Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 812 You Must Understand Since Ancient Times

Chapter 812 You Must Understand Since Ancient Times

Chapter 817 You Must Understand Since Ancient Times
Facing the generals who asked for battle one after another, Ran Ming nodded and said: "Very good, very good, although we lost three flying fish warships this time, we captured 27 Gupta warships, and after repairs, there are still 25 warships available for use .Now we will transfer one song from each of the three Marine Corps and eight temporary infantry battalions to form the Fourth Fleet. Three days later, the fourth ship will officially form an army and take on the heavy responsibility of covering our supply lines. The First Fleet, The Second Fleet and the Third Fleet cover the troop carrier, the [-]rd Battalion of the Marine Corps is the main attack, and the Central South and Luzon armies are the auxiliary attack missions. The army enters Borneo along the Sulu Sea and rests in Kalimantan for a whole day to replenish fresh water and food After that, immediately launch an attack on Ye Tiaoguo and completely destroy this country!"

"Yes, General!"

As for why Ran Ming wanted to destroy Ye Tiaoguo, this was a matter that the generals did not ask, and they did not care.In fact, when Devadatta arrived in Yetiao Country, Dabawuna began to expand his army and prepare for war.Ye Tiaoguo is a large country in Southeast Asia, with a population of more than 800 million, which is already larger than the population of the Southern Jin Dynasty.What's more, Java Island has an advantage over the Central Plains, and that is the food issue.Since the Central Plains generally harvests once a year, it takes [-] mu of land to feed a soldier. Of course, this phenomenon does not exist in Yetiao Country. Their grain is harvested twice a year, and there are also three crops. In this way, The cost of feeding soldiers is much lower than that of the Central Plains.

Originally, Ye Tiao country had more than 60 troops, but after urgent expansion, Ye Tiao country already had a million troops.In terms of numbers, Ye Tiaoguo's army is quite large, but in terms of equipment, it cannot be compared with Wei Guo at all.Even the native servants of the Wei State were equipped with a large number of steel weapons. As for the Marine Corps and the cut-off infantry battalion, they were fully armed to the teeth.

Ye Tiaoguo's navy is not weak either, with three to four hundred warships. Of course, most of these warships are medium-to-lower warships. From the perspective of warship technology, they are far inferior to the warships of the Gupta Empire, let alone the warships of the Gupta Empire. Compared with Wei Guo's navy.Most of the infantry equipment is spears and guns. Although there are some Gupta long knives, it should be mentioned that the Gupta long knives have an Arabic style, which is very similar to the simple knives of the Song Dynasty, but the current forging technology is very poor, and it is not comparable at all. Shangmo Dao and Heng Dao.

"The main population of Yetiao Kingdom is concentrated in its capital, Manboyi City (southwest of today's Surabaya). As long as we capture Manboyi City and eliminate the main force of its army, it will not take much effort to destroy Yetiao Kingdom!" Ran Ming pointed out The map said: "The total population of Ye Tiao country is more than 800 million, and their army used to be more than [-] people. Now they must have expanded their army crazily, and it may reach as many as one million. Of course, Ye Tiao's army The combat effectiveness is very low, which is almost the same as that of Luzon's indigenous armed forces, and the equipment is also very simple, so this battle will not be very difficult."

"General, Ye Tiao Kingdom doesn't only have one Luyepati Island, they have some affiliated islands like Bali, once we attack Luyepati, will they attack our army from behind?" Xie Xuan following Ran Ming Growing up very fast, Ran Ming was very surprised by his strategic vision and keen response.

Ran Ming smiled and said, "You can ask the admirals if they have the ability to stop the threat from behind?"

Xie Xuan looked at the generals who were laughing in the room, and said embarrassedly: "Although their combat effectiveness is low, they have to be guarded against, and they will lose Jingzhou carelessly!"

"Haha, that's right, there is a possibility. Although Ye Tiao country has a large population, it is also a big country in Southeast Asia." Ran Ming said: "But in the eyes of this palace, this is just an indigenous country. I believe that our army can defeat They. You must know that Ye Tiaoguo's navy can't even deal with the slightly larger caravans of our Wei State. Our navy will not be inferior to the caravans!"

"If there is no doubt, let's make a decision like this!" Ran Ming said: "After the army sets off, the first guarantee is the safety of our soldiers. Regardless of the military or civilians, once the safety of our soldiers is threatened, we can take pre-emptive measures!"

"What does the general mean?"

Ran Ming said: "What I mean is not to be pedantic during the period of work. It is not a skill to defeat Ye Tiaoguo. We have always used the strong to defeat the weak, but if anyone is negligent and causes a large number of casualties, I will punish severely."

Later, according to "Wei Shu.This passage in "The Military Strategy of Emperor Wudi" pointed out that Ran Ming was the culprit of the Lu Ye Poti massacre.Of course, this is all for later.

On May 75th of the seventh year of Kaiyuan, a total of 75 flying fish warships of the Wei State Expeditionary Army set off from Kalimantan. After the 21 flying fish warships, there were more than a thousand transport ships and caravans. On these thousand transport ships, Carrying three battalions of the Marine Corps, eight provisional infantry battalions and 17 infantry battalions of the three major indigenous servants, a total of [-] troops.

And Ran Ming boarded the No. 001 battleship of the First Fleet. This No. 001 ship is not only the flagship of the First Fleet, but also Ran Ming's headquarters.As for the command of the army, Ran Ming completely delegated power.Because Ran Ming believed that even though Ye Tiao had an army of one million, he definitely did not have the strength to organize and lead a million-scale battle.The battle will still be fought on a tactical level.

After three days of sailing, the forward of the expeditionary force arrived at the Surabaya Strait.Manboyi City, the capital of Yetiao Kingdom, is home to one-eighth of the population of Yetiao Kingdom, a total of one million people.Of course, not all of the more than 100 million people lived in the city, but near the city of Manboyi.The soil here is fertile, the products are rich, and the transportation is convenient. It is the natural paradise of Yetiao Country.

When King Dabawuna of Yetiao learned that a thousand warships (mostly transport ships) of the Wei State Expeditionary Force were rushing into the Surabaya Strait aggressively, he knew that disaster was imminent for Yetiao.

However, Dabawuna still had a fluke mentality, and he sent envoys headed by the Prime Minister Gamba Adan to ask to see the general of the expeditionary army.

Ran Ming received Ganba Adan, and after learning of Ganba Adan's intentions, Ran Ming said: "The only way to avoid the war is to hand over Devadatta."

Of course, this was to force Ye Tiaoguo to stand in line. Once Dabawuna handed over Devadatta, he would be tantamount to betraying the Gupta Empire, and he would never want to ease the conflict with the Gupta Empire.

Ganba Adan was dumbfounded, he wanted to make friends, but Devadatta had left Manboyi City for four days, even if he chased him, he couldn't catch up.

Gamba Adam did his best.Proposed to pay the price of [-] catties of gold to let Wei Guo retreat.

Ran Ming roared angrily: "Bastard, do you think this prince is a man with an eye for money?"

As the Prime Minister of Ye Tiao Kingdom, Gamba Adan is also a scheming figure, he can see the greed in Ran Ming's eyes.Knowing that Ran Ming was dissatisfied with the amount of the ransom, Ganba Adan said: "If His Royal Highness is willing to withdraw troops, Ye Tiaoguo is willing to pay 20 catties of gold, and sever ties with the Gupta Empire, and profess his vassalship to the Wei Kingdom for generations!"

"What? 20 catties of gold?" Ran Ming silently calculated, the 20 catties of gold can be converted into more than 600 million gold coins of Wei State, which is almost equivalent to the sum of Wei State's fiscal revenue for three years.Ran Ming thought silently: "No wonder the western powers like to invade others the most. This war of aggression comes with too much money. Even if Ye Tiaoguo wants to take out 20 catties of gold easily, it is conceivable that their wealth is still low." Want more.

But Ganba Adan didn't know that Ran Ming was more greedy than he imagined.All your gold is mine now, so what a difference!
Ran Ming said solemnly: "This is not a question of money, this is your insult to our Great Wei, it is an insult to the Palace, I give you a choice, hand over Devadatta, or prepare for the battle with all your strength, let alone bully you , I will give you seven days to prepare for the deployment of troops. After seven days, I will visit Manboyi City in person!

In the past few days, Dabawuna has not had a good night's sleep. As long as he just closes his eyes, he will always wake up from the nightmare immediately.Ye Tiaoguo had established a tributary relationship with the Eastern Han Dynasty.However, this tributary relationship is very fragile.Since the end of the Three Kingdoms War, Ye Tiaoguo didn't even know the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu in the Central Plains, nor did he know that there was Jin, let alone Wei.

However, when Dabawuna wanted to know more about Wei, he could naturally learn some scattered news about Wei from businessmen.In fact, most of these scattered news are based on guesswork, and there is a piece of information about Wei Guo in front of Daba Wuna.Ordinarily, this information is quite comprehensive, such as the size of the territory of the Wei State, how many people it has under its rule, how many troops it has, the combat effectiveness of the army, and of course the composition of the Wei State army this time.

These news are comprehensive but comprehensive, but the data is not flattering.For example, the data recording the population of the Wei State are as follows. The Great Wei ruled the thirteen prefectures (still based on the Eastern Han Dynasty), with more than 16 million households and a population of more than 67 million.How did this data come from? It still means that he paid tribute to the Eastern Han Dynasty during the period of filial piety. It is natural to know that the Eastern Han Dynasty had 960 households and 640 households at that time.After more than 850 years, Ye Tiao's population has increased from 200 million at the beginning to more than 460 million now. According to the population increase ratio of Ye Tiao, the population of Wei State is actually more than [-] million.

If Ran Ming got the news, he would surely burst into tears.If Wei State really had that much population, let alone 600 million people, even if it owned one-third of them, Ran Ming would have already organized the colonization of the world.As for the number of troops, Ye Tiao's officials are also very good at fooling Daba Wuna. Ye Tiao has a population of only 800 million, and can have more than 1000 standing troops. According to this ratio, Wei State has at least 800 million troops.This will make Ran Ming even more ridiculous. Now Wei Guo has a total of less than 1000 million people from a newborn baby boy to a [-]-year-old man, let alone an army of [-] million.What's more, due to the different geographical environment, the land in the Central Plains is not as productive as Ye Tiao.Moreover, a large part of Wei's land is not suitable for human habitation.

Looking at the information in front of him, Dabawuna was even more worried.Facing the terrified ministers, Dabawuna said: "My Lord Buddha, are those damn Seres really going to war with us?"

A minister said dissatisfiedly: "Your Majesty, are they just here for tourism? The Gupta Empire is to blame. It is they who provoked the Seres people, but brought our Yediao Kingdom into trouble."

Dabawuna didn't have the courage to resist at all. He tried to ask: "Prince Devadatta, can we still catch up?"

"Your Majesty, don't even think about it. It is impossible for us to catch up with Prince Devadatta." A blank glance at Dabawuna, thinking in his heart, Wei Guo is not easy to mess with, but the Gupta Empire is easy to mess with?You must know that the Gupta Empire has more than 100 million troops, and it has destroyed countless countries in the past few decades.

"What about the ransom, let's double it, no, give them 50 catties of gold!" Daba Wuna said: "As long as Wei Guo is willing to retreat, we will agree to any conditions!"

Although 50 catties of gold is a lot, the treasury that Ye Tiao has accumulated for hundreds of years can still be used.If you can pass the test this time, Dabawu is determined to destroy the damn Buddhism. There are more than 100 temples in Ye Tiao Kingdom, but you can copy a lot of gold, which can well make up for the loss of Ye Tiao Kingdom .

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Wei State said that raising the ransom is an insult to their State of Wei." Ganba Adan said, "They don't want to give gold, and now the Crown Prince of the State of Wei doesn't even want to see us!"

"Your Majesty! The war between us and the State of Wei is unavoidable. Now, the Serisians from the State of Wei have arrived. We should gather our troops immediately and fight against them! The Buddha will bless us to eliminate those damned Seresians." !” A minister reminded.

"That's right! Order the troops to assemble and prepare to face the Seres!" Dabawuna said quickly: "Order all the troops to gather at Manboyi City immediately, and we will fight the Seres to the death!"

Under the order of Daba Wuna, the king of Ye Tiao State, the army of Ye Tiao State began to gather.However, their movements were slow, and even deserters appeared.After all, paper cannot contain fire.Even though the news about Wei Guo was blocked by Ye Tiaoguo's top management, the people below still knew some sporadic news.

The news that Wei State is a colossus has already been spread. There are various kinds of news, and there are all kinds of stories. Some say that the territory of Wei State is as large as one hundred Ye Tiao Kingdoms, and the population is more than ten times that of Ye Tiao Kingdom.This time, there were as many as 10 Wei troops attacking Ye Tiaoguo alone.

The nearest Junpela Port in Manboyi City originally had more than 1 garrisons. After the news of the increase in Dabawuna's troops, the garrison here quickly increased from more than 1 to more than 7. This number Still increasing continuously.Although the area of ​​Rongpela Port is not small, it simply cannot hold so many troops.The generals of Ye Tiaoguo ordered the troops who had just arrived to go to the seaside for defense.

Although Ye Tiaoguo is an island country, when it comes to coastal defense, it is almost blank.There are more than 30 large and small ports in the entire Ye Tiao State. From the perspective of Ye Tiao State's generals, Wei Guo's army may have the possibility of attacking any port.Therefore, Ye Tiaoguo, a top-notch country, actually adopted a strategy of equal distribution.Apart from its most important Junpela Port, Manboyi City has the largest garrison.

The main ethnic group in Ye Tiao Country is the Javanese, who, like the Han people, make a living from agriculture, planting, and fishing.It is also similar to Wei, most of the population lives in the countryside.Manboyi Prefecture originally had a population of less than 10, but now, the army alone has poured in nearly 30 troops.What these 30 troops brought to Man Boyi was not security, but chaos.

Although the Javanese is also an agricultural ethnic group like the Han people, compared with the Han people, the Javanese people are very romantic.Of course, this romance is just a more subtle way of saying it, to be precise, it is undisciplined and lazy.With the material reserves of Man Boyi City, it simply cannot withstand the consumption of such a huge army.First of all, food and accommodation is a very important issue.Ye Tiaoguo's people were not stable at this time, and there were not many officials who did practical things. In desperation, Ye Tiaoguo's army, who had no food and drink, could only raise food on the spot.

Naturally, fierce conflicts broke out between the army of the foreign King Qin and the people near Manboyi City.Before Wei State started to attack, Ye Tiao's army fought with local peasants.

"General, this is the battle plan formulated by the staff department." Xie Xuandao: "Our staff department's plan is to avoid reality and make false claims. Since the army is divided into two parts, the Luzon Army will pretend to attack the army under the banner of the Marine Corps." Pera Port. The main force of our army is mainly attacking the Sunda Galaba Port in the northwest of Luyapati. According to intelligence, the staff found that Sunda Galaba is the largest port in the Yediao Kingdom, and Jayagarda is the largest port in the Yetiao Kingdom. The largest city in Tiao Country is also its most prosperous place.”

(End of this chapter)

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