Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 804 Weak countries have no diplomacy

Chapter 804 Weak countries have no diplomacy

Chapter 809 Weak Country Without Diplomacy
In the past three days of reorganization, more than 500 civilians have formed eight battalions according to Ran Ming's plan. Like the regular army, they also adopt a two-to-five system, that is, two groups (25 people) and one battalion.On April [-]th in the sixth year of Kaiyuan, Ran Ming held a mobilization meeting for the expeditionary force.

The main force of the navy is 78 warships, which are divided into three battle groups.These three battle groups are also three fleets, but Ran Ming did not divide them according to the balance of strength, including the navy's first fleet is composed of 24 flying fish-class warships and 42 ocean-going transport ships, and the leading general is the former Henghai Colonel Gao Shi serve.As the vanguard of the whole army, Gao Shi was in charge of the expeditionary army to explore the way.

The Second Fleet has sixteen Flying Fish warships and seven ships of the 410 Yuan Transport. This is the main force of the expeditionary force, including most of the civilians and a small number of marines. The captain of Changshui, Cui Cheng, is the leading general, and the third The fleet consisted of 38 Flying Fish warships, together with 71 supply ships, led by Sima Zheng Wu, the former commander of the Changshui Army.

In addition to the generals of the navy, this meeting also included General Chen Yong of the Marine Corps, Army Sima Qin Chong, Lieutenant Guo Yue of the First Marine Battalion, Lieutenant Zu Yan of the Second Land Battalion, and Qin Chong, Lieutenant of the Third Land Battalion.The numbers of the civilian husbands are all temporary camps.From the [-]st to the [-]th Battalion.The captain of the First Temporary Battalion is Lin Heishan, Ran Ming's personal guard commander, and Ran Ming also knows that Lin Heishan has no ability to command troops, but the relationship between Lin Heishan and Ran Ming is out there, and no one can say anything.The deputy lieutenant of the First Temporary Battalion is Liu Wu, who is a village chief of Qilinwei.Wu Qiang, the captain of the Second Temporary Battalion, Wu Qiang's qualifications are older than Lin Heishan. He joined the Jiaodong National Martial Arts Hall at the same time as Chen Yong, and then came to Qilinwei.The difference from Chen Yong and the others is that Chen Yong and the others are Ran Ming's disciples, while Wu Qiang is only a named disciple.Zhou Laosan, Lieutenant of the Third Temporary Battalion, Zhao Chengming, Lieutenant of the Fourth Temporary Battalion, Gu Deli, Lieutenant of the Fifth Temporary Battalion, and Tian Bian, Lieutenant of the Sixth Temporary Battalion.Tian Bian was originally not well-known in history, but his fourth brother Tian Luo was one of the eight generals of Beifu in history.The captain of the Seventh Temporary Battalion is Xie Xiu, and the captain of the Eighth Temporary Battalion Wei Yong.

At least [-]% of these tentative camps above Dubo were from Ran Ming's Qilin Guards, and the rest were from the Martial Arts Hall. Without exception, they were all Ran Ming's direct descendants.In addition, Ran Ming's record of joining the army is Xie Xuan, his record of joining the army is Xie Yan, his boss is Li Jing, and Sima is Ran Min's direct descendant Feng Lei.

Ran Ming said straight to the point: "Everyone, our Great Wei caravan was oppressed by the Gupta Empire in the Nanyang region. In the past three years, more than [-] compatriots were slaughtered by the Gupta Empire. It is our disgrace that the enemy slaughtered. We cannot allow the Gupta Empire to oppress our compatriots, and we should launch a strong counterattack against the Gupta Empire's aggression to let them know that we, Wei, are not easy to bully."

"General, please give me an order!" Feng Lei, with a bad temper, said first: "I have long disliked the Gupta Empire. Decades of blood, tears, and humiliation have taught me a truth, people are kind. Being bullied, Ma Shan was ridden by others. Our Great Wei will definitely not be the Jin Dynasty that is at the mercy of others, if we dare to offend Great Wei Tianwei, we will pay in blood!"

"Pay with blood, kill all the Gupta barbarians!" The officers were all influenced by Ran Ming, and they were somewhat nationalistic.What's more, because of Ran Ming's relationship, these Qilinwei's family members have more or less joined Nanyang Development Company, even though they are not eligible to own shares, but they work in Nanyang Development Company by virtue of their relationship with Ran Ming. The relatives of these officers , Many of them died in the hands of the Gupta Empire, which made them even more excited.

Ran Ming said: "I can understand everyone's feelings. Since the establishment of the Great Wei by the father, we Han people have stood up. We will no longer look at the faces of the barbarians, and we will no longer be bullied by them. Whoever bullies us, we will fight against you." Ran Ming’s voice was octave higher, “Fight”! This time our goal is to recover Sumentara and control the full armor. According to the information we have, the navy of the Gupta Empire is not weak. They have 7000 large and small warships. Many ships, a total of more than 4 people. The number of Gupta Empire is more than ten times that of ours, but their warships are far behind us. I hope we can completely wipe out the Gupta Empire’s navy through this battle to deter Gupta The empire and other indigenous tribes on the Malay Peninsula! In addition, in this battle, we must capture as many prisoners as possible! The old, weak, sick and disabled can all be killed, but strong men, women and children can stay .Now we still need a lot of slaves in our mines and fields.”

Perhaps seeing the benefits of slaves, no one was willing to release the captured captives for nothing.Although the captives don't obey discipline, they don't have to pay wages. We must know that with the economic development of Wei, the cost of labor is also increasing.Originally, there was no need to pay wages, and he was only responsible for three meals, so he could recruit countless people.But now, not to mention three meals, even workshops with low wages can no longer recruit people.Especially for heavy manual labor such as mining, quarrying, and logging, no one does it for less than 25 yuan. Some of them pay [-] yuan a day. Their monthly wages can buy [-] catties of rice.Almost enough for a family to eat for more than half a year.

Feng Lei said with a smile: "Don't worry, General, I will definitely capture more prisoners. The prisoners are all paid. Now a man in his prime can sell his labor for [-] to [-] yuan. Who would think that there is too much money!"

Work such as quarrying and mining has a high risk factor. Using Han laborers not only requires wages, but also a large amount of pensions in case of accidents.As for slaves, there are no such concerns.Dead is dead, no one cares anyway.The construction of highways, cities, and bridges in the State of Wei required a lot of steel, and countless coal and iron mines were mined, so slaves had to be employed for such heavy and dangerous work.As Wei stopped foreign wars, the number of slaves decreased significantly.

To say that capitalists are exploitative and greedy in nature.Those slaves had no human rights at all. Not only did they not have enough to eat, but they also had frequent accidents and heavy labor, which made the death rate of slaves very high.The market for slaves was tight, which also made the slave trade very prosperous.Many ocean-going trade cargo ships undertake the task of carrying slaves.

Ran Ming said: "Sharpening knives is not the same as chopping firewood. We temporarily organized eight infantry battalions. The members are basically from the north, and most of them are not familiar with water. When we went to the Gupta Empire, our soldiers may not be able to swim, but they must not be seasick. It is necessary, and now all ministries must conduct the final half-month adaptive training, and on May [-]th, we will set sail. During this period, this general hopes that you will hurry up and train to reduce unnecessary losses.”

The tense training of more than 4 people naturally couldn't disappear without a trace. It was inevitable that people discovered Wei's changes.It was none other than Huan Wen, king of Shu in the Jin Dynasty, who first discovered the change in Wei.In fact, Huan Wen was more self-sufficient than Sima Dan. After all, what Ran Ming dug was Sima Dan's corner, which greatly hurt the Jin Dynasty's vitality in making future works.Huan Wen's weapons and equipment can basically satisfy consumption.

However, Sima Dan bought most of Lingnan's income from Wei Guo to buy equipment, and these equipments were much better than those made by Huan Wen himself. Start an arms race.However, Huan Wenwen and Sima Dan had different purchasing priorities. Huan Wen only needed the technology of Wei State. As long as he bought the original parts like the crossbow, the general workshop under Huan Wen's command could basically imitate it.

Huan Wen originally planned to spend the least amount of money to buy Wei Guo's new technology, but in front of Ran Ming, a later generation, Huan Wen's tricks must not be able to hide from Ran Ming.Ran Ming's advice to Huan Wen was that it was fine to buy it.At least [-] crossbows will start, and if there are fewer, they will not be sold.Mingguang armor is also sold starting at [-] pairs, and it will be ruined if you don’t buy it.Huan Wen had no choice but to buy new equipment, ranging from the Ma Gong crossbow to the Ba Niu crossbow, as well as heavy trebuchets, Huan Wen bought them all.

However, Huan Wen did not buy any low-tech materials such as spears, shields and arrows adopted by the Jin Dynasty.However, Huan Wen was much more generous than Sima Dan in buying war horses. Huan Wen bought [-] war horses in one go.Produced in Baichagou, Zhaowuda League, Inner Mongolia, where there are many mountains, horses are good at walking on mountain roads, with quick steps and hard hooves, known as "iron hooves".This kind of horse is very suitable for traveling in the mountainous areas of central Shu, and is Huan Wen's favorite horse breed.However, these [-] war horses made Huan Wen swallow blood, and almost half of the income became the wealth of Wei State.

However, these [-] war horses must not be traded all at once, but in multiple batches, three to five thousand horses each time.

Huan Wen's younger brother Huan Chong was in charge of purchasing for Huan Wen. He bought a house in Luoyang and stayed in Luoyang for a long time.Once a businessman who traded with Huan Chong accidentally said that the price of canned food had increased after drinking.He originally wanted to buy some canned fruit, but who knew that the price would increase by more than [-]%.

Canned food is actually a novelty. Once the freshness wears off, there is nothing rare, especially canned food does not have much technology. Wei Guo's canned food production technology is still the first generation technology.That is, clay pots are boiled in water, then plugged with corks, and sealed with paraffin.Margins on canning are much lower now.

There is a saying that says unintentionally, but listens intentionally.Huan Chong did not let go of this detail.Huanchong sent someone to investigate, and immediately found that the price increase of canned food was true, and Luoyang could hardly buy fresh canned food.

Huanchong also knows that the largest application of canned food is still for oceangoing, and canned food with a long-term shelf life can provide seafarers with essential nutrients for the human body.Huan Chong didn't dare to be careless, he spent a lot of money, and naturally got the news he wanted.

The news of Wei Guo's big move was quickly passed on to Huan Wen by Huan Chong.

Huan Wen was shocked when he received the news from Huan Chong.

But Xi Chao persuaded: "Your Majesty, don't worry, Wei Guo's actions are definitely not against our Shu Kingdom!"

"Oh!" Huan Wen said: "The state of Jin hasn't done anything out of the ordinary recently. Could it be that the state of Wei is restless?"

"That's what I don't know!" Xi Chao said, "Wei sent nearly [-] troops. It is not difficult for these troops to defeat the Jin army, but it is much more difficult to conquer Jiankang!"

Huan Wen nodded, and asked Sun Sheng, who joined the army, "An Guo, have there been any changes in the Wei army in Hanzhong and Nanyang!"

Sun Shengdao: "No, we have arranged detailed operations in Nanyang, Luoyang, Guanzhong, Chang'an and other places. If there is a large-scale increase in troops, the Wei army must not be silent, at least there will be some abnormal phenomena."

Huan Wen said: "Don't be careless. I ordered Deng Xia to enter Jianmen and supervise the military of Yizhou. Zhou Fu entered Xiangyang and supervise the military of Jingzhou. All the troops on the northern front should fully strengthen their defenses!"

Huan Wen was still calm and calm. When Sima Dan got the news of Wei Guo's change, his first reaction was that Wei Guo was going to take him under the knife.The army under Ran Ming conducts adaptive training, which is to tell others that they are going to attack from the waterway.At this time, Huan Wen was still in the west of the state of Jin. If he wanted to attack Yizhou, land was the only choice.

Not only was Sima Dan in chaos, but even Chu Suanzi lost his mind.She murmured: "If the sky is going to die, will I succeed in the Great Jin Dynasty?"

Empress Lu is a knowledgeable woman, she said: "Since you don't know Wei's intentions, why don't your majesty send envoys to ask? Wei is also a big country, so naturally it won't go to war without declaring it!"

On the other hand, Sima Dan ordered Wang Tanzhi to go northward quickly to find out what the state of Wei was saying.At the same time, Sima Xijia Tejin, the king of Wuling, was a general and governor of the five cities of Jiankang.

At this time, the entire Jin Dynasty began to fly like dogs and dogs, especially the Lingnan Pioneering Group headed by the northern and southern gentry, they hurriedly led the Lingnan Pioneering Group back to Jiankang and became King Qinqin of Jiankang.By holding this ceremony, Ran Ming also indirectly begged for the life of the hard-working natives of the Lingnan Zhuyue.

Lu Zhengxiang, a first-generation professional diplomat in China, has a famous saying: "Weak countries have no justice, and weak countries have no diplomacy!" In fact, this is not a famous saying, at least it is a diplomatic principle.No matter how much resistance there is, it will be useless after all.Especially in the era when things are selected by nature and the strong are respected.

Although Wang Tanzhi's words are very sharp, his speech is very clear.Chang Wei, who served as Minister of Rites of Wei State and Minister of Honglu Temple, ignored Wang Tanzhi's protest at all.Chang Wei said lightly, "Wei State's state affairs are not up to Jin State's turn to dictate." He dismissed it.

(End of this chapter)

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