Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 803 The Greatest Nation

Chapter 803 The Greatest Nation
Chapter 808 The Greatest Nation

Just like Wei Guo's expedition to Gupta this time, more than 5000 soldiers were used alone, and more than [-] civilian husbands were used to assist the war, which involved the interests of more than [-] families.

If only relying on the call of national righteousness, the army may adopt support because it will gain benefits in the war, but the more than 4 civilians have no interests, and they will adopt a resistance mentality.Over time, the people will lose their enthusiasm for expansion and their support for national wars.

In later generations, for Japan to invade China.Most experts agree that ordinary Japanese people are innocent.Are ordinary Japanese people actually innocent?If you believe this nonsense, your head will really be flooded.

Before the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 5000-170, the Japanese government issued [-] million war bonds to the public (Cheng Zhi did not find relevant information on how much this number is equivalent to US dollars), and the post-war bond yield was as high as [-]%.

Countless ordinary people may have purchased war bonds because of their patriotic enthusiasm, but relying on the issuance of war bonds to attract the whole people to support the war is a pioneering work in Japan.

With a series of victories such as the Russo-Japanese War, and more than 30 years on the eve of the invasion of China, ordinary Japanese people have gained huge benefits by relying on the war.

So this is why Japanese women would rather sell themselves than support Japan's war of aggression.

On the contrary, China has done too much in this regard. Even if Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty launched the Mobei War and mobilized 70 civilian husbands, this means that 70 families were requisitioned for free as their main labor force, which is equivalent to the total One-tenth of 680 million households.

However, seven or eight out of ten of these civilian husbands were killed or injured due to war, hunger, disease, plague and many other reasons.In the middle and late period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the total number of people dropped by more than 500 million, and countless self-cultivating farmers went bankrupt.The common people lost their families because they supported the national war, so how can you expect others to support the national war.The same thing happened to Yang Guang. Yang Guang defeated the Turks and seized a large number of cattle, sheep and horses. However, Yang Guang would rather starve and bury these cattle and sheep than reward ordinary people.

In fact, Wei Guo did a good job in this aspect. When Ran Min was in Yongxing, every time he launched a war, he rewarded the soldiers and the people who supported Ran Min with the materials captured in the war according to the merits of the war. In this way, he won the loyalty of the people. support.The real reason why Yecheng could still resist to the end when Ran Min was at the end of his life.But with the increase of the total population, there is no way to implement such a free reward method.Although Ran Ming didn't expect to rely on the issuance of war bonds to compensate for the losses of the common people, Ran Ming increased the compensation for the soldiers accompanying the army and the production of strategic materials.Thus relying on interests to attract the people to support the war.

A war that is not guided by interests is doomed to not gain the support of the people. The so-called winning the hearts of the people wins the world, but it is only supported by the majority of vested interests.In fact, Wei Guo has done a good job in this regard these days. In order to let the hermits automatically surface, Ran Ming suggested to Ran Min that a series of miscellaneous taxes such as poll tax be cancelled. These hermits hiding in the mountains, Escaping households, black households, and shadowy households attached to the names of noble families all surfaced one after another.

In order to increase the number of self-cultivating farmers, Ran Ming can take great pains.He increased the slave tax, as long as he sold himself to the servants of the gentry or powerful gentry, he increased their tax payment ratio.The original slave tax of 3000 yuan per year has risen to [-] yuan.Since the gentry used a Han servant, they had to pay a tax of three thousand dollars.Penalties are doubled for tax evasion.In this way, the situation that has been formed since the Han Dynasty, where the powerful have tens of thousands of servants at every turn, is avoided.If you want to use tens of thousands of Han slaves, you need [-] million yuan. Such a heavy tax rate makes it cost-effective for the nobles to rely on traditional farming methods.

However, if you use barbarians or Hu people as slaves, there is no such restriction. If you use [-] slaves, the cost of using Hu people is only one-third of that of Han slaves.

As the saying goes, what kind of master there is, there will be what kind of minister.What is good at the top is effective at the bottom.The hallmark of a bureaucracy is that everything comes first.To put it simply, for a lord who is very successful, at least most of the officials below are flatterers.In the same way, for a thrifty and hard-working monarch, although it is impossible for all the ministers under him to obey the law and be loyal to the king's affairs, at least at the very least, everyone will do it.

Ran Min's policy is mainly based on Han, supplemented by naturalization. Although it can't be as popular as in the Celestial Dynasty, at least the Han people have a guarantee of personal dignity.At least no matter how powerful the Hu people are, they dare not bully the Han people, even if the Han people are just grassroots.Under this political situation, worshiping and honoring the Han gradually became a trend.

The three times the wages of the workers made the civilians who accompanied the army flush with joy.Can't help myself.Although during the battle, civilians may also suffer casualties, especially when the war is unfavorable, but seeing the policy promulgated by the government, 20 yuan in pensions for sacrifices due to public service, this figure is not too big, the key is that there is half tax 20 years of benefits.The civilian husbands who participated in the expedition were basically illiterate. They asked literate people to do a calculation for them to see how much benefit they could get.When they knew how much they had benefited, the scene of seeing them off changed, and it was no longer tragic, but joyful.Chinese people are so simple.

After swearing-in to the battle, Ran Min took the stage and mobilized: "I am in Yecheng, waiting for you to return after victory."

Ran Ming, Qilin guards, and more than [-] civilian husbands shouted loudly: "We will never disappoint Your Majesty!"

As the crown prince of the Wei State and one of the famous generals of the Wei State, it is inevitable to lead the army. Xie Daoyun, Liu Wei and other women have already been mentally prepared. Apart from a little sadness, there is not much resistance.As for Ran Yun and Ran Yun, they are only seven years old, and they are still playing with mud in later generations. In this era, however, they were born in the royal family, so they are naturally more precocious than ordinary children.

On the way to see them off, led by Ran Yun and Ran Yun, wearing delicate leather armor, and leading Ran Ming's dozen or so children, they said in an immature voice, "I wish you all the best and come back triumphantly!"

For a seven-year-old boy, Ran Ming knew that someone taught him without guessing.However, it is not Ran Ming's turn to decide on children's education. In Ran Min's view, the cultivation of future successors is an extremely important event.

It took Ran Ming more than half a month to arrive at Buqi City with Qilinwei and more than [-] civilian husbands.Looking at the strong city built by him with his own hands, Ran Ming was filled with emotion.Ran Ming did not enter the city, but directly entered the barracks.At this time, the big camp where the expeditionary army was located stretched for more than ten miles, the camp was huge, and there were many warships, which was particularly magnificent.

Looking from a distance, Ran Ming saw that the military camp was like a castle.

Thinking that all the elite soldiers in the castle were under his command, he felt an inexplicable arrogance in his chest. This time he was the real commander of the three armies, holding the military commander of nearly a hundred thousand troops. Just thinking about it made him feel a lot of arrogance.Ran Ming made a detour this time, [-] civilians, in Ran Ming's view, this is [-] troops, there is no such thing as civilians who follow the army, Qilinwei and the students of the martial arts hall will be these Ran Ming, the backbone of the civil servants, handed over the task of logistics supply to Zhongnan Development Company and Nanyang Development Company. These full-time teams are definitely more effective than amateur civilian husbands in terms of efficiency.

Seasickness is a big problem that Ran Ming is facing. Most of the civilians recruited near Weijun are not good at water, and there will definitely be seasickness. This is not a waterway of one or two thousand miles, but an expedition of thousands of miles. , Such a long distance, they definitely can't hold on.

Ran Ming asked these civilian husbands to participate in adaptive training first.

Wei's navy was developed on the basis of more than [-] Changshui Army. In the past nine years, the Changshui Army has almost become Ran Ming's private army, and Ran Min has taken a tacit attitude.Neither agree, nor oppose, nor support.There are no important people, no money, and Ran Ming can do whatever he wants to play.Not only the navy, but also the Marine Corps is Ran Ming's private army.

The chief training general is Chen Yong, Ran Ming's apprentice, and the captains of the three battalions are all apprentices of Ran Ming.

Chen Yong led a group of Ran Ming's disciples to welcome Ran Ming's arrival.In other words, there are Liu Laozhi and Hu Bin among the crowd.These two teenagers have followed Ran Ming since they were seven or eight years old. Now Liu Laozhi is fifteen years old, and Hu Bin is sixteen years old.

"Dao Jian, I heard you're doing well!" Ran Ming said with a smile, "Now you're a Marine Corps candidate!"

The Marine Corps of the State of Wei also adopted the Han system, that is, there is one tenth for the second army, one team for the fifth team, one village for the second team, and one song for the fifth team.Qu Houjun (Junhou) Hou, the standard establishment of a Qu is 500 people, which is equivalent to the reinforcement battalion of later generations.

Looking at Ran Ming, Liu Laozhi, who was not well evaluated in history, his face flushed with excitement. "The general has won the prize."

Liu Laozhi and Hu Bin have been schoolboys with Ran Ming for more than four years. Although they don't have the name of master and apprentice, in Chen Yong's eyes, he is a junior apprentice.As a senior brother, he naturally gave him a lot of care.But Hu Bin, who was known for his proficiency in water warfare in history, is just a Dubo at this time.But because of Dubo and Ran Ming's face, Ran Ming didn't know what to say.

The appearance of Ran Ming changed the life trajectory of many people.At this time, Xie An, according to the historical process, should send out someone to assist Sima Dan, and become the Minister of Zhongshu in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

However, in the state of Wei at this time, he was just a symbolic banner.To show Ran Min's broad mind.Sima Dan, who was supposed to be sick, is still alive and well. If there is no accident, there should be no problem in living for another few decades.Huan Wen, who was supposed to have power over the government and the people, has now become the inexplicable king of Shu, who is devoted to managing his one-acre three-point land.

There are 51 marines, including 21 generals (Qu Hou is also called Hundred Generals), among which 18 are Ran Ming's apprentices, and [-] are named disciples of the martial arts hall. Call out their names.

When Chen Yong learned that Ran Ming was going to train more than [-] civilians into the army, he raised his concerns again: "Master, is it too late!"

"There should be enough time!" Ran Ming said: "There are 500 Qilin Guards, each of whom is no less capable than the students in the martial arts hall, and their actual combat experience is richer. Split the Qilin Guards and let them serve as the entire army. With the backbone, it can quickly become combat power."

This is like the later generations during the War of Resistance Against Japan, when the Eighth Route Army divided its backbone troops into small units to go deep into the enemy.Organize and lead the people to fight against the Japanese. A squad before splitting can develop into a regiment or a battalion in a short period of time. Basically, the troops have grown in a snowball style.

In fact, this method is not considered the original creation of the Eighth Route Army. During the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, eight school lieutenants were established, namely Changshui, Zhongba, Infantry, Yueqi, Tunqi, Huqi, Shesheng, and Huben.These eight schools are the ancient recruiting system, which can be regarded as the earliest professional soldiers in Chinese history.The total number of these eight school lieutenants is only 8000, but during the war, the people will be recruited to join the war, and they will become combat power in a very short period of time.

The Han people are a great nation, if you give them hoes, they are the best farmers in the world, if you give them tools, they will become skilled craftsmen.Building bridges and paving roads, repairing cities, and reclaiming mountains and seas, it seems that nothing can hinder them.

(End of this chapter)

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