Chapter 628

Chapter 633

The wealthy gentry around him were also filled with emotion, but Xu Chengzu didn't comfort him, he would not leave anyway, and he would have no way out if he came down to the Jin Dynasty. In the name of loyalty.The imperial court will definitely treat him preferentially in the future.

Xu Chengzu said: "You are the cornerstone of the country. Chengzu has no power to protect the country and the people, and there is no redemption if you die. If you care about the Great Wei, you can leave as soon as possible, go south or north, you can do whatever you want."

Comrade Hou Jun said: "Xu Xianzun is overthinking. Although Hou is a commoner, he knows the truth of sticking to one end. The court has considerations from the court, and Hou knows the seriousness. But as a Wei person, Hou does not Willing to be a slave!"

It can also be said that there is no loyalty in this world. The so-called loyalty is not enough chips for betrayal.Don't look at Hou Juntong's high-sounding words, in fact, it is not in his interest to be demoted.He is not only a commoner, but also a businessman, the lowest rank among scholars, farmers, businessmen, and his status is the same as that of actors and prostitutes, belonging to the same rank.But it was different in Wei State, because he was the first person to join the Huaxia Business Alliance, and received different treatment. As a silver-level member of the Huaxia Business Alliance, Hou Juntong was also very wealthy.

But although they are rich, they do not have the corresponding status. Merchants who did not have a backer in the Jin Dynasty will soon be eaten to nothing.But it is different in Wei State. He has a business alliance. Once there is a dispute with the government, someone will take care of it. In addition to the business tax, he pays only part of the membership fee, which saves money and worry.Although the Jin Dynasty did not collect commercial tax, even if it did, it was very low, but dealing with those greedy officials was far more than paying commercial tax and membership dues.

Xu Chengzu said: "You are all citizens. You have done your duty as a citizen by paying taxes and supporting officials. Even if the Jin army goes north, the county has neither reinforcements nor soldiers to fight, and there is no ability to protect your surroundings. Lu, the matter of loyalty to the emperor, this county has decided to devote oneself to state affairs. You can disperse as soon as possible while you still have the opportunity. There is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices. If you can go, go, if you really can't, then stay Next, the county can intercede with the Jin thieves, hoping that they will still be disciples of saints, have benevolence and righteousness in their hearts, and not slaughter the common people."

Hou Jun said, "His Royal Highness the King of Qin has something to say. The rise and fall of a country is the responsibility of every man. Although Hou is not talented, military power cannot secure the country. Wen can't fix a country, but the family still has some money and food. As long as soldiers who are willing to defend the war, even if It's a broken house, and Hou will not hesitate."

There was also a landlord of the common family surnamed Wen who said: "Xu Xianzun, the folks can collect money and food, and we must drive out the Jin thieves no matter what, and keep Shenyang no matter how bad it is."

Some people said: "Our Shenyang can be regarded as an upper county. Although there are not many people, there are still six or seven thousand young and strong. Our six or seven thousand people can't fight in the field. If we defend against the city, we can persist for a year or two. In just one or two years, our Great Wei Wangshi might have cleaned up the Northern Han Kingdom and headed south."

"We have people, money, and food, but there is nothing we can do without armor and weapons. We can't fight Jin thieves with hoes and sticks!"

When Xu Chengzu heard the words of the crowd, he said with a lot of emotion: "In the past, if the people of our country could be so united, they would never allow barbarians to wreak havoc, and China would not sink..."

The landlord surnamed Wen said, "The people are still the same people, and the heart is still the same, but the court is not the same court!"

Xu Chengzu said: "Lieutenant Liu, how many ordnances are there in the county warehouse?"

Lieutenant Liu Xian said respectfully: "Because the army marched northward with light clothes, eight crossbows and six catapults were all there, and there were still many old armors that were eliminated and had no time to be destroyed. Even with the missing parts, there are still several blacksmith workshops in the city, and they usually make farm tools and kitchen knives, and there should be some iron, so we can temporarily make some weapons."

The staff also said: "Dong Weng, it seems that a big event can be expected!"

Xu Chengzu said: "If that's the case, then give it a go?"

All the merchants, wealthy households and gentry said in unison: "Please show me the county!"

Xu Chengzu said: "Everyone, when the country is in crisis, this is the opportunity for us to show our talents. We have money to contribute money, rich people to contribute money, and powerful contributions. The imperial court will never forget us. Anyone who donates money and food , the county will present the imperial court at the meeting and ask the imperial court to commend it. Even if we die, our Great Wei will avenge us."

Shenyang County moved up and down. Under the banner of holding high the name of righteousness, countless merchants and gentry gathered around Xu Chengzu, and they gave generously.In just a few days, nearly 4000 shi of grain was transported into the county treasury, and more than [-] young and strong men were also called in. Xu Chengzu ordered to unseal the arsenal, take out the weapons and armor, and practice day and night.Other civilian husbands also build cities, build cities, and build weapons.

Farmers in ancient times were almost all-purpose workers, and they usually had to serve in military service, such as city ditches, city walls, construction of palaces, and odd jobs on roads.Now because the people are too poor, Ran Ming went to the table to Ran Min, abolished corvee, and provided relief with work.Since there is no corvee and no exorbitant taxes, the burden on the people of Wei State is much lighter.

In short, the people are pragmatic, as long as whoever treats them well, they will not call whoever is the emperor on their heads.China is a country where clans are the ties. In Shenyang County, the clan recruits young and strong individuals. Some of them have large surnames, and those with prestige in the clan were appointed by Xu Chengzu as captains or village chiefs.The only Lieutenant Liu who had been in contact with military affairs became the temporary generalissimo, and Xu Chengzu joined the army.

Untrained people have almost no fighting power. This is the consciousness of modern people, but in ancient times, it was the most normal thing to recruit people to join the army. Although the Han people were not brave enough or fierce enough, the method of defending the city was handy.

Looking at the young man who shouted and shouted like a rainbow, Xu Chengzu also felt a burst of emotion. If the Jin Dynasty could be so united, the Central Plains would not be lost to the enemy.

In fact, the common people did not oppose the Jin Dynasty, nor did they have the heart to resist. When Liu Yuan, the Hun, rebelled against the Jin Dynasty, there were endless rebels in the Central Plains against the Huns. Unfortunately, there was no effective command system, and no one organized and managed it. The rebels who did not belong to each other were wiped out by the Hu people.

During Zu Ti’s Northern Expedition, there were only more than 100 pieces and [-] pieces of silk (a piece of silk is about [-] yuan, and silk can be paid instead of currency.) Only relying on a title given by Emperor Jin and Yuan, it was pulled up in a short time. Three thousand troops, operating for several years, regained most of Yuzhou, and almost returned to Luoyang.

People who are familiar with history will feel emotion, and also feel helpless.

The armed forces system that Ran Ming promoted with all his heart was formally established before he could implement it.
Is it really because of righteousness that Shenyang people resisted the Eastern Jin Dynasty?

In fact, the so-called righteousness and integrity are just a superficial layer. The real problem is that belonging to Wei State is in the interests of most people in Shenyang. Merchants not only have a good business environment in Wei State, but also have a layer of protection.The gentry in Wei State not only had the space to be an official and make a fortune, but also had a stage to display their political ambitions.Of course, Wei's political environment does not discriminate against the common people and poor families. Although their opportunities are still less than those of the noble families, for the common people and poor families, this opportunity is better than nothing.

Xu Chengzu inspected the young and strong, shouting "Long live the Great Wei, the Great Wei will surely win, and vow to live and die with Shenyang."

Regardless of the fact that Shen Yang has armed more than 4000 people, in fact this is still a mob.Most of the people have never experienced the battlefield. Although the morale is high, it does not represent the real combat effectiveness. No matter how high the morale is, it is still pale in the face of absolute strength.

The magistrate of Shenyang looked at his army with great interest. Of course, it is a bit reluctant to call it an army. First of all, there is the problem of armor. Among the leather armors eliminated by the army, as for Mingguang armor or iron armor, there are only a pitiful [-] or so pairs.Most of the common people don't have any armor, and only those who are temporarily appointed captains and above have a pair of leather armors, and those above Quhou and Junhou can have iron armor.

Clothing uniformity affects not only morale, but also overall cohesion.Xu Chengzu thought about it and asked the wealthy Shenyang gentry to find a way. In the end, Hou Juntong took out the burlap in stock and mobilized all the women in the county to rush to make more than [-] sets of black strong clothes overnight.Now that the costumes are finally unified, these minzhuang with all kinds of weapons still don't look like an army, but more like craftsmen in a large-scale workshop of young and strong.

Xu Chengzu was proficient in government affairs, but he didn't understand military affairs. He still relied on Liu Xianwei, who had only been assigned to the Wei army to participate in the Battle of Luoyang, to train these civilians.Letting this half-assed person train Minzhuang is in itself a rush to put ducks on the shelves.

Queue training is like a noisy vegetable market, and training has become a joke.

Lieutenant Liu County was about to cry, but he really wasn't even half sure about letting these soldiers go to the battlefield.

During the breaks between drills and rests, the common people still follow the clan as a unit, chatting and bragging together.

"Uncle!" Min Zhuang, who was immature and full of doubts, rushed up to the uncle who had studied in a private school.

This simple and honest man in his forties, with a smug expression on his face, was wearing a half armor and holding a waist knife in his hand, and said with a serious face: "Silly boy, let me tell you one more time, call me a military officer from now on, don't Call me Uncle."

The Shenyang Jin family produced more than 300 strong boys, which were compiled into a song by Xu Chengzu and several other small clans, and Jin Fu became a song.Jin Fu, who just got an official position, put on the airs of a military marshal.

"It's uncle!"

Jin Fu was so angry that he kicked Han Wazi's ass, and shouted: "Call me a military officer!"

Due to Jin Fu's prestige, Han Wazi had no choice but to say timidly: "Yes, uncle...junhou! Didn't you say that the Jin Dynasty court in the south is our original court? Now why are they going north and we want to fight them?
(End of this chapter)

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