Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 630 Appears Unimportant

Chapter 630 Appears Unimportant
Chapter 635 Looks Unimportant

At this moment, Jia Jian changed the subject, pointed at Zhang Lie and said, "If it was Jian who deliberately provoked the relationship between Brother Dingguo and the family, with Brother Zhang's talent, let alone preside over the affairs of the family, even if he is in charge, educate Wanmin, it's just easy to come by, but because Brother Zhang is not the head of the direct branch, so he has no relationship with the patriarch. If Brother Dingguo helps our Lord to succeed today, he will repay today's kindness in the future. Don't say that giving Brother Zhang a birth is just support It is not impossible for Brother Zhang to become the patriarch of the Zhang family in Dunhuang."

What Jia Jian said made Zhang Lie feel emotional, more sad.He, Zhang Lie, was originally the grandson of the head of the house, the legitimate heir of the Zhang family in Dunhuang, but unfortunately his father died early, and Zhang Lie, who lost his father at a young age, not only failed to become the heir of the family, but was also reduced to a servant in charge of Zhang's business affairs.Although it seems that the Zhang family in Dunhuang treats Zhang Lie well, letting him manage all of Zhang's external business affairs.But in the eyes of Zhang Lie, a Confucian scholar who has learned Confucianism, this is a deliberate insult to him by the family.Scholars, farmers, businessmen, as the eldest grandson of the Zhang family, are actually just running a cheap business.

There are 1 people in Zhang Lie's heart who are not convinced, but there is no way. The current patriarch of the Zhang family in Dunhuang is Zhang Qi of Zhang Lie.My cousins ​​are either managing the farm, or managing the ethnology, dealing with the noble affairs of the clan, but I have been reduced to a servant who manages the lowly business.Every time Zhang's family is mentioned, people say what will happen to Zhang Qi's three sons.In terms of knowledge, how can my cousin compare with me, but he has become the head of the Zhang family's family history, and the children of the family or the vassals attached to the Zhang family are all his students.This was supposed to be his glory, but it was taken away by Zhang Qi.

Every time Zhang Lie thinks about this matter, he has ten thousand kinds of unwillingness.

Jia Jian continued: "Brother Dingguo, there is a saying that a good minister chooses the master to serve, and a good bird chooses a tree to live in. Brother Dingguo, your talent is ten thousand times higher than Jian's, and your reputation in Qinliang is higher than Jian's." In terms of governing the region, the strategy is more important than the firm. Jian is old, and now he does not have a good life for a few years. After a hundred years, Murong Deming still needs someone to help him. Who!"

Jia Jian's words made Zhang Lie's heart agitated.

Then Jia Jian said even more heart-breaking words: "Brother Dingguo, you have taken refuge in His Royal Highness King Qin, but His Highness King Qin has King Jinglue, the Great Sage King of Qingzhou, and Li Xian from the Li family of Longyou outside, and all famous scholars from Qinliang are under his sect. Brother Zhang is only a mere official in the Prince of Qin’s mansion, when will he be able to make his mark? There is a saying that he would rather be the head of a chicken than the queen of an ox. Lord Murong Deming is no more than a man of strength, and no more than a few members of his martial arts. A brave general is just the time to employ people. Adding icing on the cake, it is better to send charcoal in the snow, if brother Dingguo helps Duke Murong Deming at this time, it is like sending charcoal in the snow, and he will definitely be valued by Duke Murong Deming."

Zhang Lie's heart was in a mess, and now he can't describe it in words. He wanted to refute Jia Jian's words, but he couldn't refute, so he could only mutter: "Here, Rong Lie think about it first!"

Jia Jian slapped his thigh excitedly and said: "What else is there to consider? Brother Dingguo is a great talent, and he will be able to live in the temple in the future. It is not a problem to be appointed as a marquis and general. Is it true that Brother Dingguo is willing to be a meager official forever? , a mediocre life?"

Zhang Lie stopped talking, and he closed his eyes in silence. Although Zhang Lie looked as calm as a mountain, the twitching corners of his mouth betrayed his true heart, showing that he was fighting fiercely in his heart.

Jia Jian closed his mouth at this time. He knew that some things were too hard to force, and it would often backfire. At this time, it depends on whether Zhang Lie can withstand the temptation.He knew that Zhang Lie, as his name suggests, was dry and impatient, but he was an extremely assertive person. He should be able to distinguish right from wrong in these matters.

Jia Jian drank tea leisurely. Holding the teacup, he came outside the tent and looked at the snowflakes flying outside. At this time, he had an urge to sing poems and sing songs.Zhang Lie is a civil servant in charge of Prince Qin's mansion. He has the opportunity to get a letter from King Ranming of Qin. This is an indispensable link if he wants to trick Pixi and his son out. As long as Pixi and his son are drawn out, Murongchui will naturally have a way , kill Pixi and his son, and put the blame on Ran Ming when the time comes, Tuyuhun absolutely has no choice but to endure this.

Whether Murong Chui wants to coerce Young Khan to make Tuyuhun or stand on his own, it all depends on Murong Chui's own wishes.

Time seemed to stand still. When Jia Jian added boiling water again and again and changed the tea leaves three times, just when Jia Jian's patience was about to run out, Zhang Lie suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Brother Shigu, It’s better to explain something clearly!”

Jia Jian laughed and said, "Brother Zhang said he was defenseless!"

Zhang Lie said: "His Royal Highness King Qin is kind to Lie, and Lie will not be an enemy of His Royal Highness Qin in this life!"

Zhang Lie said this sentence is absolutely from the heart, of course, the so-called kindness is just an excuse, and more importantly, he is afraid of Ran Ming.Ran Ming has been a vassal since he came to Qin, and quietly built Qin, a barren land, into a bright pearl, showing the wealth and power that Ran Ming possesses.Now the Zhang family in Dunhuang is also cooperating with Ran Ming and many others, and the Zhang family is also relying on Ran Ming to expand its financial resources.This is one aspect of grace, and more importantly, Ran Ming's prestige.

The same is calm, but he played with Pixi, the overlord of the Northwest, with tens of thousands of soldiers, in the applause. Pixi's more than [-] elite troops were completely lost in the battle of Shanggui.Especially those Tuyuhun people who were ambushed and died. Everyone was bombed beyond recognition, and Zhang Lie was terrified to the bone.

With Zhang Lie's wisdom, it is natural to see that Jia Jian's plan is to allow Murong Chui to take the road of becoming a king on his own. Zhang Lie does not object to this approach, but he is afraid of being hostile to Ran Ming. This Ran Ming will let Yan Guo destroy the country The dead clan made Duan Bu Xianbei and Di Qin almost disappear, relying on his unpredictable military methods.

Offend this enemy, and he won't sleep well.

Jia Jian said seriously: "Brother Dingguo, what are you talking about? Lord Murong Deming is now a courtier of the Great Wei. Although he has selfish intentions in trying to capture Tuyuhun, it is also righteous. This justice is to annex the six kingdoms of the Tianshan Mountains. , to expand the land and guard the border for the Great Wei. How could it be possible to be hostile to His Royal Highness King Qin?"

Hearing Jia Jian's words, Zhang Lie's uneasy heart settled in his stomach, and he said, "Brother Shigu, can you tell me about your plan now?"

Jia Jian said: "Brother Dingguo, you also know that His Royal Highness the King of Qin hated nothing more than those Hu people who killed the Han people. Now this Tuyuhun Bixi has killed countless Han people in Taoyang, making His Highness King Qin very indignant. It's not that His Highness King Qin's new army hasn't finished their training, I'm afraid they have launched a crusade long ago. Now as long as Brother Dingguo writes an article denouncing Pixi in the name of King Qin's House, it will be the greatest help to Duke Murong Deming."

Hearing this, Zhang Lie's heart sank, and he no longer had any doubts.As a literati, the best thing to do is to write this kind of articles that promote righteousness and righteousness. Even if His Royal Highness Qin Wang finds out, he will not say anything and denounce Pixi's atrocities. There is nothing wrong with this in itself.

Zhang Lie said with a smile: "I don't know what it is. It turned out to be a small matter. It's just such a small matter. How can you bother Brother Shigu to waste Zhou Zhang so much? Lie can still help with these small matters."

Zhang Lie thought about it carefully, and began to brew it. After half a quarter of an hour of consideration, Zhang Lie immediately picked up a pen and splashed ink, and immediately wrote a gorgeous article of three to four hundred words.

Jia Jian looked at the meaning of the article carefully, first cited the chapters and codes, and named the Great Wei Kingdom in the name of Dayi, saying that this Tuyuhun was originally a subject of the Liang Kingdom, and now that the Liang Kingdom has surrendered to the Wei Kingdom, this Tuyuhun also Accepting the title of Great Wei, he is also a minister of the Great Wei. As a minister, if he commits rebellion, he is an animal who is unfaithful and unrighteous, and breaks morals.Then there was a series of swearing at Pixi, almost scolding Pixi as a bad species that is rare in the sky and rare on the earth.

Jia Jian appreciated Zhang Lie's article very much. He didn't put forward any comments and asked Zhang Lie to publish it on Qin Guo Business News and Qin Guo Shizheng News.

Three days later, Jia Jian got the newspaper that still had Moxiang, and came to Pixi's Wang Tent anxiously, and rushed to Pixi with a look of rage: "Your Majesty, the big thing is not good, the big thing is not good It's..."

In the big tent, Tuyuhun Khan Pixi and several family members were surrounding the fire, on which a piece of meat was being roasted, which could be vaguely seen to be a person's thigh.

Pixi is worrying about the lack of food in Tuyuhun. Now people will freeze to death or starve to death every day. There is no way, and the meat of the dead cannot be wasted.Even Pixi felt disgusted by his cannibalism, but in order to survive, it didn't seem important to be a little disgusted.

Beside Pixi are beautiful women of several ages, all of whom are Pixi's wives and concubines, even if they are women, they know it's not the time, they don't care about the sour smell of human flesh that makes people want to vomit, every Everyone ate heartily and sweated profusely.

Seeing his youngest son carefully nibbling a piece of palm bone with thin teeth, with a satisfied smile on his face, he would take this piece of saliva-stained meat from time to time and pass it to Pixi: "Father, eat!"

This harmonious and beautiful picture was soon brutally broken by Jia Jian.

Pixi thought that Jia Jian was still reporting to him that some tribe suffered another disaster, so he said displeasedly: "Why panic, the sky won't fall down, there are people dead again, and how many people died, tell me, whoever dies will be unlucky , The living eat the dead, if you can't eat it, take advantage of the cold weather to quickly make it into jerky, and it's not easy to survive the winter."

Jia Jian saw that Pixi's family was eating human flesh, and almost vomited out the overnight meal, but he dare not vomit now, knowing that he could have a meal of fine grains with Murong Chui, and how much more could he eat? Little kelp fish, if Pixi saw his food last night, he would definitely tear him apart.

(End of this chapter)

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