Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 815 The Fastest Way to Make Money

Chapter 815 The Fastest Way to Make Money
Chapter 820 The Fastest Way to Make Money
In the evening of the same day, under the guidance of the leading party, the first and third battalions of the Wei State Marine Corps entered Manboyi City from the south gate and the north gate respectively.With the fall of the north and the south, the turmoil in Manboyi City expanded rapidly.

At the beginning, Dabawuna still wanted to rely on the royal palace guards with good combat effectiveness to resist.However, it couldn't stand the large number of surrendered troops who wanted to make meritorious service in front of the new master.

These surrendered troops surrendered to the State of Wei. Liu Laozhi, a bold guy, announced to all the surrendered troops that all the captured items from the city of Manboyi would be handed over and distributed according to the degree of credit. become.[-]% seized may not sound like a lot, but it cannot stand up to the huge base.As far as the understanding of Ye Tiaoguo's wealth is concerned, it belongs to these surrendered troops, especially Bo Lin, the highest rank among the surrendered troops, who is the lord of Sulu Mayi, and is also equivalent to a feudal official like Wei Guozhou Mu.

Bo Lin, as a senior executive of Ye Tiao Kingdom, naturally knew how much wealth Man Boyi had. If Wei Guo really gave them [-]% of it as they promised, this figure would be enough for Bo Lin to squander a hundred lifetimes.

People die for money, and birds die for food. When there is an opportunity for a rainstorm overnight, no one can be calm.So Bo Lin went crazy. Regardless of the casualties, he directly and tyrannically supervised the battle team with his personal guards, forcing the soldiers to rush towards the palace.Dabawu, who failed to escape and was blocked back, made Bolin very angry when he encountered blocking.

Bolin beheaded dozens of defeated soldiers at once, and personally led a force to attack, finally defeating the palace guards.At this time, Dabawuna was almost alone, with less than a hundred guards around him.

In the end, Dabawuna, who was afraid of death, chose to surrender.At four o'clock that night, the battle was completely over.From the start of the attack at noon to the end of Haishi, it was only more than three hours.To destroy a country in just over three hours made Ran Ming feel like he was dreaming.

At this time, the port of Ranming was changed to Sishui Port according to the name of later generations.Ran Ming's temporary camp was placed in the military camp outside Sishui Port, and Daba Wuna was taken to Ran Ming's camp that night.

Ever since he became a prisoner, Dabawuna was very afraid.He also didn't know how these Serisians would deal with him, whether to kill him or imprison him.Dabawuna also has no bottom.

"You are Dabawuna? The king of Ye Tiao Kingdom?" Ran Ming really has no impression of Ye Tiao Kingdom.

"I am willing to surrender, please don't kill me! I have a lot of gold and treasures, as long as you let me go, I will give you all those gold and treasures!" Dabawuna said suddenly.After seeing Ran Ming's disdainful expression, he was afraid that Ran Ming would immediately order him to be killed.Therefore, beg for mercy immediately.

"How many gold jewels do you have?" Ran Ming became interested when he heard about gold and other treasures.To destroy Ye Tiaoguo this time, in addition to achieving the strategic purpose of deterring the countries in Southeast Asia, the purpose is to plunder wealth!The development of Wei State, especially the development of military power, needs a lot of funds to support it.Of course, Ran Ming also wants to realize industrialization in his lifetime.Especially for the technical research of the first industrial revolution, this is a particularly expensive activity.In addition to Wei Guo's own efforts to raise funds, more needs to be plundered from outside.And these small countries in Nanyang and the fat sheep of the Gupta Empire have undoubtedly become the goals of the Wei State!
In fact, Ran Ming didn't want to kill Daba Wuna, the king of Ye Tiao Kingdom. Don't look at Daba Wuna as cowardly, but once he is killed, it will arouse the collective resistance of the Java State. For the upcoming decisive battle, is very disadvantageous.In Ran Ming's eyes, the Gupta Empire is the real enemy of Wei State.

Of course, the real reason for the defeat of Dafeichuan in the Tang Dynasty and the failure of the Battle of Talas was the defection of the servants.The failure of the Battle of Dafeichuan was due to the rebellion of the Tuyuhun people, while the Battle of Talas was due to the Bahana and Ge Luolu tribes.Ran Ming naturally understood these things, and had no trust in the servant army at all.Even the servants of Luzon, Zhongnan, and Mindanao were not all deployed on the battlefield of Luye Poti.These transport ships transporting the servants of the three places actually have self-sinking devices. Once they dare to launch a rebellion, the dead guards at the bottom of the warehouse will immediately fire the self-sinking equipment, and this batch of transport ships and their servants The army sank to the bottom of the sea.

As for Lu Yebati's Ye Tiao Country, a country with a population of more than 800 million, Ran Ming knew that it was impossible for a country like this to be destroyed in a single battle, and it was even more impossible for them to surrender just because they killed their king.The most effective way is to colonize and support agents.

Having figured out this verse, Ran Ming said: "I am actually the most peace-loving person. If you were not ignorant of practical affairs, this war could have been avoided. Of course, if you want to survive, you still want to continue to be your king. As long as you agree to the three agreements of this palace."

"Can you guarantee it?" Daba Wuna was a little worried. As for giving wealth to Wei, if Daba Wuna didn't object, it must be a lie.But for his own life, he still understands the principle of spending money and eliminating disasters.The big deal is to collect taxes from his subjects.

"I swear in the name of the Buddha, if I break my promise and become fat, I will fall into the hell of Avici, and I will never be reborn!" Ran Ming said solemnly: "I will keep my promise, of course, the prerequisite is that you don't play tricks. Otherwise, I will Gong will let you know why the flowers are so red!"

Daba Wuna saw through the translator that Ran Ming did not look like a fake, so he believed Ran Ming's words.

But Dabawuna didn't know at all that Ran Ming was an atheist and he had no religious belief.Whether it is Taoism, Buddhism, or Christianity, in Ran Ming's eyes, it is a urinal.Use it when it is useful, and throw it away when it is useless.

Ran Ming continued: "This time, the king has dispatched 17 troops. The daily consumption of these 17 troops is a very huge number. However, this conflict is because Ye Tiaoguo rejected the friendship of our Wei Kingdom. Therefore, the responsibility lies with you, therefore, Ye Tiaoguo must compensate us for the casualties of soldiers and the loss of battleships, totaling 1000 million gold."

"It's impossible." Dabawu said with a sad face, "Although our Ye Tiao Kingdom still has some wealth, it is far from ten million gold."

This is a misunderstanding of the Chinese language. This translation was originally two swords.He couldn't even tell the difference between gold and jin.Dabawuna said dejectedly: "Even if we emptied our treasury of Ye Tiao Kingdom, we would have at most about 40 catties. Although there are a little more in my internal treasury, if you count all kinds of gems and pearls, it is only 100 million catties. .”

In fact, Ran Ming's 1000 million catties means the lion's big mouth. Of course, negotiating is like doing business.But Dabawuna didn't understand this truth at all.

"Only 140 million catties?" Ran Ming's expression was normal, but his heart was already full of laughter. With 140 million gold, more than 30 more flying fish battleships can be built, which is quite an extra fleet.Ran Ming suddenly said to Lin Heishan: "Heishan, you take the Qilin Guard to find Zu Yan, the captain of the first battalion of the Marine Corps, and take my warrant to investigate Ye Tiao's domestic treasury and treasury."

When the Wei army invaded Manboyi City, the capital of the Yetiao country, in fact the treasury area was directly taken over by the first battalion.Bo Lin, the supreme commander of Ye Tiao's surrendered army, can also be said to be the commander-in-chief of the puppet army. Bo Lin naturally knows that there are some things that he can't touch.Although there was no chance to rob Ye Tiao's domestic treasury, Wei Jun did not say that he could not rob Ye Tiao's high-ranking officials, nobles and wealthy businessmen. Bolin, who had more than 7 troops, carried out a crazy robbery of Manboyi City.

The first one to suffer was Ganba Adan, the Prime Minister of Ye Tiao Kingdom. In fact, the king of Ye Tiao Kingdom was similar to Zhou Tianzi. In name, he was the supreme leader of the country, but there were more than 100 vassals under him. Transferring high-ranking officials, they all have their own territories and subjects.The Prime Minister Gamba Adan not only assists the king in governing the country, but also has his own territory and armed forces.When the country was attacked, these princes would not care at all, but when they themselves were attacked, the resistance was much more intense.Bo Lin was furious after three attacks on the Prime Minister's Mansion, which covers an area of ​​less than [-] mu.

He began to boost morale in front of tens of thousands of troops.To say that although Bo Lin is a feudal vassal, he has no culture, he roared in a squeaky voice, and according to the translator Liu Laozhi knew the meaning of Bo Lin's words.

"As long as you monkey cubs work hard and follow this commander to kill the enemy, what awaits you is endless delicacies, silks, and women who can't sleep. You just need to kill all the men in this city." , or use death to make them kneel in front of you honestly, all this will not be a dream. You sons of bitches, are you willing to follow me to grab money, food and women?"

I have to say that Bo Lin is a good player to boost morale. Although these remarks have no national righteousness or national interests, they are naked temptations of interests.With his encouragement, the blood of more than 7 puppet troops surged up and roared again and again.They raised crude weapons one after another and shouted at Bo Lin on the stage: "Grab money, grab food, grab women!"

In fact, there are still many people like Bo Lin who are so illiterate and have left their names in history.For example, Zhang Dashuai, the founder of the Feng family during the Republic of China, and Zhang Zongchang, the dog-meat general, and so on.Dog meat general Zhang Zongchang is one of the three unknown generals in Chinese history. He neither knows how many soldiers he has, nor how much money he has, nor how many women he has.However, Zhang Zongchang's gang of soldiers and horses who are like bandits are very capable of fighting. At that time, the titan Wu Ziyu was beaten badly by Zhang Zongchang in the period of the Republic of China.The topic is far away, let's return to the main story.

In fact, for illiterate soldiers with low cultural quality, if you tell them about national righteousness and national interests, they don't understand at all.But if they are tempted with primitive interests, they will not be afraid of death.Just like the leaders of the rebel army in the late Ming Dynasty, they were actually of this type.The most famous of them is Li Chuangwang.

The soldiers who were successfully instigated by Bolin launched a desperate charge.In fact, after Ye Tiao Kingdom became a vassal state of the Gupta Empire, the Gupta Empire gave Ye Tiao Country a lot of Gupta longbows. This kind of longbow is not inferior to the horse crossbow, and it is very powerful.However, these Gupta longbows were not equipped with the front-line army of Ye Tiao Kingdom, but were equipped with the private soldiers of the high-ranking officials and nobles of Ye Tiao Kingdom.Just like the Prime Minister of the country has more than 1000 Gupta longbows.Under the defense of more than 1000 Gupta longbows, Ganba Adan's private soldiers caused a large number of casualties to Bolin's soldiers, which is also the real reason why the three attacks failed.

At this time, the desperate charge of the soldiers of the Bolin Department made Liu Laozhi, who thought he was brave, feel fear. More than 1000 Gupta longbows that took advantage of the geographical advantage are very vicious, and the arrows and arrows almost bite the flesh. However, these puppet soldiers did not care about the casualties. The front was shot and killed, and the soldiers behind stepped on the corpses of their comrades. .According to the biography of Liu Lao in the "Book of Wei", Liu Daojian once wrote to Ran Ming: "The power of Ye Tiao's army is so shocking that even the elite troops of Wei State may not be able to compare with it."

It's just a pity that Ye Tiao's army's bloody combat power only exists in their civil wars. Whenever they encounter an explosion or crossbow from Wei, they immediately drop their weapons and run away.

At the same time, Lin Heishan, who was ordered by Ran Ming to investigate Ye Tiao's domestic treasury and state treasury, also returned to Ran Ming's camp.

"My lord, I have completed the task!"

Ran Ming said: "How about it, how many?"

Lin Heishan said: "The first land battle has already surrounded Ye Tiao's treasury and palace, and it is still being investigated. There are a lot of gems and pearls that cannot be calculated for their actual value, but there are more than 2000 pieces of gold alone. You know, my lord, The gold in the national treasury and the inner treasury of this Ye Tiao country is the boss. According to the weighing of the brothers who checked, the gold in the treasury is 620 catties, while the gold in the inner treasury is 300 catties. There are also about the same [-] million catties of silver."

"Ah!" Even if Ran Ming dared to think, he couldn't help being surprised when he heard this number.The gold is roughly estimated to be more than 130 million catties, which is equivalent to more than 4000 million gold coins in Wei State. I am afraid that Wei State does not have that much gold.If all of them are built into battleships, more than 1000 ships can be built, more than 1000 flying fish battleships, enough for Wei to dominate the oceans of the world.

PS: I recommend a book "The Blind Traveler in the Southern Song Dynasty". This is a story about a little effort to wash away the shame and let the glory show again.When I came to the newly established Southern Song Dynasty, I accidentally became a "blind" guest. While pursuing the light, it also affected the world a little bit. "Kill a person in ten steps, and never stay behind." No matter what the result is, you must live your best self.

(End of this chapter)

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