Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 802 War Dividend

Chapter 802 War Dividend
Chapter 807 War Bonus

In Yizhou Xiuwu City, Ran Zhi called himself Xiuwu Marquis, and then promoted himself to Xiuwu King, so Yizhou was renamed Xiuwu Kingdom.At this time, Xiuwu Kingdom is completely different from Yang Yun's era.At the beginning, Wu Qubing, the head of Wu Village, had become the Prime Minister of the Xiuwu Kingdom, while his eldest disciple Luo Yuhu, second apprentice Fang Yucheng, and third apprentice Yang Yukun had become the generals in charge of the army.

Of course, Ran Zhi is not a person who can completely trust a person, so under the Prime Minister Wu Qubing, there are some divisions of power.At this time, besides Xiuwu City, the Xiuwu Kingdom had also built more than a dozen cities, from north to south, almost penetrating into every corner of Yizhou.Although the main body of Yizhou is still Han Chinese, Ran Zhi has adopted very extreme measures.He used native slaves as labor, forced slaves to work, farmed or worked to support his soldiers.Ran Zhi extremely expanded his army, and the entire Yizhou had more than 8 sailors and more than [-] infantry.You must know that the total population of Xiuwu Kingdom is only [-] or [-], and almost all men are trained as soldiers.

Any dynasty in the Central Plains would never be as crazy as Ran Zhi. Even in the Shu Han period, with a population of 80, there were only [-] or [-] troops, which was five to one.But Ran Zhi achieved four to one.

"Master, Your Majesty" Luo Yuhu said puzzledly, "I don't understand, my disciple."

Ran Zhi said with a smile: "Yuhu, if you are confused, I can explain it to you as a teacher!"

Luo Yuhu said: "The disciple is about to report to the master that because of the native riots, the disciple was careless and took advantage of the natives. Our granary in Zhongyang City was burned by the chaotic natives. There will definitely be a big food shortage this year."

Ran Zhi said: "The teacher already knows about this, so I don't blame you for this. Just pay attention next time!"

"Since there will be a shortage of our food, why doesn't the master let the disciples send troops to rob the passing sea ships?" Luo Yuhu said: "According to the news obtained by the disciples, when Wei's merchant ships return, they will not only carry a lot of valuables Items, as well as a considerable amount of food, are our urgent needs.”

Ran Zhi said: "Yuhu, relying on our current strength, can we send troops to the north and unify the world?"

"How can this be possible!" Luo Yuhu said: "Wei State's soldiers are too powerful, even though our soldiers are good at fighting the natives, but against Wei State, there is no chance of winning at all!"

"Yeah, not only is there no hope of unifying the world, but even separatist Yizhou will face a huge crisis!" Ran Zhi smiled bitterly: "Let's not talk about the mighty Wei, even the cowardly Southern Jin, they want to deal with it." It's not like we don't have a chance. As long as they seal the port, within three years, our thousands of ships and hundreds of ships will be defeated without a fight."

What Ran Zhi said is also true. At this time, the cities along the city have their own city defense systems, especially after the rise of Ran Zhi, the cities along the coast have reinforced their city walls to the point of extreme.If there is no internal response, Ran Zhi will not be able to attack the city at all.As Luo Yuhu said, Ran Zhi's army is not weak in combat power, but after all, it is only facing the natives of Yizhou. It has not experienced too large-scale and tragic battles. However, the advantage of the Jin army is gradually disappearing.If it is against Wei Jun, it is certain that the gap is very large.

Ran Zhi continued: "We know we are not the opponent of Wei Jun, why should we provoke Wei Jun at this time, now that the warships of the Wei State Navy are getting bigger and stronger, our navy is no match at all!"

"Master, when it comes to Wei Jun's navy, this disciple discovered a strange thing!" Luo Yuhu said: "I found that Wei Jun's navy seems to be patrolling north and south in the middle."

"A patrol in the middle?" Ran Zhi asked, "What's going on?"

"Master, the Wei State Navy will usually form a formation of three to five ships or a dozen ships to conduct routine patrols." Luo Yuhu said: "It's just that this situation seems to have changed. The Wei State Navy will appear once every ten or eight days. The patrol team, but recently they only see the north, but not the south. It has been more than 20 days now, and I have not seen a warship of the Wei Army navy!"

Ran Zhi said: "When did this happen, why didn't you report it?"

Luo Yuhu said: "Since one and a half months ago, disciple... Yuhu has been convicted!"

Ran Zhi said: "Forget it, is there any new news about our secret work!"

"This matter is Wu Guoxiang's responsibility, and this disciple doesn't know about it!" Luo Yuhu said aggrievedly.

Ran Zhi felt a little irritable, he said: "Bring Wu Guoxiang here."

"It's Master!"

Wu Qubing's prime minister's mansion was actually not far from Prince Ran Zhi's mansion, and within a quarter of an hour, Wu Qubing came quickly.

"See Your Majesty!"

Although Wu Qubing is also Ran Zhi's direct descendant, he is different from Luo Yuhu and others.Wu Qubing cared very much about what he said and did.Originally, Wu Qubing took refuge in Ran Zhi, but he was looking for a backer for the villagers of Wu Village. Who knew that this backer was so good that he completed the swallowing of Yizhou in just over three years.And Wu Qubing, the little village head, also became the prime minister of a country.Wu Qubing not only strictly abides by the etiquette of the emperor and his ministers to Ran Zhi, but also strictly requires his officials to observe the etiquette.

Not to mention, according to the system of the Central Plains, a vassal state like Xiuwu Kingdom with a population of more than 10 people can be regarded as a superior state, and his state minister is also a fourth-rank official.Wu Qubing is very satisfied with this kind of life.In particular, Wu Qubing vaguely knew that Ran Zhi was originally the prince of Wei, and it seemed that he was persecuted by the King of Qin and ended up living here.He also knew that Ran Zhi would not stay on this island forever, but was going to take back his own country.

After receiving this news, Wu Qubing became more utilitarian.Wu Qubing became Minister of Cultivation of Martial Arts, so it can be said that he has reached the sky in one step, but Wu Qubing is still eager for Ran Zhi's contribution to the dragon.

Ran Zhi said: "Mr. Wu is exempt from courtesy!"

Wu Qubing reported to Ran Zhi about the government affairs of the Xiuwu Kingdom, and after a moment, Ran Zhi asked, "Is there any new news about the secret work we have placed in the Southern Jin Kingdom?"

Wu Qubing said: "Reporting to the king, the minister is about to report this matter. The emperor of the Southern Jin Dynasty seems to be infatuated with a prostitute, and has been ignoring political affairs for more than half a year."

"Oh!" Ran Zhi asked curiously, "Is there such a thing?"

"Exactly, Your Majesty, please see that this is the information from Xizuo!" Wu Qubing passed the information from Xizuo to Ran Zhi.Xiuwu Kingdom's intelligence organization was established not too late, but it was not capable of covering the whole world, only in the counties and counties along the coast of Southern Jin Kingdom there were some intelligence personnel.And these intelligence personnel are not professionals, and the valuable information they can get is also very limited.

The news from Xiuwu country's intelligence personnel is that Jiankang came from somewhere to play Yanxi more than half a year ago.The so-called Yan opera is to perform the crossing movements as light as a swallow. It is known for its flexibility and pursues lightness and ease.This is also the acrobatics of later generations.Acrobatic somersault and other skills are based on the lightness of the body and the kung fu of the waist and legs.Among them, the most eye-catching one is a pity named Shen Yinger.This Shen Yinger is said to be as beautiful as a flower, and what is even more amazing is that this Shen Yinger can dance lightly on a bamboo pole lifted by a wrestler.

After Shen Yinger came to Jiankang, she was noticed by Sima Dan, the emperor of the Southern Jin Dynasty, and Sima Dan sent someone to take Shen Yinger to the palace. Sima Dan liked Shen Yinger very much, and not only rewarded Shen Yinger with a lot of money Money, regardless of the minister's obstruction, strongly named Shen Ying'er as Chonghua.Sima Dan seemed to like Shen Yinger very much, not only promoted Shen Yinger from Chonghua to the position of concubine Shu within three months.

It is said that there were also rumors that Queen Lu would be abolished and Shen Yinger would be changed to queen.

Seeing this, Ran Zhi smiled and said, "The emperor of the Southern Jin Dynasty is unwilling to be lonely, it seems that there will be bloody storms!"

Although Wu Qubing is very diligent, he is also very smart.However, his political insight is far behind that of Ran Zhi.Ran Zhi discovered the problem from the clues he found from the detailed work.Sima Dan is also a very good and strong emperor, but he was born at an untimely time.Coupled with weak constitution, he died young.Sima Dan also has Ran Ming's desire to change the elites of the gentry and want to monopolize power.In fact, Sima Dan's heart is bigger, he wants to defeat Ran Ming.What's more, he was planning to wait until Ran Ming became the emperor, and then he would personally conquer Luoyang, capture Ran Ming, and let Ran tell him stories in the palace every day.

I have to say that Sima Dan's idea is very good.But the Southern Jin Dynasty is different from the State of Wei. Their imperial court was originally the product of a compromise between the elites of the gentry, and the emperor was just a decoration.The Jin Dynasty did not need a strong emperor.Even if he married the Lu family, Sima Dan did not get the absolute support of the Lu family.Under Chu Suanzi's instruction, Sima Dan played a trick.It is to let Sima Dan pretend to be made things difficult by the ministers, and then start to give up on himself, thus losing his aggressiveness and becoming obsessed with beauty.

That's how Ran Zhi got the information.In Sima Dan's plan, he wanted to confuse Huan Wen, take advantage of Huan Wen's unpreparedness, and deal a fatal blow to Huan Wen. With the prestige of victory, he would take action to punish those unconvinced ministers.

This strategic intention has to be said to be a good idea, but the feasibility is very poor.Ran Zhi only glanced at the information and knew that Sima Dan was acting.

In the same way, Huan Wen will not relax his vigilance against Sima Dan.Sima Dan's smart move, in Ran Ming's view, is an opportunity to break the deadlock.

Although the conflict between Huan Wenwen and Sima Dan was irreconcilable, both of them were very restrained, fearing that the two tigers would fight and be benefited by the state of Wei.At this time, Ran Ming promoted the expedition to the Gupta Empire.

Although the state of Wei is stronger, it is definitely not capable of fighting on two fronts.Moreover, the Gupta Dynasty was also a behemoth not weaker than the Wei State. No one can guess the specific result.

Ran Ming took command of the expedition, leading more than 5000 navies and 78 marines, 100 main warships, more than 4 large and small supply ships, and more than [-] soldiers and civilians.Hundreds of thousands of food, weapons, arrows and other materials were transferred. Naturally, such a large-scale transfer cannot be concealed.

Wei's expedition also gave Jin an opportunity to resolve internal conflicts.Whether it is Huan Wen or Sima Dan who has been consumed, there will be no trouble.Ran Ming was still approaching at a very slow pace, his eyes were scanning the crowd who saw each other off, and there was no excitement or enthusiasm in his eyes that many people imagined.

Historically, military and civilian husbands have been recruited for free, not only for free, but also for bringing their own food.This mode of war has caused great losses to the people, and Ran Ming will take a trial method to try to reverse this situation.Civil servants who participated in the auxiliary army did not need to bring their own food. They had three meals a day and were subsidized a hundred dollars a day.400 civilian husbands, but 15 million yuan a day, converted into gold, is only equivalent to [-] gold.Even after a year, it's only [-] gold.Although this amount is large, Ran Ming believes that he can definitely get a hundred times and a thousand times the benefits in the Gupta Dynasty.

The price level in Wei State is actually very low.The average price of food is almost two yuan per catty, and the wages of one hundred yuan are even higher than those of outstanding craftsmen.This is a big temptation for the people of Wei State.As for the possible casualties in the war, the husbands who were attracted by money directly ignored them.The subsidy for civilian husbands is paid out in half real and half false, that is, [-] yuan is directly distributed to the peasants, and the other [-] yuan is converted into agricultural tax.Settlement is made according to the number of days of service.

In addition to the daily subsidy of civilian husbands, Ran Ming also gave very generous compensation to civilian husbands who might die in the war.In fact, Ran Ming also used this method of warfare to attract all the people to martial arts.

For the people of Wei State, the Gupta Dynasty was too far away, and the people were often short-sighted, and they could not see the danger of the Gupta Dynasty to Wei State.When the safety of life and property was not threatened, the people were not enthusiastic about Wei's expedition to the Gupta Dynasty.It's not that there are no people who respond passionately, it's just that the number is too small.

Therefore, in order to motivate the people to support the country's war, Ran Ming not only publicized the country and the righteousness of the nation to the people, but also took practical actions.It is believed that those who benefit from the war will turn to support the national war.Ran Ming took out a high salary that was more than double that of ordinary migrant workers, and Ran Ming didn't believe that the common people could remain indifferent.

"The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit." Ran Ming firmly believes in this sentence.Although money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible.Once the war machine is activated, the interests of countless people will be involved instead of one or two.

(End of this chapter)

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