Chapter 613

Chapter 618

He didn't accept it, but he didn't have the strength to attack again.Although it is said that the Tuyuhun people have a population of about 10 people, and they are known as 3 people who control strings, but he knows best that the most elite and core force in Tuyuhun is only [-] people.This time the loss was more than [-].Really badly hurt.

If you want to get back on the field, you can only wait later.Now Tuyuhun is about to fall into chaos. Originally, he was hit by the snowstorm and suffered heavy losses. In addition, Bai Lan was looted by Ran Ming, which made the situation even worse.Just those tribal leaders who complained gave Pixi a headache.

Pixi thought for a while, the internal hidden dangers would not threaten his status, but Ran Ming is different, losing the most core [-] elite troops, Pixi has almost become a polished commander, and his position will definitely not be secure if this continues .

Once Ran Ming took advantage of the victory and pursued him, he really had no choice.Taking advantage of the remaining power, Pixi sent his confidant and chief Shi Yeli Jiming, and asked him to bring five thousand horses squeezed out from between his teeth, five hundred catties of gold, and twenty beauties and widows to Shanggui again. city.

When Ye Lijiming, the envoy of Pixi, entered the city, he actually saw five or six thousand Wei cavalry camping outside the city. Judging by the banner, it turned out to be Murong.Nori Jiming sent someone to entrust money and bribed the news.Only then did he know that the emperor of Wei State was worried about the loss of the northwest, and asked the vanguard general Murong Chui to lead an army of [-] Yue cavalry to support Qin State.

Murong Chui actually came?Ordinarily speaking, Murong Chui was an acquaintance of Ye Lijiming, who was an official in Yan State.But this acquaintance is not the acquaintance Nori Jiming wants to meet.Even though the Tuyuhun tribe is a branch of the Murong tribe, the two tribes are considered to be from the same sect.But all along, Murong and Tuyuhun didn't deal with it very much.In case Murong Chui said something bad about Pixi in front of Ran Ming, the mission of this mission might not be completed.

It seems that before meeting with Ran Ming, he should have a good talk with Murong Chui. Even if Murong Chui can't help Pixi speak, at least he can't make trouble.

When Murong Chui led [-] reinforcements to Shangyu City, he had already learned that the Qin army had cleverly designed a suspicious strategy and used the reinforced concrete buildings in Shangyu City to defeat the Tuyuhun army.Tuyuhun's [-] elite troops attacked, and the [-] or so who broke into the city almost died.In addition, due to the narrow city gates, the Tuyuhun people killed and injured each other in order to fight for the way out, trampling each other and killing thousands of people.Pixi lost nearly [-] troops, and the loss cannot be said to be insignificant.

Of course, Qin Jun is not without any losses.More than a thousand people were killed or injured in the ambush of the [-] Qin army. Even the heavy infantry at the middle base lost more than [-] people, basically disabled.However, due to the joy of this great victory, the haze of the death and injury of the Qin army was dispelled, and the morale of the Qin army was unprecedentedly high.

Murong Chui was also very happy. According to seniority, Pixi was actually of the same generation as the former kings of Yan, Murong Ye, Murong Ling, and Murong Kai, and Murong Chui was Pixi's uncle.Although Tuyuhun belonged to the same family (Tuyuhun was the elder brother of Murongxin (Murongke and Murongchui's grandfather) concubine), but due to conflicts, they separated and traveled thousands of miles to develop.In fact, Tuyuhun originally had the opportunity to reconcile with Murongbu in this time and space.At the beginning, Murong Ping and Murong Ke fought for the dominance of Yan State and started a fierce civil war. Although Murong Ke won at that time, Murong's department was seriously injured.

In order to revitalize the Yan State and compete with the Wei State again, Murong Ke sent someone to contact the new Tuyuhun Shanyu Pixi, hoping that Pixi would lead his troops back to the Yan State.Murong Kedang not only put down his body to intercede with this nominal nephew, but was even willing to give up his position as regent and give Pixi the power of regent to supervise the country.

I don't know what Pixi thought at the time, anyway, he rejected Murong Ke's kindness, but kept all the gold and horses that Murong Ke gave him.If Pixi just refused to return to Murongbu, then Murongchui, who was almost as good as Murong Ke as he could wear a long pair of trousers, would not be so angry, but Pixi's behavior was too dishonest to accept money and not do anything.At that time, Murong Ke was at a disadvantage when he was fighting with the State of Wei, and he really had no ability to find the bad luck of Pixi. Murong Ke could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Knowing that Pixi was unlucky and lost to Ran Ming, Murong Chui looked up to the sky and screamed: "Pixi, Pixi, you bastard still has today, if you fall into my hands in the future, I will be your uncle!" I must teach you a good lesson for this unworthy son who betrays his family and forgets his ancestors."

Ye Lijiming happened to enter the camp. At this moment, he heard Murong Chui's roar, and Murong Chui's words were like thousands of boulders, pressing on Ye Lijiming's heart, making him a little out of breath.But now that he has come, there is no reason for him to go back.

Murong Chui greeted Ye Lijiming in the tent of the Chinese Army Commander. When he saw Ye Lijiming, he suddenly smiled and said, "I don't know who it is. Chui is still wondering how it is possible that there is still an old friend in such a remote area. Jia Jian, you Why are you still dead?"

Jia Jian is a native of Bohai County. In the first year of Qinglong, Ran Min established the Wei State.It turned out that Jia Jian, the backbone of Zhao Dianzhong, did not want to be an official in Ran Min's court, so he recruited thousands of tribes to protect himself.In the first year of Yongxing, Murong Ping, the former Prime Minister of Yan, led the plunder of Bohai Sea, found Jia Jian, and sent people to surrender. Jia Jian was unwilling to surrender Murong Ping, so Murong Ping led an army to attack Jia Jian's troops.After Jia Jian was captured, he was appreciated by Murong Jun, Murong Ping, Murong Ke and others, and was appointed Le'an prefect by Murong Jun.After Ran Ming defeated Murong Ke, he immediately turned to attack Le'an and captured Le'an County. Jia Jian abandoned the city and went to Murong Ping, who was named a former army general by Murong Ping.

As one of Murong Ping's staff, after Murong Ping was defeated by Murong Ke, Jia Jian still refused to surrender to Murong Ke. Seeing that Jia Jian was loyal, Murong Ke gave him cloth, silk, money and food, and let him go back to his hometown.

The moment Murong Chui saw Jia Jian, he understood why Pixi refused to return to Murong Ke. It turned out that Jia Jian played a disgraceful role in it.

A sentence Jia Jian, why are you still alive, made Jia Jian very speechless.

Immediately, Murong Chui smiled and said: "It's true that good people don't live long, and evil people live for thousands of years. Jia Jian, you didn't die for Murong Ping, how did you escape to Pixi's command?"

Murong Chui's words completely angered Jia Jian, Jia Jian said angrily: "General Murong, I am the chief historian of the Tuyuhun Kingdom, how can you be so presumptuous?"

Murong Chui drew out the horizontal saber with a clang, pointed and said: "You are just a fugitive, how can you be arrogant, wait for someone to cut off your dog's head, and fight the law."

When Jia Jian heard this, he retreated again and again, "The two countries are fighting each other, if you don't kill the envoy, I am the envoy of the Tuyuhun Kingdom, and I have the important task of negotiating peace with Shan Yu. General Murong, you can't kill me..."

Murong Chui smiled and said, "Are you Han?"

Jia Jian straightened his crooked clothes and said seriously, "Naturally."

Murong Chui's voice sounded very gentle, "Then do you know what kind of person His Highness King Qin hates the most?"

Jia Jian said: "Who does His Royal Highness Qin hate the most?"

"You are this kind of person." Murong Chui yelled, "A traitor."

"Traitor?" Jia Jian asked himself, and he was considered very knowledgeable. Why had he never heard of this word? Where did this word come from? Could it be that he was the least familiar with "Book of Changes"?
Seeing that Jia Jian didn't seem to understand the meaning of traitors, Murong Chui explained: "Traitors refer to those who betray the interests of the country and the nation for their own benefit. It's a villain like you. Your Majesty appointed you as a young man at the beginning. However, you don’t know good from bad, and voluntarily become a traitor, you really deserve to be killed. You don’t know, once His Highness King Qin meets someone like you, what will he do?”

Jia Jian didn't understand what Murong Chui meant. Hearing Murong Chui's gentle tone, for some reason, Jia Jian felt creepy. "General Murong, what do you mean!"

Murong Chui went back to sit on the main seat, and said with a smile: "It's not interesting, I just want to tell you what His Highness Qin Wang likes! In case when the time comes, you won't even know how to die."

Jia Jian also fell silent when he heard the words. When he mentioned Ran Ming, Jia Jian naturally had lingering fears. You must know that when he broke Le'an, he was the prefect, but he was chased by a group of farmers with farm tools for more than [-] miles. If it wasn't for him Ma Hao, maybe he will be beaten to death with a random stick.Speaking of Ran Ming, Jia Jian also had mixed feelings.At the beginning, Wei Jun turned defeat into victory, which surprised everyone. It wasn't that he, Jia Jian, wholeheartedly followed Yan Guo as a loyal minister, but he was very pessimistic about Ran Min's future.This Ran Ming is not the same as his old man. Both Ran Min and Ran Ming are very benevolent to the people. Even if the poor people speak evil words, they will let them go.However, for those high-ranking officials and nobles, they were merciless in killing them.

Seeing Jia Jian's terrified expression, Murong Chui pointed at Jia Jian and said with a smile, "You don't know, His Royal Highness King Qin likes to throw people like you into the oil pan, and refine the oil to make candles..."

Murong Chui's words frightened Jia Jian's three souls and six souls away, and he almost peed on the spot.

Suddenly Jia Jian knelt in front of Murong Chui, hugged his leg and said, "General Murong, Fifth Master Murong, please live me."

Murong Chui said: "Actually, you don't have to worry. You are a messenger. His Royal Highness King Qin will definitely not kill you. At least he will keep you to send a message to Pixi. So, when the time comes, at most two ears will be cut off, and then your crotch will be cut off." The thing in the book, breaking the tendons and tendons of the hands and feet, that's about the same."

At this moment, Murong Chui suddenly felt a burst of heat from his calf, and a foul smell came to his nostrils. Looking down, Jia Jian's face was sallow, and he was already bleeding profusely.Murong Chui frowned, and he secretly said, this Jia Jian is too useless, to be so pissed after being so frightened.

The heat was almost ready, Murong Chui saw that Jia Jian couldn't be scared anymore, otherwise he would really be scared into a fool, a fool is of no use to him.

Murong Chui said: "Actually, you don't have to be so terrified. Although Chui is also a vassal, after all, you are the grandson of the King of Yan, and you have some face in front of His Royal Highness Qin. There is a saying that beating a dog depends on the owner. As long as Chui says that you were once A certain minion, His Highness King Qin will not make things difficult for you."

(End of this chapter)

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