Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 627 We Are Abandoned

Chapter 627 We Are Abandoned

Chapter 632 We Are Abandoned
Conceived and conceived by Ran Ming, Wang Meng personally picked up the pen, and then Shi Lixian, the governor of the Qin Palace, polished it, and finally this "Ping Rong Ce" was published.Along with "Ping Rong Ce", Ran Ming also concentrated his efforts to transport more than [-] sheepskins, [-] war horses, and more than [-] dried meat of cattle and sheep to Yecheng.

Although this snow disaster caused losses to Tuyuhun, Qiang, Di, and Northern Han, the disaster in Wei State was not serious, and with the large-scale application of coal, earth dragon, and down jackets, the impact of this snow disaster on Wei State It's actually not that big.However, in order to prepare for the surprise attack of the Northern Han Dynasty, the military and civilians in the border towns of the two prefectures moved on a large scale, which also increased the burden on the Wei State.The treasury, which was originally in a slight surplus, quickly bottomed out.

If it weren't for the rice grains that Ran Ming got from Champa, maybe Wei would be hungry all over the place.Although Qin State has just laid the foundation, it is not rich.In order to show his filial piety to Ran Min, Ran Ming forced these things out of his teeth to support the treasury.

In Pingding County, Shangjun County, Bingzhou, Wei State, General Dong Run of Wei State was lying on a carriage, looking at the looming clouds in the sky boredly.Entering Shangjun, Dong Run finally arrived before the Northern Han Dynasty attacked.It is less than [-] miles away from the border of Wei State. Fortunately, there are no Tanqi from the Northern Han Kingdom, which proves that the Northern Han Kingdom has not yet reached here.

Dong Run heaved a sigh of relief, fortunately, fortunately, he finally caught up.Dong Run traveled lightly all the way, discarding a lot of luggage and equipment, and only brought a small amount of dry food, in order to reach the Northland before the Northern Han army and reduce the loss of Wei State.Dong Run licked his chapped lips, and gradually became sleepy.

Dong Run's marching sentry cavalry is already a hundred miles away from the forward of the army, and has not received any report of contact with the enemy so far. It can be imagined that the situation is far better than originally imagined.Although physically and mentally exhausted, Dong Run was in a good mood. Finally, his comrades, the people of Wei State, did not have to be slaughtered by the barbarians like cattle and sheep.

As the general of Wei State, the nominal commander of the three armies.Dong Run thought much more than ordinary generals. The Northern Han Dynasty was the only thing behind the Wei State. If the Northern Han State was resolved, their Wei State could lead troops south and unify the world.The ass determines the head. Dong Run's position is different, and his vision is naturally different. He knows very well that this time it is not as simple as resisting the invasion of the Northern Han Dynasty. Ran Min gave him the truth in the secret decree. Solve the Northern Han Dynasty.

If the Northern Han fled far away to Mobei in order to avoid the edge of the Wei State, with the current strength of the Wei State, there is no Northern Han that undertakes the labor expedition.But this time, the Northern Han Kingdom took the initiative to jump out, giving up their advantages in field battles, and insisted on smashing their heads in front of Wei Guo's city, just taking the opportunity to solve the Northern Han Kingdom's troubles.

This snowstorm was almost a disaster for the Northern Han Dynasty. All they could do was go south to invade the border, eat at the enemy, and pass on the loss.For Wei Guo, this is not only a challenge, but also a rare opportunity.If it is done properly, the time for Wei Guo to unify the world can be advanced at least three to five years, or even longer.

Although it was nearly a thousand miles from Luoyang to Pingding, both generals and soldiers suffered a lot.However, Dong Run felt that there was nothing wrong with suffering a little bit, as long as the vital forces of the Northern Han Kingdom were annihilated, for the sake of the Wei Kingdom, no matter how hard and tiring they were, they would not complain.

Looking at the sun in the sky, it seemed that the mountain was about to set. Dong Run looked at Pingding City, which was far away, and then ordered: "The whole army advances quickly, and camps in Pingding City!"

After receiving Dong Run's order, strength suddenly emerged from the exhausted sergeant, and the troops gradually accelerated.Although Pingding City is a city in the north of Shangjun, there is still a distance from the border, but this distance is only more than a day away for the Northern Han army, which is led by riding and archery. It is definitely not safe for the soldiers and civilians to stay here .Therefore, Pingding City at this time is also a military town with no people but only soldiers.

When the army entered the city and camped, Dong Run asked the army to boil hot water. He took a beautiful bath and fell asleep in the barrel.When Dong Run woke up, the originally scalding bath water had become icy cold.Dong Run got up and quickly wiped off his sweat, put on the inner night, and before he had time to put on the down jacket, he heard the soldiers report: "General, an angel has arrived in Yecheng!"

This angel is naturally not the kind of birdman with wings, and the envoy who proclaims the decree on behalf of the heavens, referred to as an angel, is usually an eunuch without eggs.

This time the angel is also a eunuch, but it is not a very important role, and Dong Run doesn't know him either.This eunuch is not very old, looking at the grades displayed by his clothes, he should be a young eunuch who is not in the top class.The eunuch did not ask Dong Run to set up the incense case and accept the order with great fanfare, but tore a piece of cloth with ghostly symbols drawn on it from his underwear.

Dong Run didn't dare to be careless. He knew that this was not only a secret decree, but also a very high-level secret decree. Dong Run took the secret decree, handed it to the clerk and said, "Quickly translate it!"

After a while, Dong Run saw the secret decree translated by the clerk, and the expression on his face was wonderful, including sadness, joy, and regret.

Dong Run ordered to bring wine.

The soldier handed over the jug.Although the sergeants of the State of Wei have been equipped with down jackets, it is a pity that due to physical problems, the Han people still cannot adapt to the severe cold in the north. High-grade liquor has become a must for the army to keep out the cold. It is not impossible to drink alcohol in the army, as long as you don’t get drunk. Not a violation of military law.But if you drink too much and go crazy, the punishment will of course be doubled.

Baijiu is a good thing at this time, especially in the case of a rapid march, it has become a rare thing.

Dong Run took a long gulp in a row, and the small copper jug ​​had already bottomed out quickly. Dong Run ordered: "Let's drum up and gather generals, this commander will be promoted!"

"Dong dong..." The rapid war drums sounded, and Dong Run's generals were full of excitement after receiving the order, and they could finally start fighting!

However, Dong Run's first sentence made these generals completely lost.

"Your Majesty has an order. After receiving the order, all ministries will quickly return to defense. There must be no mistakes. Those who violate the military law will follow the law!"

Although the generals at all levels still don't understand the true meaning of this order, they are professional troops, so they naturally follow the order.Soon, Wei Jun, who came to Pingding City and was only one step away from the front border, secretly went south in the dark.

In Shenyang County (now Zhengyang County), Runan County, Yuzhou Governor's Department of the Great Wei Dynasty, as the Wei army marched northward, although the people here were not mobilized to relocate, the dark clouds of the coming war also weighed on everyone's hearts.Xu Chengzu, the magistrate of Shenyang County, was from Biyang. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, one can tell his origin just by looking at his name.One character is Zun, and the other character is Shuzu.In the Shizhao period, Xu Chengzu was the official of Shenyang County.

After Ran Min established Ran Wei, Xu Chengzu led the soldiers and civilians of Shenyang County to kill the county magistrate appointed by Shi Hu and responded to Ran Min.Later, he was appointed magistrate of Shenyang County.

In the second year of Yongxing, Ran Min was defeated by Yao Gezhong, Murong Jun, and Shi Kun. Tens of thousands of Wei soldiers and civilians were killed.Yuzhou was also coerced and surrendered to the Eastern Jin Dynasty.Xu Chengzu, who had just served as county magistrate for two years and won the hearts of the people, surrendered to the Jin Dynasty. Because of his family background, he was gradually demoted from being the magistrate of a county to the treasurer, that is, the head of the warehouse. If you are an official, you can only be regarded as a small official.

After Ran Ming defeated Huan Wen and regained Luo and Yu, Xu Chengzu once again rebelled against Jin and Wei, and became the county magistrate again.Now that four years have passed, Xu Chengzu has also been listed for promotion because of his excellent performance evaluation. If there is no accident, he will become Sima of Peijun in the coming year.In this way, he was promoted from a small official of a common family background to a middle-level official of the Wei State. At the age of less than forty, even if he was promoted to another level, it was not impossible to enter the center of the imperial court.However, in this era, there was news that the Northern Han State was about to invade the Wei State. General Dong Run and Hussar General Zhang Wen both led their troops to the north.

As a person in the game, Xu Chengzu naturally saw that with the northward retreat of the Wei army in Henan and Luozhou, it is possible to usher in the Jin army's northward march.Sure enough, Jin Dynasty scouts have been spotted from time to time recently.

Xu Chengzu had two paths in front of him. If he abandoned the city and fled, his life would naturally be saved. After all, there are no soldiers and horses, and a city without soldiers to defend it cannot be defended no matter what.Even if he is held accountable, he will not be able to catch up with him.But in this way, I'm afraid his promotion will be ruined.Either the whole city surrendered to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, so Xu Chengzu was absolutely unwilling, and with his previous experience, he was absolutely unwilling to surrender again.

When Xu Shen hadn't made a decision, all the wealthy gentry in Shenyang County came to him.

"Xu Xianzun, there are more and more scouts in the Jin Dynasty, I am afraid they will come here soon, and I hope the county will save us!"

Shenyang is located in the Central Plains, and it is also a place that has been ravaged by the barbarians. Here, all the big gentry families who can move south have moved south, and the rest are basically common people.Even the families that can be called gentry in Shenyang are actually common landlords or rich merchants. As for the century-old or thousand-year-old wealthy families, none of them exist.

Xu Chengzu is also in a dilemma, abandoning the city is not what he wants, don't look at the fact that Wei Guo is now dealing with the Northern Han Kingdom in the north, and has no time to look south.Anyone with a little foresight can see that the good days of the Jin Dynasty are numbered, and no one wants to board a sinking ship.

Hou Juntong is the richest family in Shenyang, and they make a living by trading goods. Half of the restaurants and one-third of the silk and hemp in Shenyang City are properties under his name, so it is not an exaggeration to call it Houban City.Hou Juntong asked anxiously: "Xu Xianzun, please give Xiaodi a clear explanation, when will the reinforcements arrive?"

"Reinforcement!" Xu Chengzu smiled bitterly: "Where will there be reinforcements? Now that the Northern Han Dynasty is raising troops to attack the Wei Kingdom, His Majesty can't wait to throw beans into soldiers. His Majesty said at the beginning that the Jin Dynasty is to the south of us, and we are of the same origin. Brother, even if Luozhou and Yuzhou fall, the Eastern Jin court will not kill them, but once the northern border town falls, I am afraid that Paoze will not survive. Therefore, Your Majesty abandons the south and looks at the north, and fights against the foreign enemies alone."

Hou Juntong was stunned for a moment, and said: "I understand, the imperial court cares about the overall situation in the north, and we are all poor outcasts."

(End of this chapter)

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