Chapter 807

Chapter 812
Everyone hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness is right!"

Ran Ming said: "Even if you all think that this Palace is justified, then the people involved in the assassination case will automatically go forward to identify these dead men, even if some corpses are beyond recognition, how many people are there in Fubo City? Missing, you don’t know about it. If you confess, you will be lenient, and if you resist, you will be strict, this is my attitude!”

Yang Pojun was the first to step forward, he was very courageous.After examining the corpses as usual for a while, he came back and said, "His Royal Highness, one of these corpses is Yang's retainer, a broker. Please learn from His Royal Highness, Po Jun definitely did not issue any orders that would be detrimental to His Highness, but , this responsibility of being lax, Pojun can't escape no matter what!"

Ran Ming said: "It's too early to talk about responsibility. The matter has not been investigated clearly, and I will not make a conclusion lightly. Yang Pojun, you are now handing over your positions in Zhongnan Development Company and Fubo City for investigation. If you are really innocent , I will give you justice."

Yang Pojun said respectfully: "Pojun dare not obey orders!"

Zheng Jian, the representative of Zheng's firm, had a very close personal relationship with Ran Ming, and the representative of Zheng's in Fubo City also showed frankness, and Ran Ming, like Yang Pojun, asked him to hand over his position and accept investigation.Seeing this situation, other people dare not disobey Ran Ming's intentions. Anyway, it is impossible for these dead men to hide from people in the small circle of Fubo City. Although it is risky to confess, Ran Ming will never hide it. Would mind killing chickens and monkeys.

The assassination of Ran Ming in Fubo City had a great impact. In just three days, Ran Ming took control of the Luzon branch of the Zhongnan Development Company and isolated all representatives of the gentry for review.Naturally, this investigation easily found many people who had colluded with Ran Zhi, and Ran Ming was not merciful to this. Ran Ming took advantage of the situation to expand Luzon's attack surface, and wiped out the obvious bandits and resistance forces in Luzon, and captured more than [-] of them. People broke down several lairs, and the main island of Luzon became pacified after a period of chaos.

Ran Ming also confiscated the orchards, farms, and mines that had been confiscated by the local nobles and pirate forces who participated in the rebellion, and rented all the mines to poor Han people in the territory at low interest rates. After more than 1000 poor households were divided into farms, mines, orchards, and shops, everyone cheered Long live Wei, the prince is wise.

Ran Ming then issued a new announcement that in order to stabilize Luzon and crack down on illegal and criminal activities, Luzon will implement military control.Any transactions will continue, but must be reported to the Military Control Commission for review.Military materials such as food, medicine, arrows, armor, and weapons have begun to be stockpiled, and Luzon will become Ran Ming's expedition material base.

During Ran Ming’s expedition to the Gupta Empire, except for basic equipment, supplies did not need to be transported from the territory of Wei State. The Indochina Peninsula, Luzon Island, and Mindanao (Mindanao Island) will be the places for material preparation.At the same time, Ran Ming ordered that Chinese be the official official language, all religions must use Chinese as the common language, and all indigenous languages ​​and characters must be destroyed.The governor’s offices and various temples in the three towns of Luzon, Zhongnan, and Mindanao must take the responsibility of educating the local people to learn Chinese. With the method of quota, a temple is responsible for the Chinese education of its believers, and the governor of the governor’s office regularly Send envoys to various places to check the progress.

Of course, in order to promote the promotion of Chinese language and Chinese culture, and stimulate the indigenous people to learn Chinese culture, Ran Ming also stipulated that Chinese language learning and taxation should be directly linked. Within three years, half of the per capita tax will be implemented for learning Chinese, and [-]% of the per capita tax will be implemented within five years. Tax, those who still do not have it within five years will implement a [-]% increase in the population tax, and those who do not do so within ten years will double the per capita tax.

The four seasons in Luzon are like spring, and Ran Ming started a new round of military preparations in Luzon.The Gupta Empire is different from other nomadic peoples. They have a huge population base. If you fight the population, the Han people are not weaker than ancient India in the Han and Tang Dynasties. , already lower than the population of Gupta.Of course, Ran Ming would not fight with the precious Han people and Gupta slaves, even if 100 people were exchanged for one, Ran Ming would not want to change them.

A large number of indigenous peoples such as Sulu, Yitluo, Subanong, Manobo, Bilan, Tagakoro, and Mandayan were expropriated. They will undergo simple training and be used as cannon fodder. , participated in the war against the Gupta Empire.Eight provisional infantry battalions, three marine battalions and 21 new indigenous infantry battalions began training for beach landing and climate familiarization.

A winter has passed without knowing it, and the time has come to February of the seventh year of Kaiyuan. Luzon is still Luzon, and Mindana'e is still Mindana'e, but Wei's control over the three places has been greatly enhanced. .In the three major governor's mansions, especially in Luzon, it has become different, it is a feeling of cleanliness.Of course, in the process of de-indigenization, a lot of civil strife also occurred. Although the civil strife caused a lot of damage, the loss in terms of the region as a whole was not small.

But after the civil strife, the manpower and material resources that Ran Ming could really control increased several times.The indigenous aristocrats and Han clan groups that originally controlled the economic and political lifeline of this area suffered a huge blow. The blow to the former was devastating, while the latter retained a certain strength and turned to obediently cooperate with Ran Ming.But the beneficiaries of this incident—those poor Han people assigned to farms, mines, and workshops—became Ran Ming's staunch supporters.

Ran Ming also found out the internal pillar worms of Zhongnan Development Company and Nanyang Development Company this winter.Fortunately, Ran Ming was somewhat comforted by the fact that He Huan, who was promoted by Ran Ming from humble beginnings, did not betray Ran Ming after all.It's just that He Huan also disappointed Ran Ming. He Huan's brother-in-law is from the Lanling Xiao family, Xiao Jun.The Xiao clan in Lanling moved south from Xiaozheng, and the power of the Xiao clan declined.Otherwise, their Xiao clan would not have married He Huan, a Han clan.

Because of He Huan's wife, He Xiao, most of the Xiao's children followed He Huan and joined the Ran Mingzhong Development Company.Especially his brother-in-law Xiao Jun, who is very talented.During the pioneering period of Zhongnan Development Company, he contributed a lot.Xiao Jun only wanted to revitalize the Xiao family. He didn't think about cooperating with Ran Ming, but wanted to poach Ran Ming's corner. The money he got from Zhongnan Development Company was used by Xiao Jun to buy land and properties in Jinling (Changzhou) Yes, in just over four years, Xiao Jun used more than 8000 yuan of greedy money to buy more than [-] yuan of fertile land in Jinling for the Xiao family, making the Xiao family skyrocket to become a prominent family in Jinling.

As for He Huan, he didn't notice it at the beginning, but when he found out about Xiao Jun's change, he was emptied by the preemptive Xiao Jun and put under house arrest in the mansion. Kim, the company's chief executive officer.Xiao Jun's nephew, Xiao Chengzong, is a handsome man, very good at smooth talk, but unfortunately, facing a dedicated Jin family, Xiao Chengzong was naturally ignored.Although the Jin family didn't fall for the trap, but Jin's assistant and confidant, Jin Wan'er, the maid bought by the Jin family, fell for the beauty trap.

With the cooperation of Jin Wan'er and Xiao Jun, although the Jin family was vigilant, no evidence was found.In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is pale and powerless.Xiao Jun and his party were wiped out by Ran Ming.

But Ran Ming, who knew the whole story, also admired Xiao Jun.This is definitely a talent, and if it is in later generations, it will definitely be an excellent professional manager. Unfortunately, his ingenuity is not used where it should be.Although it was a pity, in order to deter other people with evil intentions, Ran Ming still killed him.Xiao Jun and more than forty people were all beheaded.

Ran Ming didn't know that the killing of Xiao Jun directly caused a fault in the Xiao family in Lanling. As for Xiao Yan, whether he could still be born is a question.Because of Ran Ming's appearance, history has seen earth-shaking changes.It's a pity that these things are beyond Ran Ming's control.

But Ran Ming doesn't know that history has his strong resilience, and Ran Ming doesn't know that his momentary benevolence of a woman has set him a strong opponent.Xiao Jun and Ran Ming didn't deal harshly with Xiao Jun. Like Xiao Jun's son, 14-year-old Xiao Lezi fled to Jiankang.Xiao Lezi surrendered to Sima Dan and became Sima Dan's confidant adviser. This Xiao Lezi, both civil and military, later became a strong resistance to Ran Ming's southward march, and also caused heavy casualties to Wei's southern expedition.

As for He Huan, Ran Ming also dispatched him to the expeditionary army, replacing him with a logistics officer.

In March of the seventh year of Kaiyuan, it was the spring rice planting season. Ran Ming had stockpiled more than 260 million stone rice and more than 16 million crossbow bolts in Luzon Island, and produced more than 200 catties of gunpowder and More than [-] million catties of fierce fire oil.In Ran Ming's palace in Fubo City, Ran Ming is convening his generals to discuss the final preparation meeting.

Ran Ming said: "Everyone, according to the news from the front-line detectives, the situation is very bad for us. The power of the Gupta Dynasty has begun to infiltrate into the Celebes Sea, Java and the Sulu Islands. If we don't fight back, Mindana will E will be attacked."

In this era, there is no telegraph or radio, and messages are basically delivered manually, which is not only slow, but also has loopholes.When Ran Ming held the expedition mobilization meeting, in fact, in the Celebes waters, the naval fleet of the Gupta Dynasty had already launched a fierce battle with the Wei army's navy.

Since the rise of the Gupta Dynasty, especially the Nanyang trade has been greatly threatened, the Chinese are very smart. When they encounter the Gupta Navy attack, they will go together, even if they would rather wait for three or five months, but also Assemble a fleet strong enough.

This time, the Nanyang Development Company's fleet, Lion Island, headed for the South China Sea. In order to avoid being attacked by the Gupta Navy, they deliberately circled a big circle, entered the Celebes Sea from the Sulu Sea, and then entered the South China Sea.

However, the news of this huge fleet of more than forty ships was still leaked.The Gupta Navy dispatched more than 200 warships to attack.The Gupta Navy discovered the fleet of the Nanyang Development Company in the southern waters of the Sulu Sea. Originally, the Sulu Sea would be the burial place of this Wei State merchant fleet, but an accident happened.A storm suddenly broke out in the Sulu sea area. The wind level of this storm is not very large, and it is not a big threat to merchant ships full of goods.But for the generally smaller Gupta warships, this can be fatal.

A sudden storm caused the Gupta Navy to lose more than [-]% of its warships and thousands of soldiers.When the storm passed, the Gupta Navy lost track of the caravan again.Perhaps it was predestined, the Gupta fleet that was going back home actually lost its way, and they actually entered the Siberian Sea by accident.And at the border of the Siberian Sea and the Sulu Sea, traces of the caravan were found.

Devadatta is the lord of the Gupta Dynasty. As a lord, this Devadatta is an outlier. He lives a good life, but he is not like other lords who bully men and women in the territory and become the emperor of one side.Devadatta liked sailing very much. To be precise, he liked being a pirate very much, a very promising career.Seeing the caravan Devadatta staring at the fleet of Nanyang Development Company like a wild beast, his eyes seemed to be eating people.

"Catch up with me, if you dare to resist, throw them all into the sea to feed the fish!"

Wangshan ran dead horse, this sentence is also very common at sea.Although merchant ships carry heavy loads, they are slower than warships.But this is slow, very slow.The speed of merchant ships can reach eighty-nine knots in the case of tailwind, while the speed of Gupta warships can reach twelve knots. Even if they find that they want to catch up, it will take a long time.People who know numbers can do the math by themselves. People can see sails at a distance of 25 to [-] kilometers at sea. With a speed difference of no more than four knots, it takes several hours to catch up.

The merchant ships of the Nanyang Development Company will eventually be caught up, but at a critical moment, a small unit of the Third Fleet of the Wei State Navy encountered the navy of the Gupta Dynasty.After a brief confrontation, a naval battle broke out.

In the age of sails, the position of naval battles is very important. The effect of attack and defense is very different between the upwind position and the downwind position.In fact, the Gupta fleet was in a very unfavorable position at the time of the encounter.

Devadatta wants to move the fleet to a favorable position at high speed. Of course, it is very difficult for a sailing ship to take a high-speed position.If it is said to occupy a favorable position and the Wei Jun naval warships do not know how to attack, it will be a failure.

The lieutenant of the Third Fleet Squadron is twelve flying fish warships led by Chuck, together with more than forty transport ships.Although the transport ship is weak in combat effectiveness, it is not without a little combat effectiveness.

Zhang Yongdao: "Pass my order, while the Gupta Navy is busy adjusting, the ships will speed up for me, aim at their buttocks, and hit them hard!"

The ballista of the Flying Fish has a range of about 30, of course, theoretically, the error of the ballista should not exceed a radius of [-] meters.In fact, this data was obtained when the test was carried out on land.In the actual combat process, the accuracy of the ballista of the Flying Fish has not been tested and has not yet been determined.

(End of this chapter)

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