Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 810 Attacking for the Glory of Great Wei

Chapter 810 Attacking for the Glory of Great Wei
Chapter 815 Attacking for the Glory of Great Wei
At this time, there were still more than [-] warships in Galgona of the Gupta Empire, but the Gupta fleet did not have the semaphore communication means of the Wei State Navy. It is tied to the back of the battleship and sometimes acts as a lifeboat.With dozens of small fast boats shuttling between the ships.

Each ship received an order from Haradaro instead of Devadatta: "Brave officers and soldiers of the Gupta Empire navy! In this battle, we have fallen into the trap of those despicable Seres! Their warships are more powerful than ours. The speed is fast and the giant arrow has a long range! We are completely at a disadvantage. However, the heroic Gupta Navy will not give up. We will fight them to the end! I believe. Buddha will bless us! Even if we die, we must be brave die in battle, so that our souls can return to bliss, may the Buddha bless you all!"

Every army is a monster fed by victory, and the Gupta Empire is no exception.As a small principality in the middle of the Ganges, after more than 40 years of crazy expansion, the Gupta Dynasty has become the overlord of India from a small principality. Obviously they are not afraid of fighting.After learning that Prince Devadatta had given the order to fight to the death, not only did the morale of the entire fleet not suffer, but in an instant, the morale rose to its peak.

"Long live the Ji Empire, kill those Serisians." The sailors, officers, and slave sailors on the battleship also shouted.

Sima Tang Mao, the marching commander of Wei State's Third Fleet, said: "General Zheng, you see that the Gupta Fleet is desperate."

Zheng Wudao: "Yes, this is not a good thing. Our incendiary bombs and gunpowder bombs are too expensive. It may not be so easy to stop this wave of Gupta fleet's counterattack."

"It's just a battle of trapped beasts!" Tang Mao said: "As long as they block the Gupta fleet's two attacks, they will be finished. The current naval battle cannot be won by desperate efforts. Today we want to let the people of Gupta remember that we, the Great Wei The cheapness is not so easy to take advantage of.”

Zheng Wudao: "The general is just worried. If the casualties are large, or the battleship suffers heavy losses, His Royal Highness will not be able to explain it to you!"

As the Marching Sima of the Third Fleet, Tang Mao naturally understood Ran Ming's strategic intentions this time. Ran Ming's original intention was to at least recover Sumentara and control the Mancigar Strait.The Third Fleet is the most powerful fleet of this expeditionary force. Once the Third Fleet suffers heavy losses, there will be mistakes and omissions in the implementation of Ran Ming's strategy.Not to mention Tang Mao couldn't afford this responsibility, Zheng Wu couldn't afford it either.

Tang Mao said: "If you want to achieve the greatest results at the lowest cost, you can only follow and pursue. Only in this way can we give full play to the advantages of our army and overcome the enemy's weaknesses with our own strength."

Zheng Wu thought for a while and said: "The order is issued, each ship retreats one by one, and takes cover alternately to avoid close combat with the enemy."

Zheng Wu and Tang Mao didn't know that they had hit Haradaro's strategy in doing so. In Haradaro's view, even if the entire fleet was wiped out, as long as Devadatta survived, they would make a profit.Even if the entire army is saved, if they lose Devadatta alone, their fate will not be good.

The goals of the two sides are different, and the natural results are different.As the Wei State Navy retreated and turned, the Gupta Fleet gained the upper hand. They took advantage of the downwind and launched a desperate charge against the Wei State Navy warships. Paddle with your hands and accelerate your charge.Even if the battleship was smoked by incendiary bombs, they were not afraid at all.

Those small boats used to pass orders or save lives also launched a rapid charge.Although small boats cannot directly board flying fish warships, the small boats of the Gupta Empire have a secret weapon.The secret weapon is just a long, thick bamboo pole with a hook at the top to catch the string of the boat.At first, Wei Guo's navy didn't realize the purpose of this bamboo pole, but when they found out, a Gupta soldier with a dagger in his mouth climbed up on the smooth bamboo pole.

It has to be said that the Gupta Empire is still very creative in using the method of climbing bamboo poles to board ships and fight.At least four flying fish warships were boarded by the Gupta Empire in this way of climbing poles.But it is a pity that although the Wei army tried its best to avoid melee combat, it is not impossible for melee combat. In terms of melee combat, two Wei soldiers can easily defeat three Gupta sailors, especially Wei soldiers in formation. A Gupta soldier.

"Boom, boom, boom..." Wei's navy soldiers slammed stone bullets at the approaching small boats. Although the stone bullets couldn't do anything to the three-inch-thick elephant wood deck of the Gupta battleship, it was much easier to deal with this small fast boat.A stone bullet weighing fifty catties, dropped from a height of five or six feet, could easily smash through the small fast boat of the Gupta Empire.

The wolf pack tactics of the Gupta Empire were successful, and more and more Gupta warships approached the warships of the State of Wei. In order to suppress the ballistas of the State of Wei, those Gupta longbowmen who were not afraid of death even climbed up the mast or watchtower and used their longbows to fight against the warships of the State of Wei. The Flying Fish battleship fires suppressively.Since then, the casualties of the Wei State Navy soldiers have increased greatly, especially on the No. 062 ship, the 76 main and auxiliary ballista gunners of the twelve ballistas on the side string deck were all killed in just a quarter of an hour.Without the crossbowman and the greatest means of counterattack, the flying fish battleship became a target for slaughter.

In order to counterattack, the captain of the No. 062 ship ordered to urgently draw 200 people from the auxiliary troops to board the deck to fight.But this effect has not been improved. The ballista players who have just been added are not proficient in operating ballistas at all, and the threat to the Gupta battleship is very small.On the contrary, they are more afraid of the danger of the 062 battleship.Without the assistance of two hundred auxiliary soldiers, the speed and flexibility of the No. 062 battleship dropped.At this time, three Gupta second-tier battleships approached the 062 battleship from the front, middle and rear, and carried out the team-hopping operation that the Gupta Navy is best at.

Tang Mao was also very anxious seeing this situation. This is a vicious circle.Once the ballista is killed, the power of long-range attacks will be greatly reduced. Once the auxiliary soldiers are deployed to fight, the speed and flexibility will be reduced. Losing these advantages, they can only passively fight in close combat.

At this time, the Gupta Navy was desperate, and all the ships of the Wei State Navy's Third Fleet were barely able to cope. Even if they wanted to support the 062 ship, they were powerless.In the end, the Gupta Imperial Navy completed the jump.

At this time, the navy of the Gupta Empire has gone crazy. Since the beginning of the battle, they have been suppressed and beaten by the Wei army. Now they have finally taken advantage of it. Wouldn't they be crazy?The Gupta warships that have completed the jump, from generals to slaves, all joined the battle.

When Ran Ming built the Flying Fish Fleet, his combat philosophy was to eliminate the enemy with long-distance combat and zero casualties.Melee combat is the worst method of warfare.In particular, the weather factor is the biggest enemy of the navy in this era. In order to reduce unnecessary casualties of soldiers, Ran Ming did not equip the navy soldiers with armor.You must know that the armor weighing twenty or thirty kilograms sinks into the sea, and the soldiers can't last long even if they have good water quality.What's more, the armor of this era is very fucked up. It requires two people to cooperate with each other when putting it on, and it also requires two people to cooperate with each other when taking it off. Once the armored soldier falls into the water, basically he will die.

In this regard, the naval soldiers of the Gupta Empire and the Wei State Navy are on the same starting line, but the situation is very unfavorable to the Wei Army. The longbowmen of the Gupta Empire shoot suppressively from high places. Under the shooting of the bow, they were immediately beaten to pieces. What's worse, the three Gupta warships, plus the slaves, had nearly twice as many people as the Wei army.

After a quarter of an hour of hand-to-hand combat, all positions on the main deck were forced to be discarded, and the 062 ship was ablaze with colorful smoke.The five-colored wolf smoke is the signal to fight to the end. Although Wei Guojun wanted to rescue them, they were all held back by their respective opponents, and they were completely at a loss.It was another quarter of an hour, three quarters before March 23, the seventh year of Kaiyuan, the captain of the No. 062 battleship and most of the officers were killed. At four quarters, a dull explosion sounded from the inner cabin of the No. 062 battleship.The surviving soldiers had no way to defend the battleship. In order not to let the battleship fall into the enemy's hands, Wei soldiers ignited the incendiary bombs and gunpowder bomb storage bins. The power of the gunpowder bombs in the sealed bin was infinitely magnified. Sunk in the time of a stick of incense.

Since the encounter with the Gupta fleet on February 370, the seventh year of Kaiyuan, this was the first flying fish warship sunk by the Wei State Navy. All [-] people on the ship were killed in battle, and none survived.

The 062 ship sank, and more than a thousand Gupta soldiers were buried with it.However, the tragedy of the Wei State Navy did not end. The No. 059 ballista on the main deck of the 059 ship was hit by a Gupta long bow and arrow by no coincidence, and the ballista was stuck. Fifty kilograms of gunpowder bombs exploded directly on the ballista. What is even more tragic is that the gunpowder bomb detonated other gunpowder bombs. The main deck of the 059 ship was swept away by the powerful explosive force. Most of the twelve ballistas on the main deck Four of them were swept away without a trace, and the remaining eight were also damaged to varying degrees. No. [-], which lost its main firepower, was successfully jumped by the Gupta fleet within the time of one stick of incense.

In less than a quarter of an hour, half an hour after the 062 ship sank, the 059 battleship also fell into a fatal crisis.At the beginning of the battle, the 059 ship counterattacked sharply and successfully prevented the Gupta Tiaogang soldiers. However, the biggest oolong in this battle appeared. In order to rescue the 059 ship, the 059 ship near the 061 ship fired incendiary bombs at the Gupta Tiaobang battleship. , As a result, the burning bomb deviated from the target by more than a hundred steps, and hit the joint between the 059 ship and the Gupta battleship.

To make matters worse, the No. 059 main deck quickly caused a fire, and once again encountered the 059 ship of the pig teammate, and was successfully repaired. Ship 061 fired a gunpowder bomb and broke the main mast of the Gupta battleship of Tiaobang 059. The main mast slammed into the front deck of Ship 059. As a result, 059 was hit by the heavy mast, and the front mast was broken. Lost nearly half of its momentum.The sudden change caused a large number of casualties on the 059 ship.Although 059 made efforts to remedy it, unfortunately, life has entered the countdown.At this time, a Gupta Empire three-layered warship slammed into the 059 ship.

The overwhelmed 059 ship also came to the end of its life. At the beginning of the trial, the 059 ship sank.

Seeing the sinking of the 059 ship, Tang Mao was going crazy.

As the third ship of the Wei State Navy encountered and fought fiercely with the Gupta Fleet, the news was quickly passed to Ran Ming.When Ran Ming learned that there were more than 170 warships in the Gupta Empire fleet, Ran Ming ordered a total of forty flying fish warships from the First Fleet and the Second Fleet to rush to the sea area where the incident occurred.

On the second fleet flagship 036, Ran Ming was looking at the chart.This chart is a chart of southern Luzon. From the chart, it can only enter the Celebes Sea from the Luzon Strait through the Verde Island Waterway, then turn to the Tablas Strait, and then pass through the Sulu Sea.According to the calculation of the straight-line distance, the distance is more than 37 nautical miles. Even with the wind down, at the speed of the Flying Fish, it will take 22 hours of non-stop sailing, which is nearly three days and three nights.When Ran Ming set off from Fubo City, it was the end of March 059, the seventh year of Kaiyuan, which was the time when the [-] ship of the Third Fleet sank.

"His Royal Highness, according to the staff's calculations, it will take three days for us to arrive at the sea area where the accident occurred. However, our flying fish warship is faster than the Gupta warship. As long as there is no command error, we should be able to escape."

"In three days, with 38 warships, facing nearly four and a half times as many enemies, I believe that the Third Fleet will live up to my trust in them." Ran Ming seemed to be comforting everyone.In fact, he had no idea.The Flying Fish battleship has not been tested in actual combat, and Ran Ming can't even imagine how effective it is.In fact, after actual testing, the ballista bombs on the Flying Fish battleship have no real ability to penetrate the Gupta battleship at all. If you want to directly penetrate the enemy ship, you must encounter a one-layer battleship among the Gupta battleships. In the coastal warships of the Gupta Empire, like Devadatta's fleet, there is not a single such warship.

The main force of the Gupta battleships were two-tier or three-tier battleships, while the fourth-tier battleships belonged to the battleship class. In the Gupta Empire Navy, the number of such warships was extremely small.The newness of the Flying Fish battleship is on the one hand, and on the other hand, most of the soldiers have not experienced the baptism of bloody battles. If combating pirates counts, Wei Guo's navy has seen blood to some extent.However, combating pirates is different from regular naval warfare. These are completely different and equivalent concepts.

"Your Highness, there is no need to worry. Even if the Third Fleet loses, isn't it still possible to run?" Joining the army, Xie Xuan said: "Naval battles are different from land battles. It is very difficult to encircle and wipe out at sea. Unless the enemy also has a speed advantage, of course This situation does not exist.

Ran Ming nodded and said nothing more.Even though he said that, he was still a little uneasy.If the Third Fleet is defeated or suffers heavy losses, the blow to Wei State will be too great!To put it bluntly, the development of Wei State is mainly based on infrastructure construction to stimulate domestic demand. If it loses the blood of Wei State's economic construction, the roads and water conservancy facilities in various parts of Wei State will come to an indefinite standstill. To make matters worse, a large number of workshops will be created collapse, causing a chain reaction.It also caused heavy losses to the people who had just lived a good life.

For this expedition, Ran Ming's goal is to occupy the entire Cijia Strait in the worst case, and hold back the momentum of the Gupta Empire's eastward advance, at least to keep Nanyang.But in comparison, Wei Guo's expedition this time was still too hasty. The reason, to put it bluntly, is that the past dynasties did not pay enough attention to the ocean.Whether it is offensive, defensive or light steps, light cavalry, heavy armor, and chariots in land warfare, China is in a leading position in the world, and water warfare is not weak, but it is limited to inland rivers and lakes.For ocean battles, Wei Guo didn't even have the most basic reference experience.

"After this trouble is resolved, I will definitely vigorously develop the navy!" Ran Ming said: "I will establish an ocean-going fleet, based on the current three major fleets, to expand the strength of the Nanyang Fleet, and at least two hundred warships like the Flying Fish will be established. , The number of navy and marine corps must exceed 10. This will not only protect our Great Wei’s interests in Nanyang, but also escort our Great Wei’s caravans into the Indian Ocean.”

In the Busangate waters, the war has reached a fever pitch.

"General, general, it's not good."

Zheng Wu frowned and shouted: "Why panic, speak slowly!"

"Report to the general, the captain of the 063 ship was commanding the battle on the deck, unfortunately he was killed by an arrow."

"What?" Zheng Wu asked in shock.

Chen Dezhong, the captain of the 063 ship, is Tang Mao's old subordinate. He also has the same style as Tang Mao, and he likes to fight and charge.This is a titan who surrendered to Wei State with Tang Mao, and he also has a life-and-death brotherhood with Tang Mao.

The messenger said, "Also, General, Ship 063 is also engaged in battle with the enemy."

Tang Mao said: "What's going on?"

The messenger said: "Captain Chen was killed in battle. The soldiers of Ship 063 wanted to avenge Captain Chen. They disobeyed the order of the marching commander Yang Linhu and brazenly launched a follow-up battle against the three-story Gupta warship that shot Captain Chen to death! But Ship 063's offensive went very smoothly, and it already has an absolute advantage."

(End of this chapter)

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