Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 620 Five Flowers and Eight Doors: Touching Porcelain

Chapter 620

Chapter 625
Jia Jian said: "What's the difficulty? Jian has his own calculations!"

Murong Chui said: "Brother Shigu, His Royal Highness the King of Qin wants to transfer Chui now, if Chui is transferred, wouldn't it delay important matters?"

Jia Jian said: "Naturally, but we only need to resort to some small tricks, so that the master can delay until the day when the work is completed."

"I would like to hear the details," Murong Chui said excitedly.

Jia Jian said: "It's just making the Lord suffer."

Murong Chui said: "I am not afraid of death, why should I be afraid of such suffering."

Just when Ran Ming ordered Murong Chui to be transferred to Yinping County to confront Yao Chang, news suddenly came that Murong Chui fell off his horse while galloping, broke his leg, was hit on the head, and fell into a coma. .

Wang Meng took the troop dispatching order he had just drafted, and said dumbfounded: "This must be a coincidence."

Ran Ming vaguely remembered that Murong Chui fell off a war horse in history, and then changed his name to Murong Chui, so he couldn't help but blurted out with a smile: "If it's a coincidence, it would be a strange thing."

"Does Your Highness also think that Murong Chui did it on purpose?" Wang Meng asked strangely.

Ran Ming smiled and said: "No, this is not what Murong Chui did on purpose, but God did it on purpose."

Wang Meng muttered: "What does this mean?"

"Murong Chui's martial arts are already superb. Don't talk about falling off a horse, even jumping off the three-foot-high city will not hurt you." Wang Meng still didn't believe that Murong Chui would be such a coincidence. When he was about to transfer Murong Chui away Suddenly fell the horse.

"Sir, don't believe it, anyway, I believe it!" Ran Ming said.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade Ran Ming, Wang Meng changed his approach and said, "Since the general vanguard fell off his horse and was injured, will your highness send someone to give condolences? I'm just idle around, so I can go to condole general vanguard on behalf of your highness. "

Ran Ming was also secretly wondering that in history Murong Chui had clearly been a man with his tail between his legs under Fu Jian's hands, but Wang Meng still repeatedly reminded Fu Jian that Murong Chui had objections, and even used the golden knife trick to force Murong to turn against him. hang down.Just like in this time and space, the positions and identities of Wang Meng and Murong Chui have changed, but Wang Meng's hostility towards Murong Chui has not changed.

Hearing Wang Meng's words, Ran Ming didn't know what Wang Meng was thinking.Since Wang Meng is still worried about Murong Chui, it is better to let Wang Meng find out.

Following Ran Ming's instructions, Wang Meng collected some precious medicinal materials in the Prince Qin's mansion, and went to condolences to Murong Chui on behalf of Ran Ming.Wang Meng never believed in such a coincidence in this world.Ordinarily speaking, it's not that he was out of tune with Murong Chui. In fact, Wang Meng discovered a kind of temperament in Murong Chui. This kind of temperament is very strange, and Wang Meng can't describe it.

Later, Wang Meng was accepted by Ran Min as the Secretary of the Household Department. Because he often met with Ran Min, Wang Meng felt this kind of temperament in Ran Min again.At this time, Wang Meng realized that this kind of temperament in Murong Chui can also be said to be a kind of personality charm, the so-called dragon spirit.This kind of thing sounds very mysterious, but Wang Meng would rather believe in it than ignore the resulting crisis.

Although Ran Ming is a big boss in later generations, after all, he is in a society where everyone is relatively equal, and he himself is from a grassroots background, so he does not have that kind of arrogance. No matter when, Ran Ming is not domineering, nor does he refuse The alienation of people thousands of miles away.Relatively speaking, Ran Ming treats people very generously, especially for this era.In terms of his attitude towards the common people, even Wang Meng, who came from a poor family, could not compare to Ran Ming.Ran Ming's generosity and benevolence towards the people are all revealed from the bones, and it doesn't seem to be artificial.

Such a person can be called a benevolent master.If you work with such a person, you will be very relieved.Wang Meng will not waste this generous treatment from Ran Ming, he does not want to bring unnecessary losses to Ran Ming.There are some threats that Wang Meng would rather nip in the bud.

Wang Meng led a dozen bodyguards all the way out of the city, and came to the camp of the Yue Cavalry Army outside the city. The bodyguards would step forward to negotiate.After getting the pass, Wang Meng went to explore Murongchui's bottom with a gift and a smiling face.

In fact, Ran Ming was not idle. In Qin State, while he valued business, he also valued education and farming.The lack of precipitation is a natural disadvantage of the Northwest. There is basically no area where rice can be planted on a large scale in Qin State. There are "five colors", there are white, red, yellow, black, orange, and purple millets, and there are sticky millets.The earliest wine in China was also brewed from millet.Millet is suitable for growing in dry and poorly irrigated areas.

Due to the disadvantages of poor taste, unfavorable digestion, and low yield, millet has withdrawn from the staple food market in later generations.But in this era, before Ran Ming got the high-yield grain in America, Qin still mainly planted millet.In order to increase grain production, Ran Ming also increased Qin's dependence on grain.

Let the Huaxia Business Alliance issue low-interest loans to farmers to purchase new plows and seeders, and then propose that cattle or horses can be purchased in installments.

Such a preferential policy can be said to be a win-win policy for merchants and farmers.Ran Ming used the redeemed Han Chinese slaves to give them restorative recuperation and at the same time let them do some work within their ability.For example, building new farm tools.Throughout the winter, Ran Ming built more than [-] sets of plows and seeders.

Although Ran Ming kept the price very low, the farmers, especially those Han people who were rescued by Ran Ming, didn't even have a big son in their hands, and they couldn't afford any cheap farm tools.Ran Ming used the fields distributed to them as collateral, and then paid in installments at the real price of [-]% of the principal and [-]% of the interest every year after autumn.

Since then, the first major business of Qin Tongli Bank has been successfully implemented. In just over a month, more than [-] sets of farm tools were all purchased by means of loans.At the same time, tens of thousands of horses and cattle were also purchased by installment payment.

With the help of more than 2 sets of farm tools and hundreds of thousands of cattle and horses, Qin State could farm at least [-] plows in the second year of Kaiyuan, and basically guaranteed self-sufficiency in food.

Regarding Qin's water conservancy facilities, Ran Ming felt powerless from the bottom of his heart.For this place where the annual rainfall is less than [-]-[-]mm, unless you have the irrigation technology of later generations, it is simply impossible to defeat nature.

Ran Ming didn't waste a lot of manpower and material resources, and only dug some ditches in very necessary areas, and the scale was generally small.As for the effect of drought resistance, only God will know.

Ran Ming was doomed to be a hard-working person. When he came to Qin State, he devoted himself to the development of Qin State.Either lead a team of craftsmen to search for coal and steel resources, or experiment with interplanting.The whole person is so busy that their feet don't touch the ground.

Since Ran Ming is very busy, the happiest person is Ran Jingwen, the princess of Qin Palace.Ran Jingwen is dignified and generous, she is a complete beauty.

Because of Ran Ming's excessive doting on this adopted daughter, Ran Jingwen also became the overlord in Qin Wang's palace.As long as the daily homework is completed and the books are left behind, Ran Jingwen will bring her two generals, Liu Laozhi and Hu Bin, with her.

Maybe it was a child from a poor family, but Ran Jingwen never looked down on the poor.When you meet the poor, you will save money.However, Ran Ming has never been short of Ran Jingwen's pocket money, but like her, who has never been restrained in giving out relief, how much money she has is not enough to spend.

From this point of view, it was Ran Jingwen's nominal mother, Li Shi, who suffered the most.Almost all of Li's monthly money was given to Ran Jingwen, but Ran Jingwen still had no money to use.

Restraining the poor and giving a helping hand can earn Ran Ming a good reputation, and Liu Wei and Xie Daoyun are not easy to bother with.When Ran Jingwen has no money, she will give her some.

However, Ran Jingwen also can't see things that are not pleasing to the eye. Ran Jingwen is a small person, as long as she thinks something is wrong, she will always take care of it, step in, and act chivalrously. Ran Ming has no objection.But Ran Jingwen has never been able to tell the difference between right and wrong, it's all the fault of the rich.

Because they couldn't afford to offend this little overlord of Prince Qin's mansion, those rich and noble families couldn't beat them or scold them, so they could only smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs.

In fact, every opposite has two sides. Although there are many people who are unkind to the rich, there are also good people from wealthy families.Not all poor people are good, there are also those who are lazy and idle.Those local hooligans like Ran Jingwen the most, and they coaxed Ran Jingwen into a ecstasy with a few words, and brought a group of guards to find trouble for him.

How can an ordinary family's guard house be an opponent of the fierce guards of the Qin Palace, even if he can beat him, he would not dare to fight back.In this way, Ran Jingwen is also a victim of Qin.All the rich and noble families or the sons of officials and gentry met Ran Jingwen, it was like a mouse meeting a cat.

However, Tianyan would not report this kind of trivial matter, and Qin officials would not have the same knowledge as a girl under ten years old.

No, finally something happened one day.

On this day, when Ran Jingwen went out, a few prodigal sons guarding the gate of Prince Qin's mansion saw the savior leaving, and hurried out to make arrangements.Today's Shangyu in the Qin State is much more prosperous, and the business district has expanded greatly, and there are colorful pedestrians walking on the street.There are natives wearing animal skins, there are also Hu merchants from the Western Regions in all kinds of clothes, and of course there are Han merchants and gentry in gorgeous clothes.

Due to the emergence of Ran Ming, the early development and utilization of coal has made the cold winter less daunting.In order to keep the customers, the shops all set fire to the ground dragon.Whether it is a teahouse or a restaurant, you can spend more than a dozen dollars and sit for most of the day.

Although Ran Jingwen's behavior didn't attract Ran Ming's attention, Li Shi, who was afraid of wasting money, restricted Ran Jingwen's time to go out. In this way, Ran Jingwen, who couldn't come out to play casually, felt fresh when she saw everything.

As a small follower, Liu Laozhi carried the dolls and face figures purchased by Ran Jingwen, as well as strange things.Suddenly a drunk man in rags rushed out and knocked down a slow-moving horse.

When Ran Jingwen saw this situation, she was about to step forward to watch.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen burly men appeared, chattering around the knights on horseback.If Ran Ming was here, he would definitely find that this scene is very familiar.This is one of the most common deceptions in later generations, Pingci.

In fact, these various tricks were not invented by later generations, and most of them were passed down from ancient times.

(End of this chapter)

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