Chapter 625
Chapter 630

At this time, in order to resist the possible attack of the Northern Han Dynasty, the Wei State emptied 29 border towns, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians, and gradually moved almost all the troops on the southern line of the Wei State to the north.

Now, Ran Min, the emperor of Wei, knew that he had made a big oolong.

Ran Min said: "As for the relocation of hundreds of thousands of innocent people with their families, all the way toil the people and waste money, it is all my negligence, and I will commit the crime."

As soon as Ran Min's voice fell, the courtiers in the court hall of Wei State were elated.This battle of tightening the wall and clearing the country and the whole country was carried out with the approval of all the ministers. How could it be possible for the emperor to take the blame.In the era when the emperor ruled the sky, it was impossible for the emperor to make mistakes. All the mistakes were made by the ministers. Even if the emperor was responsible, it was only because he was deceived.

Cui Yue: "Your Majesty, there is no need to blame yourself for this matter. If I hadn't insisted on it, Your Majesty would not have been misled by me. Therefore, I should also bear this crime."

Liu Qun was very surprised, when did this Cui Yue change his temper?
Ran Min is a person who dares to do something, doesn't he understand the impact of the crime.It is a good thing if someone is willing to take the blame. The big deal is to get rid of the official position and make compensation from property.

Liu Qun said: "Your Majesty, in fact, things are not as bad as imagined, we still have a solution!"

"Appreciate further details!"

Liu Qun said: "It is now certain that the Northern Han Kingdom will not invade our Great Wei. Qing, Luo, and Henan are no longer defended by the Wei Kingdom. If the Jin Dynasty has thoughts on our Great Wei at this time, wouldn't it be possible..."

After hearing Liu Qun's words, Ran Min immediately came to his senses.It is said that such a good opportunity, the Jin Dynasty should not let it go.In the second year of Yongxing, Ran Min was flanked by Murong Jun, Yao Gezhong, and Shi Kun, and he was defeated for the first time.Jin Chao couldn't wait to jump out to pick peaches.

The one who made the official was appointed, the one who made the wish made the wish, and won over the generals who divided Wei Guozhou and the prefectures.Let Ran Min never recover from a setback.Ran Min is all too familiar with the Jin dynasty's ministers who are full of benevolence, justice and morality, who are outsiders in fighting outside and experts in fighting inside.Without Liu Qun's elaboration, Ran Min already understood Liu Qun's idea.

If the Jin Dynasty intends to take this opportunity to weaken the Wei State, they will definitely send troops to attack the Wei State again.Ran Min can take advantage of this opportunity to plot against the Jin Dynasty.

In order to avoid the attack of the Northern Han Dynasty this time, the losses caused by the fortified walls and clearing the fields that had to be carried out can completely be borne by the Jin Dynasty instead of the Wei State.A big net against the Jin Dynasty was slowly opened.

In a small pavilion outside the Xianyang Hall of the Jiankang Imperial Palace, Jinmu Emperor Sima Dan was very happy, laughing from time to time.Empress Dowager Chu Suanzi looked at Sima Dan's happy face and sighed for a while. It was the first time Sima Dan showed such a happy smile since he recovered.

Chu Suanzi said: "Emperor, what makes you so happy?"

Sima Dan danced and said: "Mother, you don't know, God finally opened his eyes. The Northern Han Dynasty suffered a severe snowstorm, and they will definitely pour their troops south to invade the border. In order to resist the invasion of the Northern Han Dynasty, Ran Min, the puppet emperor of Wei, , actually evacuated the soldiers and civilians from 29 border towns, hundreds of thousands of people braved the severe cold and moved southward, all the way south was made with blood and tears all the way, Wei's 20 troops were all crushed on the borders of Bing, Hebei, and You, and a great battle was about to begin Outbreak. For us Jin, Wei is a tiger and Beihan is a wolf. As long as they stage a tiger-wolf fight, it will be our Jin who will benefit in the end!"

Chu Suanzi shook her head, she was not as optimistic as Sima Dan.Since Ran Ming defeated the Yan State in the Battle of Liantai, the Wei State began to flourish. The most powerful Yan State perished, and Di Qin also perished. After his death, there is no longer any military power in the world to check and balance Wei.Regardless of the nearly one million troops of the Northern Han Dynasty and tens of thousands of troops, it is a pity that the poorly equipped Northern Han army was no match for the Wei army at all.

Although Chu Suanzi doesn't understand military affairs, the general trend can still be seen. If the Northern Han Dynasty recharges its energy and rests for a whole year, there may be a chance to compete with Wei Guo.However, if the Northern Han Kingdom fought against Ran Min, even if it caused a little loss to the Wei Kingdom, it would be nothing more than dying.

The strength of the Hu people lies in riding and shooting. If they take advantage of their strengths and only fight against Wei Junyou, they will persist for a while.If the Northern Han State gave up their strengths and fought against the Wei State to attack and consume the city, the border town in the northern part of the Wei State would be the grave of the Northern Han State.Whether it is the Helan tribe or the Dugu tribe, they will shed the last drop of blood.

As long as Ran Min calmly cleaned up the Northern Han Kingdom, he would definitely turn around and head south.The demise of Jin is also a matter of time.Chu Suanzi really wanted to use the time of balance he had finally reached with Wei to develop the national power of Jin.It's a pity that the ideal is full and the reality is too skinny.

Just the endless struggle between the northern and southern gentry broke Chu Suanzi's heart. How could there be time to develop the economy and enrich the country and strengthen the army?

Just now when he heard that Ran Min withdrew the troops confronting the Jin Dynasty in the south, Chu Suanzi also thought that this was a rare opportunity.But after thinking about it, fear rose from the bottom of my heart.

This is not a good sign, the Jin Dynasty is in danger.In terms of army, Dai State is not as good as Yan State, and in terms of power, the current Northern Han State is even worse than the original Dai State.It is impossible to expect them to defeat Ran Min.

At this time, Sima Dan's head also snapped open.Since Wei's southern line is not fortified, can it be moved?Although most of the army of the Jin Dynasty was under the control of Huan Wen, Sima Dan did not have any direct troops, but at the beginning Chu Suanzi exchanged his empress position for an army of 20. This army was defeated by Jiang Gan, but its strength is still strong. exist.With the addition of the newly recruited troops, [-] troops could not be mobilized by the Jin Dynasty, but [-] troops could be mobilized. Sima Dan still has that capability.With one hundred thousand soldiers and horses to take the opportunity to go north and wait for the opportunity, even if Luoyang can't be taken back, Nanyang can be held in hand, even if a few small cities can be taken back, the shame of Yixue's consecutive defeats and lost cities and lands for many years, wouldn't it be happy!
It's just how powerful the army of the Northern Han Dynasty is, and whether it can cause damage to the Wei Kingdom. Once Ran Min stabilizes the north in a very short period of time, he will have no worries. When Ran Min's soldiers all over the country go south, the situation will be out of control!
The children of the poor have long been in charge of the family. Although Sima Dan is the king of a country, the Jin country has been in turmoil year after year, which made him mature a lot.This is also his scruple. Occasionally someone in the court clamored to take the opportunity to make a northern expedition, but Chu Suanzi suppressed them with reasons such as the lack of national strength and the new army waiting for training.Sima Dan felt very terrified of the fighting power of Wei's army.

At the beginning, Huan Wen took advantage of Yan State's control in the north of Wei State, and the whole country's soldiers and horses were suppressed in the north. Huan Wen wanted to take advantage of Ran Min's internal and external difficulties, and lead the Xifu Army to the Northern Expedition.Huanwen's Northern Expedition was defeated, Sima Xi was also defeated, and Xun Xian and Zhang Zuo also failed. Looking back on the past successive failures, Sima Dan's heart gradually cooled down.

Youdao is Mo Ruomu who knows the son. Seeing Sima Dan blushing, Chu Suanzi knew that his son was interested in the Northern Expedition.This is a major event involving the fate of the country, and Sima Dan must not be allowed to act on his will.

Chu Suanzi said: "Could it be that the emperor intends to take the opportunity to make a northern expedition?"

Sima Dan said: "My mother, my son is young, how can my son easily touch this important military and state affairs?"

Chu Suanzi smiled slightly and said, "Thus, the affairs of our Great Jin state are difficult. We must not act rashly. Everything should be prudent, and we must not advance rashly. Wei Guo is now full-fledged and wants to use military means to defeat Ran Min. It's unrealistic. Ran Min has the ambition to conquer the world, and now he is trying to stabilize the country."

Just now, Sima Dan interrupted Chu Suanzi and said: "Mother, you understand that now we are living in peace with the state of Jin and Wei. Does the mother really think that they will always live in peace like this?"

Sima Dan's eyes were piercing, and his momentum was like a newborn calf defying the tiger.

Chu Suanzi sighed, before he could speak.Sima Dan said again: "The 20 troops of Ran Min, the puppet emperor of Wei State, are trapped in Bing and You. Such an opportunity does not come often. If you miss it, you may lose your chance!"

Chu Suanzi was also very conflicted in his heart.Wei State is located in the north, regardless of Bing, Hebei, Luo, Yu, Yong, and Si, it is the most prosperous and fertile place in the world.Years of wars have left the fields in various places in a barren state. Although they are barren, those fields have a chance to accumulate soil strength.The whole country of Wei State is reclaiming wasteland, and the restoration of national power is far from comparable to that of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Moreover, because of the war, the noble families in the north also suffered heavy losses, and they were completely unable to compete with the Ranwei court.There is no internal support, and the foreign enemies are gradually eliminated. When the Wei State wipes out the last enemy in the north, the Northern Han State, the remaining 20 troops will turn around and go south. The Jin Dynasty can't resist the well-trained, fierce and sturdy Wei army anyway. .

Ran Min has already won the hearts of the people in the north. Even in the face of the invasion of the Northern Han Dynasty, all the southern troops of the Wei State were transferred to the north. From officials, county magistrates, to ordinary Li people, they all worked together to repair the city and rectify the defense, but regarded the Jin Dynasty as an enemy.

People's hearts... have gone north.

Since the founding of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it has not relied on the ferocity of the army, nor the strength of the country.The only advantage is to have the name of righteousness.

Don't look at those Confucian scholars' high-sounding words, but Chu Suanzi knows that this is just because the power of the Jin Dynasty royal family has fallen, and the northern and southern gentry are using Sima's skin for their own benefit.While taking advantage of their own privileges, the gentry annexed land frantically and amassed wealth frantically.But what about the state of Wei, where the people live and work in peace and contentment, work hard, and work as one, and they prosper instead.

At this moment, Chu Suanzi was also shaken.Perhaps this is the only chance to change the fate of Jin.

Chu Suanzi said: "Nowadays, the Great Jin Dynasty is like being stuck in a quagmire. Every moment of delay, the power to extricate oneself becomes weaker. But this Wei State is like a newborn tiger cub. Every day, the claws and teeth will become stronger. Points, one ebbs and another ebbs and flows, the consequences are disastrous!"

(End of this chapter)

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