Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 621 There is no waste in this world

Chapter 621 There is no waste in this world

Chapter 626 There is no waste in this world
Immediately the knight has not spoken yet.But here he scolded the future: "Why do you want to leave after bumping into someone?"

"No, lose money!"

"Must, lose money!"

Immediately the knight said: "I am the chief historian of the Qin State. I know who you are. If you know the image, leave quickly, otherwise you will not be able to eat and walk around!"

A man who fell in front of the drunk man cried and howled: "Is there any reason for this, God, please open your eyes, you have killed someone, and you still want to take me out. Just because we are poor, should we let you be lowly?"

Seeing this, Ran Jingwen said angrily: "Liu Laozhi, pull that rider down and let him go after paying the money!"

Liu Laozhi and Hu Bin are used to lawlessness following Ran Jingwen, and this is not the first time they have done this kind of thing.Relying on his own strength, Liu Laozi jumped up all at once, and the knight was unprepared, and was pulled off the horse smoothly, and fell to the ground.

Immediately, blood came out of the knight's mouth, and his hair fell loose, like a madman.Pointing at Liu Laozhi, he squeaked and roared, "Who are you, that you dare to sneak attack on me?"

Ran Jingwen strode forward, with a calm look on Ran Ming, and said loudly: "If the road is uneven, you should shovel it, and if you see unevenness, you must deal with it. If you bump into someone, you will have to pay."

The knight was furious, looked at Ran Jingwen and said, "I didn't hit anyone."

Suddenly the knight stopped talking, he had already recognized Ran Jingwen.The knight is none other than Shi Lixian, the governor of Prince Qin.Li Xian naturally knew Ran Ming's adopted daughter.Li Xian wanted to marry Ran Ming at the beginning, but Li Xian's wife didn't think that Ran Jingwen was just an adopted daughter, thinking that Ran Jingwen was not worthy of her own eldest son, so the matter was let go.

Ran Jingwen also recognized Li Xian, but she insisted on asking Li Xian to pay him money.

Ran Jingwen didn't stop until she emptied Li Xian's pocket.

Wang Meng checked Murong Chui's details and came back. He told Ran Ming that Murong Chui's leg was really broken. Although it was wrapped in gauze, Wang Meng accidentally touched it and twisted it in an incredible arc. Wang Meng believed it. It was too much of a coincidence.

Just when Wang Meng was about to leave, Li Xian covered his mouth and came to complain to Ran Ming.

After hearing Li Xian's statement, Ran Ming couldn't laugh or cry.Murong Chuitang, a great general who is the enemy of ten thousand people, was actually broken by a horse, and Li Xian, the long history of Qin, was actually dragged off his horse by a little Liu Laozhi and lost two teeth.Ran Ming secretly sighed in his heart: "You are not simple people."

Even so, Ran Ming comforted Li Xian for a while, and punished Ran Jingwen by confinement to the palace.And ordered Li to be strictly disciplined.

It wasn't until now that Ran Ming realized that he had been neglecting the education of Ran Jingwen.After learning about Ran Jingwen's performance in the city of Gu, Ran Ming felt that it was time to educate Ran Jingwen.After finally appeasing Li Xian and Li Yuanda, and sending Li Xian away, Ran Ming went back to have a good talk with Ran Jingwen.

This rare snow disaster not only brought catastrophe to Tuyuhun, Di, and Qiang, but also had a considerable impact on Qin Palace.Xie Daoyun likes Jiangnan gardens. She used the huge financial and material resources of her natal family to transplant many exotic flowers and plants, as well as precious trees. However, in this sudden snowstorm, Xie Daoyun spent thousands of dollars to build a garden with Jiangnan characteristics , vanished.

The entire back garden of Prince Qin's Mansion, which is as big as it is, is empty now, only the most inconspicuous wintersweet, which is proud and unique.Ran Jingwen, who got into trouble, was obviously at a loss, and even Liu Laozhi, who was usually the most active, became bored at the moment.Three small men, Liu Laozhi, Hu Bin, and Ran Jingwen, sat under a plum blossom, and no one spoke.

At this moment, a burst of heavy footsteps woke Ran Jingwen from her contemplation.She looked up numbly, and found that it was just an ordinary lady passing by, so she breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Has the old immortal gone?"

What Ran Jingwen was referring to was naturally referring to Shi Lixian, the Chief of Qin Palace.In fact, Li Xian is not considered old, he is only four or five years older than Wang Meng, and he is a handsome and handsome uncle.

Liu Laozhi looked around timidly, and said: "I don't know, maybe it's time to go!"

Ran Jingwen said again: "Tell me, how will my father deal with me this time?"

Liu Laozhi said: "Every time I fail to complete the homework assigned by the master, His Highness will punish me not to eat for a day. Actually, it's okay. It's a big deal. Let's hide some food and prepare it. It is estimated that this time the matter is more serious, and I will be fined three times." Heaven is not allowed to eat!"

Ran Jingwen said: "I am not afraid of not being allowed to eat, but I am afraid that my mother will punish me for embroidery and writing."

The three little people all thought that the matter was more serious this time, and began to be wary of Ran Ming's handling method.Liu Laozhi secretly ran to find a piece of jerky the size of a palm, and milk powder.In order to be afraid of writing or embroidering, Ran Jingwen also prepared some embroidered red and word stickers.When the three finished preparing these things, Ran Ming finally ushered in.

The three of them looked at Ran Ming eagerly, their eyes full of vigilance.

Ran Ming was angry and funny.Although Ran Ming has never been a father in later generations, and has no experience in educating children, Ran Ming has always disliked those cramming teaching.Just like Ran Jingwen, who actually started studying "The Female Ring" when she was six years old.Ran Ming finds it unbelievable to think about it. In later generations, a six-year-old girl who is still in kindergarten, besides playing, plays all day long. How can she know how to be a woman, let alone a six-year-old girl, I am afraid that a 16-year-old female student will understand There are not many women.

Ran Jingwen not only had to learn to read the bitter and hard-to-understand "Female Ring", but also followed Li Shi to understand the meaning of it word by word.Let alone Ran Jingwen, even Ran Ming would have a headache after reading it.

Seeing the three timid children, Ran Ming stepped forward and stroked Ran Jingwen's head and said, "Do you know what's wrong?"

Ran Jingwen said: "Father, Jingwen knew it was wrong!"

Ran Ming pointed to Liu Laozhi and Hu Bin and said, "Where are you guys?"

Liu Laozhi and Hu Bin's faces turned green with fright, and they couldn't speak.

Ran Mingyu said earnestly: "Actually, you want to act chivalrously and act for the people. This is a good thing, but you can't be used as a weapon by others. And you, you know how to spread the word that you are the princess of the Qin Palace. ?"

Ran Jingwen stuck out her tongue, made a grimace and said, "I should be a good person!"

"Good man!" Ran Ming laughed hoarsely: "You are wrong, people say that the princess of Prince Qin's mansion is a fool."

"Fool?" Ran Jingwen said unconvinced: "How is it possible, how can I be a fool."

Ran Ming said: "Speaking of you, don't be unconvinced. In this world, not everything is black and white, neither right nor wrong. Good people don't necessarily do good things, and bad people don't necessarily do everything right. Do bad things."

"Father, I'm confused when you say that!" Ran Jingwen said, "Did I do something wrong?"

"It's not wrong, it's just that the way is wrong!" Ran Ming said, "I'll tell you a little story. Listen up, there used to be a member named Wang who was more kind. Every time he went out, he met someone on the street. A beggar would give him ten coins. This has been given for ten years. One day, when Wang Yuanwai met this beggar, he only gave him five coins. Give me ten dollars, why only five dollars today? Wang Yuanwai said: "Recently, I took in a concubine, and the family's expenses are high, so I can only give you five dollars!" After hearing this, the beggar became furious, pointed at Wang Yuanwai and cursed, "Why are you like this, how can you take my money to take a concubine?"

Ran Ming said here, so he stopped talking. This is a common joke.It is about the story of Sheng Mien and Dou Michou.Although Ran Jingwen is smart, but after all, she is too young and mentally incomplete. She still can't think of the truth in it, but she just feels incredible.Liu Laozhi is already 11 years old, and he faintly feels that Ran Ming seems to have some guidance.

Seeing that the three of them still didn't understand, Ran Ming led them out of Prince Qin's mansion. Ran Ming brought Ran Jingwen, Liu Laozhi, and Hu Bin to a farm outside the city.Since it is only deep winter at this time, spring plowing has not yet started, but the simple people are still busy, collecting the manure of livestock and preparing to use it to fertilize the fields.

Ran Ming pointed to the carts of feces that smelled so bad, "Do you think this stinks?"

Ran Jingwen covered her nose and said, "It stinks!"

Ran Ming said again: "Do you think this thing is good or bad?"

Ran Jingwen said: "Nature is useless."

Liu Laozhi also nodded.

Ran Ming asked a farmer to come over and ask, "Do you think this thing is useful?"

The farmer said: "His Royal Highness, this is of course useful. The manure in the field can increase the yield, which is naturally good."

Ran Mingdao: "The same thing, placed in different places, has different effects. People are the same, and things are the same. A rich man eats fish and meat every day. If he can afford it, he can eat it. But if it is a If a poor man wants to eat big fish and meat, he has to sell his fields and land, and as a result, he loses all his property and has nothing.”

Ran Ming led the three back from the farm, and did not go back to the city directly, but went to the bank of the Wei River.Although it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, this day is full of enthusiasm.Countless workshops are endless, and all kinds of workshops are densely populated.The cloth workshop is very large, with dozens of huge workshops and thousands of people working in it. There are also dyeing workshops and warehouses nearby. Almost every workshop has an endless stream of carriages full of wool. He dragged another piece of cloth to the dyeing workshop.

Since this is a workshop area, it is natural not to enter casually.But watching Ran Ming's car arrive, the workshop manager here let it go, while running to find the person in charge.

Although Hexi has generally suffered heavy snowstorms, the cattle, sheep and horses here need to be disposed of at a reduced price.The major companies of the Huaxia Business Alliance are desperately lowering prices and hoarding wool.The improved wool textiles are not only beautiful, strong, cold and warm, but also inexpensive.

(End of this chapter)

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