Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 629 I'm in a cold sweat

Chapter 629 Shocked in a cold sweat

Chapter 634

Jin Fu's face became grim: "Hey, that's not our court. Our court is Wei, our emperor Ran. Our emperor is a good man. Six years ago, Shenyang surrendered to Wei with the county magistrate. In China, we have all become Wei people. The emperor sent to distribute the fertile land occupied by those officials and lords to us poor people. There are more than 1000 people in our Jin family. We used to have less than 2 acres of land. Now our Jin family has all of them. We allocated more than 60 mu of land, and many families who fought with the emperor all shared 100 mu of land separately. But then our Majesty lost the battle, and Xu Xianzun led us to surrender to the southern court, but within a year , The land allocated to us by the imperial court in the north was taken away by those officials. In less than a year, our family suffered heavy losses. Not only did more than [-] people die of starvation, but more than [-] families were also destroyed."

Han Wazi's eyes turned red immediately, those who starved to death included his father, if it wasn't for the help from his family, he wouldn't be alive now.

Jin Fu said again: "If we descend to the imperial court in the south again, the fields we have allotted will be gone, and we will have to live a hard life like before, eating chaff and vegetables and bark, it is better to fight than starve to death. I heard from the officials that we are defending the city this time, whether we are injured or disabled, the imperial court will be responsible. As long as we keep the city, we will all be exempted from tax for five years. Those who died in the war will be treated as martyrs, and I am not a martyr. I know exactly what it means, but the owner of the county said that every time a person dies, the family will make up 25 mu of land."

The fool now understands that if he dies, the family will get 25 acres of land. 25 mu of land, based on the price of the land in Wei State, is almost a million dollars. For the poor, this is simply an astronomical figure, an unimaginable astronomical figure.

Jin Fu said: "Our people have been oppressed by the barbarians for so many years. The imperial court in the south has never cared about our life or death. Now seeing our life getting better and better, that is familiar. You want to grab our fields and pull our cattle? Said, this field and cattle are the lifeblood of our farmers, if the lifeblood is gone, we will not fight with them, but with whom!"

"It turns out that the imperial court in the south came here to rob us, damn it!"

"Our Majesty led troops to fight the barbarians in the north. Taking advantage of Wei Jun's absence, he wanted to take advantage of it. How could such a good thing happen? Although the soldiers are gone, as long as we have breath, we will fight them to the end!"

"Yes, fight them to the end!"

"Tian is our lifeblood, whoever touches our lifeblood, we will fight with them!"

In fact, it is not the policy of the Jin Dynasty to move the people's fields, and Chu Suanzi is not stupid. Policy guidelines are irrelevant.As a large number of northern gentry migrated to the south of the Yangtze River, the population of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was mainly concentrated in the eight counties of Xu and Yang, with less land, more people, and more big households.

Those petty gentry officials couldn't get along in the south of the Yangtze River. For the sake of the family's survival, they had to pay attention to the very land.Anyway, the gentry never cared about the life and death of the common people.In fact, the court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty also suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

These folks talked a lot, some were talking about their experience as Jin people, and more were accusing the atrocities of Jin Dynasty officials.Now the state of Wei has many people and few lands, so there is no such pressure.There were a lot of self-cultivating farmers in Wei State, and the agricultural tax was also low. Moreover, because of the abolition of exorbitant and miscellaneous taxes, the burden on farmers was much lighter than that of the Jin Dynasty.

If there is no competition, there will naturally be no comparison, and there will be no good or bad. However, at the moment of confrontation between the North and the South, because the Eastern Jin gentry stretched their hands too far, it cut off the popular support for the Eastern Jin to regain the Central Plains.The people are simple, they don't know the righteousness of the monarch and ministers, and they will follow whoever makes them live a good life.

Because of the appearance of Ran Ming, the people's war of later generations came ahead of schedule.

As more and more people told about their experiences and misfortunes, and as more and more people complained about the atrocities committed by officials of the Jin Dynasty, County Captain Liu was a little surprised that he was exposed to a brutal situation that he had never encountered before. In this city, the people who are familiar to the people in this city all have ferocious and fanatical expressions on their faces. The people who were originally kind, docile, and well-behaved have not only become strange, but also become more terrifying. Everyone seems to have come out of the underworld. Bull ghosts and snake spirits.

The sky above Shenyang seemed to be filled with dark clouds of the approaching war, and these dark clouds were getting denser and denser, and they looked extremely gloomy.

Of course, Shenyang is not an exception in Wei State. Many counties and counties have adopted the strategy of uniting the people to protect themselves.This is mainly because the local officials were born in a poor family or a commoner family, and there is no shadow of a powerful family.Maybe it's because the powerful families in the city are not as powerful as before, unable to overwhelm all the common people.In fact, some county towns have a relatively deep friendship with the imperial court in the south because the officials were from the gentry. capital.

Confucian scholars and Confucianism have their own thoughts and loyalty, but the common people also have their own thoughts and loyalty.These two thoughts and loyalty are absolutely two completely different concepts that cannot be melted together.

At the headquarters of the Tuyuhun tribe in Mukechuan (now in the area of ​​Muketan, Guinan County, Qinghai Province), Jia Jian, the long history of Tuyuhun, under the pseudonym Yeli Jiming, visited Zhang Lie, a close friend for many years.Zhang Lie was from Dunhuang. He was once recommended by Xie Ai as Xiaolian, and he was conscripted as Cao Shi, the householder of the general's mansion.

After Jia Jianchu became an official in Bixi, he advised Bixi, "If the public wants to establish Liangzhou in a powerful way and make great achievements in the world, he must rely on the Zhang family. The two advance and retreat together, and great things can be expected!"

Immediately afterwards, Jia Jian came to communicate with Zhang as a lobbyist in person, and finally reached a mutually beneficial trade deal. Due to the close relationship with Zhang, Jia Jian was the bridge of communication.But Mrs. Zhang asked Zhang Lie to come forward, and the two met often, and their relationship was quite close.Jia Jian and Murong Chui secretly discussed to seize the control of Tuyuhun, Jia Jian took the lead in approaching Zhang Lie, and asked Murong Chui and the Zhang family to continue their friendship.

In Jia Jian's tent, Zhang Lie said, "Brother Shigu, how are you doing?"

Jia Jian smiled and said, "Brother, look at Jian's appearance, can you be okay?"

Zhang Lie said with a disapproving smile: "I think brother Shigu's words are insincere. Tuyuhun has lost more than half of the Khan's elite since the defeat of Shanggui. There are faint signs of instability in Tuyuhun and all the ministries. Pixi's position is not good. It's stable, once Pixi loses control over Tuyuhun, hasn't Brother Shigu thought about his own future? Speaking of which, I don't understand, but His Royal Highness King Qin has always been courteous and virtuous, and has the ability to know people, so you can listen Admonishment is not the image of the master of the world, why does brother Shigu look down on His Highness King Qin. You don’t care about His Highness King Qin, why did you vote for that barbarian Pixi."

But Jia Jian retorted: "Who am I to say that I worked for Pixi?"

"Is not it?"

"Yes, that was the past!" Jia Jian said with a proud smile: "Although Jian is not talented, he is not blind. If we say that we serve His Highness King Qin, it is because we cannot let go of the past. Min, now at least seven years ago, he was the young mansion who was ranked second in Jiuqing, and now he might be ranked in Jiuqing. The reason for this is that it is not convenient for outsiders to redeem Jian. It is said that Pixi is just a reckless man, and he has no power to overlord. He is brave, but he has the ability to rejuvenate the country and stabilize the country, let alone the capital of a hero, Jian is now serving for His Royal Highness, the former King of Wu of the Great Yan, who is now the forward general of the Great Wei."

Zhang Lie said with a smile: "Yan Kingdom has long since perished. The so-called King Wu is just a criminal prisoner of the Great Wei. Although he is a vanguard general, he is only guilty of his meritorious service. If you are loyal to the vanguard general Murong Chui, it is better to be loyal to the vanguard general Murong Chui." His Royal Highness King Qin, if Shigu is interested, Lie can introduce it for you!"

Jia Jian said: "Brother Zhang's kindness, Shigu will lead him. Jian once swore that he would never serve in the Wei Dynasty. Therefore, let's do the job of serving the King of Qin! Don't mention it again!"

Zhang Lie said angrily and amusedly: "Brother Shigu, is there any difference between serving Murong Chui and serving Dawei?"

"Why not, there is a big difference!" Jia Jian said resolutely, "Mr. Murong Daoming, the forward general, belongs to the royal family of Xianbei's Murong tribe. His father is Murong Hao, Emperor of Dayan Civilization, and his mother is Queen Duan's family. He is of noble birth. Elegant and wise, magnanimous, and more like a master. Besides, Pixi is just a bastard from the Murong family. Compared with the blood of his direct relatives, he is a firefly competing with the sun and the moon. Don't think that Pixi is Tuyuhun Khan now. Once Murong Duke Daoming raised his arms and shouted, and everyone in Tuyuhun was extremely supportive. If Duke Murong Daoming obtained Tuyuhun, with his back against the Great Wei, he could go north to Altai and surrender the tribes, or go west to Tianshan to restore the six kingdoms of Tianshan and control the commercial roads in the Western Regions. Great things can be done!"

Zhang Lie naturally understands the difference between Murongchui and Pixi. First of all, both of them are brave and strong, but this Murongchui is more sinicized and can handle the relationship with the Han people very well.It is also good to respect the local scholars of Qin State.For the sake of Murong Yan, Murong Chui assassinated Ran Min in a trick of surrender. Although he didn't kill Ran Min, he lost his arm. This made Murong Chui have a very high status in the hearts of the Hu people.

The second is that Murong Chui is a very intelligent person, since he can quietly surrender Jia Jian, the long-time strategist of Pixi, it can be seen that his methods are extraordinary.If Murongchui got Tuyuhun, if he really went all the way west, occupied the Tianshan Mountains, subdued the six kingdoms of the Tianshan Mountains, and based on the pastures in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, he might not be able to make some achievements.

Zhang Lie was very shocked in his heart. Once Murong Chui established his foundation in Tianshan, and Wei Guo submitted a letter of surrender, as long as Murong Chui did not go too far, Wei Guo would definitely not send troops to attack him. After all, sending troops to the Western Regions would cost too much.At that time, Wei Guo would have to pinch his nose and admit what Murong Chui did.

The importance of the Western Regions, of course, lies in the Six Kingdoms of the Tianshan Mountains. This is the export of the commercial roads of the Western Regions. Thousands of wealth are concentrated there. Looking up at Murong Chui's breath.

Thinking of this, Zhang Lie broke out in a cold sweat.The mouth is also a little dry.

(End of this chapter)

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