Chapter 614

Chapter 619
Minions, like the term traitor, are not derogatory terms in this era, and now minions refer to loyal guards or assistants.

Hearing Murong Chui's words, Jia Jian finally looked a little better.

Even though Murong Chui was from Xianbei, he wasn't afraid of the smell, but Jia Jian couldn't pull his pants, so he asked someone to take Jia Jian down to change and wash.Waiting for Jia Jian to change his clothes, when Murong Chui looked at Jia Jian again, he was much more pleasing to the eye.

Murong Chui stopped making detours to Jia Jian, and just rewarded him with a handful of gold coins. This was the last time Murong Chui led these six thousand cavalry to intercept Huan Wen's grain road, forcing Huan Wen to retreat.Ran Min thought of his contribution and rewarded him with a hundred gold coins.One hundred gold coins is 100 million coins. Murong Chui left Duan [-] gold coins, and the remaining [-] gold coins can be taken with him at any time. He is now a forward general. All the gold coins were given to Jia Jian.

Seeing the gold coin, Jia Jian's eyes glowed green: "Fifth Master, what does this mean?"

Murong Chui said: "You know the grievances between me and that bastard Pixi best. Now tell me whether Pixi is sincere in negotiating peace with His Highness King Qin. If it is true, you will mess it up for me. If it is false , that would be even better, I just want to make Pixi bad luck."

Jia Jian didn't even think about it, so he sold Pixi: "Da Shanyu... No, Pixi actually meant to talk about it first, five hundred gold, five thousand good horses, and twenty widows and beauties are Pixi. The utmost sincerity shown by Xixi, if His Royal Highness King Qin is not satisfied, then he will fight!"

"Fight!" Murong Chui said with a smile, "Does Pixi still have the strength to continue the fight? With his 1 cavalry, even without the [-] Vietnamese cavalry from a certain family, they would never be able to take advantage of His Royal Highness King Qin." , not to mention that a certain one is here now. Even if His Highness Qin Wang doesn't make a move, a certain hand can take care of that Pixi."

"If it's just Pixi himself, then of course there is no way to fight." Jia Jian cocked his mouth and said, "But what if you add Yao Chang from the Shaodang tribe and Fu Jian from the Di tribe? Yao Chang's Shaodang tribe was originally It is the largest tribe among the Qiang people, with more than [-] people who control strings. Especially after getting the gold mine of Baima River, Yao Chang recruited troops and annexed some other small tribes one after another. His strength has skyrocketed. I am afraid that his power is not weak now. It's time for the strongest."

In fact, Ran Ming didn't know that Wang Meng's poisonous gold mine scheme was actually the worst idea.Wang Meng doesn't know how to explore ore veins. He doesn't know that the Baima River and Bailong River Basin are actually the largest gold mines in China. The 25 villages and towns in Baima Qiang are almost all distributed with gold. China is the largest, Asia's largest, and the world's largest. The sixth gold mine, Yangshan Gold Mine, is located in the control area of ​​Baimaqiang.

This time, Wang Meng originally used gold sand to create a fake gold mine, which aroused the jealousy of other tribes around him. With jealousy, they would definitely besiege the Shaodang tribe.Although five thousand gold sounds like a lot, but if it is used to buy horses, it can't actually buy much.Even if horses are produced in the Northwest, the horses are cheap, but the price of a good horse is around [-] yuan. Even if all the [-] gold is mined, Yao Chang can get it, but he cannot expand his strength on a large scale.

But the White Horse River itself is a river wading with golden sand, and its yield and quality are excellent. It is not difficult to mine [-] gold or [-] gold, let alone five thousand gold.

When Murong Chui heard that Shaodang had obtained such a gold mine, he could mine hundreds of gold a day.After a year, a few of them can produce 600 gold, even if calculated at [-] gold, it is enough to spend a year for [-] cavalry troops.This is no small fortune.Thinking of avenging his revenge, Murong Chui said: "I'm afraid this is just wishful thinking. Fu Jian is not a good bird. Although he was the prefect of Brazil in the Jin Dynasty, he also has the captain of Xirong, the white horse. Let Qiang’s name belong to him, although Brazil (the county is located in Mianyang today) is more than [-] miles away from the Baima River, with Fu Jian’s character, I’m afraid he won’t be indifferent, right?”

Jia Jian said: "What the fifth master said is very true. Originally, Fu Jian wanted to cut a piece of meat from Yao Chang, but this Yao Chang is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He gave all [-] of the white horse to the people and horses. After getting Fu Jian, Fu Jian won a tribe with a population of more than [-] people without spending a single soldier, how could he be dissatisfied, and let Yao Chang sit and guard Yinping."

Murong Chui said: "How did Pixi talk about Yao Chang, that's also a master who doesn't see the rabbit and doesn't cast the eagle."

Jia Jian said: "This seems to be easier. Pixi asked someone to give Yao Chang a word, telling him that his lips were dead and his teeth were cold. I don't know what Yao Chang thought, but he agreed to join hands with Pixi to deal with His Highness King Qin."

Murong Chui hesitated, Yao Chang was not inferior to Pixi in strength, although he said it easily, Tuyuhun was not made of mud, if it was easy to deal with, Zhang Chonghua would be wiped out before he came to deal with it.If you add Yao Chang's Shaodang Qiang tribe, I'm afraid it's really hard to deal with.

After sending Jia Jian away, Murong Chui fell into deep thought.Murong Chui has not been happy since he surrendered to Wei State. Ran Min was more or less wary of him. Don't look at Ran Min's extraordinary generosity. He gave him [-] cavalry and let him lead an army alone. He didn't even have a supervisor. Send one.But Murong Chui knew that the control of this army had always been in Ran Min's hands.

The predecessor of the Yueqi Army was the Longxiang Army of Hou Zhao. Ever since the Longyang Army surrendered to Ran Min, they have always been loyal to Ran Min.They all participated in the battle between the Yan State and the Wei State, and every soldier had a blood feud with the Murong Department of Xianbei. It is impossible for them to be bought and won over.

Besides, the family members of these soldiers are all in Yecheng, they are a kite in Ran Min's hands, no matter how far or how high they fly, Ran Min always holds that thread in his heart.

Seeing the unexpected Jia Jian, especially Jia Jian actually became Pixi's staff, and this Jia Jian was so timid, he was slightly frightened, and fell to Murong Chui.This caused an inexplicable thought in Murong Chui's heart, once he passed Jia Jian, could he take the opportunity to annex the Tuyuhun tribe?

To put it bluntly, Tuyuhun is just a branch of the Murong Department. How could Pixi, a lowly breed raised by a little maidservant, have his own noble lineage?
As long as he takes the opportunity to get rid of Pixi, relying on his own background and the noble blood of the Murong family, can he be able to respond to everyone?
Unlike Murong Ke, Murong Ke is just a hero, and usually heroes end in tragedy.But Murong Chui is a hero. Murong Ke's thoughts on revitalizing the Yan Kingdom have become very indifferent, but Murong Chui has never forgotten to revive the Yan Kingdom and reshape the glory of the Murong Ministry.

Thinking about the bright future, Murong Chui lost sleep completely that night.

Like Murong Chui, there was another person who couldn't sleep, and Fu Jian did not give up on restoring Qin.But now he saw an opportunity, a glimmer of light.

Since entering the first year of Kaiyuan of the Wei State and the 12th year of Yonghe in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Yinping County, the buffer zone between the Wei and Jin Dynasties, is really very lively.First, Shaodang Qiang and Baima Qiang fought for the Yinping Grassland.The Baima Qiang is no better than the Shaodang Qiang. Although they are weak, there are not many places to defend. Under the desperate resistance of the Baima Qiang, although Shaodang won the victory in the end, they lost two to 3000 people, and they have not yet fully occupied Yao Chang felt that the loss outweighed the gain in the Yinping grassland.

Just when Yao Chang was about to give up Yinping and turn his attention to the Qingqiang tribe with more grasslands, news suddenly came from the Baima Qiang tribe that dog head gold appeared in the Baima River where they lived, and then someone took out gold sand in the Baima River.

When he originally planned to give up Yinping and go to the south of the Yangtze River, Baima Qiang and Baima Di unexpectedly joined forces, which caught Yao Chang by surprise.Although they lost in the first battle, they can be burned as a tribe, after all, the strength is not comparable to that of the small Baima Qiang tribe and the Baima Di tribe.

One wave of unrest followed another. When Yao Chang of the Burning Department had just occupied the Baimahe gold mine and had not had time to digest the fruits of victory, Fu Jian, who was the prefect of Brazil in the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the captain of Xirong, sent an envoy to ask Yao Chang, "Why Attack the tribe of Baimadi."

Yao Chang was also furious for a while.The Baima Di tribe is weaker than the Baima Qiang tribe, and even Yao Chang has no intention of robbing them.If it weren't for the collusion between Baima Di and Baima Qiang, Yao Chang wouldn't even have the mentality to pay attention to Baima Di people.However, although the tribe of the Baimadi people is small, they are loyal to the state of Jin. Like Yao Chang, they are all subjects of the Great Jin.

Anyone who conscripts vassals without the order of the king will be executed according to the law.Although Zhuhu in the Eastern Jin Dynasty didn't take the Eastern Jin court seriously at all, it was like some unspoken rules for the funeral, although everyone did it, but you couldn't say it.

Yao Chang hurriedly found his confidants to discuss countermeasures, and Quan Yi, the staff, suggested: "Although Fu Jian is using the banner of provoking the teacher to inquire about crimes, he is actually asking for benefits from the Lord. If the Lord does not agree, I am afraid he will take the name of righteousness. Sit down the crime of being disrespectful to the Lord, and lead the Di and Qiang tribes to challenge the Lord."

Yao Chang also understood that although he occupied the Baimahe gold mine, he was actually standing on the cusp of the storm. Although no one dared to challenge him for the time being, it was just that he lacked an opportunity and a leader. , I am afraid that the surrounding tribes will also rush forward for their own interests.Fu Jian's strength is not enough to make Yao Chang fearful, but Yao Chang really has no way to resist if the entire Brazil, Yinping, and Qingqiang tribes are included.

Of course, it's not that Yao Chang has no way to deal with it. As long as he leads his troops to surrender to Wei, this problem will be solved.But can Yao Chang surrender to Wei?You must know that when Yao Xiang's elder brother was in power, he attacked the state of Xiang and killed more than half of the founding fathers of the state of Wei. Even Ran Min's son, Ran Yin, the king of Taiyuan, was captured and killed.Yao Chang didn't dare to bet against such bloody enmity, and he didn't want to be Zhang Xiu even if Ran Min had the bearing of Cao Cao.

It is not a wise behavior to fight Fu Jian with Shao Dangbu.It is good for him to win, but once he loses, he will be divided up by the surrounding tribes, and there will be no bones left.

After much deliberation, Yao Chang still gave Fu Jian the more than [-] captured Baimadi tribe and some of the captured property.

In fact, Yao Chang didn't think about it at all. Fu Jian was actually just trying to test Yao Chang, but Yao Chang gave up after trying it.Seeing the essence of Yao Chang's external strength and middle-ranking ability, Cao Yi, a Zhongyang native of Fu Jian's Xinna staff, offered a plan to Fu Jian, "Use Yao Chang to make Di Qiang dominate the Northwest."

(End of this chapter)

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