Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 811 Where We Are, That's Dawei

Chapter 811 Where We Are, That's Dawei

Chapter 816
"Understood, you go down!" Tang Mao didn't have time to be sad, he was silent for a while and said: "General Zheng, it's already chaotic now, we can no longer fight step by step, we can only disrupt chaos. Today we are going to let Gupun people Experienced and experienced, our Great Wei not only has sharp ballistas, but also fights hand-to-hand in melee combat, and we don't fear them!"

"The Order"


Tang Maodao: "I am the marching commander of the Third Fleet. I passed on the order of the general. Once close contact with the enemy, all members of the ship, except the orderly and the helmsman, all take up weapons and tell the officers and men of the ships that they They not only represent themselves, but also represent the Great Wei. This is the first battle of our Great Wei going abroad. Let the Gupta Hulu see their courage, the bravery and bloodiness of our great Wei men."


The orderlies on the flagship quickly climbed up the watchtower and issued orders from the watchtower.The messenger understood the meaning of the semaphore and quickly conveyed Tang Mao's order to the ships.

Liu Sanbao is a cook on the 055 ship. After receiving the order for all members of the ship to participate in the battle, he took two hatchets and rushed to the deck. Although he was a cook, he never killed anyone.It's a little unbelievable, he actually rushed to the place where there were most Gupta fighters, and started hacking and killing with his eyes closed.Soon, Liu Sanbao felt that he had no strength left, but when he opened his eyes, he found five or six bloody corpses beside him.Looking down, Liu Sanbao found that he had been hit by six or seven arrows and more than a dozen knives. The wound was more than one foot long and as deep as the bone.

Liu Sanbao smiled proudly, "I hacked six of them to death, and now I've made a lot of money." Then he stood up with all his strength and shouted: "Barbarian! I'm waiting for you underground!"

After finishing speaking, his body was covered with wounds, and his bleeding body suddenly fell down. When he fell to the ground, he muttered: "Brother, I have made three military achievements, and my family will have a hundred acres of land. Half the tax, pay back 20 yuan, and now you will have money to marry a wife, and when you have a son, you will definitely adopt one of them to pass on incense to me." Soon, he lost his breath.

On the flagship, Zheng Wu watched countless Wei soldiers attacking the Gupta army. Some warships saw that all the ballistas were killed and no one launched a long-range attack, so they drove the warships to ram the Gupta warships.Some soldiers also lit incendiary bombs or gunpowder bombs and rushed towards the Gupta crowd.

In fact, the string battle is far more bloody and cruel than the land battle. After all, the springboard is just a wooden board more than one foot wide, and at most one person can rush up it at a time.If there are too many people, it will not be able to be used.Wei Guo's Third Fleet adopted a head-to-head approach in the battle of the strings. Before each springboard, one team went up, and one team was killed before another team was killed, and so on.

"Kill!" A reporter, who was a clerk on the battleship, hung a gunpowder bomb on his chest with great difficulty, lit the fuze, and rushed towards the gangplank.Soon he was cut down to the ground by the swarming Gupta soldiers.Just when the Gupta soldiers were rejoicing, the gunpowder bomb exploded, and the springboard was directly blown into two by the gunpowder bomb. Seven or eight Gupta soldiers on the springboard eventually fell into the sea like dumplings.

Such a scene is just an inconspicuous dot on the sea with a radius of more than ten miles.Around this small dot as the center, tragic battles were found.In terms of hand-to-hand combat, especially infantry combat, the Han people are undoubtedly the bravest ethnic group in the world.The fierce battle is a bloody collision and an interpretation of human instinct.

In fact, humans are the race that is best at fighting.In order to survive, human beings have fought against nature and wild beasts since primitive society.

At the critical moment, twelve warships under Zhang Wu's command joined the battle, and saw Wei's navy fighting fiercely.Zhang Wu immediately gave the order to attack at all costs.

Zhang Wu used all his strength and shouted: "Attack, attack!"

"Brothers, for the sake of the brothers in the circle, attack!"

"For the glory of Wei, attack!"

"Big Wei Wansheng, attack!"

"Long live Your Majesty, attack!"

Slogans were shouted from the mouths of the commanders of the battleships, and they all led the battleships to kill the Gupta battleship.When the distance was still five hundred steps away, the twelve flying fish warships made a beautiful traversal, and the ship's ballista was not enough on the side deck, so Zhang Wu's troops used the side string ballista and rockets to attack the Gupta fleet. dealt a fatal blow.

Twelve warships, more than 500 ballistas fired more than 500 gunpowder shells, setting off a shower of blood among the almost stopped Gupta battleships.

Many Gupta soldiers were hit by gunpowder bullets on the way to charge, and their bodies appeared extremely weak in front of the gunpowder bullets.Without even leaving any screams, it turned into pieces of meat rain and spread to the sea.But more Gupta warships were shot, exploded or caught fire. With the arrival of reinforcements, the morale of these Gupta fleets quickly disappeared.

In terms of bravery and perseverance, the Gupta Empire was quickly defeated.There is no way, who said that ancient India was not a brave nation at all?Although the Gupta dynasty is an alternative in the history of ancient India, although the Gupta royal family with Guishuang blood is not weak, their soldiers are too useless.After all the dead Buddhist soldiers who played a role in boosting morale were killed, the ordinary soldiers completely lost the courage to fight on.

What's more, the twelve flying fish battleships under Zhang Wu's command became the last straw that finally broke the balance of victory.

The remnant of the Gupta warship surrendered, and it was the fourth quarter of Shenshi on March 22, the seventh year of Kaiyuan.The battle started in the morning and lasted for nearly four hours, and everyone was already hungry.However, everyone is still persisting, and everyone's spirits are in high spirits.

Except for the four second-tier warships that Devadatta was on, all the 27 second-tier and third-tier warships that survived unsinked surrendered. Although the Wei State Third Fleet won, the Third Fleet suffered heavy losses.Two warships including 062 and 059 were directly sunk, and 044 was also seriously injured. After the battle, the water began to flood at [-] minutes after the battle, and the ship had to be abandoned in desperation.

In this battle, the Third Fleet sank three warships and killed more than [-] people, including nearly [-] lightly and seriously wounded.Of course, fifteen warships were damaged to some extent.

However, the results of the battle were also huge. From the beginning to the end of the battle, the Third Fleet sank a total of 140 Gupta warships, killed more than [-] enemies, and captured more than [-] people.Among them were more than [-] wounded.

Zheng Wudao: "Now report to His Royal Highness that our army has won the victory, and the detailed results will be sorted out and released. In addition, immediately organize personnel to salvage our soldiers who fell into the water, treat the wounded, and overhaul the damaged warship."

Soldiers from the Third Fleet of the Wei State Navy boarded the 27 surrendered Gupta warships in a centipede ship.Although the Gupta warships sail slowly and have no long-range attack power, these warships are not bad, and they can still be used after a little overhaul.If ballistas and rockets are added, it will be a main battleship that is slightly less powerful than the Flying Fish battleship.Even if such warships are not used in the main fleet, they are still a good choice for combating Nanyang pirates.

In the Nanyang Islands, there are still many pirates. Although these pirates are not very strong, they still pose a big threat to the route.

Zheng Wudao: "The people of Gupta are really good at picking places. You see, this is a natural port. As long as it is repaired a little, it will be an important supply port."

"That's right, now the captives have to find some work for them." Tang Mao said: "Just order them to start building the port immediately. This Busangate Island, we will accept it with a smile. This will be our territory of the Great Wei."

"Yeah!" Zheng Wu said: "The environment here is good, and I've taken a fancy to it. How about it, let's draw another 300-person expedition team and go deep into the island to see what's going on."

Zheng Wu didn't know either. In order to commend Zheng Wu and Tang Mao's achievements in this battle, Ran Ming named the port Zhengwu Port, and a new city was built within ten miles of the port, called Tang Mao City.

Chapter 686 Everything About You Is Mine

Chapter 686 Everything About You Is Mine

"You damned Seresians, this king will definitely come back to take revenge!" The revived Devadatta shouted hysterically towards the vast sea: "This king will definitely come back to take revenge, definitely will!"

Devadatta was very unwilling, he had an absolute strength advantage, however, his fleet was finished.Although Devadatta was very angry, he was actually powerless about the fate of the fleet.Numerous captives were forced to work by the soldiers of the Wei army. With their hands, they will dedicate their strength to Zhengwugang and Tang Maocheng.

When Ran Ming arrived at Busangate Island, the damaged warships of the Third Fleet had been overhauled. Looking at the battle report and learning that only three warships had been lost, Ran Ming had no expression on his face.At the port that had just taken shape, Zheng Wu, Tang Mao, Zhang Yong and all the soldiers of the Third Fleet welcomed Ran Ming and his party.

"General Zheng, you have worked hard!" Ran Ming comforted Zheng Wu, looking at the uneasy Zheng Wu: "Have the wounded soldiers been treated?"

Zheng Wudao: "His Royal Highness, in the whole naval battle, the advantage of our flying fish battleship was very obvious, but at the beginning, Wu didn't know what was going on, and the entire Gupta fleet went crazy all of a sudden. , we were forced to fight in close quarters, and only lost three warships."

Seeing Ran Ming's happy face, Zheng Wu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's a pity, after interrogating the prisoners, we learned that there was another big fish in this naval battle, and this big fish is Devada, the lord of the Gupta Dynasty Galgona State. Prince Dha Gupta escaped!"

"Oh!" Ran Ming asked, "What's going on?"

Zheng Wudao: "This encounter was completely an accident. Devadatta went to Luyapati on behalf of the emperor of the Gupta Empire to celebrate the birthday of King Dabauna of the Yetiao Kingdom. This time Dado not only celebrates his birthday for Wang, but also shows his strength."

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was filial to the emperor Ye Tiao and Shan and sent envoys to pay tribute.The so-called Yediao is the Sanskrit transliteration of the ancient Javanese.During the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Faxian once crossed the sea and landed in Yevati to seek Buddhism.

When Ran Ming figured out that the so-called Ye Tiaoguo was the later Indonesian Java, his heart was not calm.If you want to say who Ran Ming hates the most, Wa Guo should be the first, followed by Bang Zi, and the third is Monkey.Of course, Indonesian Java can also be ranked in the top ten of Ran Ming's blacklist.In later generations, Ran Ming had no way to interfere with national policies, but in this era, it is different, Ran Ming can completely make his own expeditionary force.

On April 26th in the seventh year of Kaiyuan, it was also the fourth day after Wei State completely occupied Busangate Island.Ran Ming urgently summoned the three major fleets of the Navy, the Marine Corps, and the temporarily reorganized infantry battalion and generals of the servant army.Combat deployments were made for Wei's landing in Java.

"Everyone, it has been nearly a year since I led you to the south. I have spent nearly a year to let you all be familiar with the climate in Nanyang and avoid causing a lot of troubles due to unacceptable water and soil. In fact, we have done a good job in adaptive training recently." Ran Ming said: "However, our strategic goal for this battle has not been achieved at all. Our national strength in Wei will be prosperous, The whole of Nanyang will be under the rule of our Great Wei."

For the generals at all levels who participated in the meeting, they believed in Ran Ming's observation of the battle.For generals, there is no one who dislikes fighting.After all, with war, there will be a stage for them to play.But now, the strength of the Wei State has already been revealed, and a powerful country will also show its sharp minions.Whether it is the northern nomads or the Nanyang natives, they will be torn to pieces by Wei's sharp minions.

"Now, it's time to launch an offensive." Ran Ming said passionately: "We Dawei wants to control Nanyang, we must first control Mancijia, but in Nanyang Islands, Ye Tiao Kingdom has surrendered to the Gupta Empire. Once we Dawei Wei and the Gupta Empire are in a decisive battle in Mancijia, and this Yediao country will definitely make trouble behind us, if you want to pacify Nanyang, you must first settle Yediao!"

"His Royal Highness, as far as we know, this Yetiao country has a population of nearly 800 million people and more than [-] troops. I'm afraid it's not that easy to fight." Why don't we send envoys to win over Ye Tiaoguo and use it for me?"

"Xie Canjun's words are reasonable!" Ran Ming nodded and said, "But have you ever thought about how much it will cost to win over Ye Tiaoguo? For this birthday celebration alone, the Gupta Empire sent Ye Tiaoguo five thousand catties Three boats of gold, ivory, and eight hundred buckets of pearls. Does our Great Wei have the financial resources to buy Ye Tiaoguo?"

Although the state of Wei also has a gold currency system, one gold in the state of Wei is actually just a gold coin.The gold coins of Wei State weigh only half a tael, and five thousand catties of gold are equivalent to 16 gold coins of Wei State, which is 6000 million coins.Not to mention three ships of ivory and eight hundred buckets of pearls.

Ran Ming paused and said: "What's more, my palace has taken a fancy to Ye Tiao's treasury. According to information, this Ye Tiao has established the country for more than 400 years. After more than 400 years, how much wealth the Ye Tiao royal family has accumulated is a matter of fact. Have you thought about it?"

Hearing this, the expressions of the generals present were wonderful.Father and mother, there is no money to kiss.According to the unspoken rules of the Wei State, 30% of the seized goods will be paid to the state treasury, but [-]% will be privately owned by the Ministry.Although [-]% is not much, it can't hold back Ye Tiaoguo's wealth. The last time the king's birthday was celebrated, the congratulatory ceremony of the Gupta Dynasty was as much as [-] million gold, which was enough to make the soldiers of the three armies excited.

Chen Yong said: "General, please give an order, our marines will easily destroy Ye Tiaoguo."

"General, the first battalion of our cut-and-made infantry is willing to be the vanguard!" Liu Wu also got up and said.

"General, our Luzon army is willing to open the way for the army!"


(End of this chapter)

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