Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 624 1 Way of Ice and 1 Way of Elegy

Chapter 624

Chapter 629

He Na said: "Stop arguing, both of you, or I will fight this battle."

Batu and Zhai Bin said in unison: "You think well!"

Liu Kuren got up and said, "Don't fight anymore. Batu fought from west to east, He Na fought from east to west, Gu Wang and Zhai Bin fought from south to north, let's fight together and eat meat together."

On the banks of the Wengjin River, this is now the habitat of the western part of Rouran led by Hetiyan.The land on the banks of the Wengjin River has long been covered with thick ice and snow, and it looks empty.Just when the Northern Han Kingdom was hit by a blizzard, Rouran, located in the north of the Northern Han Kingdom, faced even more serious damage.

If it was still the period when Rouran Khan Chelu ruled Rouran at this time, Rouran would definitely find ways to transfer their losses from the Northern Han Dynasty.It's a pity that today's Rouran is just like the Xianbei people in history.After the death of the talented Tan Shihuai, the empire that completely occupied the homeland of the Xiongnu, which was [-] miles from east to west and more than [-] miles from north to south, collapsed.During the period of the Cheluhui, Rouran was also a group with millions of followers and more than [-] people who controlled strings. It reached Lake Baikal in the north, north of Yinshan Mountain in the south, Daxing'an Mountains in the east, Junggar Basin in the west, and the Yili River. watershed.However, this huge empire, like the original Xianbei Empire, was also short-lived.

After the death of Che Luhui, through Tunugou, Badi, and the death of Su Yuan, the third Khan, Rouran was divided into two.Divided into Pihouba in the east of Rouran and Yanheti in the west of Rouran, they often fight over the ownership of the grassland.When Pihouba and Yanheti hadn't decided the winner, now the army of the Northern Han Dynasty came.

In the Northern Han Dynasty, there are mainly four forces. Liu Kuren, who banned the Tuoba tribe and became self-reliant, is the strongest, followed by the Helan tribe of He Na.But among them, the most powerful and fierce one is the tribe of Loyalty King Batu.Batu has the most reason to be proud, because they are the sharpest knives in Han.In the first battle since invading the territory of Rouran, Batu led his troops. As the forward of the army, Batu used less than 3 horses to lead Houba's Khan Guard, and the most elite Rouran people had [-] troops. The remaining troops were defeated.Now Pi Houba, who was the first to suffer from the Northern Han Dynasty, knew the strength of the Northern Han Dynasty, and led the Eastern Rouran, leaving behind some old and weak, cattle and sheep, and fled northward all the way.

Because of the acquisition of more than [-] cattle and sheep from Pihouba, the Northern Han Dynasty avoided the cruel drama of everyone cannibalism.After this battle, the Rouran people have lost the capital to challenge the Northern Han Dynasty.Unless Pihouba and Yanheti can put aside their past grievances, shake hands and agree to deal with their enemies together.

It is a pity that, judging from the current situation, it seems that there is no possibility of Pihouba and Yanheti joining forces.Therefore, Rouran was destined to become the fat meat on the lips of the Northern Han Dynasty.

Now that the snowstorm is unavoidable, they can't get cheap from the Han people, so they can only wrong the Rouran people.As long as Rouran is annexed, even if only Rouran in the west of Yanheti is annexed, the Northern Han Kingdom can safely survive the snow disaster crisis.If it is possible to annex the Rouran Pihouba tribe, the national power of their Northern Han Kingdom can at least double.

Batu did not hide the whereabouts of the troops, and spread scouts all the way like casting a net, looking for the whereabouts of the Rouran people.Batu's first goal is a tribe located in the west of Rouran on the banks of the Wengjin River.Wengjin River is a mother river that breeds a strong nation.Here, the Huns rose first, followed by the Xianbei.The Rouran people are also here, launching an attack from all directions, and they are invincible. 300 years later, the Turkic people gradually became the overlord of the grassland from a small tribe because of the rich grassland on the banks of the Wengjin River.

Even after suffering such a heavy snowstorm, there is still dead grass for cattle and horses to eat.The Rouran people, who are not afraid of the cold, struggled to push away the snow, revealing the grass under the snow for the cattle and sheep to eat.Although their limbs are almost numb, they have no choice.

"Report to Your Majesty, the tribe of Rouran was found ahead." The scout reported to Batu Hui: "Your Majesty, the last general did not come to scout. The attack is still waiting for the support of the Helan Department and the Gaoche Department to attack together, please show me the king!"

Batu said: "Did they find us?"

The scout said: "It seems not."

Batu asked again: "Do they have a camp?"

The scout said: "There are only simple camps, no horses or antlers, but their tribe is too big, we may not be able to eat them."

"So what!" Batu said disapprovingly: "If He Na and Zhai Bin are notified, they will be given a share. Originally, our tribe's property is not much, so how can we distribute it to them. We don't care about them, we will do it ourselves first , When we are full and drink enough, we will give them some soup."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Batu turned around and shouted at the soldiers beside him: "Boys, the Rouran people in front have prepared meat and property for us, and they want to eat meat to make a fortune. Just hold the knives in your hands and charge me!" "

Without any warning, Batu's more than [-] cavalry attacked the Wengjinhe tribe in Rouran.

As the vanguard of the army, the five or six thousand Batu warriors headed north and accelerated suddenly.The sound of horseshoes was like thunder, breaking the silence of the Wengjin River.When they were about to reach the outskirts of the Rouran tribe, the young men of the Rouran tribe who got the news began to mount their horses, organize their formation, and start a hedge against the warriors of the Batu tribe.

At this time, the north wind was bitter, and the north wind like a small knife mixed with snowflakes hit people's faces like a knife cutting flesh. The Batu warriors who charged against the wind were at a disadvantage because they couldn't open their eyes at all and could only rely on Feel offensive.But Rouran, who is carrying the wind on his back, has a great advantage.Because it is leeward, they don't have to worry about it, the sight is not wide enough.Of course, due to the wind, their bows and arrows shot farther than the Batu people.

Nomadic battles on the battlefield are all random fights without rules. They all enter the range of bows and arrows to shoot each other, and then slash with a knife.The Rouran people who occupied many conveniences finally released their arrows. The arrows began to fly high into the sky, and only began to land when they reached the highest point.

Batu narrowed his eyes, and his excitement became more and more intense.This enemy is very methodical in fighting.This shows that this is the elite of the Rouran people. As long as this elite force is eliminated, the Rouran people will be lambs they slaughter at will.Batu counted silently, from one to ten. When he counted to ten, Batu yelled: "Assault!"

The sharp ox horn sounded, and the five or six thousand Batu warriors who received the order suddenly split from the middle.Five or six thousand vanguard cavalry were divided into two, and the middle road was given way.The sound of horseshoes continued in the middle of the road, and the four or five thousand horses without knights behind them were cut by the buttocks of the horses with knives by the warriors of the Batu tribe. The horses suffered from pain and rushed forward.

In fact, Batu didn't have any tricks in fighting. He only knew one trick, which was to lure the enemy with brave cavalry first, and then let those unmanned horses charge when the enemy shot arrows.If the enemy's bows and arrows are too fierce, these cavalry who lure the enemy in front of the formation will detour to the enemy's two wings to wait for opportunities.But if the enemy's bows and arrows are not strong enough, they will replace the unruly horses and continue to charge.

Obviously, these Rouran people are not suitable for Batu's style of play.When they finished shooting three rounds of arrows and the unmanned horse rushed forward, they were visibly flustered.As nomadic warriors, they certainly knew the power of these frightened warhorses.

The formation formed by the Rouran people suddenly became chaotic. At this moment, the five or six thousand Batu warriors who served as the striker saw the opportunity and rushed up screaming.

When Batu saw the striker fighting with the Rouran people, Batu held a steel spear and launched an all-out charge with strange screams.In a collision, the Rouran people and the Batu warriors were like falling wheat, and thousands of cavalry fell to the ground.Then the living continued to kill as if they hadn't seen it.

He Tiyan yelled at the generals beside him frantically: "Hold it, hold it up for Ben Khan."

"Moruha! Don't you want to marry Ben Khan's little princess? As long as you block these people for Ben Khan today and go back, Ben Khan will marry you!"

The dark-faced Moluha is Hetiyan's bravest general.Moluha returned to the main formation without saying a word.Lead the troops of the formation and rush to Batu's king's banner.Capture the thief first and capture the king, this is the favorite tactic of the nomads.

On the one hand, it is to eat and fight the enemy for survival, on the other hand, it is to fight to the death for survival.The Rouran people and Batu's troops fought fiercely on the banks of the Wengjin River.

Although the Batu tribe is very brave and powerful enough to fight, it is a pity that in the era of cold weapons, bloodiness cannot replace strength.Hetiyan is not a weak Pihouba either.

Even when he came to the arrow in person, He Tiyan didn't retreat.Because of He Tiyan's bravery, the Rouran people finally persevered.Rouran gradually stabilized from the initial panic.They faced the battle calmly, fought hard, and finally used the crowd tactics to turn the battle in the direction that Rouran people favored.

This process was bloody and cruel. After two hours, both sides were exhausted from fighting, and in the end, no one could do anything.

On the banks of the Jinweng River, the Batu Department did not achieve the expected results because they underestimated the enemy and advanced aggressively.Of course, the Rouran people also suffered heavy losses.There were a total of more than [-] casualties on both sides, and of course the Rouran people suffered a greater loss.

When Batu of the Northern Han Dynasty failed to make progress, the main forces of the Helan tribe and Liu Kuren also arrived at Wengjinhe. Facing the main force of the Northern Han Dynasty, He Tiyan had no strength to resist.He had no choice but to lead the young and strong to flee lightly.And Liu Kuren also got the old and weak women, children, cattle and horses of Hetiyan.

The main movement of the Northern Han Kingdom was finally discovered by scouts from the Kingdom of Wei, and they sent it to Yecheng with a fast ride of [-] miles. When Ran Min got the news, it was already the end of the first year of Kaiyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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