Chapter 805

Chapter 810
Wang Tanzhi was very disappointed, but he was even more suspicious that Wei State was targeting Jin State at all, or was making final preparations for the Southern Expedition.It is more than 700 miles from Jiankang to Yecheng, and Wang Tan ran back and forth almost non-stop for the first and second half months.

Wang Tanzhi, who was already on the thin side, became even more haggard now.

Facing the bad news brought by Wang Tanzhi.

Sima Dan was a little panicked, and according to the usual habit, Sima Dan had no choice but to ask Chu Suanzi for help.

Chu Suanzi said almost without thinking: "The emperor is that you are the emperor now, and as the king of a country, you must be more stable!"

Sima Dan said: "Mother, the state of Jin is about to face a catastrophe this time, so I must be in a hurry!"

"Can you solve the problem urgently?"

After all, Chu Suanzi was still much hotter, she said sharply: "Emperor, can the fate of a subjugated king?"

Sima Dan nodded, no one knew this question better than him.Emperor Huai of Jin Dynasty Sima Chi fled to Chang'an when Luoyang City was broken in June of the fifth year of Yongjia, and was captured on the way.Later, Liu Cong gave him a cup of poisoned wine to die.When Luoyang City was broken and Emperor Huai was captured, Sima Ye was proclaimed emperor by ministers in Chang'an. He was captured by Liu Cong's general Liu Yao in [-] AD, and was killed by Liu Cong in [-] AD.

Chu Suanzi said: "The Great Jin Dynasty has reached the most dangerous moment. The most important thing is that we can no longer fight among ourselves. We must unite and work together to externalize."

Sima Dan said: "But Huan Wen, a traitorous official, will he, will he agree?"

Chu Suanzi said: "Yes, I will. Huan Wen is a smart person. He should know that neither he nor our Great Jin have the strength to stop the Wei State. Huan Wen will definitely understand the truth of the dead lips and the cold teeth."

"But, my son is not reconciled!" Sima Dan's face was not good-looking, he said indignantly: "It is a great shame and humiliation for me to compromise with a traitor and traitor."

Chu Suanzi sighed, and murmured: "Why should the emperor be so discouraged? You have to know that you still have an advantage that Huan Wen doesn't have at all, and that is age. Huan Wen is already 50 years old. Although his body has no major problems, But one year or two is okay, what about ten years or eight years later? In front of the butcher knife of time, no one can survive alone, Huan Wen is like this, isn't it like Ran Minxiu?"

After a pause, Chu Suanzi continued: "My lord, you are still young. Looking at Huan Wen's other sons, Huan Xi has great ambitions and a narrow mind. He is not the image of a master. Huan Ji is somewhat talented in Huan Wen, but compared However, Huan Ji is too frivolous, there is actually another person in Huan Ji, do you know who he is?"

Sima Dan asked subconsciously, "Who is it?"

"Ran Zhi, the former prince of the Wei Kingdom." Chu Suanzi said coldly, "Huan Ji is not weak in talent, but he is more ambitious, but he cannot control himself. This is a serious problem after all. Huan Wen entrusted the important power to his younger brother Huan Chong, which has already aroused Huan Ji. If Ji's dissatisfaction is fueled by it, Huan Ji will definitely turn against Huan Wen. Even if Huan Ji is not Huan Wen's opponent, it will inevitably cause internal divisions in Huan Wen's forces. Why doesn't the emperor designate him as Ningzhou Inspector and Nanman Colonel?"

Chu Suanzi is a strong woman in politics, she is very similar to the Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Dynasty.This person is an expert in internal fighting and an amateur in external fighting, and has a deep understanding of political checks and balances.In history, Huan Ji and Huan Mi usurped the throne and wanted to put Huan Wen under house arrest, but it was actually Chu Suanzi who pushed behind.Ningzhou was established after Zhuge Liang's seven expeditions to the Southern Man.It governs the seven prefectures of Jianning, Xinggu, Yunnan, Yongchang, Zhuti, Yuexi, and Cang. The general scope is today's Yunnan, Guizhou, and southern Guangxi, and it is roughly the core area of ​​the Lingnan area in ancient times.The key point is that this place is not directly under the Jin Dynasty, but a demarcated place that is actually independent in the name of the court.

However, when Sima Dan led the development of Lingnan, it became the source of wealth for the elites of the Jin Dynasty.If Sima Dan seals this place to Huan Ji, it will definitely cause collective dissatisfaction among the northern and southern gentry.This is the most common tactic in political power tactics, that is, killing three men with two peaches.

In fact, this was Chu Suanzi's conspiracy.Knowing that Ningzhou doesn't taste good, it's just a cup of gut-piercing poison, but will Huan Ji withstand this temptation?Even if Huan Ji wanted it, would the elites of the gentry be willing to give up this place?Cutting off people's money is tantamount to killing their parents, and the hatred cannot be shared.

It is said that what kind of master brings out what kind of apprentice, following Chu Suanzi's more than ten years of study, Sima Dan also has a deep understanding of the three flavors.

Sima Dan said: "Then speed up, not only Huan Ji, but even Huan Wen's officials can't complain, especially Xi Chao, Xi Chao is Huan Wen's diehard loyalist, but Xi Chao's father, Xi Yin, is still loyal to the court. He was granted the title of General of Anbei, governor of Yuzhou (Qiaozhou), Yanzhou (Qiaozhou), Qingzhou (Qingzhou), Xuzhou, and Yangzhou military, and Yuan Zhen, the former governor of Yuzhou, was appointed as General Pingbei, and he was a regular servant on horseback. "

Chu Suanzi looked out of the palace with deep eyes, and was very pleased with Sima Dan's growth.

Then Sima Dan moved again and again, not only conferring Huanji, but also conferring on Ximin, Yuan Zhen and Xichao.

Of course, Ran Ming didn't know these things.Ran Ming has already led the expeditionary force to set off. There are more than [-] civilians in the expeditionary force. After more than half a month of adaptive training, there are still more than [-] people who cannot adapt to the training. Seasickness has some psychological factors and some physiological factors. , this problem has not been well solved in later generations. If it is a short-distance voyage, it can be overcome. Like the expedition to the Gupta Empire, this is a terrible problem.

If there is a large number of non-combat attrition, this is a very morale-destroying problem.Ran Ming ordered people to remove these non-adapted civilian husbands from the army, distribute money, and let them go home.This part of the money is calculated from the day of recruitment, and the amount of money everyone gets is not the same, but at least it ranges from five to six hundred to thousands of dollars.

Although these civilian husbands who were eliminated could go home immediately, they didn't feel happy, instead they felt regretful.After all, this money is too easy to earn, much easier than working.When Ran Ming ordered to recruit more than [-] civilians in Qingzhou, Yanzhou, and Jizhou, he went crazy.There is a long queue at every recruitment point.The number of people is sufficient, so Ran Ming has a choice, choose the best among the young and strong.

However, this part of the civilians will not set off directly with Ran Ming, but they have also undergone more than half a month of adaptive training, and after completing the initial training, they will follow Ran Ming's large army with the luggage.

Or because of God's pity, Ran Ming didn't encounter any troubles along the way.This is different from when Ran Ming went to sea for the first time. After six or seven years of development, the route from Qingzhou to Luzon has matured. This is no longer an uncomplicated and unfamiliar sea area, and it has become the back garden of Wei State.

Manila in history, and now Fubo City, received the news of Ran Ming's arrival. Liu Qi, Governor of Luzon, led the civil and military officials from the Governor's Palace to welcome Ran Ming.After seven or eight years of development in Luzon, the number of Han Chinese has exceeded 5, but most of them live in Fubo City. In the plains of Luzon Island, a large number of farms and industrial and mining workshops have been established. Here Yes, rich minerals, such as gold, chromium, copper, manganese, zinc, coal, sulfur, etc. were developed and then shipped to Wei.As many as 30 slaves are transfusing blood into Wei's economy with their flesh and blood.

The rise of a nation is destined to step on the bones of another nation. For the development of Fubo City, Ran Ming's positioning is the place where raw materials and commodities are sold.There are not only the remnants of the pre-Qin period here, but also representatives of the power of the major gentry clans.

With the arrival of Ran Ming, the leaders and representatives of the various Han forces flocked to Fubo City to attend Ran Ming's welcome banquet. Wei's huge naval fleet and densely packed land battle officials gave the Han clans a great deal. shock.Originally, the situation in Luzon was not peaceful, and it can be said that there was an undercurrent.

Originally looking at the lonely Luzon Island, these Han clans all had the idea of ​​self-reliance, and they joined forces one after another, preparing to encourage Liu Qi to establish a country in Luzon.They were kings overseas, but when they saw the powerful naval strength of the Wei army, they were not only shocked, but more frightened.

Almost all overseas survivors and Han clans have great confidence in Liu Qi, especially Liu Qi has the military power in the Indochina Peninsula and Luzon Island in his hands. He has more than 3 Han soldiers and more than [-] indigenous people. The servant army, this army is not only invincible in Luzon Island, but also a strong force in the countries of the Indochina Peninsula.

After the warm welcome banquet was over, the people led by Ran Ming began to learn more about the situation in Luzon.Whether it is Luzon or the Indochina Peninsula, the recent changes are still very big.Many roads are being built and some are already open to traffic.The natives have been trained, and under the threat of leather whips and steel knives, they have become much more industrious.They will not have learned to grow food, fruits, vegetables, but also learned to manufacture.In particular, the smelting of iron and steel has achieved great development in Luzon. There are as many as hundreds of iron workshops with an annual output of 5 jin of refined steel, and the largest scale has reached more than [-] tons.Of course, this scale is still far behind Wei Guo, but at least it has exceeded its own needs and can be sold in large quantities.

Especially Ranzhi in Yizhou, his weapons and armor basically come from Luzon's steel. Yizhou's mineral resources are scarce and mining is too difficult, so the gain outweighs the gain, so he had to purchase.In fact, this is still a superficial phenomenon. In fact, there are many changes in various places. The Han people used money to clear the way and did not need to fight at all. The indigenous leaders were defeated by sugar-coated bullets. doing this kind of business.

A large number of slaves prospered Luzon, and also assimilated Luzon.Not counting other places, there are as many as 1 mixed-race children in Fubo City alone. These mixed-race children are all of Han patrilineal blood, and they are no different from the Central Plains. The first impression Fubo City gave Ran Ming That is, there are so many children, and the second is that the brothel is very large.

There are actually more than 300 brothels in the eight main streets, with at least [-] prostitutes.These brothels contributed a lot of tax revenue to Fubo City.

While Ran Ming was resting, Liu Qi and his confidants were also discussing urgently.

"Governor, you need to make a decision early." Liu Gui, the shopkeeper of the original Liu's firm in Fubo City, said anxiously and worriedly: "According to my understanding, His Royal Highness has brought eleven battalions of land troops. That is 5000 people, plus the number of the fleet, it is 5000 people. Now the number of these troops is more than the total population of our Fubo City. In particular, His Royal Highness is the best at leading troops to fight. Their combat effectiveness is better than ours. The fighting power of the Pau army is too strong."

Wang Sanhe, the lieutenant of the thief-catching school in Fubo City, said: "Governor, take the initiative to strike first, and then be controlled by others!"

Liu Qi said expressionlessly: "The more you do this, the more forbearing you are. Do you want to rebel?"

Liu Gui choked, he wouldn't do that in rebellion.All dynasties and dynasties have dealt with rebellion extremely strictly, and even the nine clans will be punished if they move.Although he settled down in Fubo's family, his clan is in Zhongshan, and the Liu family in Zhongshan is also a big family. Although Liu Gui's family is not a noble family, it can be regarded as a big family.There are more than 40 close relatives alone. If this is a rebellion, more than [-] clans will be beheaded by the state of Wei.

Liu Qiyu said earnestly: "Liu Gui, although we are in-laws, you must remember that His Highness the Crown Prince not only has the grace of knowing and promoting Liu Qi, but also has the grace of saving my life. I, Liu Qi, will never be sorry for the Crown Prince. Yes, I disdain to talk about you for what you did with those people, as long as you dare to take another step, don't blame me Liu Qi for being cruel and merciless!"

(End of this chapter)

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