Chapter 806
Chapter 811

"Are you going to hang your hands and wait?" Liu Gui continued: "This afternoon, His Highness the Crown Prince sent dozens of hundreds of people to various places to detect the news. Maybe His Highness the Crown Prince has no evidence in hand, but depending on the situation, His Highness the Crown Prince should be suspicious. Let's do it. Do we still need evidence for His Royal Highness to deal with this kind of matter? As long as there is doubt, it is enough for me to search my family and exterminate my family!"

Liu Qi said indifferently: "This is something out of the plan, and it's not something you've considered. I didn't agree with it at first, but you're trying to draw a chestnut out of the fire. You should know better than me how powerful the Great Wei Kingdom is."

Zhang Erhe suddenly said: "The strength of the Great Wei is too strong. I thought they only had a dozen or so five-toothed warships. The five-toothed warships are powerful at sea, but they don't have the ability to fight on land. We just need to defend the port and the Fubo. City, there is a chance. But now it seems that Wei's strength is beyond our imagination. The current flying fish warship is bigger and more slender than the five-tooth warship, and it must be fast enough, almost a hundred A flying fish warship can completely rely on the catapults on the battleship to directly attack the city port. What's more, they still have more than 6 troops, enough to sweep our Fubo City ten times."

Liu Qi said worriedly: "It's because you have ghosts in your hearts. If Your Highness is really suspicious, why do you need to go out in person? You only need to send a general to command the army, and we can capture more than 6 soldiers and horses. Now we have dispatched more than [-] elite troops. For troops, eating horse chews alone is a very huge consumption."

Liu Guidao: "Perhaps, the target of His Royal Highness is not us at all!"

"Oh!" Liu Qi said with interest, "How do you say that?"

Liu Guidao: "You have been the first-class shopkeeper of Zhongnan Development Company for more than four years. Although you have resigned now, Zhongnan Development Company still has my people. Last year, I got a faint news that Zhongnan Development Company was out of business. There are insiders, and some people are greedy for money from the Mo company, and the amount is not small."

Liu Qi said: "This is impossible at all. Even if the Zhongnan Development Company has an inner ghost, it will not send troops. As long as His Highness sends his confidantes, even if there are only a dozen people, the people of the Zhongnan Company will be able to turn the world upside down. We are different here. The large and small shareholders of Zhongnan Company are all powerful families in the Wei Kingdom. Which one of them is not a big business? The one who offends is not the Crown Prince, but the whole family of nobles in the Wei Kingdom. If you offend the nobles of the noble family in the world, no matter how strong the background is, there will be no place for them in the Wei Kingdom. Isn’t the price too high?”

"Who knows?" Liu Gui said, "Man dies for money, and birds die for food. Profits will drive people crazy."

Liu Qi discussed with Wang Sanhe and Liu Gui for more than a quarter of an hour, but they still didn't come to any conclusion. Liu Qi decided to stay still and watch Ran Ming's actions before making plans.Liu Qi calmed down: "I'm here today. You go back and notify the others separately. Keep it secret. No one should act rashly. Whoever dares to disobey orders, don't think that Qi can't kill people! You all know Qi's temper." Alright, alright, go back!"

The so-called loyalty is actually not enough bargaining chips for betrayal.Will Liu Qi be truly loyal to Ran Ming? Don't look at his high-sounding words, in fact it is not the case at all.On the island of Luzon, as the governor, he is no different from Emperor Caotou. He has power and money, and the only difference is a king's title.No one has Liu Qi's understanding of Ran Ming's thoughts. He is more aware of the consequences of Ran Ming's anger. Even if they have a chance to kill Ran Ming's army, it is not difficult to gather such an army with Wei's strength. .

Besides, the development of Luzon is inseparable from the connection with the state of Wei. All kinds of resources in Luzon are waste in Luzon. They can only be exchanged for money when they are transported to the state of Wei. Food may be considered a strategic material in the Central Plains, but In Indochina Peninsula or Luzon, this is the cheapest thing at all. Not to mention planting, even relying on the gift of nature, they will not starve to death.

The changes in the outside world did not disturb Ran Ming's dream. Of course, none of them, including Liu Qi, knew that there was an unexpected guest in the palace where Ran Ming was staying.

In the face of the undercurrent in Luzon, if Ran Ming can't feel it, then it's not Ran Ming.Although Tianyan pretended to be a grandson in front of the deaf and dumb, but outside the Wei state, he was definitely a bullish existence.Ran Ming not only knew that some people in Lu Song had small calculations, but also knew that Ran Zhi was influenced by them.

This made Ran Ming very distressed, and Ran Zhi was really an unbeatable Xiaoqiang.After he gained a foothold in Yizhou, he started a series of actions.First, he sent a large number of secret works to the Jin State, and at the same time bought the gentry of the Jin State.Especially the Zhang family in Wujun basically turned to Ran Zhi. Even Zhang Wei, who was unwilling to serve Ran Ming at the beginning, has now become Ran Zhi's mastermind.Zhang Wei suggested to Ran Zhi to attack Lu Song.Of course, this is not a direct attack on Luzon. Although Xiuwu Kingdom (Yizhou) is not weak, they are not stable internally, especially the natives, who have not yet been completely conquered.Once Ran Zhi's army in Yizhou is reduced, they will riot or rebel.

Zhang Wei asked Ran Zhi to win over interests and divide them.At this time, the interests of the four major families of Liu, Ren, Zhao, and Luo in Luzon and the elites of the gentry conflicted.Especially for the four local families, their ancestors were still descendants of the Han family, but they later married the natives, and their blood was no longer pure.Although they are still powerful factions, they are not tolerated by the gentry.The Liu family is fine, because of Ran Ming's relationship, Liu Qi became the governor of Lu Song, Ran Ming's spokesperson for power, and the elites of the gentry gave Ran Ming some face.

But people like the Luo family, Ren Ren and the Zhao family are too far behind. Not only will they be excluded from the circle of power in Fubo City, but their political status will not be guaranteed.Their status is not even as good as some ordinary Han people, which makes the three local families who are local snakes feel dissatisfied.

Although dissatisfied, the three major families can only choose to endure in the face of absolute strength.But under Ran Zhi's win over, Ren's wavered.Then Luo Shi and Zhao Shi also joined this group.The Liu family, the Ren family, the Zhao family, and the Luo family were dissatisfied with Zhao Tuo's surrender to the Han, and moved from South Vietnam to Luzon in anger.Four 500 years of marriage, so that the four gradually become a whole.Liu Qi also couldn't understand the troubles made by the nobles of the Wei State, especially after marrying Liu Gui, Liu Qi knew that these invincible sons of the nobles were actually fringe figures who were not welcomed in the Central Plains. Huge and powerful, but their status in the family is very low.Liu Qi wanted to shuffle the Luzon forces.

Liu Qi knew that Ran Ming treated the elites of the gentry superficially, even if afterwards, Ran Ming would at best blame him mildly.

Ran Ming and the mysterious person began to understand the dark forces in Luzon. At that time, the Renfu in the north of Fubo Zhongcheng was brightly lit, and the Zhao family, the Liu family, and the Luo family were all discussing secretly.

Wei, director of Ren's contemporary family, took a deep breath and said, "The governor has been shaken, and now everyone is talking about it, what should we do?"

Ren Wei was not reconciled, but there was no other way.If he wanted to shuffle Luzon's forces, he had to rely on Liu Qi's support. Ren Wei was very wise. He asked other people directly. As long as the decision was made, Liu Qi couldn't help him.

The Patriarch of the Luo family said: "There is nothing to say, brother Liu is shaken, we will help him strengthen his confidence!"

"Uh!" Ren Wei said, "What does Brother Luo mean?"

The head of the Luo family said: "His Royal Highness is now in the city, but the army is outside the city. His Royal Highness only led more than 100 people into the city. The Wei army is stationed in the port storage area ten miles outside the city. If His Royal Highness is attacked in the city , what do you think Liu Qi will do?"

Ren Wei said: "Brother Luo, you are crazy. Even if you don't want to die, do you still want us all to be buried with you? Liu Qi will be firm in his confidence, but do we have a future? Sixty-five thousand elites of the Wei Kingdom, but we can Blow us to ashes."

"Brother Ren, did Wei let our people do it?" Luo's Patriarch said: "If it is not our people who do it, but those scholars' children, what do you think will happen?"

At midnight, Ran Ming's palace in Fubo City was attacked. More than 80 people participated in the siege of the palace. In the time of one stick of incense, before the outside of the palace was attacked, the Fubo City garrison arrived at the scene. .The garrison of Fubo City and the guards of the palace should cooperate inside and outside, and the more than 80 dead soldiers who had no time to escape all died under the horizontal knife.Ran Ming led the remaining [-] people to rush out, and used these [-] people to seize a city gate. He was not in a hurry to leave, so he defended himself by the gate, while reporting to the Wei army outside the city.

This will make things worse, murdering the prince, how is this different from rebellion?

Lin Heishan led more than a thousand people from the first provisional battalion to quickly rescue Ran Ming, and immediately took over the city defense of Fubo City.Two quarters of an hour later, the first battalion of the Marine Corps took over the city defense of Fubo City. All the defenders of Fubo City were confined in the barracks. They did not disarm, but they were surrounded by the army and could not move.

Liu Qi was furious when he got the news, and then fell into deep fear.Liu Qi hurriedly pleaded guilty to Ran Ming, but Ran Ming said calmly: "Can't I even see the most basic framing? Check it out, let me investigate thoroughly, I want to see who it is To my palace and death."

After identifying the corpses and interrogating the captured dead, it was finally found out that the leader of the dead was Lu Ji from Pengcheng.In history, this Lu Ji led more than 372 families to rebel in the second year of Xian'an ([-]), and was suppressed by the guerrilla general Mao Anzhi.

On the surface, Lu Ji is only from Pengcheng, but he is the foreign steward of Wang Kang of the Sun King family.

Things are definitely not as simple as it appears. After identification, there are more than 100 dead men whose identities can be determined. Ran Ming is very embarrassed by these more than 100 dead men with identities. This almost includes most of the entire Wei State. Nobility shareholders.

Ran Ming was very angry, and immediately summoned the representatives of all the shareholders in Fubo City, saying: "At that time, I set up Zhongnan Development Company, made an appointment with the families, led the families to seek wealth together, and distributed dividends according to the size of the shares, and distributed them according to work. There is no breach of contract, can everyone agree?"

All generations tremblingly said: "No."

Ran Ming said again: "Now I have not broken the contract, and more than 200 people attacked me in the palace last night in Fubo City. How do you guys say I should deal with it?"

All the representatives dared not speak for a while, but an ugly-faced old man in his fifties shouted: "The decree of the Great Wei has a clear text: those who kill officials will die, and those who conspire against the family will be punished! Now that the decree has been promulgated, it should be done according to the law." act!"

Ran Ming asked, "What's your name?"

The old man said: "Job Yang Pojun comes from the Hongnong Yang family."

Ran Ming asked again: "Yang Pojun, when my palace established the Zhongnan Development Company, it seems that the Yang family didn't participate in the shares?"

Yang Pojun said: "My Hongnong Yang family holds 5.00% of the shares of Zhongnan Development Company, of which Zheng's resells [-]%, Chenjun Chen's resells [-]%, and the other [-]% is Pei's. Resell."

Ran Ming nodded.

Ran Ming paused and said: "At the beginning of the establishment of Zhongnan Development Company, all the families made great efforts, and I am not someone who crosses rivers and demolishes bridges, but I absolutely cannot swallow this breath. You representatives cannot make decisions about this matter. This palace is clear. Please send a message to the families immediately, this matter needs to be explained to this palace!"

"There is no rule without rules!" Yang Pojun said: "The state owns the state law, and the family has family rules. If you have merit, you will be rewarded, and if you have done it, you will be punished. If you have merit, you can murder the prince of the current dynasty. The major shareholder of Zhongnan Development Company. What is this company doing?" Governance?"

Ran Ming said: "There are quite a few families involved this time!"

"It's good that the law doesn't blame the public, but it's not an excuse to gather crowds to resist the law!" Yang Pojun said: "If you don't kill these ungrateful people, you can rectify the country's laws. If you don't kill them, why is it strict? His Highness the Crown Prince didn't intend to annex the shares of the various families. , monopolize Zhongnan Company, His Royal Highness acts according to the law, they are all to blame, who is to blame?"

"What do you all think?" Ran Ming's cold gaze was like a real sharp knife, slowly looking around at everyone.Everyone felt Ran Ming's power, and they were too frightened to raise their heads.

Ran Ming said again: "Everyone, don't be nervous. The Great Wei ruled the country according to the law and cracked down on crimes. It would not miss a single criminal, nor would it wrong an innocent person. This palace will not expand or punish any criminals, but as long as there are criminals If you do not obey the law, you must bear the punishment of the law!"

(End of this chapter)

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