Chapter 814

Chapter 819

If half of the 500 to [-] enemies, or even only a third, can quickly overwhelm the [-] of them.If Liu Laozhi wants to make meritorious service, at least he can't let the meritorious Cao lower his evaluation of the headquarters, but at the same time he must pay more attention to protecting the life of Pao Ze!Is there any way to have the best of both worlds?
All these considerations and judgments must be completed in a very short time!

Liu Jianzhi said: "No, you can't miss the opportunity like this, and you can't let them go. You follow my order, monkey, you run the fastest, and run back as fast as you can to report the situation here to General Zu."


"Shi Linsheng, Chen Zhongyi!"


"The two of you each lead ten men, and each of you carries twenty grenade bombs (made of black powder, each weighing a catty, and is ignited and detonated) to quickly detour from the left and right wings. As long as I attack here, you Just throw the grenade into the enemy pile as quickly as possible."


Liu Laozhi is Ran Ming's book boy, one of Ran Ming's confidantes.Of course, Liu Laozhi himself is considered very capable, and his prestige in that song is very high, and he must practice what he says.

After getting the grenade, Shi Linsheng and Chen Zhongyi quickly made a detour to the left and right wings.

Luye Poti is a tropical rainforest, although the distance is close, it is easy to hide.In about a stick of incense, the rout had only advanced more than two hundred steps on the narrow road. This speed can be called a turtle crawling.Liu Laozhi's troops also sneaked from the forest on both sides of the road, and gradually approached Ye Tiaoguo's rout at a distance of more than [-] steps.

Liu Laozhi calculated the time, one stick of incense (5 minutes), the Marine Corps can run at least 6000 steps during cross-country training with full armor.Within this distance, there will be at least [-] to [-] people.Any more would not be enough for them to eat a piece of music.The speed of the monkey is faster, and it is lightly loaded. At this time, it may have reached the main position. If it goes well, it can find Zu Yan to report the situation.The troops moved in from the emergency march, and it took at most a quarter of an hour to reach the engagement position.

Liu Laozhi took a deep breath, raised the horse crossbow, and said: "Get ready to shoot, let it go!"


Among all kinds of martial arts, archery is actually the most difficult to train, but the crossbow machine, like the gun, shoots in a straight line and aims at three points, so it is very easy to train.The Marine Corps is the elite of Wei's elite. Apart from the lack of actual combat experience, the training can be said to be very good.

More than 100 people form a song, each with a crossbow, and [-] crossbow bolts are fired at a distance of more than [-] steps. The power is quite terrifying. [-]% hit the target, at least more than [-] arrows (some of them hit multiple arrows).The sudden blow made Ye Tiao's army even more chaotic.The situation that stunned Liu Laozhi happened. Ye Tiao's soldiers, who were dozens of times the number of Liu Laozhi's troops, didn't even have the courage to turn to block.

When they were attacked, their first reaction was not to fight back on the spot, look for the target of the attack, and counterattack with the camera.Instead, he ran forward with a single brain.Liu Laozhi, who originally thought he would go through a tough battle, shouted excitedly: "Three stacks, attack!"

There was no musket in Wei State at this time, but Ran Ming invented the triple formation based on the tactics created by Zhang Ai, the lieutenant of Shesheng Ran Min in the Battle of Liantai.During the Battle of Liantai, Ran Min only had more than a thousand archers. In order to suppress the charge of the Xianbei cavalry in Yan State, Zhang Ai invented the method of letting the auxiliary soldiers and supply troops be responsible for winding their crossbows. The military shooter is responsible for the combat method of shooting.

You must know that there was no effort-saving lever for winding the crossbow at that time. Even an elite archer could shoot two or three pots of crossbow arrows in a battle at most, and his energy would be exhausted.Auxiliary soldiers and supplies are used to help the stringing, while the shooters of the Shesheng Battalion shoot exclusively, which not only ensures the shooting accuracy, but also saves the physical exertion of the crossbowmen.After Ran Ming saw this way of fighting, he created a crossbow version of the triple formation.

This kind of three-fold army is divided into three rows, and the distance between each person is two steps. It seems that the formation will be very loose, but in fact it is convenient for soldiers to move between them.After the first row of archers shot the crossbow arrows, they immediately squatted down and loaded the arrows on the spot, and wound them up.At the same time, the soldiers in the second row took two steps forward and raised their crossbows ready to fire.At this time, the first row of soldiers who squatted down to load their arrows got up and prepared to shoot.By analogy, this kind of formation better plays the continuity and accuracy of the firepower of crossbow arrows.

"XuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuusuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuThose Ye Tiaoguo soldiers who were scrambling to escape were shot and killed by Liu Laozhi's troops.However, it is a pity that these Ye Tiaoguo soldiers died not on the way of charging, but on the way of escaping!
Liu Laozhi is a well-known fierce man in history. During the Battle of Feishui, he led 16 soldiers to launch an attack on more than [-] people under Di Qin General Liang Cheng's troops, and divided his troops to cut off their retreat, which was fatal. The Di Qin army was attacked by the enemy, and quickly collapsed.At this time, Liu Laozhi, who was just [-] years old, appeared far earlier than in history, and the number of episodes he led was also small.However, this ruthless man didn't have the slightest qualm and continued to attack.

What's even more subtle is that Liu Laozhi arranged for Shi Linsheng and Chen Zhongyi to detour from the two wings. Twenty people carried [-] grenades. When Ye Tiao's army was attacked by grenades, they made a move to make Liu Lao's capital It seemed an incredible move, but without saying a word, he directly surrendered with his head in his arms.

When Zu Yan arrived on the battlefield with the main force of the First Marine Corps, the battle was already over.However, none of the 500 men under Liu Laozhi was killed in battle, only two were slightly injured, and they accidentally sprained their feet while running.However, Liu Laozhi, who had only 7000 soldiers, actually captured more than [-] and [-] prisoners at once.

"Good boy, not bad!" After learning about the battle, Zu Yan had to admire Liu Laozhi's good luck.Of course, Ran Ming believes that good luck is also a kind of strength.

Liu Laozhi was very happy to be praised by Zu Yan.Now this credit is not small, it is enough for him to go one level higher and become the Sima of another department.In this way, he can become a middle-level military officer in Wei State.In fact, in history, the eight generals of Xie Xuanchuang Beifu, Liu Laozhi and others were originally Sima.

As more and more Wei troops landed, eight infantry battalions were temporarily formed.If it is said that there were only [-] civilians when they first set off, but after nearly a year of training in Luzon, this is already a well-trained army, and no one can regard them as civilians anymore.

After more than half an hour of preparation, more than 40 troops of the Wei State Expeditionary Army have completed the landing.However, Dabawuna also lost faith in his army at the royal palace in Manpayi City.The nearly [-] troops collapsed completely in just one hour, which was beyond the expectation of Ye Tiaoguo, including Dabawuna.But no matter how he didn't think about it, Dabawuna thought about his own life, so he immediately took a group of guards and prepared to flee from the palace.

In Manboyi City, Dabawuna has many wives, concubines and children, as many as more than a hundred people, and he can't take care of it at this time.However, at this moment Manboyi City has become a mess, and the narrow roads are so congested that the carriage that Dabawuna was riding in could not get out of the city.In order to clear the road, Daba Wuna even ordered the guards to kill those ordinary people.For a time, there were heavy casualties on the road leading to the outside of the city.Those unarmed ordinary people are no match for the palace guards.But even so, Dabawuna was not able to escape Manpayi City in time.

After Liu Laozhi completed the task of handing over the prisoners, he continued to march towards Manboyi City without rest.Very smoothly, Liu Laozhi found Wu Ji, the manor owner of Lu Yepoti in the chaos. This Wu Ji was from Han, but not from Wei.It is the people whose ancestors migrated to Jiaozhou from the Eastern Han Dynasty.However, with the war among the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Jiaozhou lost control.The natives of Jiaozhou also began to set off an anti-China storm.At that time, the ancestors of Wu Ji began to flee. Due to the storm, they failed to escape back to the Central Plains, but instead drifted to Luyepati.

At this time in Luyepoti, the number of Han people was very small.Moreover, they have intermarried with the Java people for a long time, and they don't know how much Han blood is left in them.Anyway, this Wu Ji is no different from ordinary Java people, but he can speak poor Chinese.After talking with gestures, Liu Laozhi finally understood.With this ready-made translation, Liu Laozhi made another mistake of boldness.He actually took advantage of Wu Jilue's ability to understand Chinese and began to recruit Ye Tiao's national army.In a short period of time, the headquarters of Liu prison inflated like a balloon.Originally, his [-] plays unexpectedly increased to more than [-] people in an hour.

In order to distinguish the difference between the surrendered army and the enemy army, Liu Laozhi asked Wu Jizai to find a batch of white linen cloth, which was torn into strips and tied on his forehead.Later, when Ran Ming entered Manboyi City, Ran Ming thought he had encountered a devil's death squad.More than [-] surrendered soldiers wore white scarves on their heads, but Liu Laozhi did not screen them out, nor did he disrupt the reorganization. He directly issued an order to them to encircle Manboyi City. All blocked in the city!
After temporarily organizing eight infantry battalions to complete the landing, Ran Ming followed the Qilin Guards and set foot on Luye Poti.But at this time, the battle has come to an end.

This massive battle was nothing but a farce for Ran Ming. When Ran Ming entered Rongpeila Port, he saw that there were densely packed captives everywhere.Under the custody of the Luzon Army and the Provisional Eighth Infantry Battalion, these captives were repairing and expanding the port of Junpela.

Seeing a team of the eighth infantry battalion, temporarily organized, guarding three or four thousand captives leveling the road, Ran Ming was so shocked that he broke out in a cold sweat.There are only 50 people in a team, but they guard nearly a hundred times as many prisoners. Even the devils during the invasion of China were not so crazy and arrogant.

But Ran Ming saw that these Ye Tiao national army prisoners were very honest and quiet.Even without urging, they worked hard.

Ran Ming couldn't help sighing: "This Ye Tiao country is also a country with a population of more than 800 million, and has nearly a million troops. Their capital was defeated in such a muddle. They are too rubbish. I heard that the latest battle report shows that the siege of Manboyi City has been completed, and the conquest of Manboyi City is just around the corner. Maybe tomorrow, my palace camp can be installed in Yetiaoguo Palace."

"Isn't this a good thing for our Great Wei?" Xie Xuandao: "The latest battle reports from various newspapers show that our army received almost negligible resistance during the landing battle, and the casualties this time can be controlled within a thousand. No more than 300 people!"

Ran Ming smiled without saying a word.

At this time, Xie Xuan seemed a little embarrassed to say: "General, I have something I want to discuss with you."

Ran Ming said: "What's the matter? But say there is no defense!"

After a while, Xie Xuan said: "I want to go to the first-line army!"

"And me!" Xie Yan also said.

"I also want to join the army!" Li Jing also said.

Looking at the four brothers-in-law, Ran Ming said angrily, "Why, did you discuss it?"

Li Jing, Li Feng, Xie Xuan, and Xie Yan, the four brothers-in-law, Ran Ming said: "It's a good thing that you are willing to make progress, but going down to the army is going to be difficult, so you have to be prepared for this. You are my masters." relatives, not only will this palace not give you preferential treatment, but it will be more severe than others."

Xie Xuandao: "Didn't the general always say that only by suffering through hardships can one become a master? If you don't pay, how can you gain anything?"

Ran Ming smiled and said, "Very well, let's do this. Have you thought about which unit you want to go to?"

"It's all up to the general!" Faintly, Xie Xuan became the leader of the four, and even the older Li Jing and Li Feng became Xie Xuan's followers.

Naturally, these things cannot be hidden from Ran Ming's eyes.Ran Ming thought that Xie Xuan had single-handedly founded the Beifu Army in history, and pushed the Xie clan to subversion, so he must have an extraordinary charisma.

Ran Ming thought for a while and said: "Well, you don't need to be big soldiers, so you can start from the top. Go to the first battalion of the Marine Corps and ask Zu Yan to arrange it." Then, Ran Ming wrote it himself. A letter, and let Xie Xuan take it to find Zu Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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