Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 619 You Can't Blame Me

Chapter 619 You Can't Blame Me

Chapter 624 You Can't Blame Me

What Murong Chui said was absolutely half-truth and half-false.Although Ran Ming darkly put forward the strategy of raising the bandits' self-respect, as the commander of the guest army of the Qin State, he could still guess Ran Ming's combat intentions.Of course, Murong Chui also had his own thoughts, Ran Ming's self-respecting plan of raising bandits was just like Murong Chui's plan of emphasizing the country, they coincided with each other, so Murong Chui would not point out Ran Ming.In this way, Ran Ming deliberately indulged the Tuyuhun, Di, and Qiang tribes, as long as they did not make too much trouble, Ran Ming would not be cruel to them.As long as they are grandchildren honestly, Ran Ming will be fine, stir up trouble, deliberately create a little friction,
Murongchui is also happy to be a good person, he is used to being the savior of the Tuyuhun tribe at critical times.It is true that Ran Ming is open to the Tuyuhun tribe, but it is definitely not because of Murong Chui, but because of Ran Ming's established plan.But through Murong Chui's mouth, all of this became Murong Chui's credit.

Jia Jian lost his mind and said: "Fifth Lord, please ask me to save our Da Shanyu!"

Murong Chui came and lingered, thought for a long time, took a deep breath and said, "At present, there are only two steps to take to save Tuyuhun!"

Jia Jian asked nervously: "Dare to ask Fifth Master, what are the two steps?"

Murong Chui said: "You should know that His Highness the King of Qin is a ruthless and ruthless person who will take revenge for every fault. Thinking back when Pixi ordered people to attack Taoyang County, he offended him terribly. If you don't give an account to His Highness King Qin, I'm afraid this matter will happen." Still can’t be good! If brother Shigu can persuade Pixi Wuna’s nephew to arrive at Shangyu alone, and plead guilty to His Highness King Qin, and with Chui’s persuasion, perhaps Wuna’s nephew Pixi can escape for a while. But even if your life is safe this time, you will never want to be free from now on, and it is enough to be a rich man in Shangying or Yecheng."

Jia Jian showed a miserable look on his face: "The fifth master is not a person who doesn't know my family's Shanyu character. He is a person who is slaughtered. If there is a chance of life, he will fight with his back! Let him take the blame to His Highness King Qin , This is worse than killing him, I am afraid that he would rather fight Tuyuhun completely than wait for death. Besides, His Royal Highness Qin, I am afraid that we have not eliminated our Tuyuhun's strength, right?"

When Murong Chui heard this, he flew into a rage and said, "Brother Shigu thinks that he is making alarmist remarks? Don't you really think that he can use troops in Pixi to compare with my fourth brother, and your warriors in Tuyuhun are better than our Dayan's?" Xianbei warriors?"

Murong Chui's repeated questions left Jia Jian speechless.Although Tuyuhun used to be the well-deserved overlord of the Northwest, compared with the Murong tribe of Xianbei, this is still a gap between adults and children.Even in the era of Murong Jun, the Murong Department had 300 million members and more than [-] people who controlled the strings. They beat Goguryeo and Fuyu without any temper.In comparison, Murong Tuyuhun and the three generations of Tuyan and Tuyan are really children.

But a tribe as powerful as the Murong tribe was still defeated by the State of Wei. To be precise, it was only defeated by Ran Ming. It was Ran Ming who used the remnants of the Wei army with less than [-] defeated generals to launch a night attack during the Battle of Liantai. , The main force of the Yan army was defeated in World War I, causing Yan to look at Wei and fear, thus forming the battlefield myth that Wei was dissatisfied and invincible.

In the one year since Ran Ming came to the Qin State, he has successively formed more than 2000 Qin troops. Although it is a mixed army of infantry and cavalry on the surface, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is just a cover-up by Ran Ming.Among the infantry of the Qin Army, the Modao Battalion, Shesheng Battalion, Gun Shield Battalion, and Dao Shield Battalion have a total of [-] soldiers. In fact, there are [-] horses. Except for a gun shield department and a sword shield department, the [-] troops are pure infantry units. The Qianmodao Battalion has more than [-] horses, and the Shesheng Battalion has [-] to [-] horses.

As for the cavalry army of the Qin army, there are three cavalry for one person in Qing Yishui. Although there are only [-] heavy cavalry, the light cavalry are steel armored, with individual folding shields, strong bows and crossbows, and are almost armed to the teeth. .

This kind of army is not weaker than the most elite infantry, center base, garrison cavalry, Yue cavalry, and Shesheng troops of Ran Min in Wei State.Regardless of the level of command on the battlefield, simply competing for equipment, Tuyuhun's poor family background is really not enough.Besides, Ran Ming is not only an idiot who doesn't understand military affairs, but also a well-known handsome talent in the world. People like Murong Ke, Huan Wen, and Fu Luo have all suffered under his hands.

Jia Jian understood that even if Tuyuhun wanted to fight, he would have no chance.

Knowing that it is the end of death, no one is willing to do it.Ants still steal their lives, let alone a person, especially a person like Jia Jian who is greedy for life and afraid of death!

Jia Jian's face was like a piece of sackcloth soaked in water, "Dare to ask Lord Wu, what is the second way?"

Murong Chui said: "The second way is actually simpler. Since death is inevitable anyway, it's better to drag His Highness King Qin to be buried with him."

"Ah!" Jia Jian naturally understood what Murong Chui meant, and he still had to fight.

Murong Chui looked at Jia Jian coldly and said: "Bixi has become the place of the Great Shanyu in Hexi, which is also very famous and very popular. He also has contacts with Yao Chang from the Shaodang Qiang tribe. Why not unite Yao Chang, Fu Jian, Gather the power of the Tuyuhun, Qiang people, and Di people to uproot the state of Qin? Although none of the three powers of the Tuyuhun, Qiang people, and Di people is enough to resist the power of the Wei state, it is better to unite together. The country has been established for nearly a hundred years, and it has already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it has won the support of the people all over the world. But first, the Xiongnu and Jie ruled one side, which was brutal and cruel. Then there was the traitor Ran's ambition to dominate the north, and now the emperor is dusty. We are all ministers of the Great Jin If you eat the wealth of the Great Jin, you should pay back the favor of the king, how can you just sit and watch the traitors rule. How about uniting the Di, Qiang, and Communists to fight against the traitors of the country and help the Jin Dynasty!"

A strong desire also rose in Jia Jian's heart, to unite with the Tuoba tribe, Helan tribe, and Gaoche tribe in the north with the Han Dynasty in the north, and with the Qiang and Di tribes in the south.Once the world changes suddenly and the situation rises again, even if Pixi is not the master of the Ming Dynasty, isn't there still Murongchui in front of him?
Murong Chui's prestige in the Murong Department is not much weaker than that of Murong Ke, and he is also the fifth son of the former Yan Wenming Emperor Murong Hao, who had the best chance of becoming the heir of the empire.If he raised his arms and shouted, how could the Xianbei Murong Department, Duan Department, Yuwen Department, and Dugu Department respond one after another.At that time, it may not be known who belongs to the world.

With his life hanging by a thread and letting others slaughter him, it would be better to fight hard.

Isn't it for fame and fortune that people live for the rest of their lives?Jia Jian is such a person.You can say that he is afraid of death, but sometimes he is very persistent.When Murong Ping recruited him, he ignored him, and when Ran Min appointed him as the Shaofu.It's a pity that he would rather go to the government and return to the farmland.It's not that Jia Jian is not for fame and fortune, but his fame and fortune are unknown.

Jia Jian came from a family of officials in the Western Jin Dynasty. His grandfather and father were both officials in the Western Jin Dynasty.If he wanted to be a loyal minister of the Jin Dynasty, he would not serve Zhao.Of course, because Ran Min's initial position was not right, Jia Jian was not optimistic about him.When Yan Yan led troops to invade Bohai Sea, he was also not optimistic about the Murong tribe who ruled the roost in Liaodong for a while.However, when Ran Min was setting in the west and the Eastern Jin and Northern Expeditions were nowhere in sight, Jia Jian made up his mind to abandon Jin and return to Yan.

Talented people came out in large numbers in Yan State, especially Murong Chui's bravery and wisdom, which made Jia Jian feel the hope of success.Don't look at Murong Chui bluffing him all the time, he also knows that it is definitely not as simple as Murong Chui imagined, this is also a master who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger.

He thinks he has both civil and military skills. When he is famous all over the world, not to mention Ran Ming, even Ran Min doesn't know where to play with mud. But now, Wei Guo's affairs are flourishing, and his power has gone thousands of miles.But it has reached the age of seventy, and nothing has been achieved.

On the surface, Jia Jian didn't say anything, but inside he was very uncomfortable.

No one knew that there was still a thorn in Jia Jian's heart, and that thorn was because of Ran Min.When Jia Jian was young, he was particularly proud of his archery skills.But in his field of expertise, he was slapped in the face by a 12-year-old Ran Min.When Ran Min was 12 years old, he broke Jia Jian's most proud lacquer-carved bow with his hands.

This is also the reason why he is unwilling to surrender to Wei.To be honest, Jia Jian's thoughts are complicated enough, he will not surrender to Ran Min.I don't want to surrender to Yan, nor to Jin, but to fight against Yan alone.A person who is both famous and incompetent is doomed to walk a path of tragedy.

Just like now, even Murong Chui has no idea about that tiny possibility, but Jia Jian regards him as a life-saving straw.

Murong Chui looked at Jia Jian's thoughts on the cake he had drawn, so he struck while the iron was hot: "Brother Shigu's talent, you should know that a group of tigers led by sheep are no match for vicious wolves. Tuyuhun is not Poor, what is missing is only a wolf king. Although Chui is not talented, he is willing to lead the Xianbei Murong Department to revive. If there is brother Shiyin's support, why not worry about the big things not going to happen?"

Murong Chui's words made Jia Jian's heart skip a beat.

Murong Chui said: "Chui has long seen that Brother Shigu has the great talents of the world. Compared with Zhang Liang of Han Gaozu, Kong Ming of Emperor Zhaolie (Liu Bei) of Han Dynasty, Zhang Bin of Emperor Ming Zhao, and Emperor Wu of Cheng Han (Li Xiong) Fan Changsheng is not much inferior, what Brother Shigu lacks is just a stage to play on."

Murong Chui stared at Jia Jian and said: "If brother Shiyin doesn't give up, I would like to join hands with brother Shigu to create this stage and create a career. It's nothing but to give up this skin!"

Murong Chui's words immediately entered Jia Jian's heart.

Jia Jian suddenly knelt forward and said to Murong Chui: "My lord, please accept Jian's obeisance!"

Murong Chui hurried forward to grab Jia Jian's hand, helped him up and said, "Brother Shigu, why are you so pessimistic? Brother Shigu, you must help me well!"

Jia Jian said with a smile: "It's so difficult. In fact, the opportunity is right in front of the Lord."

"Oh!" Murong Chui said, "Brother Shigu, what do you say?"

Jia Jian said: "Da Shanyu...Pixi currently has a son, Shilian, who is the most outstanding, and the others are all young, mediocre and incompetent. If Shilian and Pixi die at the same time, who can take charge of the overall situation in the Tuyuhun tribe? You can find Pixi, my lord. The youngest son of Xi, commanding all the tribes. After the Tuyuhun tribe is fully controlled, he can be replaced. After the lord obtains the control of Tuyuhun, he can raise the banner of righteousness, connect the Northern Han Dynasty in the north, and Diqiang in the south, and great things can be expected. Although Jian is not Talent, willing to do the work of dogs and horses! Seek Tuyuhun for the master!"

Murong Chui's blood boiled when he heard it, and he repeatedly expressed his agreement, but Murong Chui was not easy to be fooled, he raised his own question: "I'm afraid this matter will not be resolved!"

(End of this chapter)

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