Chapter 623

Chapter 628

Although strengthening the wall and clearing the field is the best tactic to deal with the nomadic invasion, this tactic is also a double-edged sword.While hurting the enemy, it is also hurting oneself.In order to guard against the invasion of the Northern Han Dynasty, Wei State mobilized the people in 29 border towns to retreat.Especially in the freezing winter, this retreat, for Wei Jun, suffered extremely heavy losses.

These tens of thousands of people need to eat and drink along the way, and also need to keep warm from the cold. Whether it is the evacuated counties or counties that temporarily resettle the victims, they all need to bear a lot of pressure.Chinese farmers have very deep feelings for their homeland, no matter how poor and dilapidated the place is, it is still home.Only when you really leave your hometown, you will understand the taste of it.

"The speed is too slow. If you continue to crawl slowly like snails, what awaits you will be the knives and axes of the barbarians." A general responsible for coercing the people shouted at the reluctant people with a bluffing face: "Your ragged clothes , Bottles and cans, throw them all away. And you, why are you carrying the plow on your back, throw this thing away. Burn the wooden parts on the spot, and find a place to bury the iron things.”

"Mr. Jun, please do me a favor. Without this plow, how can I plow the land in the coming year! This is the lifeblood of my peasants, I can't lose it!" A peasant knelt in the snow and kowtowed to the general for mercy.

The general pulled the county magistrate very rudely, pointed at him and said: "Let him issue a receipt for you. How many things are destroyed, the government will compensate you free of charge next year. Burned houses will be built in the future, and all destroyed things will be destroyed next year." Renew, as long as there are people around, the hard times will always pass.”

After all, the county magistrate is one of the parents. Under his earnest persuasion, the people finally began to discard bulky items.The people who migrated to the south cried out, cried and sang sad songs all the way, and walked forward with difficulty.

The county magistrate said to the general with a bitter face: "General Chen, look, even if you kill me next year, I still won't be able to convert so many farm tools and property."

The general surnamed Chen said: "I don't care, the order I received is that Guangwu County shall not leave a grain of grain, nor a tile for the Hu people to hide, nor find a drinkable water, and all the wells shall be closed. Die, the rivers and ditches can be blocked if they can be blocked, and those that cannot be blocked will be poisoned. As for the future, I will talk about it when I can live to that time."

The people who left their homes moved slowly to the south at a rate of [-] to [-] miles a day.Jinyang City has already made preparations to welcome the victims. In Jinyang, Jiwei has stored more than [-] shi of military rations, as well as grain and grass shipped in succession. At that time, it can supply more than [-] people. edible.

Although there are supply points along the way to supply supplies, incidents of freezing to death, frostbite, and illness and death are unavoidable on the way to the south.For this moment, cutting losses has been the biggest dream.

For more than a month, Ji Lu was in a hurry to get angry, and coupled with the lack of sleep, this hulking eight-foot man has now lost a whole circle of weight.Ji Li didn't complain to Ran Min, he knew that Ran Min was having a harder time than him at this time.

All the scouts had gone thousands of miles deep into the default border of the Northern Han Kingdom, but the soldiers and civilians of the Northern Han Kingdom still disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the Northern Han Kingdom, the Wei Kingdom, and the Jin Dynasty were all in a state of delicate balance. No one dared to make a move first.

Ran Min, who was in Yecheng, was also like ants on a hot pot at this time, running around in a hurry.Ran Min's "Heavenly Deaf and Earthly Mute" started operating with the highest efficiency, and news from all over the world was conveyed to the center of Wei State in time.

Looking at the anxious Ran Min, Liu Qun showed an imperceptible smile and said, "Your Majesty, there is no news at this time, but it is the greatest news. It is certain that the Northern Han Kingdom did not dare to attack our Great Wei easily, because They all know that as long as they dare to stretch out their claws to Wei, His Majesty will follow their claws and chop off their heads. The Jin Dynasty also did not dare to start a war easily, because our Changshui army of the Great Wei can break through at any time Their Jianghuai defense line goes directly to their Jiankang city. Unless they move their capital and escape from the Yangtze River. As for the plan of the Northern Han Dynasty, although it is impossible to guess now, the possibility of directly invading Wei is unlikely, and they did not destroy Wei The strength of the country, but they have to bear the risk of being retaliated against and exterminated, unless they are lunatics, they will take such a big risk."

Ran Min's eyes lit up, Liu Qun's analysis made sense.It's not that the State of Wei has no strength, but it's just that it can't take all aspects into account. As long as Ran Min is really in a hurry, he can completely abandon part of the territory of the State of Wei, and kill the Northern Han State to the sky without a way to enter the earth.

Liu Qun said again: "The situation has not deteriorated to the point of uncontrollable. Even if our Great Wei was broken through by the Northern Han Dynasty and lost dozens of cities, we can still bear the result. Besides, the best news now It’s just that there is no chaos in Hexi, except for the fact that the Tuyuhun tribe invaded the frontier and was defeated by His Royal Highness, the Qin State is much more honest. As long as the Qin State is stable and the Guanzhong is not lost, our Wei State will not be in danger of overthrowing.”

With Ran Min's intelligence, he was not inferior to Liu Qun.It's just that he is a fan of the authorities, and if he is involved in the game, he will be chaotic if he cares about it.And blindly worrying, the city was destroyed and people were killed, and the loss was heavy.After Liu Qun's reminder, Ran Min turned around and couldn't help feeling ashamed.

At this time, he is the backbone of the Wei State. If Ran Min loses an inch, the morale of Wei State's army will also be shaken because of Ran Min.

Ran Min's thinking has been opened, and after thinking about it, he knows that the situation in Wei State is actually not as bad as imagined.Like the Murong tribe of Xianbei, the Northern Han Kingdom is good at field warfare, and they are not good at attacking cities and lands. Unless they have internal support, it is difficult for them to break through even the county.

At this time, Wei State's system has slowly begun to stabilize, and Ran's rule has gradually won the hearts of the people.Naturally, there will not be a large number of traitors to act as guides.Because they also have to worry about Ran Min's pursuit.

Ran Min hates betrayal the most, betraying himself and surrendering to the Jin Dynasty, such a person can understand.But it would be an exaggeration to punish the nine clans of such a person who betrayed the Wei State and lost his sincerity to the Northern Han State.The more local gentry, the less willing to take such a risk.

However, at this time, Ran Min calmed down and thought about it carefully. He felt that unless the Northern Han Kingdom wanted to exterminate their race, they would not take such a big risk to plunder.Ran Min is not a cowardly person, and the state of Wei is not the Jin Dynasty.

The north wind howled, and a moving castle appeared on the horizon.A huge building cart dragged by more than 100 strong cattle moves slowly on the ice sheet.This huge two- to three-hundred-square-meter building car is extremely eye-catching on the endless ice field.Although it was cold and windy outside the car, it was as warm as spring inside this huge building.

Around this tall building car, there are densely packed soldiers and civilians from the Northern Han Dynasty.Endless, boundless.

Liu Kuren, the king of the Northern Han Dynasty, was lying on a throne very comfortably. On the lower head was He Na, the later general of the Northern Han Dynasty and the king of Lanling, and on the lower right was Zhai Bin, the former general Yunzhong Wang.Next is Batu, the right general of King Zhongyi.

"Your Majesty Qizuo, according to the detailed report, all 29 people in the border town of Wei State have been evacuated. As expected, they did not leave us a single grain of food. Even if we go south, we will definitely not be able to grab anything. Now the forward of the Wei Army has entered Shengle City."

He Ne took over the conversation and said: "Emperor Ran Min of the Wei Kingdom is also a man who knows how to fight. He always likes to support war with war, and he will definitely not give us the opportunity to support war with war. If we rashly go south, apart from sacrificing those warriors, We can't take advantage of any benefits!"

Liu Kuren sneered and said: "Ran Min is not a pedantic person. Once we anger him, it will be more terrifying than this rare white disaster. Don't you look at it, what will happen to those who try to destroy him? Liu Xian, Murong Jun... Everyone wants to destroy him, drink horses from the Yellow River, and take control of the Central Plains, but now, where is the Stone Department? Where is the Murong Department? Ran Min is that fierce tiger. Under the leadership of a fierce tiger, even if he is a coward Sheep can also resist a dead wolf. If we go south to compete with Ran Min for food, we will end up like the Jie, Di, and Hun tribes."

The Loyalty King Batu said dissatisfied: "But the people of Rouran are too poor, they are not much better than us, this snow disaster, they are worse than us. We really can't get much, there will still be countless people from the tribe who will starve to death, freeze die."

Liu Kuren said: "Batu, you can be content, what can we do? Natural selection, the strong survive. Looking at the long-term, under the leadership of Cheluhui, Rouran has already begun to rise. After the death of Luhui, Rouran was divided into two parts, Pihouba and Yanheti did not get along, and we didn’t even have the chance to go north to eat. If Rouran is strong and unified, that is the tragedy of our Han country. Go south to strengthen the tiger, There are vicious wolves in the north, and we have no way out."

Zhai Bin also sighed: "But there are still many people from the tribe who died innocently."

Liu Kuren waved his hands and said, "Human life is like the velvet grass on the prairie. Once it is killed by the winter wind and snow, it will grow again in the spring. As long as we keep the young and strong warriors in the clan, annex Rouran In the future, we will be the only family on the grassland. One day, we will be able to compete with the Han people. The Han people are cowardly in their bones. For thousands of years, they have only produced a Qin King and a Han Wudi. Now there is Ran Min, Ran Min Min is just a person, he will die one day, only after he dies can we go south to herd horses!"

Batu said: "Your Majesty, although the king's tent is comfortable, after resting for so many days, the bones are almost rusted. The next battle will be fought from the end!"

Zhai Bin said: "King Zhongyi, this is not good, you have already gained a lot of benefits in the battle of Tula River, you should leave it to others to drink soup! Our clan now has no overnight food, we only eat human food , Eating people with stomach acid, I'm nauseated now, this battle, it's my turn to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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