Chapter 626
Chapter 631

Seeing that Chu Suanzi agreed to fight, Sima Dan was very happy.Every emperor, in fact, no one wants to be a weak emperor, especially Sima Dan, who prefers to be an independent and powerful emperor.

Sima Dan said: "Mother, Da Jin has relied on you for so many years, and you have suffered a lot these years!"

When Chu Suanzi heard this, tears flowed down unconsciously. 12 years of hard work, 12 years of anticipation, all of this is worth it. 12 years ago, Chu Suanzi, who was only 24 years old, ascended to the throne with Sima Dan, who had just turned her year, in her arms. In 12 years, she was a mediator, mediating the forces of all parties, and keeping the stage from falling.

Now Sima Dan has finally grown up.

Chu Suanzi said: "Huang Er, since you want to go to the Northern Expedition, the most important thing now is to do one thing first!"

Sima Dan asked in a daze, "Is it a capable general now?"

Chu Suanzi shook his head and said: "If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside. If you don't take care of the internal instability factors, if the Northern Expedition confronts each other, they will jump out and provoke trouble..."

Chu Suanzi thought it over clearly, this time the Northern Expedition still focused on stabilizing the interior.Let the new army make the Northern Expedition, adjust Jiankang's military strength, and create a gap in defense, so that those dangerous elements who are not at ease can jump out of their own initiative.

Chu Suanzi and Sima Dan's mother and son also began to weave a net. The main purpose of this net is to gather the imperial power and transfer power from the local to the central.Under the slogan of the Northern Expedition in name, it is actually preparing to deal with hostile forces in the country.

Ran Ming also received the information sent by Tianyan when the Qin State went to Gu. Due to the delay of the news in this era, he did not know that the Northern Han State had already attacked the Rouran people to the north, but felt that the Wei State was shocked by the loss of the strong walls and clear fields.

Nearly 37 households, more than 60 people moved with their families, filled more than [-] wells, demolished more than [-] houses, and the loss of money is estimated to be more than [-] gold.If you count the polluted water sources and the destroyed basic design, the loss will be at least over one million gold.

Seeing Ran Ming's unbearable face, Wang Meng couldn't help persuading: "Your Highness, Your Majesty and the princes in the court, the countermeasures adopted are correct. Although these losses are great, if these people are allowed to be slaughtered by barbarians, The loss will be even heavier. There is no way to choose the lesser of the two benefits, and the lesser of the two evils."

After being silent for a while, Ran Ming said softly: "Although the policy is good, the direction of doing things is wrong."

"The direction is wrong!" Wang Meng said in surprise, "What direction is wrong?"

Ran Ming said: "The military system of our dynasty is wrong. The military system of our dynasty followed the conservative strategy adopted by Sima Yan, Emperor Wu of the Western Jin Dynasty. In order to prevent the disaster of the feudal towns and the local dominance, we adopted a strategy of weak branches and strong branches."

Wang Meng was silent, because the Sima family had usurped the throne of Cao Wei, so in order to prevent the ministers from imitating their Sima family and usurping their Sima's throne in the future.After Sima Yan ascended the throne, he dismissed the state soldiers from the counties, placed 50 military officials in large counties, and [-] military officials in small counties.With this little force, not to mention protecting the border and reassuring the people, they can't even maintain local law and order.

If there is nothing wrong with counties and counties, let them stop their soldiers.The implementing army has been divided.Although these can't make the local leading generals support their troops, what they lose is the disaster of the border town.No matter how effective it is, no matter how efficient it is.It took at least a few months or more than a year for the imperial court to receive news of the military disaster in the border county from sending troops to Pingjing.Let the armed forces cease to exist, and the misfortune will intensify.

Although the state of Wei did not completely copy the military system of the Jin Dynasty, the direction is the same.The most elite soldiers and horses are still Ran Min's direct line of troops, and they are all concentrated in Yecheng, and the second-class elite troops are stationed at the border.Neither the general Dong Run nor the hussar general Zhang Wen had any direct lineages of their own. They only had the right to command the troops to fight, but they had no direct control over the army.

Even the army in the hands of General Anbei Ji Wei is under the management of Xu Yuan, Ran Feng, and Ji Wei respectively.

The local army and militia system that Ran Ming initially implemented in Qingzhou was gradually restricted and reformed in the following days, and gradually became a dead letter.

Although Wang Meng knew that this kind of policy was not conducive to timely and effective responses, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with doing so.After all, the way of thinking of ancient people still has certain limitations.Wang Meng said: "What is Your Highness planning?"

After thinking about it for a while, Ran Ming summed up the reserve system of the later generations and the Baojia system of the Song Dynasty.

Administrative units below the county level are divided into a three-level system, with township, Bao, and Jia levels.Take the household as the unit, set up a head of household, ten households as a Jia, set up a chief, ten Jiabai hundred households as a guarantee, set up a chief.Set up a mayor with ten guarantees as a town.In a county, several towns are established according to the resident population.Implement management, education, support, health and other work.

Household, Jia, and Baochang are all elected by the local government, and the town mayor who is only in charge of military work is a retired elite army sergeant.

As soon as Ran Ming expressed his thoughts, Wang Meng raised objections.The first point is money.

"If you want to build this three-level armament system, even if Jiachang and Baochang don't have to pay salaries, you must at least have some preferential treatment for these people in terms of tax burden. Give them food and money to feed their hunger. These young adults should also be given a certain tax subsidy!" Wang Meng took a pen and wrote like a flying bird on the paper.

"Local armaments definitely need armor, weapons, and crossbows. These things are consumables and need maintenance!" Wang Meng continued: "Your Highness, let's do a calculation. Let's calculate it in a county with an average of 36 households. It will be divided into one thousand Jia, one hundred Bao, and ten towns. Even if each household sends out one Ding, each has more than [-] reserve troops, even if equipped with the cheapest spearmen (the best phalanx for infantry to restrain cavalry. Manpower A horizontal knife, a spear, a shield, and leather armor) [-] sets of armor, even if they were eliminated after the battle, would cost seven to eight thousand yuan, nine hundred for the horizontal knife, and fourteen hundred for the shield. Crossbow machine [-] yuan, crossbow arrows [-] yuan (one piece) (standard equipment is [-] pieces of three pots), spear or gun [-] yuan, so that each soldier needs [-] yuan for equipment and [-] dong for a county It is [-] million yuan, which is [-] gold. Excluding equipment, each strong man needs to spend a lot of food on the basis of a year of training and one month. In addition, he also needs consumables such as beef and mutton, salt, etc., including equipment loss. , The expenditure of a county is at least [-] gold. Even if the county is rich, the fertile land is at best ten thousand yuan, and the tax provided by (thirty tax one) is only about ten thousand gold. It will take four or five years to complete the establishment of the armed forces."

Ran Ming fell into deep thought. In this era, the common people live too hard and have no foundation.Although he adopts the strategy of encouraging business development, in fact he is still taking the same path as Deng Weiren, with a small number of people getting rich first, while the majority of poor people are still very poor.If the commercial tax is not calculated, relying on the traditional agricultural tax alone will not be able to support the consumption of the armament system.

Of course, with the military household system of the Ming Dynasty, tax exemption measures were used to tie military households to the land. In just a few decades, the military household system also existed in name only, and corruption became common.

It can be seen that the only thing lacking in the implementation of the armament system in this era is money.If you have money, you can naturally solve these problems. If you don't have money, just relying on the coercion of the imperial court, it is very likely that the people will live in dire straits and complain.

Ran Ming said blankly, "Could it be that this way doesn't work?"

Of course Wang Meng knew what Ran Ming was thinking, but at this time he was thinking in the wrong direction. He thought that Ran Ming wanted to seize the throne by force, and in the name of guarding against foreign enemies, he hid soldiers among the people in case of emergencies.Ran Ming's idea is very novel, just like in Jiankang City, he used the method of merchant bearers to spread his power to the people, and he could immediately pull up a power for his own use when needed.

Wang Meng supported this idea.He wasn't so pedantic that he wanted to let Ran Ming compete with Ran Zhi by relying on his only righteousness or fame.Compared with Ran Zhi, Ran Ming's only advantage is in the military, because Ran Ming became famous all over the world with his military exploits from the Battle of Liantai, which made the generals of the military have an incomparably good impression of Ran Ming.Of course, at this time, it was just a good impression. They had a good impression of Ran Ming on the basis of being loyal to Ran Min.At a critical moment, if Ran Zhi ascended the throne by relying on Ran Min's edict and gained the name of righteousness, the military connections and prestige that Ran Ming had established would not be of any use at all.

Ran Ming used his own method to secretly form an army. Qin State now has seven counties and 98 counties, of which there are only [-] counties with more than [-] households. However, if Ran Ming's method is followed, the current population base of Qin State can at least form More than [-] armed forces.If Ran Ming holds an army of tens of thousands in his hands, not only can he protect himself, but in Ran Min's [-]-year year, once there is a storm, he can rely on the Western Regions, connect to Guanzhong, and sit back and watch the storm rise again.

After Wang Meng thought about it, he still felt that Ran Ming's method was a good one.Although there is no money now, Ran Ming has it. With Ran Ming's economic ability to help the world, are you afraid that there will be no money?At the beginning, Ran Ming relied on Qingzhou's economic strength to support almost [-]% of Wei Guochao's military supplies.Among them, Ran Ming contributed to the training of more than half of the army's equipment and personnel.Wang Meng said: "Your Highness, I think it's better to write to His Majesty for this method, and let His Majesty decide."

Ran Ming was startled when he heard this, and then laughed happily: "Sir, it's a great idea!"

Ran Ming and Wang Meng began to improve the Baojia system.The Baojia system not only allows the people to have the power to protect themselves, but also has an advantage, that is, to check and balance the local tyrants. The perfect Baojia system, combined with the supervision of the supervisory censor, can vaguely check and balance those local tyrants.

Qinzhou is the hometown of Lao Qin. The folk customs here are tough and tough, and it is also a good breeding ground for the world's heroes.If handled properly, this place can not only become Wei's northwest barrier, but also pull out a powerful field army.

(End of this chapter)

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