Chapter 809

Chapter 814
Ballistas, crossbow bolts, and rockets all poured out to the Gupta fleet.Due to the closer distance, the accuracy of Wei's ballistas, crossbow arrows, and rockets has greatly increased. The attack method of the Wei State Navy's Third Fleet is very targeted. The soldiers on the deck, although the Gupta longbowmen caused a lot of casualties to the soldiers of the Wei State Navy, but Wei Jun is such an army with a tradition of daring to fight and fight. These casualties not only did not dampen the morale of the Wei Jun Third Fleet, but stimulated Wei Jun The ferocity of soldiers.

If this continues, the entire Gupta fleet will undoubtedly be wiped out.

"His Royal Highness, we can think of a way now, so we are too passive!"

Devadatta said helplessly: "Is there anything else we can do? These damn Seres are too despicable, their warships are faster than ours, and their weapons are better than ours. Arrows, there are iron bombs that blow up a large piece like a giant thunder, and vicious weapons that can make the sea water burn, what do we use to fight them?"

"Your Highness, although we have a numerical advantage, there is nothing we can do against the Seres. No matter how brave our soldiers are, it is futile if we cannot make it up. Withdraw from the Celebes Sea and return to the Java Sea from the Makassar Strait ! Only in this way can we keep the main force of the fleet!"

"What, retreat, are we going to admit defeat to the damn Seres? It's impossible, absolutely impossible." Devadatta rejected this seemingly good proposal very resolutely.Although Devadatta knew that his fleet was very dangerous, as a proud prince of the Gupta royal family, he absolutely could not surrender to the Seres, even at the cost of his life. He would rather throw himself into the arms of the Buddha than admit defeat.

The people around looked at Prince Devadatta very helplessly, and had no intention of disobeying Devadatta any more.The Gupta Emperor was a very powerful unified dynasty in the history of ancient India. It was a dynasty that advocated force very much, and it was also the biggest promoter that Buddhism could become a world religion.Where the swords and soldiers of the Gupta Dynasty go, the glory of the Buddha will shine there.Don't think that Buddhists are gentle and gentle. In fact, they also have a very violent side.

Watching Devadatta fight to the death without retreating, many Buddhist soldiers in the army began to act. These Buddhist soldiers, like ascetic monks, were very poorly equipped and had nothing but a saber.With their bare upper bodies and bronze skin, they looked very majestic.The so-called sastraka refers to (Vatican sastraka), one of the eighteen objects held by a monk, a knife used for cutting clothes, shaving hair, cutting claws, etc.This small knife, which is comparable in size to a dagger, is very suitable for water warfare.

Since the distance between the two sides was within a hundred steps, the monk soldiers jumped down like dumplings.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Wu said anxiously: "Attention all ships, the enemy has dispatched water ghost troops. Retreat immediately and distance yourself!"

Water ghost troops are very effective against mid-to-lower warships, especially those without water tanks.At sea, however, the effect was less than satisfactory.But wooden warships are wooden warships after all, Tang Mao showed a cold smile and said: "Retreat, feed them some food!"

Following the order, the 26 Flying Fish battleships of the Wei State Navy's Third Fleet began to retreat slowly, but during the retreat, countless heavy oil was dumped in the sea water.

Seeing the retreat of Wei State's navy, Devadatta said excitedly: "I knew that these Serisians are not as brave as our Gupta warriors. Although their warships are powerful, they are greedy for life and afraid of death. Reese, like a storm of arrows, is still the same as always."

Although the Wei warships were retreating, they still attacked the Gupta fleet with stern ballistas and rockets. "Boom boom boom!"

Gunpowder bombs exploded one after another, and incendiary bombs came and went one after another. If you look down from the sky, you can find that the Wei State Navy is sailing northward in an orderly manner.Gradually, the Wei State Navy widened the distance between the two sides to two hundred steps, three hundred steps, one mile.The navy of the Gupta Empire had to brave the fierce artillery fire of the Wei State Navy (the ballista is also a cannon!) to advance.Warships were constantly being hit, either caught fire, or were directly sunk.

On the flagship, Zheng Wu looked at Tang Mao who had just turned over from the small boat and said, "Tang Sima, you are really a prodigal. There are more than 400 barrels, and more than [-] catties of fierce kerosene. If you say it is poured, it will be enough to light the lamp." One year's dosage of the county!"

"General Zheng, what is this? It's called reluctance to let a child catch a wolf!" Tang Mao said: "Look, the Gupta Navy will definitely pay a heavy price for their stupidity. They should never have provoked us. Wei!"

"You're the only one with a lot of nonsense!" Zheng Wudao: "Prepare the incendiary bomb, fire three salvos!"

The incendiary bomb at this time is actually the nature of the incendiary bottle. It is re-ignited when it is fired, and the incendiary bomb will burn violently only after it is hit violently.At this moment, three incendiary bombs were fired from the ballista.The incendiary bombs flew more than 400 steps away, and two of them fell into the sea, smashing directly into the seabed, losing the air to support the combustion, and the incendiary bombs extinguished naturally.However, there was another one that hit the side string of the bow of a Gupta four-story warship, and the burning fuel oil ignited the fuel oil in the sea along the bowstring.

"Buddha, the Rakshasa has hit!" Devadatta said angrily.

Rakshasa is originally a transliteration of Sanskrit, which means "rage" and "dreadful" in ancient Indian mythology, but Devadatta named a tall warship with four layers of paddles Rakshasa, obviously giving it high hopes .The four-story warship is currently the largest warship in the Gupta Empire, with a length of about 76 meters, a width of more than 11 meters, and a height of 13 meters with four decks.There are as many as 560 oarsmen on this four-story warship, and even without sails, they can rely on oars to move forward.

If this four-story battleship is equipped with ballistas and rockets, it will not be weaker than the Wei Guo Feiyu battleship. Of course, this kind of large ship does not adopt a streamlined flying scissor design, and its speed and maneuverability are much worse.As a main battleship, the entire Gupta Empire Navy only needs less than [-] such four-tier warships.

When the oil burns fiercely, it cannot be extinguished by relying on water.Unless sand is used, Gupta warships have never encountered a strong opponent. In Java and the Malay Peninsula, those aboriginals can manufacture a single-masted sailboat that is more than ten meters long. The small boat, in front of the huge fourth-tier warship, is absolutely helpless like a baby.Of course, the Gupta Navy has never been attacked by fire. Even the indigenous rockets can't do anything to the huge warships.

Amidst Devadatta's exclamation, three more incendiary bombs flew in and accurately hit the third and fourth decks of the Rakshasa. Suddenly, the Rakshasa billowed with thick smoke, and the fire quickly got out of control.

This is not the saddest thing. The saddest thing is more than 400 monks and water ghosts. They are surrounded by fires burning in the sea. Although the water ghosts can dive, they must have no diving oxygen supply equipment and can only rely on themselves. It is water-based, lurking in the water for two to three minutes, countless monks and soldiers were burned by the fire, or suffocated to death by the thick smoke produced by the burning oil.What is even more tragic is that many Gupta warships were surrounded by a sea of ​​flames. According to the observations of the watchmen, at least more than 3 large and small warships were surrounded by a sea of ​​flames.

In just half an hour, the reversal of the situation was out of control. Devadatta was also a decisive person. Seeing this situation, he made his painful decision: "The whole army retreats!"

Wei Guo was at the downwind of the sea of ​​flames. If it wasn't for the distance, the fire might even burn themselves.Zheng Wu was choked by the thick smoke and had tears and snot running down his nose. He shouted excitedly: "Well done, there is only half of the Gupta fleet left. This is enough for their heartache!"

"How can half of it be possible!" Tang Mao said: "Brothers will continue to work hard and strive to wipe out the Gupta fleet and send these Gupta people to the bottom of the sea!"

Zheng Wu showed a smile on his face. The Gupta warships in the sea of ​​fire were ignited by the fire. The wooden warships are most afraid of fire. Although the warships have fire prevention measures, they can only guard against ordinary fires, such as fierce fire oil. There is no way.More and more Gupta warships began to burn from the bottom up, and more and more Gupta sailors jumped into the sea like dumplings.

People are so strange, knowing that they will be burned to death on a battleship, even if they jump into the sea, they will still be burned to death.But they still jumped into the sea like fearless warriors.

Although there were more than 7 catties of fierce kerosene, the fire did not last for too long. After only two quarters of an hour, about half an hour, the fire began to gradually decrease.In fact, none of the more than 30 Gupta warships that were besieged by the fire was sunk by the fire. The more than 30 warships were blackened by the fierce fire oil, like a ghost town.

Most of the Gupta sailors and slaves were suffocated to death by the poisonous gas produced by the fire oil, and even those who survived were stunned.The Devadatta Division of the Gupta Navy suffered heavy losses. 67 warships with one-tier, two-tier, and three-tier hulls were lost, and one quadruple-tier warship was also lost. There is less than half left.

"Order to keep six ships 041, 047, 052, 053, 054, and 058 to clean up the battlefield, and the rest of the ships immediately adjust their course and pursue the Gupta fleet." Zheng Wu ordered.

There is no way, who told these six warships to fight too fiercely with Tang Mao, and the Gupta longbowman is not a vegetarian. The Gupta Dynasty can repel the invasion of the Huns in Central Asia in history.If there was no Gupta Dynasty, maybe there would be no so-called God's Whip in Europe.There were more than 1000 casualties on these six warships alone, and more than [-] of them were killed in battle. Although this loss did not hurt the bones, it greatly reduced the combat effectiveness of these six ships.

An hour later, Devadado, who hadn't had time to breathe a sigh of relief, received a report from the watchman and found the shadow of the sail of the Wei army's battleship.

"Damn it, these Seres people want to kill them all!" Devadatta said with a pale face, "Order all the ships to turn around immediately, we will fight them to the death!"

"Your Highness, we are doomed to lose this battle! If we continue, we will lose more warships! The only way now is to retreat! Retreat immediately! Hold on until dark, and we can use the darkness to escape the attack of the Wei State Navy. pursued"

Tippodado said, "I really don't care!"

"This is the best way! The gap between us and the Siris is too great. If we don't make giant arrows that can shoot as far as them, and iron bullets that look like giant thunders, we will never be able to defeat them at sea. Siris!"

"But we don't know how to make that kind of giant arrow!" Devadatta said, "These Serisians are really cowards. They dare not fight us face to face."

"Although we don't know how to do it, the Serisians know how. We have seized many merchant ships of the Serisians in the past, and their merchant ships have that kind of giant arrow."

Devadatta said: "But will the Seris people teach us to use that kind of giant arrow?"

"Why not? Incarnate as a lotus flower, there is no one who cannot be transformed!"

Since both sides are sailing against the wind, the speed is not very fast, even if it is a flying fish warship, they still need wind as power.In this kind of headwind situation, although the flying fish battleship is still faster than the Gupta battleship, its speed is very limited.After chasing for more than four hours, when the night was all over the sky, Gupta's navy finally escaped.

At dawn the next day, there was no trace of the Gupta fleet on the sea.After searching endlessly for almost a day, Zheng Wu had no choice but to give up.However, the unpredictable sea once again made a joke for Devadatta.Because of the coming of the storm, Wei State's Third Fleet turned to Busangate Island, northwest of Mindanao Island, in order to avoid the storm.

However, near the waters of Busangate Island, the Wei State Navy and the Gupta Navy encountered unexpectedly.Despite a busy day, the exhausted soldiers of the Wei army and navy were already very hungry, but their morale was boosted.

Tang Mao roared wildly: "Brothers, rush up to me and overthrow them!

At this time, everyone who is not a fool knows that the Gupta fleet is at its last moment.In order to avoid the storm, Devadatta docked his fleet in the half-moon-shaped natural harbor in the northwest of Busangate Island. This natural harbor is Kotron, the largest port on Busangate Island.

Kotron is like the most bitten piece of Busangate Island. The concave piece forms a natural harbor, like a half-moon land, like an arm, sheltering the Gupta fleet from wind and rain. Of course, such a unique The terrain also made the Gupta fleet lose the space to escape.

"It seems that today is our end. Your Royal Highness, your loyal servant Haradaro is willing to lead the Gupta warriors to break through the gap for His Royal Highness and break out!"

Haradaro belongs to the class of Vaisya and is also a Dasa tribe living in Galgona.Although Haradaro is not politically special, they can rely on their own struggle to become a powerful class.And Haradaro's father became a subject of Lord Galgona from the time of Devadatta's father.If it wasn't for the status restriction, with the ability of Haradaro, he would have already become Anikini of Devadatta. This is a mid-to-high-ranking military officer of the Gupta Empire, and it is generally held by the Kshatriya class.

"Aladaro, your loyal king knows it. Your suggestion is very good, but those Siris will not let us go." Devadatta said: "Now, this king has also seen it. We are already far behind the Serisians in terms of naval warfare. This gap cannot be made up by relying on courage. Our Gupta Empire's elephant soldiers, chariot soldiers, cavalry, and infantry are all very strong, but we don't pay enough attention to naval warfare. The king is not going to leave. This king will use his own life to arouse the importance of the king's navy. For the future of the Gupta Empire, you must return to Galgona alive, assist Prince Gadrini, and manage Galgona well. Bang, revitalize the Galgona Navy, one day, you will be able to avenge this king!"

"His Royal Highness Prince."

"Haladaro, don't say any more. Even if the Galgona fleet is wiped out, it will not attract Chandra's attention. The loss of the navy will only make Chandra happy. But if the king dies in battle, then The situation is different. For the glory of our Gupta royal family, he has to avenge the king, otherwise the lord of the congregation will be chilled. We in Galgona state alone will definitely not be the opponent of the Seres, but the entire Gupta empire It's different."

"Your Highness, please take care!" Haradaro, who was kneeling on the deck right here, suddenly jumped up, and slashed Devadatuo's neck fiercely with a knife in his hand.

"You." Before Devadatta had time to react, he collapsed into Haradaro's arms.Haradaro roared: "I will lead His Royal Highness to break through, and you are responsible for covering. If anyone dares to fight, you all know the result!"

(End of this chapter)

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