Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 801 Marines

Chapter 801 Marines

Chapter 806 Marine Corps
"It is necessary to fight." Ran Min said domineeringly: "You go down to prepare for the battle first, I will let the world know this time. No matter who dares to be an enemy of Wei, they are destined to pay for their stupid behavior." cost!"

For the Gupta Dynasty, a behemoth with a population of more than 3000 million and an army of more than 100 million, Ran Min actually had no idea.

It has been 12 years since the founding of Wei State since Yongxing was changed to Yuan Dynasty.From an isolated city in Yongxing in three years, it has gradually developed into a giant, but many things cannot be hidden.The development of a country cannot be smooth sailing. Only after going through trials can such a country be truly strong and not a flash in the pan.

For example, now, Wei State, which has just developed by relying on ocean trade, has suffered heavy losses due to the blocking of the Gupta Dynasty.As the taxes paid by Liangyang Development Company decreased day by day, it inevitably affected Wei's domestic infrastructure.

Of course a counterattack is necessary, and Wei Guo has no shortage of soldiers, but there are only a handful of handsome talents who can stand alone.Especially in terms of water warfare, Wei Guo has always lacked handsome talents who can stand alone in this area.

Murong Ke understands a little bit. Captain Cui Cheng of Changshui is usually good at organizing training, but he doesn't have the ability to grasp the overall situation.Although Shi Yue, Zhang Ai, Ji Wei, Zhang Wen, and Xie Ai all have unique talents, they all have one thing, they are all landlubbers.Not to mention commanding a war, even letting them travel by boat will make them take off a layer of skin.

Ran Min has been thinking about it for a long time. It is absolutely impossible to ignore the Nanyang Development Company. The infrastructure construction of Wei State is too big. The expressway must be connected to the whole state. Even if there is no expressway, the official site will be repaired. road.

The army needs to be refitted, the water conservancy ditches need to be repaired, and of course the salaries of officials must be increased.If you want the horse to run, you can't do it without feeding the horse.Without the high tax input from the Liangnan Development Company, the rapid economic development of Wei State would have to go downhill.

Although it is said that Wei Guo intends to consume the national power of the Gupta Dynasty by using Wu Zixu's exhaustion to mislead Chu, this strategy is also mutual.Why did the Gupta Dynasty not have the heart to tire Wei.

Ran Ming and Ran Min's father and son secretly set the tone: "We have to fight, we can't delay. We can't be slow. We can wipe out the main force of the Gupta Dynasty's navy in one fell swoop, stop the Gupta Dynasty's crazy expansion momentum, and minimize losses."

To realize this strategic intention, Wei Guo has two people who can do it.Then Ran Min and Ran Ming father and son who designed this strategy.

Ran Min has already figured it out, Wei Guo courtiers will never allow Ran Min to take charge of the Gupta Dynasty again. Although Ran Ming volunteered to propose the matter of letting Ran Ming lead the expedition, Ran Min hesitated for a long time in his heart. indefinite.

Even Ran Min had to admit that Ran Ming was a good candidate.Although this time according to Ran Ming's proposal, the scale of dispatching troops is limited to 78 flying fish warships, the main force of the navy, with a total of more than 5000 navy personnel and [-] marine corps personnel.The mobilization of [-] soldiers and horses will not have much impact on Wei's defense force.

However, in order to prepare the materials needed for an expedition of [-] troops thousands of miles away, Wei Guo had to suspend some projects.The logistics of war are natural. Although the navy is very self-sufficient in logistics, it also needs a lot of civilians to accompany the army.

For the battle of the Gupta Dynasty, the longer the fight, the greater the damage to Wei's economy.Then the selection of the coach is very critical.

Alone, Ran Min thought deeply until late at night. Ran Min always had some scruples in his heart, and he didn't know how to arrange them.

"Come on!"

Zhongchang Attendant You Yi quickly came to Ran Min and saluted with small steps.As for the rare species of eunuchs, they usually have a feminine temperament.But Ran Min didn't like this kind of temperament, and Zhongchang Shi Youyi was a bit majestic.

"Show the East Palace!"

Although the East Palace is the prince's residence, it is not connected with the Imperial Palace.Later, Zhao Shihu moved the capital of the country from Xiangguo to Yecheng, and built it on the basis of the palace city of Yecheng in Cao Wei Dynasty.The entire imperial city is located in Yecheng City, while the East Palace is located in Dongcheng City, separated by a sandwich city more than three miles wide.The straight-line distance from the imperial city to the East Palace is not too far, within six or seven miles, but it still takes two quarters of an hour on foot.

In the middle of the night, You Yi was naturally confused.When Ran Min's imperial driver arrived at the East Palace, it was already midnight.Ran Ming had already fallen asleep, and when he heard of Ran Min's arrival, he hurriedly put on his clothes and came to the hall to meet him.The emperor's presence is naturally no small matter.The crown princess Xie Daoyun, Liu Wei, and stripes also followed Ran Ming to meet Ran Min.But the other women of the Eastern Palace do not have this qualification.

Ran Ming originally had three wives: Xie Daoyun, Liu Wei, and Stripes, plus concubines such as Li Shi, Wang Zhi, Wang Baobao, Bai Feng, and Li Jingshu.However, according to the etiquette system, besides the concubine, the prince's harem also needs two Liang Dies, the third rank; Liangyuan six, the fifth rank; Chenghui ten, the sixth rank; 16 people, a total of 24 people in the ninth rank.As a princess and future queen, Xie Daoyun naturally couldn't invite pets exclusively.

Within a month, there were only six days to stay overnight, and Ran Min suddenly interrupted him.Xie Daoyun naturally left some resentment on his face.The resentment on Xie Daoyun's face was not concealed, and Ran Min felt a little embarrassed seeing this situation: "It's late at night, disturbing everyone's dreams!"

The three girls said they didn't dare, and Ran Ming naturally knew that Ran Min's arrival was definitely not a trivial matter.Just let the girls go back.

After Ran Min saw the three women leave, he said directly: "I intend to order General Anbei to be the commander-in-chief and lead a hundred thousand troops from land and water to attack Gupta. What does the crown prince think?"

Ran Ming made a bow and said, "Father, please redeem your son and minister to speak out. This is extremely unwise."

"For an attack on the Northern Han Dynasty, even if it is an attack on the Southern Jin Dynasty, a great general is a good choice for the commander." Ran Ming mused, "It's just that the son-in-law is the best candidate to attack Gupta!"

Ran Min said coldly: "The reason."

Ran Mingdao: "The general is not as familiar with the Gupta Dynasty's geographical environment, climate and their people's habits as the ministers. The so-called know the enemy and know the enemy, and you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles. The general can know himself, but not the enemy. It is one. The second is the minister. We are old acquaintances with the aboriginal tribes of Nanyang, so we can recruit those aboriginal acquaintances as the pioneers. This can get twice the result with half the effort."

Ran Min said again: "Then what if Murong Ke is handsome?"

Ran Ming thought for a while and said, "It's hard to say, my son!"

"It's hard to say?" Ran Min asked puzzled, "Why?"

Ran Ming said: "With Murong Ke's ability, there is no problem in commanding one army. But if we want to control the three armies, I'm afraid there will be problems."

Murong Ke is a surrendered minister, since the surrender of Xianbei.Murong Ke's performance is remarkable, in Ran Min's opinion.Murong Ke is credible and available.It's just that the real headache for Ran Min is the Xianbei people of the Murong tribe. Apart from the Murong Li rebellion that broke out, the Xianbei people have changed slightly.But the mastermind behind the scenes is very cunning, and Ran Min's "deaf and dumb" has not found strong evidence.

The Murong Department's problem is very difficult, one mistake will trigger a chain reaction.Ran Ming continued: "If you are not of my race, their hearts must be different. There is no doubt about Murong Ke's loyalty, but it is hard to guarantee that he will not be hijacked by people with ulterior motives. If he is hijacked by his clansmen, it will be hard to say."

When Ran Min heard what Ran Ming said, he also had an idea in his mind.The main force for attacking the Gupta Dynasty was the navy with 5000 troops and the Marine Corps with 8 troops. In addition to the corresponding logistics supply force, the number of expeditionary troops was limited to [-] people, known as [-].

The next day, Ran Min made the final decision in the courtroom.With the general of Wei Guozhu and Prince Ran Ming as the commander, he set off in command.

The state of Wei was a dynasty that favored martial arts, and even civil servants were not powerless.After Ran Ming took command, the first thing he did was not to review the three armies, but to write an article.Ran Ming published this article on Ming Pao, and almost all the newspapers received this article on "National Soul", "Only the people's soul is worthy of preciousness, and only when it is carried forward can the country make real progress. Forge the national spirit"

The central idea of ​​this article mixed with white and white is to advance and retreat with the country.It also brought up a topic, that is, when the empire was attacked from the south and the empire was in danger, as a member of the empire, should he take up arms and serve the court?Should we put aside personal grievances and jointly fight against aggression?
Of course, although Ran Ming's article was widely circulated, he didn't care much about the scholar-bureaucrat class.For the noble family, the interests of the family are always the most important.This time they supported Ran Min's attack on the Gupta Dynasty, not because their awareness was high enough, but because with the rise of the Gupta Dynasty, they wanted to monopolize Nanyang, and the interests of these gentry families were also damaged.Send troops to retaliate, they naturally support with both hands.

When the interests of the country coincide with theirs, they will not hesitate to go with the flow.Unlike the indifferent reaction of scholar-officials, ordinary people and humble scholars responded enthusiastically.Following the example of Ban Gu, throwing pens and joining the army has become a common practice.This also laid the groundwork for Ran Ming to let go of Nanyang.

It may not be difficult for them to defeat the Gupta Dynasty by relying on those soldiers who don’t know a lot of Chinese characters, but let them govern Nanyang well. Carry forward the activities of the national soul.

Qingzhou Jiaodong country is not the same, in Jiaozhou Bay.Countless battleships are waiting on the sea.

"Broken down, start landing!"

The troop carrier began to release small boats one after another. This kind of small boat named Centipede Ship has a draft of only three feet and a crew of 20 people. It is good at speed and flexibility.However, the improved centipede ship became a wheeled ship. Except for the helmsman, the hands of the 20 people were freed. When they landed on the beach, they could completely suppress the enemy by shooting with crossbows.

The arrival of Ran Ming made the mathematician Zu Chongzhi useless.In Ran Ming's opinion, Zu Chongzhi shouldn't be tinkering with wheel ships, he should study pi well.

The centipede boats were launched into the water like dumplings, and at this moment, the piercing sound of the warship began to sound.When landing on the beach, the Flying Fish warship is responsible for the long-range suppression of the ground. The warship moves laterally, and the heavy ballista and improved crossbow bolts are fired at the imaginary enemy position on the shore like no money.

All the nineteen crew members on the centipede boat were stepping on the pedals, and the wheels were quickly transferred. The centipede boat was moving forward at a speed of 24 to [-] knots.However, although the speed of this kind of wheel ship powered by manpower is more than twice that of the Flying Fish warship, it has a fatal shortcoming. Manpower is sometimes poor.

Just like a charging horse, a charging horse can run at a high speed of 24 yards, but this time can only last for a stick of incense, no more than a quarter of an hour.The speed of [-] knots of the centipede boat is only enough for a stick of incense.

A general on the Flying Fish battleship stood with his sword in hand, his eyes showed satisfaction when he saw this scene.But there was still a zombie-like expression on his face, which made the surrounding soldiers dare not take a look.

After nearly a year and a half of training, [-] marines finally took shape. This is a total of [-] soldiers, not including one auxiliary soldier. It is completely in accordance with the "Marine War Tactics" written by Ran Ming ", and he, Chen Yong, will be the first general to lead the fifteen thousand marines!
(End of this chapter)

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