speak, and asked, "What else is there for Li Changshi?"

Li Xiandao: "Although Your Highness has defeated Pixi and captured more than [-] Tuyuhun people, Pixi still has a lot of soldiers and horses in his hands. How could he be willing to suffer such a big loss?"

"What can you do if you are not willing?" Ran Ming said with a smile: "If Pixi refuses to accept it, he will continue to fight and see who can consume more energy. Even if the army in his hands is wiped out, His Majesty will not stand by and watch. Don’t dare to make things too big to get out of hand.”

Li Xian was stunned when he heard this, that's true, Ran Ming is just a little tiger, and there is a fierce tiger behind him, no matter how powerful Pixi is, can he be greater than Ran Min?

In fact, Pixi and Ran Ming had the same idea. Now that he has safely returned to Fanghan City (now in the northwest of Linxia), he learned that the trick to lure the enemy failed. Although Ran Ming led the army to attack Bailan as he thought. , but cunningly decoupled.Pixi was not too angry about this.

Thinking that Ran Ming had set up a trick for him in Shangyu City without anyone noticing, even though he fell into the trap and lost, Pixi didn't accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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