Chapter 808
Chapter 813
When the flying fish warships approached the enemy at about [-] paces, twelve ballistas in three layers on the front decks of the twelve flying fish battleships were the first to speak.

"Boom boom boom!"

The stone bomb weighing fifty catties flew towards the three-masted battleship of the Gupta Navy's rear guard with a scream of death.The first round of more than 100 stone bombs set off bursts of water in the sea.However, it is a pity that more than 100 stone bombs failed to achieve results.The stone bomb was still 100 meters away from the nearest enemy ship.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Yong roared angrily: "You're all fucking waste, your eyes are in your crotch, and I'll aim at them before you hit them. Each artillery position is ordered, and whoever hits the enemy ship first will count the first. First rank."

Although Zhang Yong was very dissatisfied with the shooting effect of the ballista, Devadatta was intimidated by the effect of the ballista of the flying fish warship. He said in horror: "Damn, why did the ballista of the Seresian battleship shoot so far?"

In fact, the warship technology of ancient India is not bad, and it is at an advanced level in history. According to the ancient ships unearthed in India, they manufactured a 300-meter-long trilayer warship more than 57 years ago.However, due to technical limitations, the theory of naval warfare in ancient India still remained at the early stage of naval warfare, which was nothing more than the tactics of ramming and boarding.

Devadatta ordered the fleet to speed up the U-turn and attack the Wei army's navy.

There is no way, the most available weapon of the Gupta Navy is the Gupta Longbow. This Gupta Longbow with a wingspan of 1.8 meters can shoot up to 300 meters, and the effective range is about 150 meters. The advantage of the horse male crossbow is not obvious.The most advantage is that the time to train a crossbowman is shorter than that of a longbowman, but the disadvantages of the horse crossbow are also very prominent, and the cost is far more expensive than the Gupta longbow.

Looking at the chaotic Gupta fleet, Zhang Yong excitedly ordered: "Order the ships to disperse, shoot freely, pay attention to keeping the distance from the Gupta navy, and sink them all."

The commander on the flagship tells the liaison officer on the watchtower with semaphore, and then the liaison officer issues the order.Two quarters of an hour into the battle, the No. 076 ballista of the battleship No. [-] made the first contribution. A stone bullet hit the main mast of a two-story warship of the Gupta Navy. Appears very fragile.The huge mainmast toppled in an instant, and the toppled mast hit the main deck, smashing countless Gupta naval soldiers into a pulp.However, this is not the most deadly thing. The most deadly thing is that due to the toppling of the mast, the warship lost its balance, especially the canvas that fell into the sea, which absorbed a large amount of seawater, which caused the unlucky Gupta warship to capsize immediately.In just a quarter of an hour, the second-tier warship that had been hit by its mast disappeared on the sea.

Seeing the result, Zhang Yong said excitedly: "Lu Zhongyi is doing well, he played well, keep working hard, and I will ask His Royal Highness to give him credit."

The naval battle has just begun, or in Devadatta's eyes, this naval battle has not really started yet. In Devadatta's eyes, the naval battle really begins when the collision or string connection is initiated.However, a two-story warship sank, and more than 200 soldiers fell into the water, which made Devadatta's face very ugly.Although the Gupta fleet suffered a storm and lost more than 100% of its warships, they still have more than [-] main battleships.Facing Wei's navy with a mere [-] warships, Devadatta had a numerical advantage, but he was powerless.

The Gupta navy does not have weapons like trebuchets and ballistas. Their long-range attack method is the longbowmen standing on the deck. Gupta longbowmen have no way to face the Wei army warships at a distance of [-] to [-] steps. .Fortunately, after more than a quarter of an hour of hard work, several of the Gupta warships finally completed a U-turn.They were no longer being beaten passively, Devadatta said: "Rush forward and let the people of Seres see how powerful our Gupta warriors are!"

Hedging against the wind, the distance between the two sides is getting closer.As the distance approached, the hit rate of the ballista of the corresponding Wei State warship increased greatly.Especially the inspired No. 076 ship, at a distance of four hundred steps, twelve ballista shells, four of which actually ordered a Gupta three-layer battleship at the same time.Such a three-layer paddle battleship uses three-inch-thick elephant wood as the main deck, and even a [-]-jin stone bomb can barely move one layer.But a Gupta warship with as many as three decks will not cause fatal damage at all.

"General, it seems that the effect of the stone bullets is not ideal!" A staff officer said: "The three-layered warships of the Gupta Empire are too sturdy, and they are not afraid of ballistas at all. Our stone bullets are also limited, so we can't waste them like this!"

"Hmph, they're not afraid of stone bombs, I'd like to see if they're afraid of incendiary bombs!" Zhang Yong said, "This is the general's order to change all ships to incendiary bombs and burn their mothers."

After the order was issued, it was not the 076 ship that had just been in the limelight that made the first contribution this time, but the 066 ship that had never made any contribution. Ship 066 fired four incendiary bombs within [-] steps of the Gupta Navy, two of which hit a second-tier Gupta Navy warship that was turning around at the same time, and the first incendiary bomb burned three feet on the side string deck What a high fire.A large number of Gupta soldiers rushed to fight the fire, but the second incendiary bomb exploded at this time, injuring a large number of Gupta soldiers who were fighting the fire on the battleship.

The two incendiary bombs contained sixty catties of kerosene, forming a sea of ​​flames equivalent to one-third of the area on the side string deck and main deck of the Gupta battleship.In just one stick of incense, the burning Gupta warship lost control of the flames. Despite his helplessness, Devadatta ordered "abandon the ship!"

At this moment, more than [-] Gupta warships completed their turn and launched an attack on the Wei army warships.More than twenty ships were able to enter within a distance of more than two hundred steps, and the Gupta longbowmen began to show their power. The Gupta longbows flew towards the Wei army warships like a storm like a storm, and the Wei army navy began to suffer casualties.

"General, the current situation is not good for our army. Although the Gupta Navy does not have ballistas and trebuchets, their longbows can kill our soldiers. As the distance gets closer, the Gupta Navy's superiority in numbers and ships will appear. Come out!" The staff officer said: "We should control the distance, at least stay away from the effective killing range of the Gupta bow!"

"Order the fleet to turn around and use the tail ballista to deal with the enemy!" Zhang Yong said: "The best advantage of the flying fish warship is its fast speed and flexible operation. We must give full play to our advantages and use our strengths to overcome the enemy's weaknesses!"

The warships of the Wei State Navy adopt a flying shear streamlined design. Even sail warships can still exceed the speed of ordinary warships by a large margin. Especially the warships of the Gupta Navy have a speed of about eleven or twelve knots, but the flying fish warships can At fifteen knots, it can even run at an extreme high speed of seventeen knots, which is about the same speed as the first generation of steam ships in the early nineteenth century.Flying fish not only has the advantage of fast speed, but also has the advantage of attacking the enemy first with ballistas that the Gupta Navy does not have. Of course, this is just bullying the Gupta Navy for not developing ballistas and trebuchets. In the Roman Empire, their navigation technology was already very advanced. They have already produced grain carriers that can carry [-] tons, and warships with as many as five floors.Not to mention the Greek fire of the Greek Navy.Without these two advantages, Wei Guo's navy could only resort to melee combat.

The twelve flying fish warships turned around one after another and began to sail northeast. The stern and firepower of the flying fish warships were small. There were only two ballistas, but the rockets could be adjusted at any time to kill the enemy.

"Bastard, these damned Serisians actually ran away!" Devadatta watched as the ships from one side had just completed turning and entered the attack position, but the Wei Jun Navy quickly completed the turn and ran to the northeast.With the advantage of speed, the warships of the Wei State Navy slowly opened up the distance between the two sides.

After fighting for more than a quarter of an hour, the Gupta Navy lost four two-layer battleships and one three-layer battleship, and more than ten two-layer or three-layer battleships were injured.This made Devadatta very angry: "Catch me, don't let a damn Seris go!"

The mangujai tactic is a tactic invented by the Mongols. The core of this tactic is to pretend to flee and lure the enemy to pursue, and its essence is speed and suddenness.Of course, the most important thing is that the army must be well-trained and strictly disciplined.Regardless of whether the Wei army was trained by Ran Min or Ran Ming, they all paid great attention to discipline and teamwork. In the hearts of Wei soldiers, the concept of discipline has long been deeply ingrained.

Just as the Gupta navy launched its pursuit, the formation of the Wei army's navy changed again. Even if they were retreating, they did not sail vertically, but adopted a horizontal formation.The ballista at the stern of each ship has been wound up, and the crossbowmen are also adjusting the angle.

Zhang Yong said: "The order continues, the speed of each ship does not need to be too fast, keep the speed, so that the distance between the enemy ships should not be close to [-] steps, but the distance should not exceed [-] steps!"

As more and more Gupta fleets closed the distance between the two sides, at this time, the warships of the Wei army began to fire ballistas.

"Boom boom boom!" After discovering that the stone bullets could not cause fatal damage to the three-layer warships of the Gupta Navy, the ballistas of Wei's ships also took targeted measures. For live ammunition shooting, incendiary bombs or gunpowder bombs are always used to deal with the three-layer battleships of the Gupta Navy.

In particular, the power of gunpowder bullets is quite good. Even if it is a solid elephant wood, it can withstand the shooting of stone bullets, but it is extremely fragile in front of incendiary bombs and gunpowder bullets.The pursuit battle lasted for an hour, and the Gupta Navy lost four more three-tier warships and six second-tier warships.

"Your Highness, these Serisians are too cunning. Their warships are faster than us, and we can't catch up with them!" Devadatta is actually the surname Gupta, he is the prince of the Gupta Empire, and his father is Chanta The No.20 five sons of Luo Gupta I, and he is the cousin of Samadhara Gupta, the sea guardian king of the Gupta Dynasty.As a royal family, this is the prerequisite for the Gupta Dynasty to become a lord and governor.This is similar to the Western Han Dynasty Liu Bang Baima League "those who do not have the surname of Liu are not kings".

Devadatta said: "Send the order, we will not chase their fleet anymore."

"Your Highness, why don't you chase after me?"

"We can't catch up!" Devadatta said: "We will chase their caravan and those transport ships, forcing them to fight us. They only have twelve warships, and they will definitely not be able to save their merchant ships and transport ships. If you don't want to suffer heavy losses, you can only fight us!"

At this moment, the fleet of the Gupta Navy turned collectively and sailed due north.

Seeing that Gupta's navy stopped chasing him, Zhang Yong gradually opened up the distance, and asked in puzzlement, "What's going on?"

"General, it's not good!" The staff said: "The Gupta Navy must be dealing with those merchant ships and transport ships. How long will it take? With the speed of the Gupta fleet, they will catch up with the merchant ships and transport ships within two hours at most. fleet!"

Zhang Yong said: "If you want to chase them, let them chase them. They won't turn back if they don't get hit with blood. How can we take advantage of Wei's advantage so easily!"

The encounter finally came to an end after nearly two hours. The Gupta warships lost ten second-tier warships and five third-tier warships, and the casualties were around 600.What Wei Jun paid was more than 30 crossbow shells and more than [-] casualties.

The main reason why Zhang Yong didn't pursue him was that the soldiers were very tired.

On March 21, the seventh year of Kaiyuan, that is, the second afternoon when Devadatta encountered the third ship of the Wei State Navy, after a day and night of urgent pursuit, the Gupta fleet caught up with Wei State's merchant ships and transport ships in the waters near the Gesang Islands. For the fleet, just half an hour after the start of this pursuit, Devadatta, who had captured seven merchant ships, encountered an indelible nightmare in his life.

Because, Devadatta encountered the main force of Wei State's Third Fleet.The main force of the third fleet is 38 flying fish warships, which is the most powerful of the three main fleets of the state of Wei. Although the third fleet is divided into two, the Wei state navy, which has 26 flying fish warships, has firmly grasped it from the beginning. Dominance on the battlefield.

The Third Fleet was under the command of the leading general Zheng Wu, and Devadatta's fleet was completely led by the nose by the Wei State Navy.At this time, the Third Fleet also changed the limited contact of Zhang Yong's troops and used the advantages of long-range weapons to attack the enemy.The Marching Sima of the Third Fleet is Tang Mao.This marching Sima is equivalent to the position of the chief of staff of later generations.Tang Mao was originally named Tang Facai. After being defeated by Ran Ming, he surrendered to the State of Wei and became the deputy of Zheng Wu, the marching commander of the Changshui Army. Fa Cai became the marching commander of the Third Fleet.Tang Facai felt that his name was too rustic, so he asked Ran Ming to change it.So Ran Ming changed his name to Mao, styled Shide.

Although Tang Mao was just a marching commander, he was more like a general than Zheng Wu. Tang Mao suggested that Zheng Wu should take command in the middle, while he would lead the main force to advance.Unlike Zhang Yong who was afraid of the longbowmen of the Gupta fleet, Tang Mao found that the Gupta navy had no long-range attack weapons, at most they were just some Gupta longbows. Now Tang Mao seized this opportunity, regardless of the casualties of the soldiers, and directly shortened the distance Within a hundred.

(End of this chapter)

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