Chapter 813
Chapter 818

Ran Ming looked at the plan, shook his head and said, "Your staff department has not understood my strategic intention yet."

Ran Ming got up and pointed to the sand table of Lu Yepoti and said: "In my eyes, Ye Tiaoguo has never been regarded as an opponent by me, even though Ye Tiaoguo has a population of more than 800 million and an army of 100 million, in fact their Although there are a lot of people, they are not worthy of being my opponent. Don't look at Ye Tiaoguo's army of millions. In my eyes, this is just a group of chickens and dogs. I can crush them to death at any time, just like crushing ants It's as easy as it is. It's not necessary to avoid the truth at all!"

"Isn't that necessary?"

Xie Xuan asked suspiciously, "Why?"

Instead of asking Xie Xuan's question, Ran Ming asked, "Why does the palace give Ye Tiaoguo seven days to organize the deployment of troops instead of a surprise attack?"

Xie Xuan is Xie Xuan, he thought for a moment, and said: "The general wants to emulate Cao Mengde to conquer Liang?"

"That's right!" Ran Ming said approvingly, "Young children can be taught!"

Ran Ming continued: "I checked the previous intelligence data. In the past four years, there have been more than 760 attacks on the aborigines in the entire Nanyang Islands. On average, there will be an aboriginal riot every three and a half days. Knowing this What is the reason?"

Xie Xuandao: "This is my Great Wei's lack of deterrent power in Nanyang!"

"That's right, that's exactly the case. Among the entire Nanyang Islands, Lu Yepoti is the one with the strongest indigenous power. If you want to kill chickens and monkeys, you must naturally find a chicken with weight. This Lu Yepoti is neither big nor small, just right Appropriate!" Ran Ming continued: "I want to solve the problem of the aboriginal riots once and for all. This time I don't plan to use any tricks, and I will fight Ye Tiaoguo with a dignified teacher. This time, I must be ruthless, firm and let The aborigines have lost the courage to revolt, let them know that our Da Wei crushing them is like crushing an ant, if they dare to resist, we will destroy their clan!"

Xie Xuandao: "General, Ye Tiaoguo has assembled too many troops, which will definitely cause a lot of trouble for our army, especially in the port of Rongpela, where they have established a position on the beach, which will cause our army to lose Serious."

"Establishing beach positions is actually what I need most!" Ran Ming said with a smile: "The marines have been training for a year and a half in beach landing exercises. How to make battleships cooperate with them is their specialty!"

"Haha" Xie Xuan said with a smile: "The ballistas of our 75 warships will tear them to pieces."

At noon on May 001th, the seventh year of Kaiyuan, Ran Ming on the [-] flagship was drinking tea slowly.At this moment, a soldier said: "General, the time is up!"

Ran Ming said indifferently, "Generals, Ye Tiaoguo has already rejected our friendship with Great Wei. Even if they choose war, it's up to you!"

"Never disappoint the general's expectations!"

"Very good!" Ran Ming got up and shouted, "Then let's start!"

At a quarter of noon, with 74 Flying Fish warships as the forerunner, the warships accelerated towards the coast of Junpela Port, and did not stop until they were only more than 100 meters away from the coast.At this time, 74 flying fish warships lined up, hit the hull, and all anchored, aiming at the shore with their sides.The ballista and rockets on the battleship have already aimed at Ye Tiaoguo's army on the beach!
At three o'clock in the afternoon, after the entire army finished their lunch, Ran Ming gave the order: "Attack!"


The ballista had already adjusted the angle, and when the flag of the orderly semaphore was waved down fiercely, the ballista and the rocket spoke in turn.

"Boom, boom, boom" In the fear of firing the ballista, the gunpowder bullets whizzed and smashed towards the shore under the action of the ballista's kinetic energy.The moment the warship ballista of the Wei State Navy opened fire, Ye Tiaoguo's army on the beach immediately became a mess, and the soldiers scattered around like headless flies.Quite a few people ran desperately into the city!
"Boom! Boom!" Gunpowder bombs exploded among the crowd, and the air waves threw those poor soldiers high.Shrapnel flew across, wantonly harvesting life.After the gunpowder bomb exploded, it left craters on the beach!
The most notable feature of soldiers in the era of cold weapons and hot weapons is the arrangement. It can be said that even a small explosive bomb, in the era of hot weapons, may cause more casualties than a heavy artillery shell or even a short-range lead. The casualties were even greater.

On the beach less than three kilometers away from Rongpela Port, [-] to [-] Ye Tiao troops are densely packed.There were too many people, but the corresponding casualties also doubled.

A piece of black gunpowder weighing fifty catties and having a charge of more than 35 catties can easily cause dozens of hundreds of casualties.The ballista bombardment of the Wei State Navy included not only gunpowder bombs, but also incendiary bombs and stone bombs.Just one round of salvo killed more than [-] Ye Tiao's troops on the beach.

"Buddha, did Siris invite Agni, the god of fire, and Indra, the god of thunder, to help out? We are the followers of Buddha. Did the Buddha abandon us?" A general of Ye Tiaoguo said in horror.However, the next moment, an incendiary bomb weighing fifty catties exploded beside him, forming a huge sea of ​​flames with a radius of more than five husbands, including the unlucky general and his personal guards, a total of dozens of people were killed by the fire in an instant devour.

Wei's 74 flying fish warships poured ballista shells at Ye Tiaoguo's army at the fastest speed. The outcome of this war has already been decided, and there is no suspense at all.However, the ballistas of the Wei State Navy did not attack from the coastline, but from the inland with the longest range. The troops created a separation zone with a width of more than [-] steps. Within a range of nearly three kilometers to more than [-], a total of more than [-] troops were fatally hit.

Numerous soldiers of Ye Tiao Guoshi frantically ran into Manboyi City, as if that city could bring them shelter.Weapons were scattered all over the beach, as well as human remains and severed arms.Those Ye Tiaoguo soldiers who were injured by the bombing were ignored, and they were left to howl on the beach!

"Are these Javanese people so vulnerable? I really don't know how they have dominated Nanyang for so many years." Looking at the Ye Tiaoguo's army that was frantically fleeing for their lives, Ran Ming was really speechless!

"General! This is a good thing! Is it time for our marines to enter the stage next? Let's go ashore and teach those stupid and ignorant Java people a lesson!" Chen Yong, the general of the Marine Corps, was eager to fight. Said.

Ran Ming nodded and said: "This is the first battle of the Marine Corps, we must fight it beautifully!"

Chen Yong said: "Use me in the first battle, use me to win!"


Chen Yong quickly stepped off the flagship and boarded a centipede ship instead.Go and arrange the beach landing in person.Of course, there is no need to land on the beach at this time, because under the attack of 74 warships, the [-]-[-]-[-]-year-old troops were attacked by [-] warships. Except for the corpses on the beach, there were only those wailing wounded left.

Under Ran Ming's order, the naval warships began to shift, focusing on taking care of the port.Since Ye Tiaoguo has not yet developed gunpowder weapons, he does not even have heavy crossbows such as the eight-ox crossbow, in order to extend the firepower.The flying fish warship rushed directly into the channel, and even approached the pier.

The navy's ballista began to extend its firepower, and ballista shells fell into the warehouse area and housing area on the dock one by one. The houses with the main body made of wood or bamboo were as miserable as paper in front of the ballista shells. hit.Houses and warehouses were smashed into ruins by ballista shells.

No matter how brave Ye Tiaoguo's army is, it is vulnerable to the blow of the ballista.Facing the powerful Wei State Navy, Ye Tiaoguo looked weak and pitiful.This country is destined to be a stepping stone for the rise of Wei.

Looking at this scene, Ran Ming was familiar with it. In history, the Eight-Power Allied Forces attacked Beijing, and the 20 Qing troops were defeated by one-tenth of the Eight-Power Allied Forces.Some people also said that the Qing army was poorly equipped at that time, but in fact it was Man Yi's own whitewashing.


In Rongpela Port, this situation happened again. After 8000 to [-] Yetiao National Army suffered [-] casualties, the whole army was defeated, trampled on each other, and suffered heavy casualties.

When warships gave way out of the waterway, troop transports and centipede landing craft rushed onto the pier and the beach, the three marine battalions with a total of more than [-] soldiers set foot on Ye Tiao Country calmly. soil of.After the landing was completed, the Marine Corps launched a rapid attack in Shi units.

In front of Wei's army, Ye Tiao's army with a total of nearly 40 people did not receive corresponding resistance at all.The 40 to [-] beach defenders and more than [-] port defenders were quickly disintegrated under the bombardment of the Wei State Navy's ballista.The fact is that the casualties caused by the ballista are not large, including the port defenders, the casualties are only more than [-].In fact, compared to Ye Tiao's national army, which has a total of nearly [-] troops, this loss can be ignored at all.However, the ballista easily destroyed their will to resist. These frightened Ye Tiaoguo soldiers fled one after another. It is completely impossible for them to resist the Wei army!

When Captain Zu Yan of the [-]st Battalion of the Marine Corps rushed into the port of Rongpera as the first assault group, there was no Sergeant Ye Tiaoguo in the entire port. After a careful search of the port, the [-]st Battalion of the Marine Corps found that there were no enemies or civilians , leaving a garrison of soldiers waiting, and the other soldiers marched towards Manboyi City, which was heading southwest.

In fact, Ye Tiaoguo's army was not fast, even if they were defeated, their speed was still not fast.The road in extremely poor condition was crowded with defeated soldiers, and even if you wanted to go fast, you couldn't get up fast.

"Marquis, what shall we do? There are too many enemies, we can't afford to provoke them."

Liu Laozhi took a rough look, and the road that was originally not wide was densely packed with defeated Ye Tiaoguo soldiers. At a glance, there was no end in sight.As far as these enemies are concerned, there are a small number of 3 to [-].

Liu Laozhi, the military marshal of the first battalion of the first battalion of the Marine Corps, recommended himself as a forward.Liu Laozhi has been with Ran Ming for more than eight years. Although he has no teacher-student relationship with Ran Ming, he has always existed as Ran Ming's book boy.China is a society of human relationships. Although Liu Laozhi is just a book boy beside Ran Ming, it also represents his close relationship with Ran Ming.In fact, Liu Laozhi has been a team leader since he was sent to the army, which is equivalent to the treatment of students in Ran Ming's lecture hall.As the marines who are all disciples of Ran Ming, Chen Yong, a big brother, naturally took care of Liu Laozhi, a little brother.

Therefore, it only took Liu Laozhi a year and a half to manage a team of 50 people to manage 500 people.If this is not a big deal in wartime, straight up is also possible.You must know that Liu Laozhi did not fight when he joined the Marine Corps, so the promotion speed was too fast.If you want to say that there is no trick, even Liu Laozhi himself doesn't believe it.

As an old man who has been with Ran Ming for more than eight years, Liu Laozhi knows what Ran Ming is like.If you don't have the ability and credit, no matter how close you are, you can't even think about being in the top position.Therefore, in order to prove himself and show himself, Liu Laozhi is very eager to make contributions.

With 500 people against 3 people, the disparity in strength is too outrageous.If Liu Laozhi wanted military exploits, he had to fight.And as a forward, my own unit has opened a distance of three or four miles from the main force. If this distance was in the era of mechanized warfare, it would be negligible, but in the era of cold weapons, this distance is a bit fatal.

(End of this chapter)

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