Chapter 617

Chapter 622
There is a saying that people rely on mountains to eat mountains, and water to eat water. In comparison, the land in the entire Northwest is thinner than that in the Central Plains.Although most of them are semi-farming and semi-nomadic people, everyone is idle in winter, and there is really no prey, and there is no need for grazing.In particular, it was heard that Han slaves could also be exchanged for money and food, which caused a sensation in the entire Northwest.

The Han people have been weak for many years, and in which year no Hu tribe invaded the border, except for being killed on the spot, or being used as a cow.Now it is still possible to exchange Han slaves for food. These tribes have more or less Han slaves, and they have begun to pull those unkempt Han slaves out of cowsheds, pigpens, or grass nests.

Even so, no tribe is willing to be the first bird. If His Highness King Qin gets angry and sends troops to wipe out the entire tribe, they will have nowhere to cry.

The Tieying tribe is a tribe of Di people, Qiang people, and Han people. In fact, it is more like a natural village. There are only [-] people. Similarly, the poor are not even worth robbing. Fortunately, they can survive.The tribe has already been deprived of food, and almost all the sheep that can be eaten have been eaten. There is really no way out. The people in the tribe decided to sell some people to tide over the difficulties.

The entire tribe of the Fire Eagle Department was mobilized, and two or three hundred women, children, old and weak, young and strong for a hundred years, walked into Shangyu City together.

Seeing a group of Han people being driven like cattle and sheep, the young and strong of the Iron Eagle tribe seemed to be in a herd of tigers.At the card point in front of the city gate, a soldier said: "People who come to enter the city can hold a short knife of one foot, and bows and arrows are forbidden to enter the city."

"We all use swords to kill people, and swords destroy people to death!"

The soldiers spread their hands together. "Then I can't control it. If you want to enter the city, go to the city, and if you don't enter, get out of the way!"

In desperation, the Iron Eagle Tribe had no choice but to look at the leader. The leader said: "Look, what do they use? It doesn't matter whether we have the knife or not, so hand it in!"

The Tie Ying tribe entered the city, and came to Shangguya City under the guidance. When the man saw the Tie Ying tribe coming, he began to shout: "One or two hundred coins for a mature woman, and five stones for chestnut rice."

The leader of the Iron Eagle Tribe looked at the woman who gave birth to him two children with distress. Five stones of grain could last for several months.Before he had time to express his feelings, a boy said: "Today, your tribe sent 130 seven people. Although there are a few Di people and Qiang people among them, they are also accepted. The middle-aged women are paid 11 yuan a person, and the children are six. One hundred qian per person, the total is [-] qian, if you want cash, you can withdraw the money, if you want food, use this receipt to buy food.”

The leader of the Iron Eagle Department couldn't tell how much the money was, so he asked, "How much can I buy?"

"I don't know the details!" Ren Yazi said, "Go to the grain market to have a look. In short, five or six hundred stones are missing."

Seeing that the Iron Eagle tribe really exchanged Han Chinese slaves for food and salt, other tribes also heard the news.Start hunting for Han Chinese slaves from your own tribe or robbing Han Chinese slaves from other tribes.

As for the rescued Han slaves, Ran Ming asked people to take the same method as Qingzhou, first forcing them to take a hot bath, then changing them into new clothes, checking for diseases, and registering them after confirming that they were correct. Make a book.

Fortunately, this era is not like the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there is no great defense of ethics, especially those rescued women are basically tortured.Ran Ming let them choose freely. Those who have a family can go home and pay travel expenses. Those who are homeless can work in factories or work as farmers.

Because of buying and selling, it caused killing.Because of Ran Ming's policy, I don't know how many more people will die.Anyway, it has nothing to do with Ran Ming at this time.

Taking advantage of this mutual market, Ran Ming slowly started to make a fuss.During the natural disaster of the snowstorm, Ran Ming achieved gratifying results. In just over three months, Shangyu City successively accommodated more than [-] Han slaves.In fact, most of them are young and middle-aged women.

With such a large number of Han Chinese, Ran Ming began to expand his army again.According to Ran Min's regulations, the Qin State sent one infantry and one cavalry to go to the army.Relying on his wealth and power, Ran Ming directly eliminated all the infantry and cavalry auxiliary soldiers, and only kept the soldiers.The infantry army was divided into two battalions, and Ran Ming expanded it into a Modao battalion based on the original Zhonglei song.The shooting camp was also expanded into three departments.There is one sword shield and one spear shield soldier.

The cavalry also expanded by 1 people, based on the three songs of Qilinwei, Yueqi, and Tunqi, and each expanded into three battalions that were dissatisfied with the arrangement.At this time, after a year of development, Ran Ming had more than [-] direct troops in his hands, including [-] cavalry in the hands of Murong Chui.

At the same time that Ran Ming's strength increased sharply, Yao Chang also chose to bow his head in the face of the covetous Deng Qiang just like in history.Fu Jian obtained part of the control of the Yao Chang tribe, and under Yao Chang's order, under the pretext of disobeying the king's order and disobeying the enlightenment, he either pulled, beat, or wiped out the surrounding Qiangdi tribes.In short, in just a few months, the 36 tribes of the Qiang people and the [-] tribes of the Di people were forcibly softened.

Although internal conflicts still exist, it appears that the Di and Qiang clans merged.

Combining the 39 tribes of Di and Qiang, the increase in Fu Jian's strength is even more frightening. He not only has the strength to challenge Ran Ming, but also has the strength to stir up the world.

If Fu Jian continued to be loyal to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, with Fu Jian's own power and the power of Brazil, he could completely prevent Wei's [-] troops from entering Shu.If Fu Jian fell to Wei, the Eastern Jin's Bashu gate would also be opened.

All of this was actually caused by Wang Meng's intention to fuel the flames. Otherwise, Fu Jian would not have easily integrated Di Qiang so quickly. Without a powerful tiger by his side, Ran Ming's position would not be stable.

Ran Ming looked at the information sent by Tianyan, and said worriedly: "Fu Jian already has [-] soldiers and horses, and he has nearly a million soldiers. If this goes on, how amazing it is!"

Wang Meng said: "Fu Jian is nothing to worry about. It is actually very easy to get rid of Fu Jian."

Ran Ming said: "Now Fu Jian has the strength to challenge Huan Wen."

"It would be great if we can challenge Huan Wen." Wang Meng said, "The Eastern Jin Dynasty will be more lively in this way."

Ran Ming nodded.

Wang Meng said again: "Your Highness, have you noticed something wrong with Murong Chui during this time?"

After Wang Meng's mention, Ran Ming also discovered Murong Chui's weirdness, and he and that Bixi's staff member Ye Li Jiming were too warm.Ran Ming said: "Could it be that Murong Chui has a ghost?"

Wang Meng laughed and said, "If Meng's predictions are correct, Pixi should be dying soon, and Tuyuhun should have a new master."

When Ran Ming heard it, he naturally understood what Wang Meng meant.

"It's getting more and more interesting."

In the past few months, Ran Ming has devoted himself to training the new army, and has not paid much attention to the [-] elite cavalry of the Yue Cavalry Army living in Qin.After all, the Yue Cavalry Army is an elite unit directly under Ran Min, if they are recruited, it will give Ran Min a very bad impression.

Even Murong Chui, or the [-] elite under his command, Ran Ming was neither enthusiastic nor cold.However, because these six thousand elites were stationed in Qin State, Ran Ming's external environment was much better.

If Murong Chui had led [-] Yue cavalry troops to Qin, Ran Ming would not have risked himself to lure the enemy into a weak position, and put Pixi into the city to set up an ambush.In a head-on battle, the Yue Cavalry Army will not fail.Although Ran Ming didn't pay attention to Murong Chui, Wang Meng paid close attention to Murong Chui's movements.

At the beginning, Murong Chui was indeed trembling under Ran Ming's hands, like walking on thin ice, very dedicated.Just when Wang Meng thought he was being suspicious, Murong Chui showed his flaws.In November of the first year of Kaiyuan, a caravan of about [-] people from the Huaxia Business Alliance disappeared in the Hexi Corridor.Half a month later, Tuyuhun [-]st Division sold these caravan members to the Mutual Market of Qin State.

The merchants reacted fiercely to this situation.This was the fourth caravan collective disappearance in the first year of Kaiyuan. For this reason, Ran Ming ordered Murong Chui to lead an army of [-] Yue cavalry to the city of Fanghan in Tuyuhun, Shiji Mountain, to Zhiwen Bixi.

Ordinarily, Pixi should ignore this matter, or protect the Tuyuhun tribe, but Pixi didn't know the reason, but sat on the sidelines and let Murongchui lead the [-] Yue cavalry army to kill all the dogs around the river.It is not difficult to exterminate a small tribe with less than [-] people, and of course it is not a major event. Anything can happen in this era.The key point is that Murong Chui's method is outrageous. He ordered the [-] Yue cavalry troops to take advantage of the night to encircle the river in three ways and encroach on several sections around the river.

When there was no resistance around the river, Murong Chui said to them: "They offended Great Wei Kaiwei, this is just a slight punishment. God has a good life, and he Murong Chui is willing to disobey and give them a way to survive, provided that they must hide Pass the Beidi scimitar in Murong Chui's hand in his hand."

Murong Chui, who is now in his thirties, is wearing armor densely decorated with purple silk, a brocade silk battle robe with a red ground, a phoenix flying wing pocket, a Beidi scimitar on his waist, a carved bow hanging on his back, and twenty eagle tails in his quiver. Armor-piercing arrows, riding a horse named "Zhebai" with red and white fur, strong and fat, with a saddle decorated with gold.

Tuyuhun had not yet established a country at this time, but a loose tribal alliance. The size of the official position was mainly related to the strength of its own tribe. The leader is the commander-in-chief (equivalent to the commander-in-chief).Zhushuai (Wan Fuchang) is superior to the superintendent commander, and the Zhushuai is qualified to vomit Yuhun Shanyu meeting.

This Ruohe Department is not big. Although it has a population of nearly [-] people, there is no commander in chief, only one commander in chief.It is also like a reinforced regiment mixed by later generations.The commander-in-chief's name is Su Liyi Lügui (Lügui means hero, similar to Bateer in Mongolian and Gesang in Tibetan. When they yelled loudly at their gathering place, almost half of them turned their heads.)
Su Liyilugui was also a brave Tuyuhun general. Although the area around the river was not large, being able to hold the lush pasture around the river was a sign of extraordinary strength.

The soldiers of the Raohe tribe who followed Su Liyilugui were also the elite of the Tuyuhun Raohe tribe, all of them were brave and ferocious by nature, and experienced many battles.

Su Liyilugui had a strong physique and a violent temperament. Their eyes showed a fierce light like a beast, and they stared fiercely at Murong Chui, who was surrounded by them, and said: "This general keeps his word! After defeating you, we will really let us go." Walk?"

Unfortunately being captured, Su Liyi was 1 unconvinced in his heart. He was busy doing man-making exercises on his wife. Before he could put on clothes, Murong Chui's army came and killed Su Li with his bare buttocks. Li Yilu tied it up.

(End of this chapter)

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