Great Wei Overlord

Chapter 816 The Reaction of the Gupta Empire

Chapter 816 The Reaction of the Gupta Empire

Chapter 821 The Reaction of the Gupta Empire
Having got what Ran Ming wanted, Ran Ming has not forgotten to invite Daba Wuna to his camp again every morning.

Ran Ming said: "As for the issue of ransom, I have thought of a good solution. I wonder what your Majesty the King thinks?"

Dabawuna trembled all night, and his spirit was very listless.

He said expectantly: "Please give orders from the Great General of Shangguo."

Ran Ming said: "Ye Tiao Country doesn't have that much money, but there are people. Our Wei Country needs slaves, and you can pay the debt with them! How about this, ten adult slave men will pay for a catty of gold."

When Ran Ming knew that Ye Tiaoguo's so-called gold was actually a catty of gold, there was no need for Ran Ming to be polite to Ye Tiaoguo.Daba Wuna said: "But our Yetiao country has only 800 people, of which there are less than 300 million adult men (Nanyang has a short life expectancy, the average is less than 40 years old). Even if all adult men are sold as slaves, it is still not enough!"

Ran Ming said: "I understand the difficulties of His Majesty the King, how about this, the 1000 million gold, after deducting the interception in the national treasury and the internal treasury, the rest will be repaid every year for 30 years, 30 jin per year, which should not be much Bar?"

"Not much." Hearing this, Dabawuna's face became even more bitter.Although Ye Tiao is rich, it is not created wealth, but accumulated wealth. In fact, Ye Tiao's fiscal revenue is only more than 20 catties, which is equivalent to more than 600 million Wei Guo gold coins, which are evenly distributed among each Ye Tiao's people are equivalent to paying more than 8000 yuan in taxes per person per year.This kind of heavy taxation system, I am afraid that even Shihu, who has always been extortionate and extortionate, will feel inferior.

Of course, this is because the Han people are mainly farmers, and their annual output is very low.

Unlike Ye Tiaoguo, where there are usually two crops a year, and in some places three crops, the same field will have two or three times more yield.What's more, Ye Tiao country is very rich in minerals, and has a few gold mines.Moreover, they are also the overlords of the Nanyang region, and guarding the tributes of the neighboring countries in Nanyang, they will naturally make a lot of money.

Ran Ming finally reached a peace agreement with Dabawuna.

Among them, Jagarda was leased and the Wei State Lease Trade Zone was established.Among them, the rent for Jakarta is 100 per year, and the lease is 300 years in advance, and the ransom is [-] million.Wei Guoguo garrisoned a battalion in Jakarta, within a hundred miles of the city and port of Jakarta, obeying the laws of the State of Wei. The Han people violated the law in the State of Yetiao, and the State of Yetiao was unable to deal with it on its own, so it had to be handed over to the governor of the trade zone of the State of Wei. government.

For other details, Ran Ming completely copied the concession policy that the great powers of later generations strengthened for China.

Use food and various mineral resources to repay debts.Every year, 300 million shi of grain was sent to Wei State, and the price was 600 catties of gold. In fact, Ye Tiaoguo took advantage of this trade.The market price of grain in Wei State is only more than 300 yuan per stone, which is equivalent to half of the market price in Wei State.Adding the transportation costs, the price of arriving in Wei State will rise to more than [-] yuan per stone.

But of course that's because it's free.It is also impossible for Ran Ming to force Ye Tiaoguo to death all at once.These grains are the maximum that Ye Tiao country can provide, and it is under the condition that Ye Tiao country does not lack food.The other is timber worth [-] catties of gold. Anyway, Ye Tiao country is very rich in forest resources. As for whether it will become a barren land in the future, it is not a question for Ran Ming to consider.

In addition to various mineral resources, Ye Tiaoguo also needs to send [-] slaves to Weiguo every year.As for how Ye Tiaoguo got so many slaves out, that's not what Ran Ming considered.

Of course, Ran Ming will not forget the most-favored-nation trade treatment for Wei Guo as Ye Tiaoguo.

In addition, with regard to the resettlement of Bolin, who has contributed a lot in this battle, Ran Ming proposed that Bolin be the sub-prime minister of Ye Tiao Kingdom, the third person after Gamba Adan, and the main supporter of one third of Ye Tiao Country's military power .The situation is stronger than people, so Dabawuna had no choice but to admit it.

The matter of Ye Tiaoguo has been satisfactorily resolved, and Ye Tiao only needs to pay 30 jin of gold to Wei State every year in the future.This period is [-] years.

In fact, Daba Wuna also got Ran Ming's promise that the Daba Wuna family will always be the king of Ye Tiao Kingdom. Once a war against Daba Wuna breaks out, when the application of Daba Wuna is received, the Wei Congress will directly send troops. Support Dapatavuna.This period remains unchanged for 100 years.

Half a month later, Ran Ming left Manboyi City and led the Wei State troops out of Jagarda, where he would build the Wei State's forward permanent base.

Among them, more than [-] Javanese became subjects of Wei State, and they will receive the treatment of naturalization of Wei State.The biggest advantage of this treatment issue is that there is no need to pay taxes to Ye Tiaoguo.However, the taxes of the common people in the Wei state were very low, which made many people who fled after learning that Jakarta was rented out regretted it.

Huashi City is also a transliteration of Sanskrit, namely Huazi City. (Near Patna, Bihar, India today.) In "The Kingdom of the Buddha", it is called Balian Fuyi, and in "The Story of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty", it is called Bozalizi.In fact, Huashi City is a city built during the Maurya Dynasty.

This work is fifteen kilometers long and about 570 kilometers wide.There are wide moats around the city, and the city wall has 64 towers and [-] gates.

According to historical data, this Huashi City is actually four square kilometers larger than the ancient Chang'an City (38 square kilometers).As the imperial capital of the Gupta Empire, Huashi City is one of the most populous cities in the Gupta Empire and even in the entire world. (Remarks, the data recorded in ancient Indian history is not credible at all. Take the Gupta Empire as an example. They have 150 Akshoshini, 15 million cavalry, 15 war elephants, and more than [-] chariots. According to the level of ancient productivity, the Gupta Empire could not afford to support so many horses and elephants)

The Gupta Dynasty was the most crazily expanding dynasty in the history of ancient India, and their land warfare capabilities were very good.Like the Bolas dynasty conquered by Alexander the Great in history, it was wiped out by the Gupta Empire.Later, the remnants of the white Huns who were expelled in the Central Plains tried to go south after occupying Guishuang, but they were also defeated by the son of Samadhara Gupta.At this time, Samadhara Gupta had been the No. 30 eighth year of the Gupta Empire. As an emperor, Samadhara Gupta, who was in his fifties at the time, seemed to have lost a trace of his old age.

But at this time Samadhara Gupta was roaring on the throne like an angry lion.There is no way, since Samadhara Gupta came to the throne, he has led the army of the Gupta Empire to fight everywhere and destroy countless countries.He has never been defeated, but his cousin Devadatta Gupta told him that the navy of Galgona State was completely wiped out by the Seres. Of the more than 2000 troops, only less than [-] escaped.

After firing a fire, Samadhara Gupta calmed down.He hurriedly summoned the military and senior officials of the Gupta Empire to discuss countermeasures.Manid Singh was a muscular middle-aged man. His figure was almost a full head taller than Samadhara Gupta, nearly two meters one, like a towering mountain.But this military leader, at this time, is like a docile kitten, crawling on Samadhara Gupta.

"My lord, what is the purpose of calling your servant here?"

Samadhara Gupta said coldly: "Manid, you seem to have a little more fat on your body. I wonder if you can still lift a knife."

Manid Singh is the military No.1 of the Gupta Empire, but like most generals in history, he is also suspected.In fact, since four years ago, Manid Singh has basically stopped taking care of military affairs. He was named a senior adviser to the royal family and was named a grand duke.In fact, this senior adviser to the royal family is of the same nature as the regular servant on horseback in ancient China. Although he has a fixed salary, he has no real power.Although he was not reconciled, Manid Singh had nothing to do. As long as he dared to show any dissent, Samadhara Gupta would definitely punish him and his family.

As an outstanding general, being hidden in the snow is the greatest sorrow. However, in the powerful Samadhara Gupta, Manid Singh had to live carefully.

Samadhara Gupta shouted loudly: "I invite you to come today, mainly to talk about the Seres people. Now the Seres people have established a powerful state Wei. Just two and a half months ago, they were in Busangat According to the latest news, they have wiped out the Yetiao Kingdom that surrendered to our Gupta Empire. They also carried out a large-scale extermination of Buddha in Yetiao. Numerous temples and Buddha statues were destroyed. They were brutally destroyed. (If Ran Ming heard this, he would definitely groan. What does it have to do with me whether Daba Wuna did it well?)

Looking at Samadhara Gupta, who was full of anger, the generals and senior officials of the Gupta Empire who were ordered to come were talking in low voices.In the huge imperial palace, the senior officials and generals of the Gupta Empire have been discussing for more than an hour.However, they still did not discuss any substantive suggestions.In fact, there is no difference between the Gupta Empire and the Chinese Dynasty. Both are land powers, and they also do not attach importance to maritime interests.They wouldn't even form a navy if it wasn't for the conquest of Sumatra and Java.

But in the process of conquering Sumatra and Java, the Gupta Empire did not fight at all, and both Sumatra and Java were left on the sidelines.In this way, the navy, which is both expensive and useless, has become a tasteless one.The entire Gupta Empire currently has 43 states (provinces), of which there are only six states in Galgona, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Kakinada, and Madras. The state has a naval force.Among them, Andhra Pradesh has the strongest navy.

Seeing the ministers full of nonsense in the hall, Samadhara Gupta roared angrily: "Shut up, everyone shut up to this king. You damn guys, the Serisians are going to call, they have powerful Navy, if you go upstream along the Ganges River, are you willing to wait until they surround Fahrenheit City and capture us alive?"

Seeing Samadhara Gupta getting angry, the military generals and ministers shut their mouths one by one, but no one spoke.After all, if they are facing enemies on land, they have more than 150 million troops, so they are not helpless.But the navy, these ministers and generals, let alone know how to fight naval battles, are naval warships, and many people have never seen them.In an unfamiliar field, facing a powerful enemy, they can't think of any good way!
Everyone seems to think that those ocean islands are not important at all, and if they are lost, they are lost.If those Serisians dare to attack the Gupta Empire, they will give the Serisians a head-on blow.Some senior officials are even considering whether they should immediately withdraw their investment in the Nanyang Islands and withdraw their subordinates and relatives who were placed in the Nanyang Islands.Although the interests in the Nanyang Islands are not small, the Serisians are too powerful, so they have to avoid their edge.

"Manid, what good solution do you have?" Looking at these unreliable ministers and military generals who don't know what to say, Samadhara Gupta still asked his right-hand man.

Manid Singh said: "The great king, Nanyang interests and our enemies should not give up. We must not be weak in the face of the strong Serisians. Once we are weak in front of them, the consequences will definitely be fatal. Those who are about to move Bang Guo will definitely have strange thoughts. Therefore, we will have a battle with the Seris people sooner or later. Why not let them meet in Nanyang!"

Samadhara Gupta's face was a little ugly. Although the Gupta Empire was very large, the financial revenue was not good. More than 150 million troops needed to be supported, and there were so many high-ranking officials and nobles, which made the Gupta Empire's finances a little difficult.Although he is not very familiar with the navy, he knows that the navy is very expensive, and the Gupta Empire just lacks money.The Gupta Empire at this time was like the early Tang Dynasty in Li Shimin's era. Although the military achievements were great and the external wars were always disadvantageous, the internal finances were increasingly difficult.

At this time, Zhepumanshu said: "My lord, Zhepuman does not agree with Grand Duke Singh's opinion. Although our empire has certain interests in Nanyang, these interests are nothing compared to the empire. Huge. We may not be able to easily defeat the Wei State and the powerful Seris people. Unless we can invest a lot of money and build a powerful navy, but even if we defeat the Serris people, what can we get in Nanyang? Those few taxes, It can't make up for the investment in the navy. In this case, why don't we negotiate a peace with the Siris people, if we can get something on the negotiating table, why do we need the soldiers to shed blood?"

Zhepu Manshu is the Minister of Finance of the Gupta Empire. No one knows better about the lack of money in the empire than him.Seeing Samadhara Gupta who seemed to be moved, Devadatta became anxious immediately: "Great king, you are the smartest person in the world. Elder Zhepu Manshu, even if we can negotiate with the Seres people, But will they agree? We must know that there is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. Even if it is a peace negotiation, our empire may have to pay huge benefits. Some benefits, our Gupta Empire does not care much. But, everyone, have you thought about it? , Once peace talks are adopted, avoid them. How do you make the people of the empire think? They will definitely think that our king must be afraid of those damn Serisians."

Although Devadatta knew his cousin, and even though Samadhara Gupta had made remarkable achievements in military and civil affairs, he was a very face-saving person.Devadatta did it out of face, directly pointing out that it is not impossible to negotiate, and once negotiated, it means that Samadhara Gupta is afraid of the Serisians.

Sure enough, hearing this made the Napoleon in ancient Indian history resentful.Seeing that Samadhara Gupta seemed to be a little shaken, Zhepu Manshu suddenly became anxious.

Zhepumanshu belongs to the Brahman class, although Devadatta is a Kshatriya, but he is still higher than Devadatta in terms of political status, and theoretically higher than Samadhara Gupta.He shouted with a bad face: "Devada, can you defeat those Seres people?"

Samadhara Gupta also said with red eyes: "Devada, you have participated in the battle with the Seres. If our Gupta Empire goes to war with the Seres, what chance does our empire have?"

A blush appeared on Devadatta's face.He thought for a while and said, "My lord, at present our navy is no match for the Serisians at all. Their warships are faster and more flexible than those of our Gupta Empire. Most importantly, their Serisian warships There is a heavy crossbow that can shoot huge arrows and bombs that can emit thunder, which our Gupta Empire does not have. However, we can make up for the gap in these equipments by taking advantage of our numerical advantages. In Austria In the five states of Lisa, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Kakinada and Madras, our Gupta Empire also has more than 1000 second-tier, third-tier and fourth-tier warships, while Serbia The Reese people only have more than 30 warships, we can fight more and destroy them!"

Samadhara Gupta hesitated, and suddenly he looked at the confidant general Manid Singh.At this moment Manid Singh had someone write a note to Samadhara Gupta.


Samadhara Gupta suddenly realized.Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, Kakinada and Madras have navies, and these navies can reach Fahrenheit directly by sea along the Ganges.Once these navies are out of control, it can be said to be fatal to the empire.

(End of this chapter)

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