Chapter 616

Chapter 621

"Brother Jing Mao!" Fu Jian pretended to be surprised and said, "What are you talking about? It's really abrupt to come here today. Please forgive me. Jian didn't intend to harm Brother Jing Mao, but wanted to share with Brother Yao. Make a fortune."

Ran Ming looked at the twenty curvaceous beauties sent over from Prince Qin's mansion, he couldn't laugh or cry.It seems that his reputation as an excellent mature woman has spread from the northwest.It's good for Pixi, they don't give away any young and beautiful women, and only those widows who have given birth to children and died of husbands.

Although Ran Ming bears the reputation of being an excellent widow, in fact he didn't bring many women into his room.In addition to Li Shi, Li Jingshu, and Jin Shi, Wang Zhi and Bai Feng also had three wives and five concubines. Compared with ordinary nobles, there were hundreds of wives and concubines. Ran Ming's wives and concubines were really not enough to look at.

After finding countless reasons, Ran Ming wanted to send these lively mature women back, but unfortunately, Ran Ming couldn't convince himself for a while.These twenty women, except Ran Ming, no one would treat them as human beings, just a casual thing.If they will be sent back, maybe they will not see the sun of tomorrow.

Ran Ming closed his eyes in pain, especially those beauties who were obviously of yellow and white mixed race, their exaggerated figures made people feel excited.Before rebirth, although Ran Ming was a big boss, the tense pace of life did not make him interested in women.Now, Ran Ming realized that he had really fallen.

"Then let's keep them all!" Ran Ming said: "Anyway, there is still a shortage of servants in the palace. Concubine Liu, Concubine Xie, and Concubine Tiao each sent four to be trained by them."

As for the rest, Ran Ming didn't waste it either, Li Shi, Li Jingshu, Wang Zhi, and Bai Feng each gave two.

Seeing Ran Ming accepting the gold and the beauty, Li Jian asked nervously: "Your Highness, do you really want to negotiate peace with Tuyuhun Pixi?"

Ran Ming looked at Wang Meng who was comfortably lying on the short step, and said with a smile: "Li Changshi is also familiar with the situation of Qin State. This battle alone is so dangerous to win. If there is a slight mistake, the consequences will be disastrous. Fortunately, this He hurt Pixi once and lost nearly 3 elite soldiers. Even if he wanted to take revenge in a short period of time, he was powerless. Gu can use this time to train the army."

Li Xiandao: "His Royal Highness Qin Wang, if you want to negotiate peace with Pixi, who can send an envoy, and where is the bottom line?"

Ran Ming thought for a while and said: "Since Pixi sent his chief Shi Yeli Jiming as an envoy, Nagu then appointed Li Changshi as the chief envoy to preside over the peace talks, and as the deputy envoy, he ordered the internal history Xu Xun to cooperate with the long history Well, as for how to talk about it, I have no opinion, just talk about it as you want, you must delay the time, and talk about it after this year!"

Wang Meng secretly gave Ran Ming a thumbs up, Ran Ming's move was too bad.The Tuyuhun tribe who had suffered from the snowstorm suffered heavy losses, and they wanted to pass the loss of the snowstorm on to the Han people.But he didn't expect that Ran Ming would give him a way to treat his own body.Not only nearly [-] war horses were plundered in Bailan, but also a large amount of gold and silver property. This move will undoubtedly make things worse for the Tuyuhun tribe.

How could Li Xian fail to understand Ran Ming's meaning, "A virtuous person must fulfill his mission!"

After Li Xian left, Wang Meng still liked to drink the mellow white wine brewed by Ran Ming and eat salted soybeans as he did when he was in Qingzhou.Wang Meng ate and drank, and after a while, his complexion turned ruddy from drunk.

"Your Highness, since you arrived in Qin, you have had some ideas."

Ran Ming showed thoughtfulness, and said for a long time: "Sir, there are no outsiders here, but I said there is no defense."

Wang Meng sighed and said, "Your Highness, do you really think that it would be a good thing to pacify Qin and eliminate Tuyuhun?"

Seeing that Ran Ming remained silent for a long time, Wang Meng said again: "Since ancient times, flying birds have kept good bows, and cunning rabbits have been killed and runaway dogs. Your highness understands the truth, but I don't want your highness to end up in such a miserable end."

"This..." Ran Min hesitated, "Isn't it too early to ask this question?"

Wang Meng said sternly: "Does Your Highness think that Tuyuhun Pixi is really difficult to deal with? If His Highness wants Pixi's head, it will not cost a single soldier. In more than a month, someone will definitely send Pixi's head. Yes. The elimination of Tuyuhun Bixi can only cure the symptoms, but it is far from the root cause. Our Qin State soldiers are strong, and they dare not make any changes. Once internal changes occur, they will take advantage of troubled waters."

Wang Meng's words were not empty talk. Now Tuyuhun and many Qiang and Di tribes have suffered serious disasters. According to the past, they have already entered the border of Saikou in groups.Because Tuyuhun was the first to test Ran Ming's attitude, he did not expect that Ran Ming would cut off one of Tuyuhun's most ferocious minions at once.

The loss of more than 3 cavalry sounded the alarm for the Qiangdi tribes.The King of Qin is not a weak person, he is a great man who dares to challenge Murong Ke, the world-famous titan, with [-] recruits.Don't look at the domineering and arrogant Tuyuhun Pixi, his [-] troops were almost wiped out by [-] recruits.

The ready-made examples are there, which calms down these Northwest Zhuhu tribes.Although the property and things of the Han people are good, they must be enjoyed with their lives, and that is really good.Just like Bai Lan, that's really miserable, the Han people are more ruthless than them when they rob.They all killed, burned, and looted, but the Han people only burned, looted, but did not kill.Leave those old and weak women and children to compete with the young and strong for food.

If the Han people killed all the old women and children, it would be a good thing, and it could arouse the hatred and indignation of the warriors in the tribe, and it could arouse the spirit of mourning soldiers.But Ran Ming didn't touch these old and weak women and children at all, he just took away things that could be taken away.

Originally, there was little food. In order to allow more young and strong people to survive, they had to deal with the old, weak, sick and disabled in the tribe, leaving only the strongest.

Life is still going on, think about Ran Ming, a lunatic, everyone in Northwest Hu is afraid, you must not provoke this lunatic, he will not reason with you.It's all about moving the knife first, and then reasoning.It's like Pixi, who suffers a loss, but also gives gifts and pretends to be a grandson.

In this era, the ruler chooses his ministers, and the ministers also choose their ruler.At this moment, Wang Meng still had a question about Ran Ming.

"Your Highness, what is benevolence!"

How did Wang Meng know that Ran Ming lived in the era of information explosion. In this era, if they want to stand out in this era, they need crazy reading and extraordinary wisdom. From the vast sea of ​​books, they can find a hidden way to govern the world and prosper the country.But in Ran Ming's time, there was no need to learn it deliberately, and he was surrounded by all kinds of information every day.

Ran Ming didn't watch too many TV dramas in his previous life.Except if you watch news programs, it can be said that you close your eyes and you get news.What is benevolence, this is a formal question and answer, and it is also a question that has long been rotten in the eyes of thousands of people.Ran Ming thought for a while and said: "Following the sky is benevolence, and going against the sky is evil."

Wang Meng nodded in satisfaction, and asked again: "What is heaven?"

Ran Ming closed his eyes, thinking carefully about the most reasonable explanation of "heaven" in later generations.At the core of the belief system of Chinese culture, the narrow sense only refers to the sky opposite to the earth; the broad sense of heaven refers to Tao, Taiyi, nature, and the natural universe.Tian has the concept of deification and personification, which refers to the highest god.

Ran Ming said: "spring grows and summer grows, autumn harvests and winter hides, it is in accordance with the sky... People go to high places, and water flows to low places is also in accordance with the sky. Then you know your honor and disgrace. Knowing honor and disgrace is "benevolence"! Sir, since Yongjia's rebellion, the imperial court has been weak, and the rites and music have been corrupted. The Han Dynasty was taken advantage of by Xiao Xiao... I don't have any big ideals, I just hope to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty, Let me be a great hero. I live and work in peace and contentment at home, and repay all barbarians to the outside world. If you offend my great Wei, you will be punished even if you are far away!"

Although the strong man must be punished, this sentence is also a bad slogan in later generations. It is undeniable that this sentence is more invigorating, especially in this era when Han people are enslaved by Hu people.

Wang Meng stood up excitedly and said: "If that's the case, Your Highness must follow Meng's plan and act!"

Ran Ming nodded and said, "Sir, please tell me!"

"There is no peace in the northwest, but there is no worry for Qin. If the northwest is settled, His Highness will be in danger!"

Ran Ming said: "Sir, what you mean is... to support the bandits."

Wang Meng said inscrutablely: "I didn't say anything!"

At this time, the mutual market in Shangyu, Qin State reopened again.All fur, horses, sheep, and medicinal materials can be traded.The biggest feature of the Hexi Corridor is the Gobi Desert, which is different from a desert, but a sandy land where only camel thorns can survive.Camel thorns are thorns that only camels can chew and swallow.

Although camel humps and camel paws are rare delicacies in the world, for the savage and uncivilized barbarians outside the Northwest Frontier, cooking the humps is too difficult, and it is more affordable than exchanging a camel hump for a bag of grain.Humps don't cook well, they're chai, tough, and unpalatable.On the contrary, the food needless to say, can be made into sesame cakes, soaked in broth, not to mention how delicious it is.

At first, the Huaxia Business Alliance took advantage of the snowstorm and exchanged ten stones of grain and one stone of tea for a pair of humps, but did not exchange them.It's different now, instead of ten stones, one stone of grain is exchanged for a pair of humps, and there are long queues.

Soon, the hump and paws of camels in Shangyu City of Qin State piled up like a mountain, and what was even more frightening was that the price of those wool and fur dropped by more than ten times.No matter how cheap they are, these barbarians have to sell them. After all, they need grain and food to survive.Not only the merchants of the Huaxia Business Alliance frantically received goods, but even the local gentry of Qin could not sit still.

It's as cheap as a grain hump, have you seen it?There it is.

Two pancakes for a crude envoy girl, and a strong slave would only cost a few hundred catties of grain.

I can't beat it, and now I can only live with it.Soon, the State of Qin issued an order from the King of Qin to accept Han slaves in addition to mountain goods and prey.

(End of this chapter)

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